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Do not open this if my asking for prayers for my sister & her dog makes you mad.

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My sister just called. She said first and most importantly to thank all of you for praying for Frosty. She is going to send me a picture of "happy Frosty" to post here tonight, so you all can see him as he really is.


The good news. Frosty is still alive. He had a blood transfusion from a donor greyhound today and his gums are pink again. He is on painkillers. His blood work shows some improvement and his kidneys and liver have not failed.


This is a great vet's office. They are allowing my sister to stay with Frosty during all the hours they are open. The younger vet takes Frosty home with him and sleeps beside him so he can take care of Frosty during the night.


The senior vet told my sister yesterday to have Frosty put down because there is a 95% chance he will die from this because he has a necrotic pancreas (I think necrotic is the right word). My sister said as long as he is not in pain due to being on painkillers, to keep treating him, because Frosty is a very strong dog, and was in peak health before this happened. The vets said Frosty is not out of the woods yet.


The senior vet went on vacation today, and he has already called the younger vet 4x today just to check on Frosty.


So the veterinarians are really super and are going above and beyond anything I've ever seen a vet do.


Charlie the cat has not eaten in 2 days. He loves canned cat food, and he was offered 4 different kinds every time sister went home to check on him (several times a day), but he and one of her kittens have refused to eat or to respond to her in any way.


My sister has 11 cats now (8 are kittens) thanks to Frosty. For weeks, she would take Frosty to a park and he would disappear into the underbrush every day and stay gone for awhile. She suspected he had made friends with a feral cat because Frosty loves cats.


One day, she saw a kitten greet Frosty. Several hours later, that very young kitten and two of its litter mates and its mother appeared at her back door. She fed them. At some point, she took them all to the vet to be neutered. The mother was pregnant again somehow. Enough time must have elapsed, I suppose. She brought them all inside so she could take care of the mother. Seven more kittens were born. Two have since been given away to good homes. My sister already had two. So now she has 11 in all, including Charlie and another cat she already had. The feral cat and her kittens will only pay attention to my sister and Frosty --they are afraid of other people. Charlie is the alpha animal.


I will stop droning on and on, I promise. Again, thank you all very much for your prayers. My sister said to thank you from her deepest heart -- she says she is convinced that your prayers have helped her dear Frosty, because the vets were certain that he would have died by now, and he is instead showing some improvement.

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My poor kitty has had issues (after being neutered), and we pray for him and our other kitties too.


As my 12 year old just said, "Why should we be angry when asked to pray? There is nothing wrong with that!" :D


Please keep us updated. I really hope all goes well & we'll be praying. Frosty sounds like an awesome friend.



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You are all such wonderful people! Your prayers mean so much to us. My sister's spirits were lifted today when I told her about you all.


From my sister:


I just got home from the vet's office. Dr. had Frosty laid out in a stretcher in the back seat of his truck, ready to take home again. The whole crew was out there making sure he was loaded safely. They're such a great bunch of people.


I feel more confident than the last two nights but the other Doc warned me that there is always a possibility of a blood clot in these situations and they could mean instant death. However, if that happens he said it is quick and painless.


Although the blood panel results are still not good, they are better than yesterday. Between the blood transfusion and Frosty's strong will to live and the prayers of so many people maybe Frosty will be able to pull out of this.


I am taking a box of Blue Dog Bakery Dog cookies and a "Hide a Squirrel" plush puzzle toy to the blood donor dog tomorrow. They told me that it is the Doc's Greyhound. Frosty would not have made it through last night without her.


Charlie is eating again, but is still very upset. Little Kitty wouldn't eat the canned food again tonight (tried two), so I will try a third kind soon. It is very quiet here. It seems so strange.


Please tell everyone who is praying for Frosty and the rest of us that we thank them with all our hearts! I'm attaching a couple pictures of Frosty from happier times.

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I hope he's ok. If he isn't and doesn't come back home tell your sister to prepare for a mourning period for that cat. I had one that was very close to my dog and when the dog died, he freaked completely. He refused to eat or drink and howled loudly all day long for days until my mom took him to the vet. The vet thought he may have rabies and quarantined him. That is how bad it was. It took him a month to stop howling and two months to go back to semi normal.


