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Tips on when/how to exercise for a busy mom?

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I'm about 40-50 lbs overweight. There I said it. :( I hate knowing that my BMI puts me in the obese category. I hate squeezing into smaller sizes because buying the next size up will make me admit how much weight I've gained the last few years....lol


I blame it on having all these babies, but I did nothing to try to lose the weight after having them and my diet has not been very good at all. uggh!


I just really really want to get on top of it before I gain MORE or before it affects my health. I'm already predisposed to high cholesterol just due to genetic factors.


So help, please!


I've tried so many things that I know where my weaknesses are.


Diet - We are on a tight food budget. I can't go and buy special diet foods. Sometimes I'll eat something different then what I made the boys (like I wont' eat mac-n-cheese!) but usually I can't afford to buy separate meals all the time.


But also EXERCISE!

I don't know how/when to find time for this? I can't join a gym...tried the YMCA route before and took an exercise class, but eventually we couldn't afford the membership and I couldn't find time to go enough times a week to make a difference.

Especially now that the boys are all home all day long, I can't do any daytime exercise?

My Dh leaves for work at 6am, and I am NOT a morning person no matter how hard I try to be. So no exercising before he leaves.

He gets home at 5pm and then its immediately time for dinner, and then one of the many things we have scheduled every night of the week. I think I have one free night a week, not including weekends.


HOW do I get my 30 min of exercise in each day?


How does anyone else do it?



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I got both a Wii Fit and a few exercise DVDs like P90. I have a small window of time to exercise...my dh leaves for work at 7, and the girls are up and looking for food by 8. :D So, I take that hour to do 20-30 minutes of exercise, and then get ready for my day. We tried exercising together very early in the morning, but it made me too crabby to continue. :tongue_smilie: It's working great now.

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I do have Wii Active. :) I also have a stationary bike


My biggest problem is keeping to a routine. Some mornings I could do that before the kids get up, but some mornings my 23 month old wakes up early.

Some evenings I could go for a quick walk, but some evenings (well most!) we are so busy!


I just can't seem to find an open window of time that I could set in stone for exercise.


My almost 12 yr old though CAN watch the kids for an hour at a time if needed. So I think what I might try doing is finding a time to do my Wii Active and/or exercise bike in which my oldest will keep the kids busy upstairs for that time.


So how much time a day for exercising is needed to lose weight? To maintain weight, about 20-30 min a day is recommended right? But I want to lose, like 2 lbs a week. :) lol

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YOu have an 11 year old. Even if that child is not old enough to babysit, could you run up and down your street just outside your house following the couch potato to 5k program while the 11 year old watches the others?


If worse came to worse, I would hire a babysitter 3 times a week so I could run. Really that is all you need to do.


You will be so glad you did. C25K has been a lifesaver for me. Eating for Life by Bill Philips has been my main cookbook. EASY recipes, FAST recipes, GOOD recipes.


I also want to say, if you look at my past posts, I have talked about how I have lost 14 lbs since November doing this, averaging 2 lbs a week. Three 30 minute sessions a week, with better eating (1200 calories a day give or take) and logging it all on Spark People has been my key to success.

Edited by Michelle My Bell
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As far as the diet thing goes ... you need to change your mindset - it is not about "being on a diet" but about changing your eating habits for life. If it is not healthy enough for you to eat, perhaps your kids shouldn't eat it as well. You shouldn't need to make separate meals for different people in your family, but make foods that will be healthy for everyone. This will reap benefits in the long run, for your health and your family's health. You shouldn't need to buy "diet foods" - those aren't great for you anyway.


Shop the outside of the grocery store - fresh fruits and veggies (frozen is good, too, provided they aren't doctored up with lots of ingredients), lean meats, poultry, low fat low sugar dairy, etc.


Try to eat fewer refined food items - white flour, white rice. Switch to whole grain breads with higher fiber content. If your family is unaccustomed to brown rice, try half and half for a while and gradually switch them over.


