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So what's on Your Christmas list this year?

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My fantasy list:

new flooring for all the bedrooms in our house

two new lenses for my camera

a whole new wardrobe complete with a fabulous pair of boots

new living room furniture

an island in my kitchen

about $500 to go shopping in thrift stores and flea markets :D

Zo bread maker




I have no idea what I would put on an actual Christmas list. I have never made one. No one has ever asked me for one either. It's fun making up a fantasy list though.

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I think I might put a Kindle on my list. But I use the library so much and you can't "borrow" a book on Kindle, can you?


I'd love surfing lessons.


Lask year the kids gave me lawn chairs that they bought at an unfinished wood place and painted themselves. Lovely.


The year before that DH filled and put up the dozen or so old bird feeders we had been given by his dad. Also brought a lot of joy.


I need a great pair of sassy black boots. Sexy but not high heals. Have the best pair but they are falling apart. Can't find anything I like nearly as well.

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I want the dh to install a new kitchen sink. This one is porcelain and all beat-up and the grout surrounding it is mostly gone. The little grout that remains is just BLACK with mildew. It's gross.


I want some new LLBean slippers and I want some pretty, comfy jammies.


And that's about it.

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I think I might put a Kindle on my list. But I use the library so much and you can't "borrow" a book on Kindle, can you?




I can borrow from our library with my Sony Reader. The selection is still somewhat limited, but there are no fines : ) They just disappear when they are due!



For Christmas, a massage and a vacation. all. by. myself.

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A maid to do a serious deep cleaning.


I could go with that!


Mostly I want my husband to get a job; he got laid off a couple of weeks ago. Things are looking fairly positive there, though, so assuming that happens, both of these have been in the works for some time:


A cruiser bicycle (actually my birthday wish, but that's not gonna happen)

A Notion Ink Adam (like a Kindle and iPad in one, on the Android platform)

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I want The Annotated Anne of Green Gables and a plan to go visit my mom in January/February from dh. I told my dds I just want a Barnes & Noble gift card to buy books for my Nook and a new vase for all the pretty flowers (weeds) they give me.

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A new can opener was the top of my list, but dh bought one yesterday. It's very special. Or at least I think it must be very special. It cost $17! :001_huh:



A new car battery because mine is past it's use by date. It's still working, but will probably die for good the next time anyone leaves the door ajar. I might get this.


A really expensive blender. Dh broke my old cheapie so he owes me the cost of a cheap one, and has offered a fraction of a new, expensive one for Christmas and another fraction for my birthday a few weeks after Christmas. I don't know how large the fractions will be, so I don't know if I'll be getting the blender this side of next Christmas. :001_rolleyes:


I have also been wanting someone to make me a solar cooker large enough to fit my biggest pot in for a few years. I will probably not get that until I make it myself though.


Some bronze wire. I'd really like some bronze wire because I've needed some for two years. I don't think I'll get that until I buy it myself.


4m of decent quality black fringe. I can't find any anywhere.


I could do with some new books, of course :) The next on the WEM reading list, whatever that is, and there's a gorgeous quilting book I'd love to add to my collection. It's far too advanced for me, but I would keep it on my shelf to drool over until my skills improve :)



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Vibram Five Finger shoes

some running shorts

makeup/toiletry travel bag from L.L. Bean

donations to some of my favorite charities

bird seed

tickets to a show (play, improv, symphony, etc...)

extra duvet cover

new flooring in the house (it's a looooong shot, but I'll list it anyway :D)

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Fantasy list:

A flute and flute lessons

What the heck, organ lessons too. I have always wanted to play the organ.

A new laptop for personal use only

A really nice digital camera

A bunch of gyrotonics classes. Why are they SO expensive???

A health club membership in the local swim, tennis, and exercise gear club

A string of real pearls. Maybe two--regular classic ones, and those chocolate pearls. I'm old enough to appreciate the classics now--I never really wanted this before, but now I do.


Actual list, probably:

Fake pearls for my new choral dress uniform

A medium level digital camera

Running in the rain gear--waterproof running shoes and a breathable, waterproof running shell

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Hi, I'd like to introduce myself - I am the only person in America that does not own an ipod.


I'm hoping to get an ipod this year.


Nope you aren't the only one who doesn't have one. I have got you beat though because not only do I not have one, I don't even want one.

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Nope you aren't the only one who doesn't have one. I have got you beat though because not only do I not have one, I don't even want one.


I don't own an iPod, either. But I've just started an exercise (walking) routine, and I'm trying to decide whether my "old" portable CD player is sufficient or if there'd be any advantage to getting an iPod.

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I'd love a new MacBook (ds would love this as well, because it would mean he'd inherit my iBook), but I doubt that will be in the budget.