He used to follow my dog around all day and lay on him every time he laid down. He wouldn't leave my dog for anything. It was a beautiful thing they had except for the mourning at the end. :(


Once my dog died and my cat mourned for a couple months, he did finally bond with the humans in my family. Finally. He was 7 years old or so and never in his life did he care one bit about any of us humans. He didn't even want to be petted. After bonding with us, he loved being petted and loved! It was nice.

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why in the world would you hesitate to ask for prayers for a pet or your sister? I am having issues with my faith so I'm going to be honest and say that I don't feel comfortable praying, but I sure do hope that dog is blessed with a full recovery.


The dog and cat picture is SWEET beyond words!!!


I hope you continue to have good news to post.


What a BEAUTIFUL dog!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You are all such wonderful people! Your prayers mean so much to us. My sister's spirits were lifted today when I told her about you all.


From my sister:


I just got home from the vet's office. Dr. had Frosty laid out in a stretcher in the back seat of his truck, ready to take home again. The whole crew was out there making sure he was loaded safely. They're such a great bunch of people.


I feel more confident than the last two nights but the other Doc warned me that there is always a possibility of a blood clot in these situations and they could mean instant death. However, if that happens he said it is quick and painless.


Although the blood panel results are still not good, they are better than yesterday. Between the blood transfusion and Frosty's strong will to live and the prayers of so many people maybe Frosty will be able to pull out of this.


I am taking a box of Blue Dog Bakery Dog cookies and a "Hide a Squirrel" plush puzzle toy to the blood donor dog tomorrow. They told me that it is the Doc's Greyhound. Frosty would not have made it through last night without her.


Charlie is eating again, but is still very upset. Little Kitty wouldn't eat the canned food again tonight (tried two), so I will try a third kind soon. It is very quiet here. It seems so strange.


Please tell everyone who is praying for Frosty and the rest of us that we thank them with all our hearts! I'm attaching a couple pictures of Frosty from happier times.


Still praying for Frosty, your sister, and the kitties! Frosty is absolutely beautiful!!!!!

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She needs to be careful, the cat can develop fatty liver disease if he doesn't eat for any longer.


Not to add to your sister's distress - but this is true. I nearly lost my precious gray kitty when we moved and she stopped eating because of the stress. She spent a month in ICU hooked up to IVs and anywhere else we would have lost her. The vet we had was unbelievable. It's taken years, literally, for her to get back to normal, but we still have to check her liver values periodically and sometimes they go wonky. She's on a special diet for the rest of her life.


Just encourage her to get the cat seen about too. Try turkey or chicken baby food - that's very hard for kitties to resist.


Still praying!

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Frosty is just beautiful! And I loved the story about how your sister ended up with so many cats! What a great dog!


I'm still praying for Frosty, and watching here for updates. Please do make sure, though, that your sister takes care of the cat too - not eating for any length of time is bad. Prayers being said for everyone!



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Just in case your sis is at a pet store, I bought a lovely canned cat food that both of my kitties can't refuse... It's Soulistic and just makes them.... swoon ;) It's grain free and there's one with gravy and some with gelee.... Mine have loved both.... Maybe it would be worth a try..... or warmed up baby "Kitten" formula... just to get something in it..

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I am sorry that you think others might be mad that you requested prayers for Frosty :grouphug:. That kind of makes me sad. Our dogs, while "just dogs" are an intricate part of our family, and if they were ill, I would hope others would have compassion and mercy, and be willing to pray for them.


Saying a prayer for Frosty.



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Frosty update:


My sister says to tell you thank you very, very much for praying for Frosty!


Doing better, although he didn't seem better. Whined a lot like he was really hurting, but vet said it was coming down from the sedative (ACE) they were giving him. It was having a cumulative effect, so they aren't giving him any more. He nuzzled hand for first time since Monday. He lifted his head up when they put him in the back seat of the vet's truck tonight. Blood work still isn't good, but it is headed in the right direction. Vet said they were most worried on Tuesday night, and they are hopeful that Frosty will continue to show improvement. He is still kicking his back legs -- vet afraid he will be paralyzed because he has a back problem. His bladder got paralyzed, which is one reason he has a catheter.