The best way to make dietary changes is to make menu plans for the week. That way, you can plan enough fruits and veggies into the diet and plan healthier foods. Without a plan, it is easier to slip into old comfortable eating habits.


You can get Weight Watchers cook books at the library. Look for recipes that use whole food ingredients, rather than prepared foods. I make it a goal to try 3 new recipes a month.


Buy a food scale so you can learn what a portion is. Portion sizes in this country have been creeping up so people really don't know what a serving size really it. I notice that when I get too lazy to measure for a while, my portion sizes to creep up.


As far as exercise, you fit it in where it works for you. You need to schedule it in just like you would schedule in something for your kids. Perhaps you can take an inexpensive group class one night a week. Make that your night. Try to fit things in with your kids. Perhaps a couple of 15 minute spurts of fun exercise with the kids can help them concentrate on school better. Then, perhaps, you can use a quiet time during the day to get more exercise in for yourselves.

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I don't "exercise". We have the activity built into our family's schedule. On weekends, we do something active together, mostly hiking. (When the kids were little, they got carried in a backpack carrier. We have photos where we hike with one in the sling and one on the back). We might also bike, or boat.


We try to do errands and commutes by bike if possible. (When the kids were still attending school, I walked them to and from school in the morning and thus got my three miles walking in. That's one thing I miss about homeschooling)


As soon as my kids were able to walk, I took them to the park for a couple of hours every single afternoon. We all got a lot of activity there- running around, climbing, playing ball and frisbee, digging... moms don't have to sit on the bench but can join the fun.

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I recommend Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVDs. Some of her one mile walks take 15 minutes. You can do 15 minutes at different times of the day, etc.


Also- I have an exercise time built into my day now- in the afternoon- after naptime. My kids play. I walk. (in my home near them). They are welcome to join me. We have talked about how Mommy needs to do this for her health, etc. How I am a more kind Mommy, etc.


The Walk At Home DVDs are inexpensive at Amazon and you can get a couple and then mix up the workout so it is not boring.


My oldest is only 10. It is definitely doable. I think this is probably your key- that and becoming aware of the glycemic index and learning about carbs.


I can't leave my house either. I recommend investing in a DVD or two. Consider it an investment in your health and longevity. I am also not a morning person. I do like to try to a one mile walk right away in the morning. It gets the oxygen to the brain!!!


I hope this helps,


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When I do get to exercise (2 thirty min. workouts on a good week, three if it's a great week), it has to happen first thing in the morning (6am) in the livingroom before the rest of the household comes "alive." I schedule my workouts on Tues, Thurs, and Sat. morning and I'm the kind of person that thrives off of routine.


You might have to make some hard rules about everyone staying out of your exercise room when you do exercise (someone else suggested having the 11yo take care of your 23month old in the morning -- I like that idea).

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Quite honestly, for me there are no excuses. I just get my hour in and get on with my day. I try to start at 6A. I organize the night before. Clear the floor, have my towel and water ready, get my exercise clothes and shoes set out and ready to go, have whatever video in the VCR and have controllers ready to go so I don't have to hunt them down and waste time.

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I could have written your post a couple months ago. Truth is I know what I needed to do...I just needed to do it.


Whats hard is I had to put some other things inpractice before I could even began to contemplate changing my diet and exercise habits!


The first thing I did was move the kids bedtime later...and try to get them to sleep in. Now only 1 gets up around the same time I do.


The next thing was to get breakfast under control. I started buying healthy breakfast cereals and breads for all our breakfast. My choice was to either make the bread myself (not there yet) or we have a $ store that sells some decent bread cheap....hey it's better than Wonder!!!!


Then I got my late evening under control...a glass of water before bed (and one upon rising), healthy snack options and keeping things like SF Jello in the fridge (yes I know many hate artificial stuff, but I am baby stepping here)


If I snack it's going to be a whole food...or a complex carb.


Now, I wake up and put in a quiet pilates dvd I have and work out to it. It's only about 20 min, but I feel good after all that stretching. Add to that a few evening dvd areboic workouts (where dh watches the kids) and a few neighborhood walks...and I am seeing progress.


