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Are you excited to play something you got for the kids?

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I just cannot wait to play with some of the stuff my girl is getting!


I really, really, want to play the Knot So Fast game. It's not a big deal game and it' won't be one of her favorites (compared to the movie-making book by klutz or the kinect or the snap circuts and class) but it looks fun to me and I cannot wait to play it!


In fact . . . no . . . you aren't suggesting that I bought it for myself are you???

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Vice versa. I got a Nintendo DSi XL for myself and decided I wasn't going to wait until Christmas to play it. It replaced an older DS so we have many games. But the bigger screen on the newer model excited the kids and I actually had to wait in line for a turn at it! And it's mine! Hmph!

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My teen DD still gets AG dolls and clothes and we have a great time dressing/undressing, etc.



Can I come over and play? I love those dolls. 16 years ago before my first ds was born, I would get the catalogues and thought someday I'll get to play.


I have 2ds! I have to wait to have a niece or a granddaughter.


I am looking forward to play with my teen boys gift for Christmas---the new Itouch! They have no idea they are getting one. They didn't even ask for it.

I can't wait to play with it.

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I got the boys several games this year, but two that I am dying to play.


1) No Stress Chess - because, no, I do not know how to play Chess and I am counting on this game teaching me:D


2) Would You Rather....? Looks hilarious! It will crack the kids up - for example one of the questions is "Would you rather eat a booger or a scab? And you MUST pick one. LOL I can't wait to hear them giggling and watch them make faces at the questions.

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My dd is getting a book on designing doodles...they are half finished dress/clothing designs and she gets to finish them. She is turning into a pretty good clothes designer but she gets stuck and doesn't know where to go after awhile. These will get her started with the ideas that she can finish. Anyhow, when it arrived, I sat down to look through it and it was all I could do not to pick up some colored pencils and start designing! Way fun!

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We got our son Lego Harry Potter for the XBox - now that we've read through book 4 with him, he can play the game. We've played the Lego games together going back to Star Wars when he was 2. I'm looking forward to playing it together - but I also want to play it by myself too!

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Yes!!!! I think I am more excited than anyone!


My ds is getting a ton of new legos and board/card games that look so much fun.


My dd is getting a Disney princess castle and toys that are just adorable!


And, thanks to money from the Grandparents - "the kids" are getting a Wii!!!! Woohoo!!!!

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I got the boys several games this year, but two that I am dying to play.


1) No Stress Chess - because, no, I do not know how to play Chess and I am counting on this game teaching me:D


2) Would You Rather....? Looks hilarious! It will crack the kids up - for example one of the questions is "Would you rather eat a booger or a scab? And you MUST pick one. LOL I can't wait to hear them giggling and watch them make faces at the questions.


My dd got the Would You Rather game from her aunt this past weekend. She has been carrying it in her purse and randomly pulls out cards as we are out and about with friends. It has been great fun!

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I'm not excited to play with something that we got for the kids, but I am really, really looking forward to watching them open their last present (we'll give it to them after everything else has been opened). All three ds' have been wanting the Lego Passenger train for a long time. They even fought over who would save up the money to buy one! Well, we got them one! I am definitely going to have the camera handy when they open it!


To make it even more special, their grandparents are here and their Papa used to work on the railroad. He passed on his love of trains to our ds' and I think they're going to love having him here when they set it up.


Only one more sleep! :D

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Yes, very! :D Dd is getting a sewing machine from us that I'm excited to help her figure out. We also got one of those Pick and Draw cartoon games that I saw here awhile ago...we did some on our own but we're excited to play with the real game :)


I'm excited to watch the BBC version of Emma that will be in my stocking as well!

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The Lego Hogwarts Castle present actually has my name on it ahead of the kids' names. I wrap it, so I get to fill out the tag however I want! They get to play with it after I build it. At least that's how it worked with the Lego kits in the past...maybe at some point they'll want to build!

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I got the boys several games this year, but two that I am dying to play.


1) No Stress Chess - because, no, I do not know how to play Chess and I am counting on this game teaching me:D


2) Would You Rather....? Looks hilarious! It will crack the kids up - for example one of the questions is "Would you rather eat a booger or a scab? And you MUST pick one. LOL I can't wait to hear them giggling and watch them make faces at the questions.

WOULD YOU RATHER??!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:This game is SO perfect for our family!!!


For anyone following my posts on ds and gf, THIS is a most DEFINITE in our new game supply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


THANKS!!!!!!!!!!! (is it wrong to ask dh to go get it TODAY?);)

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oh my goodness, I found the 20q mind reader ball, and said this is perfect for DS11 (twin1) and my hubby says, it doesn't work

oh ho ho ho

he looked like a teenager texting down the aisle at walmart and in the line as we were paying trying to find something 20q wouldn't guess! He was hooked!

this is unreal, oh dang it wins again!!

extremely fun!

the best part is telling our DD, we hope we don't use up her present before we wrap it!

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Can I come over and play? I love those dolls. 16 years ago before my first ds was born, I would get the catalogues and thought someday I'll get to play.


I have 2ds! I have to wait to have a niece or a granddaughter.


I am looking forward to play with my teen boys gift for Christmas---the new Itouch! They have no idea they are getting one. They didn't even ask for it.

I can't wait to play with it.


Yes, you can come and play!


We'll give you first choice of dolls and outfits. :D


ETA: Do you like to do dolly hair?

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