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Let's play you know you are getting old when....


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New soldiers look about the same age as your kids.


Well in my case they looked the same age as the babysitter, but yeah.


My friend and I were driving past one of the dorms, and it was one of the first warmer days. A bunch of the guys were wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts walking out of the dorm.


My friend says "That's what the husband looked like when I met him. All built and pumped up."


I pointed out in about 2-3 years that would be her son!


Her response: :scared::svengo:


My husband came home one day. I asked him what was wrong. He said he got a new dental assistant today. The kid was born after husband graduated high school. It hadn't seemed possible you could be old enough to enlist if you were born after his hs graduatation. But he did the math. Got to say that realization hurt him a little.

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Well in my case they looked the same age as the babysitter, but yeah.


My friend and I were driving past one of the dorms, and it was one of the first warmer days. A bunch of the guys were wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts walking out of the dorm.


My friend says "That's what the husband looked like when I met him. All built and pumped up."


I pointed out in about 2-3 years that would be her son!


Her response: :scared::svengo:


Exactly! My eldest is (almost) 15, in a couple of years one of them could be her boyfriend!!!! :willy_nilly:


My husband came home one day. I asked him what was wrong. He said he got a new dental assistant today. The kid was born after husband graduated high school. It hadn't seemed possible you could be old enough to enlist if you were born after his hs graduatation. But he did the math. Got to say that realization hurt him a little.
Yep, we've already btdt, I graduated 20 years ago. It doesn't seem possible.


The kids I babysat as a teen are now having kids.


My husband was pretty upset when our flower girl got her Master's degree. :lol:

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I'm still in my 30's (not for long, but hey), but I knew I was getting old like 9 years ago when my husband told me he'd gotten us a DVD player and I said: "What do we need a DVD player for? We have a perfectly good, working VCR!"


Now... I keep finding stray gray hairs here and there. <sniff, sniff>.


And I go to bed at the time of night at which I USED to just be getting ready to go out back in the day.

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DD came up to me recently with something she found in the back of the closet. "What's this, mommy?"


She'd never seen a VCR tape before...and suddenly I knew how my dad felt when I asked him what the deal was with the 8 track player on the radio in the garage.

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On the radio at the local Kmart the lyrics "Walk Like An Egyptian" came on and I started moving in rhythm and singing the lyrics. Since I look young, people were looking at me weird, especially those younger than I am. Yup, I remember the eighties ;)

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I was over at a friend's house and her cell phone was out of battery. She told her son to go plug the regular phone into the jack so she could use it. He stopped for a minute and said "what's a phone jack". We just looked at each other. :001_huh: Welcome to the digital age.


Also, the child I started babysitting when she was 9 months old (I was 16) is graduating high school this year. :svengo:

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On the radio at the local Kmart the lyrics "Walk Like An Egyptian" came on and I started moving in rhythm and singing the lyrics. Since I look young, people were looking at me weird, especially those younger than I am. Yup, I remember the eighties ;)



I love that song!! And I remember when it came out!

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You know you're getting old when you recall that this upcoming year will be 30 years since you graduated - from college....


Hey -- me too!!


I know I'm getting old when I read posts like the one in this thread where someone mentions her dad's 8 track tapes. Hello?!! My boyfriend had an 8 track in his Camaro!!


You know you are getting old, too, when the AARP starts recruiting you, just reinforce the fact that you are celebrating your 50th birthday.


You know you are getting old when your siblings become grandparents, and your M-I-L a great grandmother.


You know you are getting old when you realize you are old enough to be the mother of some of the posters on this board!!!!:eek:

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You know you're getting old when the stupid whisker hairs in your chin turn white. :glare:


You know you're getting old when your teenage son gets up in the morning with a furry shadow above his lip and it reminds you to go use the tweezers.:glare::glare:


You know you're getting old when you log onto amazon to see if you packaged has been delivered instead of getting up and going to the door to check. :D

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You know you're old when...


Your kids ask what life was like "back in the 1900s". :glare:


And you are plucking hair from places in your face you never knew you were supposed to have hair (it was always funny in the movies when they talked about Aunt Marge, but when the reality of age sets in, it ain's so funny anymore). Again, :glare:.

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Remember when the microwave came out!!?? I was in 8th grade when they got popular and my friend and I nuked everything we could find. Oh and my kids asked me if there was television "back then" and I said, "Yes, but it was black and white, you had to get up to change the channel, and there was an antenna on the roo,f and my mom's hand mixer used to make the TV go nuts."

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:lol::lol: I remember the days when vodka was the perfume. Okay, I remember some of those days. :001_huh:




eta: Hm. I do not remember when the very first microwaves came out. My grandparents had one from the time I can remember. It had dials and those old-style radio buttons. It eventually went to live in their house at the lake where we still used it until they sold that place. I tried to find a photo, but searching vintage microwave comes up with some really weird things.


Oh!! Here we go! This is the one they had!

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You know you're old when...


Your kids ask what life was like "back in the 1900s". :glare:


And you are plucking hair from places in your face you never knew you were supposed to have hair (it was always funny in the movies when they talked about Aunt Marge, but when the reality of age sets in, it ain's so funny anymore). Again, :glare:.


I believe it was designed that mothers would be growing facial hair about the same time as their teenage sons. It helps the bonding experience. Feel the same about menopause and puberty, crazy hormones helps the bonding process. Which is why famous men always say "Hi, mom!" to the camera and not mention their fathers.

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When a friend's teen is wearing a shirt for a band I listened to in high school and I mention, "oh, I loved Green Day back in high school."


Only to hear back, "Wow! I didn't know they were THAT old. They've been around a long time." :001_huh:


I felt young again when he asked when I graduated high school and told his father, "She started high school the year I was born! When did you finish school?"


My solution for feeling old is to have even older friends. :D

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You know you're getting old when you have to call your dh at work and ask him which toothbrush is yours. I did this today. I opened the cupboard and just stared at them. I just couldn't remember which one was mine. He thought it was cute.:D


Oh, and I remember Brenda Vacarro. Anyone remember Rowan and Martin's Laugh In? Veddy inter-eshting -but shtupid.:)

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twenty years and finding to my shock that everyone was talking into a cell phone while walking around on campus. I felt betrayed by the intrusion of the cell phones on my beloved campus. I felt so sorry for the young people who are missing out on the friendly and open atmosphere that is no longer there with everyone yakking away into the phones and making no eye contact with anyone. That was a sad shock that made me feel older than I ever had.

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