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Do I have the only middle schooler still in a booster seat?

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Hm, I think of myself as fairly cautious, but my 4'8", ~60lb kiddo would sure be unhappy if I tried to put him back in his sister's booster. ;) That said, she's 8.5 and will likely be in a booster for quite a few years more. (In fact, I should go check the date on our older one some time soon...) Many of her friends are no longer using booster seats, but she's only 3'10" and slim, so it'll be quite a while.

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Well, I think in the case of a middle schooler, I would go with the part of the law that says that once they are 8, they can go without anything even if they are small. Unless they didn't complain about it. If they were fine with it, that's one thing. But if they are extremely embarrassed by it, I would for sure not make them use a booster in front of other people, and would probably ditch it all together.

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I thought children could go to a booster at 40lbs?


According to my uncle, who is certified in car seat safety, you are correct. The 5 point harness is not to be used once a child reaches 40lbs. It is not adequate to support more weight than that in a crash.

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My dd will be 9 in a couple months and she's still in a booster. She's 4'6" and about 60lbs. I won't take her out until she's at least 4'9". Her older brother was in one until he was 10, he was heavy enough, but not tall enough.


We tease my little guy that he'll need to take his driving road test in a booster. He turned 5 the end of July and is 3' 4" and a whopping 32lbs. He's in the 3rd percentile for both weight and height and always has been.

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I thought children could go to a booster at 40lbs?


That is the *minimum* weight required before graduating to a booster. Every time you graduate up in carseat, you reduce safety. I bought my carseats with this in mind, and found a seat that would 5pt harness as long as possible.


Here is a youtube clip comparing crashtest dummies in a 5pt and in a highback booster.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2kO8AxKbrM


My youngest rear-faced until he was nearly 3yo...his seat had a 35lb limit. Always outgrow the seat...that's my rule of thumb.



According to my uncle, who is certified in car seat safety, you are correct. The 5 point harness is not to be used once a child reaches 40lbs. It is not adequate to support more weight than that in a crash.



My 7yo sits in a Britax Regent. It is built to 5pt harness up to 80lbs. My younger two dc are in Graco Nautilus and they 5pt harness up to 65lb.


I'm afraid your uncle is misinformed.

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According to my uncle, who is certified in car seat safety, you are correct. The 5 point harness is not to be used once a child reaches 40lbs. It is not adequate to support more weight than that in a crash.


:001_huh: If this is true, then why are the newer seats equipped with harnesses they say you can use up to 65 and even 80 lbs? I thought that was the whole point of the newer seats--to allow for harnessing past 40 lbs since many of the states have changed their laws.

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My 7yo sits in a Britax Regent. It is built to 5pt harness up to 80lbs. My younger two dc are in Graco Nautilus and they 5pt harness up to 65lb.


I'm afraid your uncle is misinformed.


:001_huh: If this is true, then why are the newer seats equipped with harnesses they say you can use up to 65 and even 80 lbs? I thought that was the whole point of the newer seats--to allow for harnessing past 40 lbs since many of the states have changed their laws.


Sorry about that. I guess I misunderstood that there are some seats rated for more than 40 lbs. My uncle is not misinformed, I'm sure, since he has had extensive training. I'm the one who made the mistake. Thank you for correcting me.

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Sorry about that. I guess I misunderstood that there are some seats rated for more than 40 lbs. My uncle is not misinformed, I'm sure, since he has had extensive training. I'm the one who made the mistake. Thank you for correcting me.


Oh, goodness...I don't like "correcting" people unless you are sleeping in my house and eating my food.:tongue_smilie: Thank YOU for being so gracious to me when my tone doesn't come across via the internet.:blush:

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Oh, goodness...I don't like "correcting" people unless you are sleeping in my house and eating my food.:tongue_smilie: Thank YOU for being so gracious to me when my tone doesn't come across via the internet.:blush:


No worries. I guess I was just thinking about what he told me for my own car seats. I'm glad you posted about the other seats. That's good to know.

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You're in good company. My 6.5yo is still in a 5pt harness. He's tall but super skinny so we'll go with both the harness and booster till he gets too tall for them. My 4.5yo is light and short so I doubt he'll be out of a booster before middle school...I wonder how old he'll be when he outgrows the harness. 2yo is still rear-facing.