Once I started feeling better and seeing positive results, I began to bring in even more healthier options into our meals...and I always include a side I can indulge in, while only takeing a bite of those deadly mashed potatoes!!!!!


Someone mentioned charting...I have these old 1st place daily logs...the neat thing is I can fill in exactly how many serving of what I want to consume in a day. Then if I am good....i can chose a healthy treat!!!

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I exercise in the afternoons most of the time. When my youngers were the age of your baby, I'd do it during naptime.


At first, my kids were annoying...Mommy you look silly (anyone who pokes fun at mom while exercising gets to do it with her) Mommy I want a snack. (they were pre-warned that nothing except blood and vomit was going to make mom stop) After they got ignored the first 20 times they figured out that they should figure it out themselves. Finally they got used to the elephant ridiculously jumping around in the living room and began to ignore me.


I use videos. Started out with Tae Bo, now I use Turbo Jam. But I've used lots of different things. Mainly I focused on the fact that mom's exercise was equally as important as laundry, cleaning, vacuuming etc.


I also use www.exercisetv.tv They have tons of free videos of various lengths. When I feel too "busy" I turn on one of their 20 minute videos. (it's just 20 minutes right?) Usually once I get started, I'll feel up for a bit more.


also protein protein protein...this means an egg in the morning. Beans...milk....the protein satisfies you for longer so you don't need as much other food.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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5 AM, with a group of women friends so I know I will be missed if I turn off my alarm and sleep in. I never seemed to have time and couldn't imagine getting up that early before my friend invited me to join her and her neighbors. But it does work well. I get home before even my husband is up and have some quiet time to myself then instead of in the late evening, when I am now sleeping since I get up so early.

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I've found that I can do almost anything if I have music. I use an ipod since I don't want my kids hearing some of the music -- they're 7.


Also, I've kept 49 lbs. off for five years now. I took it off with Weight Watchers and I really turned my habits around.


From my experience -- only my experience -- I never felt like the type of exercise I did effected my weight. Losing weight -- at least for me -- was all about reducing the food intake.


I think the people who really lose weight through exercise are the ones in the army -- or something like it -- where they're exercising incredible amounts each day. Not the required 30 mins. for health.


Just my 2-cents.



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We go to the YMCA 4-5 days a week. If it's a money issue, they do offer a sliding scale membership fee. At first, I went whether I felt like it or not and now I go because I really want to. This week has actually been a year since I started going.


We have an option at our YMCA, for $30/month family fee. But you have to come in one Saturday a month from 8-10am and do work for them, usually cleaning. I did this for a few months, but it got to be too hard to be able to make sure I got those two hours in. Seems like it'd be super easy to do, but its not! The end of the month creeps up awfully fast and our Saturdays seem to always be busy!

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I've found that I can do almost anything if I have music. I use an ipod since I don't want my kids hearing some of the music -- they're 7.


Also, I've kept 49 lbs. off for five years now. I took it off with Weight Watchers and I really turned my habits around.


From my experience -- only my experience -- I never felt like the type of exercise I did effected my weight. Losing weight -- at least for me -- was all about reducing the food intake.


I think the people who really lose weight through exercise are the ones in the army -- or something like it -- where they're exercising incredible amounts each day. Not the required 30 mins. for health.


Just my 2-cents.




I agree and disagree with this statement. LOL, I have found that regular exercise did little for me. I was walking 3 miles everyday last summer and eating reasonable and I lost -0- lbs. It wasn't until I started C25K, which REALLY challenges me and pushes me harder than I would ever push myself that results were seen.

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I agree and disagree with this statement. LOL, I have found that regular exercise did little for me. I was walking 3 miles everyday last summer and eating reasonable and I lost -0- lbs. It wasn't until I started C25K, which REALLY challenges me and pushes me harder than I would ever push myself that results were seen.


I agree and disagree too. Exercise alone won't do it, but, for me, exercise gives me the energy and (vanity alert!) the body that makes cutting calories worth it. There's a real synergy between exercise and good nutrition. Exercising makes me want to eat better, and eating better makes it easier to exercise.


