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So, did you get gifts for your pets?

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We have a dog, a lovey, and 6 chickens. Pooch got some canned dog food and a new collar. Lovey got a new cuddly house for her cage. Chickens are getting a mellon.


Yes, it's true, we get our pets gifts every year. It's usually something they need or would have gotten in the course of the yr anyway.


how about you?

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I didn't, but my dd insists that each pet gets a stocking full of gifts. So yes, she purchased everything for 1 fish, 2 birds, 2 dogs, 1 cat plus the 1 cat we are cat-sitting for 2 weeks. I keep telling her that the pets don't care if they get gifts, but then she quotes different scripture verses about all creation declaring the Lord's glory and wants to debate the topic. She is certain that all animals KNOW it is Christmas. The logic stage is fun. :glare:

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Why of course! The dogs got a test run on their new toys the day I got them, then I put them away for Santa to bring. The cat is a little hard as he stares at toys, but has a special diet so canned food doesn't work either. He got a cheap toy for his stocking.

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Yes. Santa usually gets the dog & cat a toy and a treat, but this year dd wanted to put together some dog & cat "trail mix" for them! We got a bunch of different treats, and she mixed them up. She also drew a picture of the dog for the cat for Christmas, and vice versa. Very excited.:001_smile:

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We put our dog down about a month ago and we miss her terribly. :angelsad2: For her first Christmas when she was a puppy we bought her a bunch of play toys and she ate the stuffing from one of her balls and needed emergency intestinal surgery. It cost us a fortune. We never bought her another toy except tennis balls and we had to watch her closely with those.

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I guess I'm a humbug about the pets, but the dog, guinea pig, fish, and cockatiel are happy as can be without presents or stockings. It's nice to have one group that I don't need to purchase gifts for...they probably understand the true meaning of Christmas instinctually anyway ;)

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Yup, of course!! They are the fun ones for my to purchase gifts. They. never. complain!! And, the children use the toys to play with the animals. Perfect!!

Kitty cat *new* has a new toy to swing around with exchangeable ends. Older Kitty has...hmmm... can't remember, but a gift. (The new kitty was her Christmas gift, right? She finally doesn't find him a curse, at least) And the puppy dog (age 5 :)) is getting smoked trachea. A favorite :)

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Oh, yes!


We have a stocking for Baby Doggy and he gets lots of treats and toys. I also bake him pumpkin oatmeal cookies so he can have special treats while we are having our Holiday desserts.


Baby Doggy DOES know it's Christmas. He also gets his feelings hurt if we are opening presents and he doesn't get to. I have to hide his gifts until Christmas morning because he will try to open them when no one is watching. When I bring them out, he knows how to open them. He's so funny!

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Older dd went out and got some today. My over 10 yo dog got a new, pillow type dog bed for more comfort. My cat got a new toy to swat at. My girls' hamsters have a new climbing toy. Fish and hermit crabs got nothing. Oh and dog and cat got plastic covers for the dog and cat canned food. (THe vet recommended adding canned to dog to help him keep up his weight and for cat to reduce his).

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I baked my dogs Peanut Butter Banana 'cookies' (and some for MIL's dogs too), and the boys each picked out a new stuffed toy for them. The lab is getting a mallard duck, which she will 'kill' in less than 10 minutes, and the mastiff is getting a rubber chicken, which will probably scare the crap out of him as soon as he bites down on it.

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Dog got a new toy, which he will rip apart in less than 2 days.


Cats get a catnip sock each. One cat will slobber hers into a disgusting 'tea bag' soggy mess. The other cat will gently rub her cheek on her catnip sock over and over and over until she practically passes out.


Horse gets flax treats.


Nothing planned for the chickens though.

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