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In my state, the law is that the child has to be 4'9" OR 80 pounds OR 9 years old. Once my ds reached the age of 9, he started riding in the back without a booster. Now he is 5' tall, 75 pounds and 11 years old. I think he would protest horribly if I suggested he ride in a booster now. LOL But, he is definitely over the height requirement anyway.


My poor 7 year old, on the other hand, is about 3'9" and weighs like 45 pounds. He may be in a booster for the rest of his life! LOL


ETA: I had to laugh a little at the Britax Regent holding a child up to 80 pounds. My 5' tall 75 pound 11 year old would absolutely DIE if I tried putting him in a 5 point harness...oh but the fun I could I have at his expense. Bwhahahahah!

Edited by Tree House Academy
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ETA: I had to laugh a little at the Britax Regent holding a child up to 80 pounds. My 5' tall 75 pound 11 year old would absolutely DIE if I tried putting him in a 5 point harness...oh but the fun I could I have at his expense. Bwhahahahah!


I'm assuming he would exceed the height limit, but it sure would be funny to try and squeeze him in! :lol:

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Poor ds is only 4'5" and 54 lbs.


My 4th grader is about that size, so nope, not the only one. He is currently mad at me because I switched him to a backless booster in trying to figure out how to fit 4 seats when baby comes, but then read some things that made me rethink that and got him a booster with a back. He really hates it. Before that he was in a Regent.

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ETA: I had to laugh a little at the Britax Regent holding a child up to 80 pounds. My 5' tall 75 pound 11 year old would absolutely DIE if I tried putting him in a 5 point harness...oh but the fun I could I have at his expense. Bwhahahahah!


He'd probably be too tall for it anyway. The Britax didn't make sense for us since my dc will probably be well into their teens before hitting 80 lbs. It is a pretty funny image though! LOL!


One of my best friends is 4'9" and we joke that we need to put a Britax in the driver's seat of her minivan. :lol:

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I'm assuming he would exceed the height limit, but it sure would be funny to try and squeeze him in! :lol:


He'd probably be too tall for it anyway. The Britax didn't make sense for us since my dc will probably be well into their teens before hitting 80 lbs. It is a pretty funny image though! LOL!


One of my best friends is 4'9" and we joke that we need to put a Britax in the driver's seat of her minivan. :lol:



:lol::lol::lol: Hehe - and he is one of those snarly pre-teen types right now anyway...I can just see me pulling up to church and his friends running to the car as he trys to unbuckle himself and get out of it. Oh the laughter, the tears (from the laughter). Sorry...he has just been a surly, hateful, turd today and I am really enjoying this little not so nice mom thought. Okay, I am over it now. :lol::lol:


My grandma was 4'8" as a grown woman. Bless her heart, she actually had to sit on a phone book and move the seat all the way up just to drive a car!

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:lol::lol::lol: Hehe - and he is one of those snarly pre-teen types right now anyway...I can just see me pulling up to church and his friends running to the car as he trys to unbuckle himself and get out of it. Oh the laughter, the tears (from the laughter). Sorry...he has just been a surly, hateful, turd today and I am really enjoying this little not so nice mom thought. Okay, I am over it now. :lol::lol:


Okay, in that case, maybe this one WOULD be worth it, even without the 5-pt harness: http://www.britaxusa.com/car-seats/frontier-85 :D Either he cuts the attitude, or he's stuck in this thing for five more inches and 45 more pounds! :lol:

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J will be in a booster seat until the seatbelt fits properly (shoulder belt centered on shoulder, lap belt across lap-NOT stomach!) WITHOUT the booster. This usually does not happen until approx age 10, sometimes much later. There is something called the 5-Step Test that a child MUST pass before they can *safely* be out of a booster.


When in a harnessing seat, the shoulders must be below the very top harness slot. The harness should ALWAYS come from *above* the shoulders. Just because a seat says it harnesses to x amt of weight does not mean a child will make it that long.


There is no conclusive evidence that harnessing after 4yrs and 40lbs is any safeR than a *properly* (no slouching, moving, reaching, lap belt across lap, shoulder belt centered on shoulder-at all times) used booster. Most children are age 6 before this can happen 100% of the time.


