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It was funny one day. There was a knock on the door. It was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My ds was just a tiny tyke at the time, like 18months and came to the door with me. The woman asked for my mom. I told her I was a mom and she couldn't hide her surprise and mentioned how young I looked. Then my daughter, who was 4, I guess, came over to see who mama was talking to. I was sure the woman would fall over! "She's yours too?" "Yes ma'am" :) So hubby, being the silly guy he is came up behind me, put his arm around my shoulders and said, "hey mama..." We all laughed. (Note: I surprised her even more when she came back six months later and I had 3 more littles!)


I was a real baby face. I think I did gain some age with gaining the weight. I wonder if I will lose or gain years by losing weight. Guess I'll have to keep losing to find out :D


I have repeatedly been mistaken for my dds' sibling and people never believe me when I tell them how many children I have and how old they are. People are especially disbelieving if I am with my son or oldest dd. They both have more grey hair than I do and then the fact that I have gc is enough to really push them over the edge. As I said elsewhere in the thread, is is entirely due to luck. I think it is to make up for the fact that I really got shortchanged in the health and sanity department.

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Ok, how do I add a photo?


After you click reply, there will be a little paperclip symbol at the top of the reply box. Click on that, and then you can upload a picture from your computer. Once you upload, click on the paperclip again, and you should be able to select that picture to go right into your message as an attachment.

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Some of y'all are REALLY young looking, especially for the age of your children!


For some of y'all my age and older, how are you keeping it from happening? I've noticed considerable aging in the last two years. Soon I'm going to look old enough to have a 15 and 18yr old (or maybe I already do....shhhh). I would like to put it off though.


Any ideas?

Not me. I've aged quite a bit in the couple of years. I've had the grandma comment already. I don't have a photo of me on the computer or I'd post one.

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I don't have a photo of me on the computer or I'd post one.


Me neither. I want to play, but the only one I can find on my computer is one from a curly girl thread a while ago - and it's not a good one. Maybe I'll get the kids to take a pic of me for a change just so I can post it.

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My pic is me, except I've grown out the bangs and gained a few pregnancy pounds ;)


I must confess. . .I had my dd take countless photos before I settled on one that I relectantly figured "okay, it'll do" , lol!


Glad to see some other "faces"!



¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-Tina ~

-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


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I hate having my picture taken, so there aren't many pics of me to choose from. I changed my avatar from my usual fruit flavored Tootsie Rolls (my favorite candy:)), so that I could put a pic of myself there. You probably can't see it well, so I'll keep looking for another one.

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I swear you look about 25, Dawn. Amazing! Who knew the homeschool moms were such a bunch of hotties?!


I know, and look at all these gorgeous nature backgrounds, too! Proof we are not always in front of the screens. I agree, Dawn is one of those people who always has a "real" avatar, and I've always thought she's adorable.

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Thank you so very much. You have no idea how much this made me smile.


I know, and look at all these gorgeous nature backgrounds, too! Proof we are not always in front of the screens. I agree, Dawn is one of those people who always has a "real" avatar, and I've always thought she's adorable.
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Ya know, I thought the same exact thing, but I didn't say it. Her avatar has a sarcastic (for lack of a better word) look to it. Her photo is very sweet.


See -- I don't like the sarcastic word either. That's why I didn't say anything to begin with.


Funny. I thought, "Well, I already know what Smrt Mama looks like." But that picture is totally different! Equally cute, but different!


(Ooohing at the cute babies, too!)

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I am loving this thread. Those of you who have referenced your avatar for us to see -- we would love to see a larger photo. ;) This has been great to put faces with names.


Thanks everyone for taking the time to participate.


Am I the only one that wants to see the hunky husbands. ;) I'll post one of mine if you post one of yours.

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I have to say that I have met Jessica, and she is the cutest thing. Very stylish!


Me in Barcelona Spain a year ago. My hair is different any given day. At this time I was straightening it. Another day I might let it be its weird spastic curly. Today it's...I don't know...annoying! :)


Uh, oh. I lost the picture. I'll try again in just a sec....

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Thinking about how old that other one actually is, I took one really quickly on the computer. Okay now, this is 9pm at night after a long, slightly difficult day. I've taught school with not especially cooperative boys today, took them all out to finish Halloween costume shopping, cleaned house a bit, and cooked supper all with a headache, so be gentle. LOL :)


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I have to say that I have met Jessica, and she is the cutest thing. Very stylish!


Oh Dawn! I appreciate that so much. I actually really enjoyed that time with both you and your son. I had a terrible headache (very rare) so I was worried I was acting weird. :)


P.S. Can I have your beautiful hair...please?? LOL :)

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Maybe this will attach. I found the camera. I took a hundred pictures and then doctored the heck out of them.



And one in color



And why would you be ashamed of posting a pic? You are lovely! Meanwhile, I posted a pic of me with a veritable colony of God-knows-what on my chin.

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