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Do you like/even notice when people list their curriculum in their sig?

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Just a trivial question: Do you pay any attention to what people list as the curriculum they have chosen for their child(ren) or does it just gloss right by your eyes?


I was contemplating my signature and wondering if that's a waste of space or do others notice. I tend to notice more about number of children, ages (of children :) ) and location more than anything.


What interests you to observe about fellow board members? I also LOVE it when someone has a picture of themselves as their avatar. I love feeling like I know a face to a name. However, I totally get it when some don't feel comfortable having their picture "out there".

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I definitely notice the curriculum. I like seeing all the different things people are doing, and if someone is using the same things I'm using and has children of similar ages, it usually prompts me to make a mental note to watch their posts, especially if they're school related. It's also interesting to see what all is out there and how many of us seem to be using any given program/book.


And I agree about the avatar--I finally added mine for that reason!

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I definitely notice the curriculum. I like seeing all the different things people are doing, and if someone is using the same things I'm using and has children of similar ages, it usually prompts me to make a mental note to watch their posts, especially if they're school related. It's also interesting to see what all is out there and how many of us seem to be using any given program/book.





Curriculum lists are also useful to help give a clue whether the poster shares my ideology about language arts or math or whatever. Especially on the high school threads! If I see that a poster has used my picks for the grammar and logic stages, I pay more attention to how she feels about high school materials.

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LOL, that's funny! Do you use it as fuel for more reason to like or dislike what they said? "Yeah, sure they said that! Just look at what they use for grammar! That proves what a duffus they are!" LOL! Just kidding :)




Jessica, I love your PinkintheBlue name! I"m the same thing at my house. I love being a mom to boys. Mine are 13, 10, and 5! So much fun.


I only look at the curriculum list if I'm interested in what they are saying or they have a similar circumstance as mine.




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I'm nosy about curriculum, I usually look!


I also am interested in what else people who use both Singapore and MCT are using and will check it out if it is something I haven't used before.


I also like to see what phonics and spelling programs people are using. I am no longer collecting them, but if something new comes along that more than a few people start using, I like to look at copies so that I can tell people if I approve or not.

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I do notice curriculum sometimes. It could be that it just sparks an interest to go look it up. But I do always notice number of children, ages, etc. Usually to go wow! in awe at those with lots of kids at home!


As for avatars, I am visual so I do notice those. I don't like it when people change theirs because I come to know them by it and not screen name. Sometimes it's the signature that tips me off that I am familiar with this person even though I didn't recognize a new avatar. I'm weird that way.


My avatar is the real me. :D

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Once upon a time I noticed curriculum. Now I am no longer curriculum focused- I dont even visit the curriculum board more than once a month.

SO, no, I dont notice curriculum in peoples' posts anymore.


What I notice I guess is the age of their kids (because it is relevant in many a conversation), the country they come from (if not the U.S.) and sometimes their religious inclinations (eg pagan).


I like the quotes people use too.

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In real life at a homeschool support group someone once said to me that she only wanted to be friends with other homeschool Moms that used the same curriculum as she was using. That didn't sit well with me. I asked her what she would do if she made friends with someone and they switched curriculum ? I don't think she responded. :tongue_smilie:

But yes, sometimes I do look at the curriculum choices in peoples sig lines and at the ages of their children. Sometimes it helps to understand a little more about why they are saying or asking certain things. But usually I am not thinking about looking at it. But now that you mentioned it I keep looking.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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In real life at a homeschool support group someone once said to me that she only wanted to be friends with other homeschool Moms that used the same curriculum as she was using. That didn't sit well with me. I asked her what she would do if she made friends with someone and they switched curriculum ? I don't think she responded. :tongue_smilie:

But yes, sometimes I do look at the curriculum choices in peoples sig lines and at the ages of their children. Sometimes it helps to understand a little more about why they are saying or asking certain things. But usually I am not thinking about looking at it. But now that you mentioned it I keep looking.


Wow! I have to say in my personal opinion and I know opinions might vary ;) but that's a crazy thing to say! I can't think of the motivation for that. Wow, just wow! :)

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I pay attention if the person has children around my son's age. I tried to make mine easy for people to understand by using the full names of the curriculum so they don't have to look up abbreviations. :D I guess I made mine the way I like to see other people's sig. I'm slowly changing mine to include links for people to find things easier as well.

