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What was your favorite read this year?

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Looking for books to add to my Christmas list. Wondering what your favorite read was this year. I won't limit genre as I'm guessing there are others who would like to hear from you.


I did not get a lot of "extra" reading done this year. Hope to do 52 books next year. I guess my favorite was Three Cups of Tea. Though I do not line up on many points with the author, I was encouraged/challenged/convicted that one person CAN make a BIG difference.


Would love to know what your favorite read was this year if you'd care to share.


Have a great week.

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I don't think I can pick just one, lol. It kind of depends on my mood as to which one I'd pick.


Tied for 1st place:

Born to Run (non-fiction)

Good Omens (fiction)


Also really great:

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World (non-fiction)

The Remains of the Day (fiction)

The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (fiction/mystery)

C (fiction)

Edited by Stacia
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Angela's Ashes. Something about it touched me so deeply that I read it straight through twice in one week. Then had to see the movie. Must be my Irish. :001_smile:



There are two other books following Angela's Ashes, have you read them?

I really enjoyed Frank McCourt's writing style - so raw, and yet effective.

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I'm reading The Children's Book by A. S. Byatt and enjoying it quite a lot.


The Hunger Games trilogy was some very compelling YA fiction.


I read The Passage this year as well and it really got under my skin. I had bad dreams every single night until I finished that book.


I also like to plug Douglas Coupland. He's one of my favorite authors. I have pretty much everything he's written. This year he came out with Generation A. And now there's a new book...Player One, which I'm going to read as soon as I'm done with the Byatt book.

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Another vote here for The Book Thief :) I also read To Kill A Mockingbird for the first time this year, it was wonderful as well.


I also read Crime and Punishment this year (don't remember which translation, but those details are on my blog under "Book Chatter"). It was a good read as well, but very dense and harder to get through than the two above.

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Wonderful book! I wish I could say it was my fav for this year, but alas, I read it in 2009. :D


I read a lot of good books this year - how to pick just one?!

An Accomplished Woman by Jude Morgan.


Half-Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls.


The Help -which I see has been recommended several times here already.

Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry. I loved the characters in this book, but the ending did tick me off so maybe I shouldn't list it as an all-around fav.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok folks,


My schedule has been so crazy, I am just now reading your responses after a couple of weeks. THANK YOU for all of the posts. I look forward to checking out your suggestions.


I am very much looking forward to making a commitment to "pleasure reading" for next year. (I don't really like that term....most reading is pleasure reading for me.)


Have a great evening!

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  • 2 weeks later...
:iagree: as well as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series. I devoured them.

The Book Thief and The Help have stayed with me although I read them much earlier in the year.

I agree with all 3 - or should I say - all 6 - since I LOVED The Dragon Tattoo trilogy. :)

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