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what would we do if this board shut down?

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if we couldn't do what we've done for years now?


I never, ever imagined an online community could be so important to me. I need you guys! We can come here with ANY dilemma or ANY question about ANY topic and get answers. It's not like I don't have IRL friends, I am blessed with them. But, I need you all here!!!


And what if we awoke one day and this place was gone? How could we ever reconnect?


Has anyone else ever mulled this over?

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You know, I have been on this board since 1999. In that time our family has moved a lot. Everywhere we've moved, the women of this board have been there. :)


If you'd asked me this question 5 years ago, I would've answered the same as many of you. I'd have felt upset and, well, sort of lonely without the women I'd grown to know over the past years.


Over the past 3-4 years, though, the board has grown in number and changed in tone and tenor quite a bit. Many of the wise and experienced women on the board are no longer here.


Thankfully, I still see them on Facebook. And some are on other forums that are smaller and, while not like the WTM I remember, still a nice place to interact with them.


So now, after 11 years on this board, my answer to the OP's question is different. Most of my friends here have already left. The WTM of its infancy is no longer recognizable in the WTM of today. That makes sense, as the personalities participating in it have changed so dramatically. Should this forum close down, I'd miss visiting, but I think I'd be missing more the memory of days and board members gone by. I enjoy stopping by these boards, but they're not quite the lifeline they once were.

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Another message board I used to frequent (non-homeschool related) went through a period of server issues where it was going down an awful lot. The members there had a "back-up board" on a different site and they would all show up over there if the "regular board" went down.

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Nooooooooooo! What a horrible thing to say!


Take it back! Don't even put that out into the world!!!


I feel closer to some of the boardies here than my own sisters! LOL These same boardies may not even realize I exist, but I can always count on their posts to inform, encourage, say just what they mean (whether the op likes it or not), nurture, be kind, be funny, be forgiving, be honest, be silly, be naughty or to be what ever, and who ever they feel like that day.



I love people who are honest and I think boards like this often bring that out in people.


My extended family is rarely honest, always saying what they think the person wants to hear to their face and then ranting about them behind their back. I don't respect many people in my family. I respect a lot of people here...immensely respect them.

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Well, since I've just publicly announced it. Google TWTM forums 2. :lol::lol:


Of course you could drive the 300+ miles and ask about town for me.


Ok, it's late and I had a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day. I just googled TWTM forums 2 and didn't find anything.


I can't believe I'm admitting this publicly.



ETA: Do you think any reasonable person would listen to me when I go to ME and ask for Parrothead? :D:D:D

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Should this forum close down, I'd miss visiting, but I think I'd be missing more the memory of days and board members gone by. I enjoy stopping by these boards, but they're not quite the lifeline they once were.


Well, I'm sure some wonderful people have left, but there are some wonderful people still here. I've been coming here for 9+ years now. For YEARS I only frequented the curriculum board. Now I mainly come to the general board. The tone has changed, but I really appreciate and adore some women here.


And I will never forget, until the day I die, that Hospice and the medical community failed my mom. I was too exhausted to see straight. Where did I turn for help? Here. And my mother was able to die a comfortable death because of some of the nurses that frequent this board. I will forever be grateful.


I'm also extremely grateful for SWB and the moderators that put up with all of us. I'm sure they get some enjoyment, some laughs, but I'm sure sometimes it's just not fun.


I've never seen an online community like this one. It would be so sad not to have this place to come to. When all my friends are sleeping, I love that I can come here.

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Ok, it's late and I had a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG day. I just googled TWTM forums 2 and didn't find anything.


I can't believe I'm admitting this publicly.



ETA: Do you think any reasonable person would listen to me when I go to ME and ask for Parrothead? :D:D:D

I haven't started it yet. There is no sense in it unless this one shuts down.


Either I'm not explaining correctly or you are tired.

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Either I'm not explaining correctly or you are tired.


tired is a nice word to use here. Thank you. ;):lol:


I googled it too! :lol:




I must have explained it badly. Maybe I'm finally tired.


you were fine, Specialmama and I were silly, but I really DO hope you're tired! VERY, VERY tired!!! Did you sleep last night?