Edited by Cindyz
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Speaking as someone who is new not only to the board but to homeschooling, I actually found it really irritating. I've actually spent quite a bit of valuable research time trying to figure out what some of those acronyms mean. I know there are acronym lists and threads but it seems like none of them are totally complete so I was having to look in several places. It would have been so helpful to have those lists written out. And it's not like you have to rewrite them each time, just type them out once. Sure, it might get kind of wordy down there, but maybe choose a smaller font in a lighter color so people could skip over it more easily.


I'm anti-acronym anyway. I don't call my children "dd" or husband "dh". These are the most important people in my life, I don't reduce them to two generic letters. Sure, time saving, but it cracks me up when you see people writing really long posts about things and still calling their husbands dh. :p And as a fairly fast typist, it really doesn't take much to type it out.

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I was contemplating my signature and wondering if that's a waste of space or do others notice. I tend to notice more about number of children, ages (of children :) ) and location more than anything.


What interests you to observe about fellow board members? I also LOVE it when someone has a picture of themselves as their avatar. I love feeling like I know a face to a name. However, I totally get it when some don't feel comfortable having their picture "out there".


I don't pay any attention to curriculum listed and would much rather know something about the person. I also notice number, ages and genders of children. I also notice where people are from, their marital status and how long they have been married. There are many posters that I feel a deeper connection to due to similar circumstances or life experiences. I know these people by name and of course there are some people who are larger than life and are so present that I remember them by name as well even if they haven't been around in awhile. I do like having names with faces as I remember everyone else by their avatars. It always throws me for a loop when someone changes their avatar. I still remember some people by the avatar they used two years ago. If you ever saw me out in public somewhere and wanted to say hi, just saying that you are from the board, your board name and a little bit about yourself would probably not be enough to jog my memory but if you say, "I am the one with (some specific) avatar", then I would probably know exactly who you were. When a person has neither an avatar nor any personal info listed I have no anchor on which to hang additional info about them.

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Haven't read all the replies, but I like curriculum lists in the sig. If someone uses several products that are the same or similar and I am looking for a new product for subject x, then I can check out what they are using. If I am lucky, they also have a blog listed in their sig and I can check out how the product is working for them.



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Originally Posted by Miss Sherry viewpost.gif

In real life at a homeschool support group someone once said to me that she only wanted to be friends with other homeschool Moms that used the same curriculum as she was using. That didn't sit well with me. I asked her what she would do if she made friends with someone and they switched curriculum ? I don't think she responded. :tongue_smilie:

But yes, sometimes I do look at the curriculum choices in peoples sig lines and at the ages of their children. Sometimes it helps to understand a little more about why they are saying or asking certain things. But usually I am not thinking about looking at it. But now that you mentioned it I keep looking.



Wow! I have to say in my personal opinion and I know opinions might vary ;) but that's a crazy thing to say! I can't think of the motivation for that. Wow, just wow! :)

It was so surprising to hear someone say something so narrow minded. But she is the only person I have ever come across with that attitude in all of the years I have homeschooled. However, I do think some people have just a little of an attitude regarding curriculum. I don't see it a lot, but every once in awhile I do think I am picking up on a little bit of a " my curriculum is great and yours' is not " attitude. :lol::lol::lol:

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There was a woman I knew who dismissed on particular (IMHO quality and popular) curriculum with a very critical dismissing sniff.


It was pretty much the nail in the coffin for me to double and triple check EVERYTHING she said or recommended. It made me realize that her perspectives and goals just didn't line up with mine.


I didn't use to pay attention to the sig lines, but I find it does help me contextualize comments sometimes.

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Guest Cindie2dds
Just a trivial question: Do you pay any attention to what people list as the curriculum they have chosen for their child(ren) or does it just gloss right by your eyes?


As a newbie, it's been wonderful and very helpful, and head-spinning. I have been able to ask people specific questions about certain curricula via a pm. On the flip side, people have asked me questions also because they see what I use. :)

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I definitely notice the curriculum. I like seeing all the different things people are doing, and if someone is using the same things I'm using and has children of similar ages, it usually prompts me to make a mental note to watch their posts, especially if they're school related. It's also interesting to see what all is out there and how many of us seem to be using any given program/book.


And I agree about the avatar--I finally added mine for that reason!

Yes, I've found it very helpful on the curriculum boards. The curriculum lists show me whether their posts will be helpful for me.

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In real life at a homeschool support group someone once said to me that she only wanted to be friends with other homeschool Moms that used the same curriculum as she was using. That didn't sit well with me. I asked her what she would do if she made friends with someone and they switched curriculum ? I don't think she responded. :tongue_smilie:

But yes, sometimes I do look at the curriculum choices in peoples sig lines and at the ages of their children. Sometimes it helps to understand a little more about why they are saying or asking certain things. But usually I am not thinking about looking at it. But now that you mentioned it I keep looking.

