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So, how much should I be freaking out? (BCP question)

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So, we moved Saturday, and I was dumb enough to pack my pills in a box. I ended up missing both Saturday and Sunday's pills. I've done the necessary doubling up on Monday and Tuesday night, but....


The missed pills were on day 14 and 15 of my cycle. I had thought I was on day 21 and 22 so I agreed to have teA with DH unprotected.


So...what are the odds I'll get a nasty, I mean, wonderful surprise in a few weeks?

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Eh....not as bad as you might think. BCPs work on many levels. Not only do they supress ovulation, they also make cervical mucous too thick for sperm to travel through and they thin the lining of the uterus so that attachment of a fertilized egg is almost impossible. Even if you hadn't doubled up on your pills, and you had a fertilized egg from your "encounter"....it's pretty unlikely that it will be able to attach and grow. You should be safe.

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I think it depends on how fertile you are honestly. I have 4 kids and only 1 that we were trying for and not using birth control. Just be prepared.



Well, lets see...


I conceived 2 weeks after I quit birth control, which I had been taking for 6 years. I miscarried that one and conceived 2 weeks later. My others were all conceived the month we decided to have a child or the month after. That seems pretty fertile.

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Well, lets see...


I conceived 2 weeks after I quit birth control, which I had been taking for 6 years. I miscarried that one and conceived 2 weeks later. My others were all conceived the month we decided to have a child or the month after. That seems pretty fertile.

Are you still taking the pill? The reason I ask is b/c it can cause problems if an ...er...accident occured.

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Honestly, I wouldn't be too worried. Obviously, it depends on your fertility. All 3 of my kids were conceived during the first month of stopping BCP *completely*. However, I had many occasions when I forgot pills and doubled up later, sometimes 2 consecutive days on more than one occasion during the same month, once for 5 consecutive days, and nothing happened. Of course it's worth taking a pregnancy test if you end up being late, but I wouldn't be terribly worried.

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Do you know when you usually ovulate, pre pc taking? I ask because a lot of women don't actually ovulate on cycle day 14... I myself usually ovulate between day 18 and day 21, and I have a good friend that routinely ovulates on day 9. Personally, I wouldn't really worry unless you noticed yourself swimming in good quality cervical mucus. Then you might have a surprise :)

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IME, how likely a couple should worry is in direct proportion to ready they are.


The less ready = the more likely.


If dh is unemployed, the great wall of china used as a barrier probably wouldn't be enough.


My attempt at humor.


I wouldn't continue the BCP. Wouldn't want to risk anything happening to a newbie in there.

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IME, how likely a couple should worry is in direct proportion to ready they are.


The less ready = the more likely.


If dh is unemployed, the great wall of china used as a barrier probably wouldn't be enough.


My attempt at humor.


I wouldn't continue the BCP. Wouldn't want to risk anything happening to a newbie in there.

:iagree: :lol:

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I vote to flip a coin. ;)


I have not had a BCP "whoops", despite having to double up now and then, yet I've conceived immediately after stopping the pills, while EBFing, while miscalculating ovulation vs. potential sp*rm life, while having an IUD, and after being careless exactly ONCE and only having one fallopian tube.


So, on one hand, I have a lot of trust in BCPs. On the other, I know my trust is often misplaced. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, lets see...


I conceived 2 weeks after I quit birth control, which I had been taking for 6 years. I miscarried that one and conceived 2 weeks later. My others were all conceived the month we decided to have a child or the month after. That seems pretty fertile.


Where do we send the baby gift? :lol: Here's hoping it turns out they way you want it too.

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I would say there's no need to freak out yet. But don't worry, there will be plenty of time for that later. ;)


(I'm so jealous, I'd love to be that fertile! We've been "trying" for 14 years and have only managed 2 pregnancies. Funny how differing life experiences can color the same situation so differently, isn't it?)

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They really did just happen.



Thanks for the confirmation. :D I grew up thinking that's how women got pregnant.


Reproduction was NEVER discussed. It must be a family trait - just a few years ago I read my grandmother's journals and seveal times she wrote that a mother cow "found" a calf! Also, there was no mention of anyone expecting a baby, just that someone had a "stork showers."

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(I'm so jealous, I'd love to be that fertile! We've been "trying" for 14 years and have only managed 2 pregnancies. Funny how differing life experiences can color the same situation so differently, isn't it?)


I thought similarly. I always think, "Well, I'm never that lucky, but I've known other people who have been." ;)

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If you really are bleeding early then it may be implantation spotting.


That's actually the first thing that came to my mind as well. The *ONLY* time I've ever had a super-early "period" was when it turned out I was PG with my oldest. I had 3 days of red bleeding but then my basal body temps were still elevated a week into my "new" cycle. So I tested and sure enough, it was positive.



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Okay, you may or may not know this, and this may or may not be helpful, but just in case! If you are familiar with cervical fluid changes (wouldn't recommend this if not) then if you have creamy and often yellowish cervical fluid after ovulation (usually dries up) that can mean you are pregnant. This has been true for me and I've known just after ovulation! Then I usually have implantation spotting too, so I have always know before with an early preg. test to prove it! Every woman can be different though. Here's some more info.




I am not familiar with bc pills but it def. sounds like the hormonal flucuation could be very likely.

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