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New Drug Being Marketed to HOMESCHOOLING MOMS!

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Important Women's Health Issue:


* Do you have feelings of inadequacy?

* Do you suffer from shyness?

* Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?

* Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or

pharmacist about Margaritas.


Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident

about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of

your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing

to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas

almost immediately and with a regiment of regular doses you can

overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want

to live.


Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will

discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start

living, with Margaritas.


Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or

nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind

nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.


Side effects may include:

- Dizziness

- Nausea

- Vomiting

- Incarceration

- Erotic lustfulness

- Loss of motor control

- Loss of clothing

- Loss of money

- Loss of virginity

- Table dancing

- Headache

- Dehydration

- Dry mouth

- And a desire to sing Karaoke



* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering

when you are not.

* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to tell your friends over

and over again that you love them.

* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.

* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically

converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting.


Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas.


I'm calling my Dr. NOW!! :cheers2:

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*Margaritas should not be consumed during class time

*Margaritas get lonely, therefore you should keep the extras ready made in the fridge

*Should you experience a margarita lasting longer than four hours pour it out and get a fresh one from the fridge

*Margaritas should not consumed in a forest during deer hunting season, you will be attracted to the salt licks and could be mistaken for a deer

*should you experience painful bruising while consuming Margaritas please be sure to keep a sober person handy to help you not walk into walls or fall down

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*Margaritas should not be consumed during class time

*Margaritas get lonely, therefore you should keep the extras ready made in the fridge

*Should you experience a margarita lasting longer than four hours pour it out and get a fresh one from the fridge

*Margaritas should not consumed in a forest during deer hunting season, you will be attracted to the salt licks and could be mistaken for a deer

*should you experience painful bruising while consuming Margaritas please be sure to keep a sober person handy to help you not walk into walls or fall down



Thank you. It is truly unconsciounable (sorry, I've already taken my daily dose) that the company didn't include these very important warnings!

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Uhm.....Mike would prefer that you get this part right...


I nearly spit soda from mine lips when I read "Mike's Hard Whatevers"! :lol:


LOL! I can't think of any way I could word it better, but several ways I could word it in a way that makes things worse.


I'm sorry, Mrs. Mungo, but it seems there is dissension in the ranks! :D


More drinks=diversity, not dissension. ;) Margaritas should never be cause for animosity. I have strawberry margaritas in my fridge right now!

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But what about all our preggo ladies? NOT me at the moment ;) but I'm not that far removed from sitting with my "mocktail" or glass of Martinelli's or whatever feeling envious of everyone around me having the real thing :tongue_smilie:


:iagree: This pregnant homeschool mama wishes she could join y'all!

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I agree. There's room for everyone at the bar!


~Cyndi, who prefers a lovely mixture of strawberry slim-fast and Malibu Rum. (the original coconut flavour) YUM!


Oh good! I'll bring a pitcher of chocolate martinis! Okay, Rob will bring his home brewed beer and my pitcher as I am on crutches and literally cannot hold my own liquer and walk at the same time. And after all that talk about Mike, he is too much of a gentleman to let me party without him in my hobbled vulnerable state. He says he is willing to be there for me just in case I need help with keeping my leg elevated. Isn't he the sweetest and most attentive husband ever?


I've had one of the crummiest weeks in years. Hanging out with some relaxed nice folks over cold adult beverages sounds just lovely.

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While I would love to indulge in all that margarita awesomeness, I will be klassing it up tonight with my boxed wine. DH bought boxed wine because, and I quote, "It might last you longer than one night.":glare:;):tongue_smilie:


And I will gladly help out all you preggo ladies by being a designated drinker. I love volunteer work.

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wishing I could join you all. Alcohol is a no=no with coumadin and with another medication I take. We are heading into winter, I am really starting into SAD and I can't take anything for that either since all antidepressants negatively affect it too. I have been doing fine these last few years with just taking some St, John's Wort from around this time to a bit after winter solstice. Not this year.


But enjoy ladies

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wishing I could join you all. Alcohol is a no=no with coumadin and with another medication I take. We are heading into winter, I am really starting into SAD and I can't take anything for that either since all antidepressants negatively affect it too. I have been doing fine these last few years with just taking some St, John's Wort from around this time to a bit after winter solstice. Not this year.


But enjoy ladies


Oh come anyways! I'm sure Cyndi won't mind. Think how much laughter you will have at our expense. You don't have to drink to hang out with us.:D

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I'm already on a prescription for Chardonnay. Should I ask my doctor if Margaritas will cause a drug interaction?


Yes. This. Anyone have any information? I'm on my second (okay - maybe my third) merlot. Can I take a margarita as well?


All you need is a 'designated drinker' -- just name someone to drink for you and you don't have to feel like you are really missing out.;)


Awesome! Volunteer work!



lololol...that would be a maragriapasm:lol:




The last time I did tequila shots my neighbor and I wound up taking turns drawing chalk outlines of each other in the street with my kids' sidewalk chalk. :blush:


Oh yes! We SO need pictures!!!! (I'm giggling just thinking about it!)


While I would love to indulge in all that margarita awesomeness, I will be klassing it up tonight with my boxed wine. DH bought boxed wine because, and I quote, "It might last you longer than one night.":glare:;):tongue_smilie:


And I will gladly help out all you preggo ladies by being a designated drinker. I love volunteer work.


OMG!!!!!! Seriously LOL!!!!

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My problem is that I could use my first one when we begin Algebra...the problem with that is that it is only 8 a.m! Maybe I should switch math to an afternoon class and my stress level would go waaayyyyyy down!!

I need to check out the chocolate martinis!! I never have tried one but I did try a key lime martini in Houston one time and I loved it!

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Oh! My! Goodness! This is the funniest thread I've read in a while!


I can't stand being left out. I'll donate my consumption of a couple of glasses of pinot grigio to the effort. :) I'm afraid my contribution with have to wait about an hour due to the fact that my immediate reaction is SLEEPY! It would be heavenly to take my dosage and sleep, sleep, sleep!


What a great idea!

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