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you were fine, Specialmama and I were silly, but I really DO hope you're tired! VERY, VERY tired!!! Did you sleep last night?

From 2:30a until dd woke me up about 9a.


The pew was cold on my hinney this evening in church. So the histamines reacted, hves started popping up. Can you imagine? In church? In the front pew because dd was alter serving.


Anyway when I got home I immediately popped a Benedryl and a Zyrtec. That combination makes me sleepy. Unfortunately I don't want to take it on a regular basis. It may not control the allergy well if my body is too accustomed to taking it.

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From 2:30a until dd woke me up about 9a.


The pew was cold on my hinney this evening in church. So the histamines reacted, hves started popping up. Can you imagine? In church? In the front pew because dd was alter serving.


Anyway when I got home I immediately popped a Benedryl and a Zyrtec. That combination makes me sleepy. Unfortunately I don't want to take it on a regular basis. It may not control the allergy well if my body is too accustomed to taking it.


I am glad you got some sleep last night and will hopefully get some tonight, too. Sorry about the hives! Here's to praying you, Jean and I all sleep well!


Did you ever read about specialmama's church incident where her child pulled all kinds of things out of her bra in church? I think there was something like a cow, a bathtub, or a sink in there, along with nylons that were being pulled out forever.:lol::lol::lol::lol:(sorry Specialmama! I still think of that. You painted a hysterical picture in my mind!)

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I would be sad to lose this place. I've been coming here for...10 years or so? Since before eldest started K, almost since their inception.


Boards go through seasons and cycles. I think it's the same as it has always been, just on a larger scale. It can be harder to find the caring or silly or informative threads that you are looking for than when you could read the beginning of everyone's posts. And, I think there are more voices. That intimidates some people.

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if we couldn't do what we've done for years now?


I never, ever imagined an online community could be so important to me. I need you guys! We can come here with ANY dilemma or ANY question about ANY topic and get answers. It's not like I don't have IRL friends, I am blessed with them. But, I need you all here!!!


And what if we awoke one day and this place was gone? How could we ever reconnect?


Has anyone else ever mulled this over?


I would probably homeschool a lot more:D...But I think we could probably reconnect over facebook or maybe a yahoo group like in days of yore...LOL.


It would definitely be a bummer!


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Day 1: complain on facebook, wonder if I was banned, or who broke the board


Day 2: homeschool without interruption


Day 3: e-mail some board members


Day 4: Pray for SWB because obviously something awful has happened


Day 5: homeschool without interruption but be irritable


Day 6: google WTM and try to find a back way into the board


Day 7: cry out "I'm so lonely!!"


Day 8: ....*shudders*

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I would be sad to lose this place. I've been coming here for...10 years or so? Since before eldest started K, almost since their inception.


Boards go through seasons and cycles. I think it's the same as it has always been, just on a larger scale. It can be harder to find the caring or silly or informative threads that you are looking for than when you could read the beginning of everyone's posts. And, I think there are more voices. That intimidates some people.


I agree. I started coming here in 2002 and I do miss some of the old posters who no longer visit. Other people have taken their places, though. I know my posts haven't changed my since then.:tongue_smilie:

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If you'd asked me this question 5 years ago, I would've answered the same as many of you. I'd have felt upset and, well, sort of lonely without the women I'd grown to know over the past years.


Over the past 3-4 years, though, the board has grown in number and changed in tone and tenor quite a bit. Many of the wise and experienced women on the board are no longer here.


Thankfully, I still see them on Facebook. And some are on other forums that are smaller and, while not like the WTM I remember, still a nice place to interact with them.


So now, after 11 years on this board, my answer to the OP's question is different. Most of my friends here have already left. The WTM of its infancy is no longer recognizable in the WTM of today. That makes sense, as the personalities participating in it have changed so dramatically. Should this forum close down, I'd miss visiting, but I think I'd be missing more the memory of days and board members gone by. I enjoy stopping by these boards, but they're not quite the lifeline they once were.