To the OP's question, regarding time, I think it's important to have a real plan that you stick to, but also to be ready to change that plan as your young children go. For awhile, for me, early morning was it. That was the time that worked. But as my kids grew, late afternoon (right before dinner), when my older ones were up but my younger ones were sleeping, became the best time. So I changed. Anyway, just to say: the others are right, it does have to just be something that gets done, like making dinner gets done, but when and how it gets done can change over the years, as your kids grow.


Right now, for me, starting exercise just at the tail end of my older kids' quiet time (so I get about fifteen minutes uninterrupted - I write during the beginning of it) and then finishing while they're downstairs and occupied with twin-asleep toys (as we call them here - stuff like Perler beads, that their sisters are too little for) that I set out ahead of time for them. I get in three to five 30-50 workouts a week this way. I'm happier when it's five, but the weeks when it's three still keep my body happy.


Oh, and I use DVDs - Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Jackie Warner, Rodney Yee, Julianne Hough - those are my favorites.


If your kids don't have a quiet time, I highly recommend starting one with them. They're gold for moms. :)

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Well, you said this is not what you want but I'm still going to advise it.


I always said that I couldn't workout for the same reasons. I can't get up early enough to go before my husband has to leave for work. By the afternoon I was just too tired to do anything consistently AND I had built up a full day of excuses for not doing it.


When I looked at what was reasonable, I realized that only the morning would work out. I tried that for about a single day . . .


I finally looked around for a walking partner who would meet me to walk. While it was true that I just wouldn't get up on my own just for me, I also knew that if someone were there waiting for me, I would get up and go. So, I advertised in the homeschool community and found someone. We walked from 5.30 - 6.30.


After a while I lost her to a wkout class she wanted to take but by that time, I knew I could do it. My new workout partner, my sweet kiddo, and I go every morning. We started doing a running program and run 3x/wk and on the other 3 days, I do strength training and she swims.


It took getting that walking partner to make it happen for me. It never would have worked otherwise. So, while you say that you can't get up early, I can say that I was absolutely certain that was true of me, too.


It can work.


And I second that bit about the Y working with you on pymt. Right now at the Y, the joining fee is $0 (at ours anyway) and then you can work it out for your monthly fee. It could even be zero per month if you can show that you can't afford it.

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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I am also NOT a morning person. I HATE mornings.


I have sadly come to realize that mornings are still the best time to workout. Just Do It.


I agree...HATE to workout in the mornings....but sadly if I don't then I never can seem to make time for it in the day....and I want to take a shower after I workout - that is MOST important. :D


I used to do The Firm dvd's...but then I had a lower back injury and they would just aggravate it.


This Christmas my gift was an elliptical. I worked out for 45 min. this morning and burned 451 calories...:001_wub: Love my elliptical! I put in a NCIS from Netflix and before you knew it my 45 minutes was over. I only allow myself to watch those if I'm working out. ;) We also got a DVD player that has wifi connection for Christmas in there - so I will also be able to do some streaming shows while I work out too.


I used to workout at 5:30 everyday...now it's 6:30 as my dh's work schedule was changed. That was hard to adjust to since I was used to that extra hour. I had to not only adjust my schedule but the dc's also.


I agree with another PP - get them independent during the time you plan to exercise. Make sure they know that you don't stop except for blood and vomit. Mine KNOW not to disturb me. :D

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Can you exercise with the children? Do you have a double buggy? You could go for a brisk walk pushing those two. The other children could jog alongside: mine used to jog next to me when they were that age. If the weather is too cold where you are, you might need to wait a bit to start, but involving the whole family in exercise worked best for me.



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The first day is the hardest! After a few days of working out, you will see how it makes you feel better and you will WANT to work out. :tongue_smilie:


The key is finding something you like to do for exercise. Try walking/running outside in the morning, use some DVDs during quiet time, check out on demand TV options or Netflix. Once you find something that you enjoy, just make time for it. Try to have a schedule and work out babysitting or other issues with your family. Start small...20-30 minutes at a time...and work up to maybe an hour.