Boosters are for big kids-use them :D

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Well, I think in the case of a middle schooler, I would go with the part of the law that says that once they are 8, they can go without anything even if they are small. Unless they didn't complain about it. If they were fine with it, that's one thing. But if they are extremely embarrassed by it, I would for sure not make them use a booster in front of other people, and would probably ditch it all together.


In that situation, I'd be terrified about the message I'd be sending my child (particularly a middle schooler) about safety vs. embarrassment, let alone the potential guilt if there were an accident.


Then again, even my tiniest child (so far) is rather tall, so I don't imagine this is an issue I'll wind up having to tackle at that age.

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All of my kids outgrew each of their seats before their weight. I particularly had objections to the rear-facing seats since they all outgrew those a bit before 12 months. They were too tall. That fact that they have increased weight standards on these seats is because of the increasing weight problems of American children, not that you should put your regular weight or skinny kid in a too small seat because they haven't reached the maximum height. I know that with my youngest, the booster seat became too small even though the weight was fine. She was nine and a half when she stopped using one in any car. SHe had already not used on in a jumper seat we had since that was designed for small people.

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Now, I'm confused. I thought middle school was 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. I see so many people responding with elementary aged kids. Okay, so I took a minute and googled it. Middle school IS 6th thru 8th. (Rarely 5th might be included.)


No, I do not know any middle school aged children in boosters. I see one poster responded who has a 12 yo.

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My ds11 is only 50 pounds & 4' 2" inches tall. My ds10 is a bit heavier than his brother (maybe 53 pounds) and 1 inch taller. They are both still in backless boosters. We have given them the option of not using them, but they decided they are more comfortable in them, and besides, they have cupholders :lol:.

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How exactly do you put a child older than one rear facing? My kids legs were always too long. I thought that once their legs hung over the edge of the car seat that it was considered unsafe for them to be rear facing?


They bend their legs. Rear-facing is about protecting their necks. 2yo's still have big heads and fragile necks...internal decapitation is more dangerous than cramped legs. Mine never gave any indication that his legs hurt though.


Sorry for getting OT, Lolly!:001_smile:


ETA: You *have* to have a seat that is built for extended RF. My seat had a 35lb weight limit and was much larger than the little pumpkin seats sold for newborns. hth

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How exactly do you put a child older than one rear facing? My kids legs were always too long. I thought that once their legs hung over the edge of the car seat that it was considered unsafe for them to be rear facing?


They bend their legs. Rear-facing is about protecting their necks. 2yo's still have big heads and fragile necks...internal decapitation is more dangerous than cramped legs. Mine never gave any indication that his legs hurt though.


Sorry for getting OT, Lolly!:001_smile:


ETA: You *have* to have a seat that is built for extended RF. My seat had a 35lb weight limit and was much larger than the little pumpkin seats sold for newborns. hth


:iagree: I have many friends whom keep their children RF to age four or more :D

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And in a nutshell, this article explains why.



I agree with the article. I think the current car seat laws are a lot of hype and fear used to sell products to worried parents more than a safety issue.


That is my personal opinion and in no way a reflection of anyone who has posted. Your opinion is yours and I won't change it any more than you will change mine.


Dd has not been in a car seat since she was 4. She is a big kid at 5'2"/130 pounds. She has not fit into a car seat in a long time.

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ETA: You *have* to have a seat that is built for extended RF. My seat had a 35lb weight limit and was much larger than the little pumpkin seats sold for newborns. hth


Yes! Our convertable was good for RF up to 35lbs. I wound up turning ds at 2.5 only b/c of back issues that wouldn't allow me to lift him that high into the van anymore. The way the seat is built, his feet were barely touching the back of the seat at that point. Even now, FF, his legs don't go past the bottom edge of the (same) seat, and he's taller than many of the 3yos we know. (But he can climb up on his own now! ;))

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I would like to predict that within my lifetime all people will be required to be in a 5 point harness in the US.:D


I am sorry to say that I am halfway serious.


Or that it will just be plain illegal to drive with kids in the car. Just too dangerous, you know! Keep them in that bubble!