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I vote that if that ever happens we come up with a plan...no, a pact! How about we all meet in person. At SWB's B&B. :D




:seeya::seeya::seeya: Hello SWB! We miss you!!!








Um, she has a B&B? For real? I'm always looking for quiet little vacations spots to go without the kids!

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Now for a serious reply. I would SOOO miss it. I would go through DTs and massive withdrawal, but I'd hopefully, be able to find another homeschool information center. And another board of women, of whom I could ask ANYTHING. And who would discuss Brewing TEA, BooKs, bean dip, and other wierd things ;)

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Now for a serious reply. I would SOOO miss it. I would go through DTs and massive withdrawal, but I'd hopefully, be able to find another homeschool information center. And another board of women, of whom I could ask ANYTHING. And who would discuss Brewing TEA, BooKs, bean dip, and other wierd things ;)


I don't think there is another board that is similar to this one. We'd have to make our own, and I'm not convinced that would work.


I've been coming here for 10 years. This board is part of my Life. This is the only internet site I have visited and participated in for that long.


It has changed me and helped me. I have rarely asked anyone for advice or help. After 5 years of being here, I would think about asking for help after I needed it. Now, I chew over whether to ask, but I usually do ask for advice here in the end. That has spilled over to my real life -- last week, I asked someone for help doing something I don't know how to do. It took a full year of having this problem to realize that I have someone who can and will help me. (Putting a door back on it's hinges so it won't fall off the hinge.)


It has taught me things I would never have known otherwise, about different points of view, about things that I will never experience. It has given me interesting subjects to mull over. It has encouraged me to expand my life by trying things I would not have thought of on my own.


It has directly caused me to become a (now reformed) curriculum junkie.


It has given me laughter in times in which that was scarce IRL.


It has taught me that I am not alone.

Edited by RoughCollie
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My kids' education is based on so many things I learned from this board. I've formed some of my parenting habits from ideas shared here. I've done things for myself that I never would have considered otherwise because of discussions I've read here. It would be incredibly hard to do this thing without the camaraderie and wisdom I find here.


Regarding the old boards/posters vs the new - I think for some it may be just where one ends up during their own homeschool journey over the course of time, and less about the posters.


I really like this place :). If it went away, I'd have to dig around until I found Parrothead's site.

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I don't think there is another board that is similar to this one. We'd have to make our own, and I'm not convinced that would work.


I've been coming here for 10 years. This board is part of my Life. This is the only internet site I have visited and participated in for that long.


It has changed me and helped me. I have rarely asked anyone for advice or help. After 5 years of being here, I would think about asking for help after I needed it. Now, I chew over whether to ask, but I usually do ask for advice here in the end. That has spilled over to my real life -- last week, I asked someone for help doing something I don't know how to do. It took a full year of having this problem to realize that I have someone who can and will help me. (Putting a door back on it's hinges so it won't fall off the hinge.)


It has taught me things I would never have known otherwise, about different points of view, about things that I will never experience. It has given me interesting subjects to mull over. It has encouraged me to expand my life by trying things I would not have thought of on my own.


It has directly caused me to become a (now reformed) curriculum junkie.


It has given me laughter in times in which that was scarce IRL.


It has taught me that I am not alone.


this is what I'm talking about. And again, I need to mention, my mother was suffering and it was THIS BOARD that helped me to make her more comfortable. Because of THIS BOARD, my mother had a more comfortable death. I have nurse friends, but not one I'd want to call at 3:00 in the morning.


It saddens me to see some here are dismayed by losing the older people. This is an insult to everyone here. There are some WONDERFUL people here that I consider friends. And I feel like a couple of the responses were a direct insult to them. I have to gently ask, if you're unhappy that the board has changed, if you're unhappy with all of us left, why come here? I hope not to offend, but I've been contacted through PM over those responses. I took offense and others have. I think we need to be thankful for those of us left here and if we're not, maybe consider whether or not coming here is right for you.

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RE. those missing the old board. It's one of those things that is a true and valid feeling but perhaps best only shared with those friends you miss from the old board. It makes the rest of us feel like chopped liver. After all, is that what you would tell your kids if they were to share those kind of sentiments with the kids from their "new neighborhood"?