I am SO not a morning person. I am the most non-morning person ever. That said, it makes sense for me to work out in the morning. I can get it out of the way before breakfast and get in a shower, too. And it keeps me energized for the whole day. When I was working out later in the evening I could never get to bed. Now I am happily ready for bed and actually sleep better. My mood is better, I have more energy, and I feel like I get so much more done during the day. I have focus. So there are many, many benefits other than losing weight.


Make this an important part of your day, non-negotiable. It is just as important as the things you do for your family.

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Walk with a friend in the mornings. Try it every day for a month. You won't regret it.


If you're serious about getting active and losing weight, you need a plan that will work consistently over the long haul.


For most women with young kids, that means exercising in the mornings. With any other time of day you will very likely battle with schedules, family needs, interruptions, etc. As awful as it might sound to exercise so early, you can adjust to it and you'll probably be glad you did.


Good luck!

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Working out first thing in the morning worked best for me when I was working out. I NEED to get back to it (life happened, and I had stopped). I was doing really good last year, having lost all the baby weight and gotten down to a size I hadn't been since I had kids. Still wasn't quite to the size I was in college, but I was really happy with my progress. The things I did to get there were:


1) Tracked calories in/out on MyFitnessPal.com (it has a Facebook-like status thing so it's fun if you have other friends working out with you). There are other sites that let you track calories/exercise - any of those is fine. Spark People, Fit Day, and a gazillion others.


2) Did Wii Active regularly.


3) After losing about 12 lbs via eating better and Wii Active, I started up Couch to 5K program, which made the clothing size drop super quick.


And you know what? None of that was all that hard, though I had the benefit of a nursing baby, which gave me a bunch of extra calories. I actually had to EAT MORE to keep things even and not have too much of a calorie deficit (that's probably why I couldn't lose weight when my first son was born - I wasn't balancing the calories in/out). The neat thing about exercise is that you get to eat your exercise calories. So the more you exercise, the more you can eat. :D


I let it go during the summer last year... First I got sick (summer cold), then it got hot so I couldn't run during nap time like I'd previously been doing. I tried running first thing in the morning, but the dew was not fun (I was running in my pastures - no sidewalk here, and I don't have kids old enough to leave while I run down the road away from home). Now the right thing to do would have been to keep up with Wii Active and just pick the running back up when the weather got cooler. :tongue_smilie: So I've decided to start back up Jan 3 with Wii Active, and gradually get back to my running when I figure out a time for that. It was pretty cool that I could run for like 20 minutes straight, and I had NO prior running experience whatsoever. Couch to 5K is a great program! Highly recommend it.

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I'm right there with you! It is so hard to get it done. There have been times when I have done better at it than others--and as silly as it sounds, I've determined I have to have a "carrot" to dangle in front of me. In other words, I have to have some kind of reward system set up for myself. Perhaps a girls night out with my friends if I exercise 3 x a week for a month...or a new skirt when you lose 10 lbs...or whatever motivates you. Also...I found if I used my dvr and recorded tv shows that I like to watch, I was able to walk longer on my treadmill than just with music.


But it is hard with the little ones...I think you just have to train them that this needs to happen for Mommy's health...it's your turn to do something for you!


I've never been one to like exercise...but I've had several friends who were like me, but once they kept up with it, they came to LOVE it! Maybe that can really happen?!?


Good luck!

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Research circuit training and 15 minute work outs and even 5 minute workouts. That is what I do and I lost lots of weight...inches and it was so much easier than the 30-60 minute cardio and aerobics type work outs.


I use weights for just about all my workout. Some day's I do 5 min. and other days 15 or 20....but, those few minutes pack more than than a whole hour.


I'll post my routine tomorrow...my battery is dying. :glare:

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Well, I'm a gym rat. I get up @ 5 a.m. so I can be at the gym from 5:30-7:30 every morning and be home before DH has to leave for work. On days where I can't get up that early or DH has to work early, I walk/run in the neighborhood for an hour or do an exercise video (I like Zumba and Pilates but also have a yoga DVD and the Wii Fit Plus that I throw in occasionally).