So, a little more reasonable:




cleaning service (one or two deep cleans)

"the angels have the phone box" t-shirt

Amazon gift card

the new fleece pea coat from Lands' End

tickets to see Wicked in Tucson in January



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This is all pure fantasy. I'm surprised how easy it was to come up with things I want that don't involve other people. For example, I took the blender for DD off my list.


iPod Touch or an iPhone (I like the apps)

Amazon gift cards for my Feed the Kindle Fund & lack of parsimony to go along with it

camera lens

digital camcorder

a housekeeper for a year, who can cook dinner when I'm not in the mood (renewable)

tickets for 6 to various symphony concerts and plays

tickets for 6 to the next (hopefully) Rolling Stones concert

tickets for 6 to a K.C. & The Sunshine Band concert (assuming my family will lower themselves to go with me)

new car

piano and lessons

bird bath and more bird feeders

hardworking, knowledgeable landscaper/yard man (6 mos worth)

gift certificate (a yearlong supply) to a hairdresser

bicycle (outdoor kind)


knitting classes

gift cards to places I can buy a suitable new wardrobe

a top of the line new computer with the new thing that will replace BIOS.

a new set of King sized sheets

online college classes to take for fun

gift certificates to a massage therapist (weekly visits)

a calf who can live at a neighboring farm (assuming I can do the work to take care of her)

some chickens (and whatever goes along with keeping them)

a carpenter to build permanent storage shelves in our basement (assuming the landlord agrees)

landscaping plants, trees, bushes -- in abundance (to go with the landscaper/yard man)

a landscape architect to help plan the landscaping

a generator (for when power goes out in winter)

a riding lawn mower with a snowplow attachment

very large pressure canner (assuming that canning won't kill the vitamins in veggies)

a trip to Germany to visit my family (for all of us, not just me) + German lessons (they don't speak English)

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Nope, you're not. I don't own an Ipod either. My 14 yo DD, OTOH, is already on her second one.


But I don't want one.


I didn't think I wanted an iPod and then my dh bought me one. I LOVE it!!!!! I use the iPod+Nike thing for running and it tells me my time/distance/pace/calories burned. LOVE that.


Plus, I get to listen to my favorite music (VERY easy to download from your cds or from on line). Or a podcast while I run. We've also used it a LOT in the car with the kids when traveling. I download their favorite shows or movies and they are busy for hours. I've downloaded pictures from our various trips on there to show people we are visiting.


Mine also has a videocamera on it. I've taken video when I've been in a big running race. My kids use it to record their daily version of the "Nightly Bruise" (get it - instead of the nightly news? Yes, I have weird kids.)


Anyway, for Christmas? I want an iPad. And, I know I'm getting it because I'm paying for a lot of it with Swagbucks I've earned!!!

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It would be really nice to:

go to the dentist - for me, not just the kids

same as above w/ an eye appointment, updated lens/contact prescription

get winter boots that fit

get a couch that's not broken

get a TV stand that's not broken

get something to put this keyboard on other than my lap

get the laptop fixed

get a wedding ring that fits so I can wear it (or have the one from when I was 117 lbs. on my wedding day expanded)

learn to sew, knit, crochet & reupholster furniture




Pure, Never-Gonna-Happen Fantasy:

x-country skis

eyebrow waxing appointments

haircuts (at a real salon, not by dh)

music lessons for me

college classes for me

art lessons for me

housekeeper to help deep clean & organize who will also clean the fish tanks



move to a house that was built right


Depressing eh? Pass the merlot.

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In addition to aforementioned guitar and lessons, I've thought of a few more things after reading your list.

Every time I sign up for a class, I end up not being able to go to all the sessions because DH will have Scout things come up that conflict with my plans. I would just like for my things to come first once in a while. Sigh.... Therefore, I would like:


a guitar and lessons

to learn to sew, knit, and crochet

massage certificates to a decent place where the lady would beat my muscles into submission

a stained glass course


Additionally, I would like a stove that doesn't shoot fireballs at me when I cook, a refridgerator that actually closes without being kicked, a sink that doesn't leak, a dishwasher that actually gets the dishes clean without me having to wash them first, and someone to deep clean my house.

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Additionally, I would like a stove that doesn't shoot fireballs at me when I cook, a refridgerator that actually closes without being kicked, a sink that doesn't leak, a dishwasher that actually gets the dishes clean without me having to wash them first, and someone to deep clean my house.


Totally understand you :rolleyes:

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Fantasy List

-new windows

-redo back bathroom -- not fancy, just get stuff that works right

-living room furniture

-appliance to replace the ones that are having problems


-camera -- mine is acting up


Actual List

- hadn't even thought about it. don't usually make a list


Totally understand you :rolleyes:


Every meal is an adventure! ;)

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Adding to my original list:


another pair of Tom's Shoes - really love the burlap looking pair in the current line


like others, a long-term (talking years and years, here!) housekeeper would be the most wonderful fantasy gift ever


and a long-term live-in chef would be the best fantasy gift I could give my family! :lol:

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