Good grief.


I guess if you only have 1 or 2 kids (and have a ton of extra money), and a big car, then you can get enormous carseats (replacing them every few years) that all kids can fit in until they are 20. Every time the car seat rules change, it gets more and more harder for big families to fit in vehicles. I don't have any problems with parents deciding they want their kids to be as safe as possible. I do have a HUGE problem with the government mandating more and more and more stuff!

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I guess if you only have 1 or 2 kids (and have a ton of extra money), and a big car, then you can get enormous carseats (replacing them every few years) that all kids can fit in until they are 20. Every time the car seat rules change, it gets more and more harder for big families to fit in vehicles. I don't have any problems with parents deciding they want their kids to be as safe as possible. I do have a HUGE problem with the government mandating more and more and more stuff!


Car seats range in price from $50 to over $300-most fall in the $150 price range however.


Boosters can also be cheap or very expensive.


The Cosco Scenera is approx $50 and rear faces to 40lbs.

The Evenflo Maestro is approx $80 and FFs to 50lbs.

The Graco Turbo is approx $40 and boosters to a nice age and weight.

Those three seats could be the only three you ever need for a child and they are narrow, so great in tight spaces :)

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According to my uncle, who is certified in car seat safety, you are correct. The 5 point harness is not to be used once a child reaches 40lbs. It is not adequate to support more weight than that in a crash.


Depends on the 5 point harness. There are many 5 point harnesses out there rated to be used past 40 pounds, and they are safe to use to their limits. Even convertibles have ratings past 40 pounds (Our Roundabout 50 is rated to 50 pounds, and the Marathon to 65, though it is often outgrown before that by height. The Graco Nautilus is rated to 65 pounds in harness, and is actually likely to last that long. The Britax Frontier is rated to 80 pounds in harness). Has your uncle been keeping up with the current state of car seat safety?

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Part of the reason for current car seat laws is they found that what we had as kids -- lap belts only -- caused severe injuries in crashes. In fact, a lap belt only is not considered safe anymore for ANYONE to use, it is for installing a harnessed car seat only. So everyone needed lap-shoulder belts. But once you have a shoulder belt, the height of the kid starts mattering. And the maturity of the child to sit in the seat on their own so that the shoulder belt is on the strong part of their body instead of weak flesh.


So they have the 5-pt test to determine when one fits a particular seat well, harnesses to keep a child sitting properly so they will not be out of place when the accident happened. and in the meantime, they discovered that rear-facing children were receiving fewer injuries than forward facing. (In fact, I've heard when airplanes first came out they tried to make everyone sit rear-facing because it is so much safer, but it was not tenable). Especially in young children whose spines could not take the forces in a crash. When sitting rear-facing, those forces were reduced. (Even in a rear accident, since forces in those accidents are NOT as high as forward facing. Even if you are driving backwards when you hit someone, you are not going highway speeds, and the person you hit is not likely to be going highway speeds either.

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Depends on the 5 point harness. There are many 5 point harnesses out there rated to be used past 40 pounds, and they are safe to use to their limits. Even convertibles have ratings past 40 pounds (Our Roundabout 50 is rated to 50 pounds, and the Marathon to 65, though it is often outgrown before that by height. The Graco Nautilus is rated to 65 pounds in harness, and is actually likely to last that long. The Britax Frontier is rated to 80 pounds in harness). Has your uncle been keeping up with the current state of car seat safety?


Check out page 2 of this thread. We got it all cleared up.

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Yes, but I am pregnant with my 8th child! It definitely adds up, esp. if you are replacing them religiously, like so many people evidently are!


Yes, it does add up, but IMO it's just part of the cost of raising children. I would sooner do without extracurriculars, new clothes, or expensive grocery items for a month than to go without a very good carseat for each of my children that still fit into one.

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Yes, it does add up, but IMO it's just part of the cost of raising children. I would sooner do without extracurriculars, new clothes, or expensive grocery items for a month than to go without a very good carseat for each of my children that still fit into one.


I agree, but some of it is just about size. My 6yo is bigger than the OP's 5th grader! She is still in a booster. My not-quite 8yo is not, though, but he is 56" tall and 80 pounds.

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