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What would you do with the time?

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Oh wow. If I had the time, but not really any money, I'd probably spend time reading, catching a few z's, batch/bulk cooking and trying new recipes, walking/running in some new places, visiting occasionally with others, volunteering at church, reading some more...


If I had money, I might enroll in online college or take some other classes of interest. Maybe an exercise class, join a gym, etc.

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Work on all sorts of skills that I don't have the time to develop well enough now- sewing, cooking 'gourmet' dishes, needlepoint, knitting, crocheting, working with clay, carving wood, quilting, gardening, dyeing fabrics, making jewelry, watch TV series' that I missed, read, read, and read.

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For about the first week I would do nothing. Sit and listen to the clocks tick. Silence is wonderful.


Then I'd probably take the time to do those things I can never truly focus on enough.


Finish, key word finish, some of my stories. I have works in various stages from a simple thought to a novel needing to be edited one final time.


play music loud and sing to it.


exercise, take long walks with the dog.


organize things. Organize my bookshelves, organize my internet files, really go through my e-mail.


Put some really cool and interesting movies on Netflix and enjoy. I'd like to get into some foreign films but I usually watch those by myself.


I'd read more. I'd probably set up blocks of time for reading and self-education. I have a couple of key subjects I need to work ahead.


create outfits, not just things that go together, in my wardrobe. That might take some time.


Go have coffee with some friends, but not every night. I like alone time.

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I would read through the remaining ten books on my BirthWorks childbirth educator certification reading list and write the book reports for each one.


I would take 30-45 minutes each day to work on decluttering and cleaning the house until I get it to where I would like it to be.

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Would I be pathetic if I said that after a few weeks, I would cry a lot? :001_smile:




No, I feel like that somedays; that's why I'm asking. :001_smile:


The very first thing I'd do is nothing. Lots of down time. Maybe even 8 weeks of it. I haven't been alone for any significant length of time in years.




I did exactly that for eight weeks, as a matter of fact. :001_smile:


I have not had that much time to myself in over 5 years.




It's been almost 18 for me! :001_smile:


For about the first week I would do nothing. Sit and listen to the clocks tick. Silence is wonderful.






It is! I've found it can also be deafening, though, iykwim. :001_smile:

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I'd spam the WTM boards with some more of my lovely essay-like posts about the meaning of life and education :D, I'd set a daily routine of learning something I've always wanted to but never got to (I guess each of us has a few of those academic "would have been"s), I'd cook actual elaborate meals which I never have time/patience for, I'd invite friends to those elaborate meals, I'd go shopping all for myself, I'd take long walks, I'd lie down and relax listening to Vivaldi. Too bad the free time isn't in the evenings, that would open a whole new lot of possibilities (dinners out with friends, theatres, opera that nobody else in the family would like, etc.), but hey, I wouldn't complain. :D


I actually have had a lot of downtime in the past years, since girls were big enough to be occupied with their own activities most of the time, husband was constantly in the labs and the vast majority of household duties and even cooking was being done by a maid, all of which gave me a wonderful lot of free time, about a few good chunks of 2-3 hours each daily. I still have quite a lot of free time, but in smaller and more frequent chunks now, depending on the baby's day rhythm.


Basically, I find continuing to learn to be ultimately the most satisfying of all activities that beats all others, whether in the direction of my actual profession, or exploring some other areas. If I were you, I'd look forward to REALLY get a good personal use of that time for my own growth rather than sit down and watch TV. :) Hope you enjoy it!

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It's per day. :001_smile:


This is a serious chunk of time. If you are not likely to have the same luxury next year, if this is a one time thing, I would want to have something to show for my investment. Many of the tempting suggestions produce results that can be undone in four weeks. How long before you are again behind on good books, good movies, cluttered, tired and clothed? I encourage you to select something big, achievable and long-lasting.

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I'll give the most unpopular answer. When I found myself with lots of extra time, I got a part time job. I LOVE it. No worries about child care, neglecting the kids, or being a mom 24/7. The side benefit is that my kids and husband have stepped up and started doing more chores around the house, without me having to ask.

I had been out of the workforce for 20 years, so it was nice to get back into it. It does confuse people, because I don't *have* to work.

Oddly enough, when I am home, I value my time more and get more done.

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I'll give the most unpopular answer. When I found myself with lots of extra time, I got a part time job. I LOVE it. No worries about child care, neglecting the kids, or being a mom 24/7. The side benefit is that my kids and husband have stepped up and started doing more chores around the house, without me having to ask.

I had been out of the workforce for 20 years, so it was nice to get back into it. It does confuse people, because I don't *have* to work.

Oddly enough, when I am home, I value my time more and get more done.



I would do this too. Just something small and no stress.