Could you work in some Physical Education WITH the kids? Wii Just Dance, Wii Fit Plus, neighborhood walks, etc.?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know if anyone else suggested this already, but I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with Jillian Michaels and her '30 Day Shred' DVD. :glare: I have been doing it 3 (sometimes 4) times a week for 7 weeks - clearly NOT following the whole do it every day for 30 days! - and have lost 10 lbs. and am down a size. I would say that I am eating better than I did before, mainly because I know how much I have to work to burn off the calories! However, I am not following a prescribed diet plan. Just eating a LOT less sugar/treats/sweets and trying to eat more fruits and vegetables. Pretty simple, but I cannot say enough about the Shred video. What pushed me to try it is that it only takes 25 minutes from start to finish and I could not come up with any valid excuse as to why I just couldn't set aside 25 mins. for exercise. HTH! :001_smile:

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Hate to say this, but I'm a big believer in a morning exercise routine. I find if I wait until later in the day, life interferes and it rarely happens.


Back in mid-November, I started meeting a neighbor (another thing I highly recommend) at 5:30 in the morning MWF for walking. After a couple of weeks, we started Couch to 5K. I haven't missed a single day until yesterday, which we rescheduled because of the cold. So, we went today and will go Saturday to make up for it.


Getting up at 5:00 was not fun, but that's what we had to do because her DH left for work at 6:00. We've been able to move it to 6:30 the past few weeks, but it's still hard to get up.


I'm also doing Weight Watchers.

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I definitely sympathize with you. I think what changed things for me was getting gestational diabetes during my last pregnancy. Thenm I was forced to really moderate portion sizes and watch what I ate, plus I was exercising about an hour a day (30 min. in the morning, 30 min. either after lunch of after dinner). Talk about hard to fit in, with 6 other kids! I have been able to keep up exercising consistently before and during this current pregnancy, although now I just exercise 40 minutes, usually in the morning.


I also have some older kids. What I do is get everyone stated on school work. (My 4 y.o, 3 y.o., and almost 2 y.o. girls just play together.) Then I exercise for 40 minutes starting maybe 10:00 or 10:30, while they are all working independently. If any child gets done early or needs me (and an older brother won't do), then they can do some of their chores while waiting. I take a quick shower, so my total time is about an hour. This does break up the morning, but you know, it works for me. Next year, once I start doing more with the 4 year old (who will be 5!), it might not work so well. But I won't be pregnant either, LOL. Grtting up really early to exercise just has never worked for me either, and it definitely doesn't work when I am pregnant!

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As far as the diet thing goes ... you need to change your mindset - it is not about "being on a diet" but about changing your eating habits for life. If it is not healthy enough for you to eat, perhaps your kids shouldn't eat it as well. You shouldn't need to make separate meals for different people in your family, but make foods that will be healthy for everyone. This will reap benefits in the long run, for your health and your family's health. You shouldn't need to buy "diet foods" - those aren't great for you anyway.


Shop the outside of the grocery store - fresh fruits and veggies (frozen is good, too, provided they aren't doctored up with lots of ingredients), lean meats, poultry, low fat low sugar dairy, etc.


Try to eat fewer refined food items - white flour, white rice. Switch to whole grain breads with higher fiber content. If your family is unaccustomed to brown rice, try half and half for a while and gradually switch them over..





I'm starting to freak out about my weight because the whole time I've been pregnant my doctor has been complaining about how I've gained to much weight... I have a plan!! as soon as I get the green light from my doctor after the baby, I'm bringing out my dance and P90x videos and trying to get about 30-60min of exercise every other day or so to start...But we'll see how that goes when I get there :)


I always try not to think about pounds per week though...I try to focus on how I feel (health-wise) and how I look when I look in the mirror...It's hard for me if I look at numbers because then i get discouraged if I plateau or have a bad week :) For me it's all about being healthy and feeling good about myself.


Hope that helps a little?

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