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I would probably get a lot more done, but I would miss the insight of a lot of intelligent women (and men) who have made me think. I have learned so many helpful things about education and life here. It's an invaluable resource to me.


I lurked for so many years, all the way back to the old format, before actually participating, that I forget posts referring to "newbies" are actually talking about me :001_smile:. In any event, I like it here and intend to stay. Or find Parrothead.

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It has taught me things I would never have known otherwise, about different points of view, about things that I will never experience. It has given me interesting subjects to mull over. It has encouraged me to expand my life by trying things I would not have thought of on my own.


It has directly caused me to become a (now reformed) curriculum junkie.


It has given me laughter in times in which that was scarce IRL.


It has taught me that I am not alone.


Yes, this. I'd scour the 'nets for Parrothead and start a WTM Facebook page/group/whatever you call it and hope some of you found me there. I would miss you gals. Terribly. :grouphug:

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Well, when we went through this church-house renovation, we ended up with no internet for me (DH had it at his office space that was at that time, six miles from here) and I had major withdrawl from the boards. Serious, Post-Board Depression similar to PPD and PTSD!


So, from experience I can say the following:


You will drink an entire pot of coffee in 3 minutes while trying to pull your brain cells together, brain cell organization having once been accomplished by trying to formulate some sort of 7:00 a.m. "post reply" to a thread that sounded like something other than a neanderthal chanting, "atha, atha, atha, atha......arga, arga".


You will consume an entire Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake in two days and live to regret it!


You will suddenly wonder how you ever solved any problem ever without the hive.


You will stare sullenly at your children.


You will stare sullenly at your DH.


You will put on a second pot of coffee and inhale it.


You will wander around your house and refuse to acknowledge that you could be attacking Mount Laundry, the Everest of your state when you would much rather be venting about the five year old that was so desperate to get out of his work that hid in his closet.


You will bribe your children to cooperate with m&m's and chocolate chips in order to get something accomplished while you ponder life's greatest mysteries, "Pre-History/ The Uncivilized Life and Times Prior to the WTM Boards Revolution."


You realize that so many of the people you encounter IRL are just not nearly as with it as WTM'ers.


The above realization makes you feel like an alien in a far less evolved world.


You eat another Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake and live to regret it.


Eventually, over time, little gains cause you to admit that life stinks but you can probably manage it, though certainly not willingly, without the boards.


You do at some point, switch from "What would Peela do or What would Mariannova do?" to, "I will do_______."


Three years later, the internet comes to your house, and one fateful day, you go online and there it is, that magical place, that hive of socratic genius, that Plato of the homeschooling world, that board of people who should be CONGRESS and not the baboons currently fulfilling that function, and you think, "HOW DID I EVER LIVE WITHOUT YOU?" Your favorite 80's music starts playing in the background of the mists of your mind, "I can't live......without you.....I can't live anymore..."


Life is good again. The addiction renewed. The hubby sitting there going "Are you kidding me?"



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Well, when we went through this church-house renovation, we ended up with no internet for me (DH had it at his office space that was at that time, six miles from here) and I had major withdrawl from the boards. Serious, Post-Board Depression similar to PPD and PTSD!


So, from experience I can say the following:


You will drink an entire pot of coffee in 3 minutes while trying to pull your brain cells together, brain cell organization having once been accomplished by trying to formulate some sort of 7:00 a.m. "post reply" to a thread that sounded like something other than a neanderthal chanting, "atha, atha, atha, atha......arga, arga".


You will consume an entire Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake in two days and live to regret it!


You will suddenly wonder how you ever solved any problem ever without the hive.


You will stare sullenly at your children.


You will stare sullenly at your DH.


You will put on a second pot of coffee and inhale it.


You will wander around your house and refuse to acknowledge that you could be attacking Mount Laundry, the Everest of your state when you would much rather be venting about the five year old that was so desperate to get out of his work that hid in his closet.


