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Quick! Tell me something happy!

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I am having one of those days where my kids are picking at each other, the radio news is all bad, and everywhere I turn there is nothing but complaining and criticizing (see what I mean, now I'm doing it!). It's really grating on me.


I DESPERATELY NEED to hear some cheerful, positive, upbeat chatter. Please, please, please tell me something you love about your spouse, or something that's really working well in homeschool, or about a medical condition that went away, or something nice someone said to you recently, or a product you purchased and are really happy with....ANYTHING. Just please tell me something cheerful! I beg you!

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There will definitely be a rainbow at the end of today's storm?


I love that my spouse has a crooked nose. It's quirky in a Barbara Streisand sort of way.

Today we did homeschooling at Starbucks; that worked really well for me!

I have been going gray, but that went away courtesy of Feria hair dye.

Today my daughter told me that I made the best breakfasts ever. Today it was instant oatmeal.

Something I just bought that I'm really happy with? See the above "medical condition" about going gray ...


And this, too, shall pass. Even more quickly if you down a shot or three of something adult. I've heard LOL.

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I am having one of those days where my kids are picking at each other, the radio news is all bad, and everywhere I turn there is nothing but complaining and criticizing (see what I mean, now I'm doing it!). It's really grating on me.


I DESPERATELY NEED to hear some cheerful, positive, upbeat chatter. Please, please, please tell me something you love about your spouse, or something that's really working well in homeschool, or about a medical condition that went away, or something nice someone said to you recently, or a product you purchased and are really happy with....ANYTHING. Just please tell me something cheerful! I beg you!


How about an elephant joke?


How do you know an elephant was in your refrigerator?


Footsteps in the butter. :D

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Dh gave the dog a bath yesterday! I didn't have to, he got all the deer poop off, he washed the tub completely, and now Riley is all silky and happy to be an acceptable member of the family again!


I did housework yesterday and today! Yea me!!


Pizza at Dominoes was only $5.99 for a large 2 topping if you carry it out!


Dd got a new calculator from the Dollar Store today and was very happy with it!


(Feel better.)

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I found out my new furnace isn't going to be as expensive as I thought, and they're letting me make payments, AND, I'm getting a holiday bonus, as well as double pay for working Christmas and New Year's Day, combine that with the money my dad always sends me for my birthday and Christmas, we should come out ok financially.


I don't know if that'll make you happy, but it's made me happy! :lol:

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Went to Walmart and bought a pack of underwear. I was sooo excited (I know; it's the little things) and opened the package up in the parking lot, literally singing how happy I was to my 7 yr old daughter. I opened up the package and pulled out a HUGE, XL pair of underwear. HUGE!! I couldn't stop laughing. Here I was - so excited about a ridiculous package of underwear and this is what I get (I am a size small). :lol:


I videotaped a re-enactment and sent it to dh and my Mom!

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Ds (7) told two stories and sang "Close Every Door" from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at a lovely homeschool campfire last night where we watched the gorgeous sun set in the gulf, cooked hotdogs over the fire, and ate S'mores.

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My dh had enough energy today to take a shower for the first time after knee surgery last week :) He's going to have a stable, albeit still painful knee (ACL fixed, arthritis is worse than thought) for a good long time! Maybe he won't need a knee replacement until everyone is through college :D

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Last Friday we went mikan picking with a big group of homeschoolers. Everyone made there without getting lost. The day was beautiful weather; from the top of the hill where the grove was you could see across Tokyo Bay all the way to Chiba.


The mikans were sweet and juicy and incredibly tasty. We ate all we could, then filled a plastic bag each and then had picnic lunches spread on the ground in between the trees. There were black eared kites (a raptor) wheeling above and magpies and crows in the trees.


Really a fabulous, lovely day that made my heart cheerful.


(Mikans are a small citrus, something like a clementine.)

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I am working on my first ever REAL knitting project- a Slytherin scarf for my oldest. I always gave up on knitting before, but I'm sticking with it this time and I'm enjoying it. I'm getting faster at it as I keep going and I'm really happy that my first ever knitted item will go to my oldest. I'll have to make Harry Potter scarves for The Littles when I'm done now (well, not HAVE to but I want to). It's nice to have something to do that soothes my nerves and it feels so nice and soft.

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Ack! It's worse than I thought. I just called my mom to ask her about something related to our Thanksgiving visit. I spoke in as perky and cheerful a tone as I could manage, and after answering my question she said, "Are you ok? You sound really down." I can't, apparently, even FAKE happy anymore today...sigh.

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we have at least 20 baby snails and 11 baby swordtail fish right now.

Our 1 sick gerbil seems to be doing much better.

My daughter had a very nice friend sleep over last night and they both chose to study their science together and then take my son on a nature hike.

We all then sewed felt food pieces to give as xmas gifts.

Boy, I had a really good day!

I hope your improves for you soon!

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My girls are doing NaNoWriMo and LOVING it! They are consistently making over their daily word count goal and I'm having a blast reading their daily additions! Who knew they would enjoy writing?! They didn't before this project. I thought that our failed venture into 'Classical Writing-Homer' had ruined them. I'm beyond thrilled! :party:

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Help me out....NSFW? Drawing a blank.


Not Safe For Work (possibly off-color).


These two links should be completely safe, but the group does have some songs that do contain language that some might find objectionable, thus the NSFW tag :)


When I was going through a tough time recently, I spent a good bit of time watching the OK GO videos.




Do What You Want (wallpaper version) just makes me smile :) (unsure if lyrics are safe or not)

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Not Safe For Work (possibly off-color).


These two links should be completely safe, but the group does have some songs that do contain language that some might find objectionable, thus the NSFW tag :)


When I was going through a tough time recently, I spent a good bit of time watching the OK GO videos.




Do What You Want (wallpaper version) just makes me smile :) (unsure if lyrics are safe or not)


Oh, of course! I knew I was just being dense. Thanks.

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I've got another one for you. We visited Tokyo Disney Sea on Thursday. Not only was my youngest son tall enough for all the rides, but he asked if he could ride a couple by himself. We said sure and sent him around to ride again.


Picture a little boy with just the biggest contented smile at being big enough.

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Cubby is all better!


Elvis gets to swim in his first Swim meet since July and his Lyme symptoms are waning.


My kids are so awesome and have held ME up during this stressful time.


DD was accepted into the pre-med program at her school and only has to take one extra course to complete pre-med/ dietician degree.


My brother and I were re-united after 7 years and have been talking almost daily...all that stuff I remember happening...really happened...and I feel like a great weight has been lifted.


The sun is actually shining.


I still love my husband...after 25 years...and still like to just hang out with him.


My house is a mess...and I don't really care...LOL



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My dd6 as she left the bathroom turned around and said, "Goodbye my people!" LOL!


When a friend wanted to share some info, about a bad thing she had done at a sleepover, my oldest said " If you don't want me to tell my mom, don't tell me." The girl changed her mind :).


My dh is amazing and we had a tickle war last night :).


My 4 yr. olds favorite word is "yippee!"

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