I think I'd also start taking piano lessons again. My 12 yo is getting music that is challenging for me and I've been practicing his pieces to get better. I think I'd take my own lessons!!

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I would do this too. Just something small and no stress.


I think I'd also start taking piano lessons again. My 12 yo is getting music that is challenging for me and I've been practicing his pieces to get better. I think I'd take my own lessons!!


I work two days a week decorating cakes for Walmart. I get to be totally creative, they don't ask me to do anything but decorate cakes, and I make people happy every time I'm there. When I'm home, I'm home. When I'm at work, I can just be there and not worry about home. Love it.

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I'd spam the WTM boards with some more of my lovely essay-like posts about the meaning of life and education :D, I'd set a daily routine of learning something I've always wanted to but never got to (I guess each of us has a few of those academic "would have been"s), I'd cook actual elaborate meals which I never have time/patience for, I'd invite friends to those elaborate meals, I'd go shopping all for myself, I'd take long walks, I'd lie down and relax listening to Vivaldi. Too bad the free time isn't in the evenings, that would open a whole new lot of possibilities (dinners out with friends, theatres, opera that nobody else in the family would like, etc.), but hey, I wouldn't complain. :D


I actually have had a lot of downtime in the past years, since girls were big enough to be occupied with their own activities most of the time, husband was constantly in the labs and the vast majority of household duties and even cooking was being done by a maid, all of which gave me a wonderful lot of free time, about a few good chunks of 2-3 hours each daily. I still have quite a lot of free time, but in smaller and more frequent chunks now, depending on the baby's day rhythm.


Basically, I find continuing to learn to be ultimately the most satisfying of all activities that beats all others, whether in the direction of my actual profession, or exploring some other areas. If I were you, I'd look forward to REALLY get a good personal use of that time for my own growth rather than sit down and watch TV. :) Hope you enjoy it!



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It might be a bit unsensitive to bring it up so bluntly, being that not everyone can afford one, especially in these times, but a maid is one of the best time savers you can invest into, especially if you regularly want to have some extra free hours. In many cases it's comparable to a situation in which you're almost literally "buying" some free time, just by paying somebody else to do some of those pretty everyday household maintenance duties which, when put together, eat up hours upon hours weekly, if not daily in bigger households. It doesn't save you as much time as Mejane is having daily right now :D, but it's still some extra free hours.

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For four hours a day I'd work a part time job if one could be found that worked for the hours available.


For the rest of the time I would read, meal plan, shop, cook in bulk, work out, etc. Different things on different days.


And enjoy it!!

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This is a serious chunk of time. If you are not likely to have the same luxury next year, if this is a one time thing, I would want to have something to show for my investment. Many of the tempting suggestions produce results that can be undone in four weeks. How long before you are again behind on good books, good movies, cluttered, tired and clothed? I encourage you to select something big, achievable and long-lasting.


I would love to have something to show for this time. That's why I mentioned it would be for eight months; it's enough time to really accomplish something. What, I don't know. :D

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If I were you, I'd look forward to REALLY get a good personal use of that time for my own growth rather than sit down and watch TV. :) Hope you enjoy it!


:iagree:When the kids ask "what did you do today, mom?", I don't want to say that I just watched tv.

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I have about 6 hours free every Thursday. My 7 yr. has music class for an hour and then spends the afternoon baking with Grandma. I usually go to the library or the bank while she's in class and the rest of the day's activities vary. I might run more errands, come home and clean, go shopping, or come home and plop on the couch and watch TV.

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I would love to have something to show for this time. That's why I mentioned it would be for eight months; it's enough time to really accomplish something. What, I don't know. :D


I haven't been on the boards long enough to know much of your personality. Are you crafty? You can finish an heirloom quilt in 8 months. Are you looking for a hobby? You can learn to take really, really good photographs in 8 months. You can learn to bake incredible bread, cakes, and gourmet meals in 8 months. Does your home need work? You can paint and wallpaper a good 4-5 rooms in 8 months. Is your health good? You can join a gym and exercise for two straight hours and lose 50 lbs in 8 months. What are your inclinations?


ETA: Dream something big (and then make weekly actions plans to get there!)

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Clean the house

take care of bills

take care of house projects (need to make curtains right now)


Once the mundane was done and put on a maintenance schedule, if getting a part time job wasn't a necessity I might

-might still get a job if it was a something I liked

-develop a bigger workout routine

-take dance classes

-take yoga classes (maybe take so many I could become an instructor in those hours I'm free)

-join a club

-take an art class

-consider other classes (foreign language, differential equations, anything stimulating in any direction)

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For the first week or so I'd sleep and read books. Then I would volunteer, take up a hobby or exercise.


Good for you having time off. My doctor used to say that one of the best things for our mental health is having a consistent 3 hours (at least) off a week. I believe it.

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