You will bribe your children to cooperate with m&m's and chocolate chips in order to get something accomplished while you ponder life's greatest mysteries, "Pre-History/ The Uncivilized Life and Times Prior to the WTM Boards Revolution."


You realize that so many of the people you encounter IRL are just not nearly as with it as WTM'ers.


The above realization makes you feel like an alien in a far less evolved world.


You eat another Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake and live to regret it.


Eventually, over time, little gains cause you to admit that life stinks but you can probably manage it, though certainly not willingly, without the boards.


You do at some point, switch from "What would Peela do or What would Mariannova do?" to, "I will do_______."


Three years later, the internet comes to your house, and one fateful day, you go online and there it is, that magical place, that hive of socratic genius, that Plato of the homeschooling world, that board of people who should be CONGRESS and not the baboons currently fulfilling that function, and you think, "HOW DID I EVER LIVE WITHOUT YOU?" Your favorite 80's music starts playing in the background of the mists of your mind, "I can't live......without you.....I can't live anymore..."


Life is good again. The addiction renewed. The hubby sitting there going "Are you kidding me?"





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Well, when we went through this church-house renovation, we ended up with no internet for me (DH had it at his office space that was at that time, six miles from here) and I had major withdrawl from the boards. Serious, Post-Board Depression similar to PPD and PTSD!


So, from experience I can say the following:


You will drink an entire pot of coffee in 3 minutes while trying to pull your brain cells together, brain cell organization having once been accomplished by trying to formulate some sort of 7:00 a.m. "post reply" to a thread that sounded like something other than a neanderthal chanting, "atha, atha, atha, atha......arga, arga".


You will consume an entire Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake in two days and live to regret it!


You will suddenly wonder how you ever solved any problem ever without the hive.


You will stare sullenly at your children.


You will stare sullenly at your DH.


You will put on a second pot of coffee and inhale it.


You will wander around your house and refuse to acknowledge that you could be attacking Mount Laundry, the Everest of your state when you would much rather be venting about the five year old that was so desperate to get out of his work that hid in his closet.


You will bribe your children to cooperate with m&m's and chocolate chips in order to get something accomplished while you ponder life's greatest mysteries, "Pre-History/ The Uncivilized Life and Times Prior to the WTM Boards Revolution."


You realize that so many of the people you encounter IRL are just not nearly as with it as WTM'ers.


The above realization makes you feel like an alien in a far less evolved world.


You eat another Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake and live to regret it.


Eventually, over time, little gains cause you to admit that life stinks but you can probably manage it, though certainly not willingly, without the boards.


You do at some point, switch from "What would Peela do or What would Mariannova do?" to, "I will do_______."


Three years later, the internet comes to your house, and one fateful day, you go online and there it is, that magical place, that hive of socratic genius, that Plato of the homeschooling world, that board of people who should be CONGRESS and not the baboons currently fulfilling that function, and you think, "HOW DID I EVER LIVE WITHOUT YOU?" Your favorite 80's music starts playing in the background of the mists of your mind, "I can't live......without you.....I can't live anymore..."


Life is good again. The addiction renewed. The hubby sitting there going "Are you kidding me?"




Oh, thats so cute.

Did anyone ever wonder what I would think? Ha. :lol:

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Well, I've only been here, what, a couple months? I don't post a ton, but I read a lot. This board has been hugely helpful getting me started on my homeschooling journey. And looking at what other people are doing helps me get excited for next year. I have tons of ideas and links to different curriculum because of this board. It helps me stay sane when I feel we are getting "behind" or not doing "enough". Because all of you have struggled with these thoughts before and still struggle with them. So even when I don't post, I'm still getting good advise and insight.


And for people missing the early days of the board, I think it's fairly normal for people to feel nostalgic when they have fond memories of something.

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I know that I have been here for 11 years ( I remember the y2K conversations here:)). I have been thinking about this lately since my youngest is now in high school. What do I do after that? I know some here are retired homeschoolers and maybe I will join you here in that status.


I would hope that people whose kids have all graduated will still stick around. You've got years of priceless experience to share with the rest of us.

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