He is still on IV. Vet might not be taking him home tomorrow night. Sister thinks that is because he's good looking and has a hot date. She is going to try to arrange to pay a vet tech to stay with him all night. Vet is very dedicated, and no matter what he will come to the office to check on him several times during the night.


She thinks that the pancreatitis might have been caused by feeding him fatty food while he was on high doses of steroids for a back problem, to try to get him to eat. The vet isn't sure about that, but it is what she thinks.


Here are pix of Frosty: today (left), yesterday (right)

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Cat update:


Both of the cats are eating now, and are doing great as far as eating goes. They ate tonight. If Little Kitty (who, it turns out, is not a kitten) hadn't eaten tonight, she was going to vet tomorrow.


Thanks for your suggestions about food. I passed them on to my sister.

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Woo- hoo! What a happy dog picture!


Yes, it is really nice to see him looking alive! All I have is a picture. I hope to hear from my sister this afternoon about blood work results and so forth. It would be really great if the vet says he thinks Frosty will recover from this.


I think the huge doses of steroids (shots and pills) in the week before this caused the pancreatitis. Frosty was on steroids to see if they would help his back problem so he didn't have to have spinal surgery. Now the surgery is out, but hopefully he will get healthy enough for them to do an MRI to see what is wrong with his back and IIRC, to check for blood clots.

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He looks like he's smiling!


That's what I thought, too. I am dying to call my sister to find out what is going on, but she is with Frosty at the vet, and she doesn't want phone calls because she is trying to be unobtrusive since they are being so nice by allowing her to be there all day.


Yesterday, she left for an hour to take care of her cats, and when she returned, Frosty's IV had run out. The vet wasn't there and the techs didn't know whether to replace the bag or not. So she made them do it -- the vet had reminded the techs in her presence to replace the IV before my sister left.


Because of that, I doubt she will leave Frosty's side today for more than a minute or two, which means no phone call to me until the clinic closes for the day.

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Thank you all very much for praying for Frosty!


He is doing better today! He sat up! My sister's cell phone picture isn't very clear, but at least he isn't unconscious.


He does look like he's smiling! We are all praying here and we are so thankful for the updates and photos. Happy New Year!:grouphug:

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RC --


I haven't read the other threads. You don't need to apologize for this request.


I have a friend who was in a car accident 16 years ago. Since that time, she has been mostly in a wheelchair since, though she can walk for a little bit. It's not worth the risk to walk, because she usually falls and get hurt. She was a preschool teacher before the accident, but because of her injuries, she and her husband have never had children. Her pets are like her children, and they are the closest she will ever get to having them. She loves them, cares for them, and they keep her company through the long days and nights of excruciating pain that she has endured for 16 years.


Whenever one of her beloved pets dies, I try to see it through her eyes. It's devastating, and yet, she continues to be an animal lover.


I don't think anyone should have to apologize for that. I'm praying for your sister.



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Thank you all very much for praying for Frosty!


He is doing better today! He sat up! My sister's cell phone picture isn't very clear, but at least he isn't unconscious.




SO happy he's on the road to recovery--- Sammies are SUCH awesome dogs. Much love from the Curlingstone Kennel Crew!



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Frosty is doing better today. He drank 9 oz. of water with no ill effects. He will get food for the first time since Monday either today or tomorrow, hopefully. He has not been able to stand up yet. I'm pretty sure he is weak due to his illness and not having had any food, but that is out of my own head -- not from the vet or my sister.


My sister sent another picture, but it did not come through on my email. It is important to her to show you all pictures so that you can see how much Frosty is improving due to your prayers.


We are all so very thankful to you all, especially because before you all started praying, Frosty's chance of living was only 5%, and the vet was sure he would die on Tuesday night.


Here it is Saturday, and he is alive, conscious, and drinking water!

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