There is one curriculum out there that I can imagine someone saying that about. Those people generally will only be friends with each other anyhow and if one "leaves" that curriculum, then they've left other things as well and are practically considered anathema. I became estranged from a "friend" when our family decided not to go with that particular program (could not afford all the seminars, and hubby could not afford the time off of work...glad now).



I mostly notice the amount of children. Sometimes I'll notice something in the curricula. I've had quite a few people here pm me about one particular item in my curricula list. I like the sayings in people's signatures the most.

Edited by mommaduck
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Speaking as someone who is new not only to the board but to homeschooling, I actually found it really irritating. I've actually spent quite a bit of valuable research time trying to figure out what some of those acronyms mean. I know there are acronym lists and threads but it seems like none of them are totally complete so I was having to look in several places. It would have been so helpful to have those lists written out. And it's not like you have to rewrite them each time, just type them out once. Sure, it might get kind of wordy down there, but maybe choose a smaller font in a lighter color so people could skip over it more easily.


I'm anti-acronym anyway. I don't call my children "dd" or husband "dh". These are the most important people in my life, I don't reduce them to two generic letters. Sure, time saving, but it cracks me up when you see people writing really long posts about things and still calling their husbands dh. :p And as a fairly fast typist, it really doesn't take much to type it out.


My problem is that the powers that be don't give me enough letters in my signature. That's part of the reason I haven't updated mine with the curricula we're using and still have the link to my blog--it takes me time to figure out what to write & what to abbreviate.

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The only time I pay attention to curriculum lists is when I am browsing the curriculum board, which is rarely. I do notice kids' ages because they are often relevant to the conversations on the General Board. I remember a lot of the regular posters by their creative names and/or avatars.



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I don't mind, as long as it isn't very long. Personally, the only signatures that bother me are the very, very long ones. I know that is common on other forums, with giant signatures that are longer than the posts, but it seems most here keep it simple, which is wonderful when you are reading a thread.


I sometimes look at them. You can tell a lot about a person from the curriculum they choose; there are certain key programs that let me know that I will homeschool very much like or very differently from other homeschoolers. ;)


I DO like it very, very, very much when people list their dc's ages. I want to know if the person giving me advice about curriculum has one 4 yo or has many older children. :D

Edited by angela in ohio
throwing extra words around...
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Yes, I've found it very helpful on the curriculum boards. The curriculum lists show me whether their posts will be helpful for me.



I don't pay much attention to the curriculum lists if the person has written a post about their favorite quiche recipe, but if they're telling me what they like about a grammar program, I like to see what other language arts their using and do we and our kids have similar styles.

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I agree. I know most boardies by their avatars even if it isn't a picture of them. I guess I see it as a reflection or a glimpse of more of their character and personality.


In my defense, I am only similar to Golum in the mornings before my coffee - the sweet, creamy nectar of goodness morphs me into my normal self each day. ;)

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Speaking as someone who is new not only to the board but to homeschooling, I actually found it really irritating. I've actually spent quite a bit of valuable research time trying to figure out what some of those acronyms mean. I know there are acronym lists and threads but it seems like none of them are totally complete so I was having to look in several places. It would have been so helpful to have those lists written out. And it's not like you have to rewrite them each time, just type them out once. Sure, it might get kind of wordy down there, but maybe choose a smaller font in a lighter color so people could skip over it more easily.


I'm anti-acronym anyway. I don't call my children "dd" or husband "dh". These are the most important people in my life, I don't reduce them to two generic letters. Sure, time saving, but it cracks me up when you see people writing really long posts about things and still calling their husbands dh. :p And as a fairly fast typist, it really doesn't take much to type it out.

There are valid reasons to use acronyms. Some of us have rather large families and use a large variety of curricula. Signatures are only permitted to be so long, therefore acronyms permit us to make the most of limited space.

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In my defense, I am only similar to Golum in the mornings before my coffee - the sweet, creamy nectar of goodness morphs me into my normal self each day. ;)


LOL! A few avatars really stand out to me, and yours is one of them. In a good way, of course. :D

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I'm anti-acronym anyway. I don't call my children "dd" or husband "dh". These are the most important people in my life, I don't reduce them to two generic letters. Sure, time saving, but it cracks me up when you see people writing really long posts about things and still calling their husbands dh. :p And as a fairly fast typist, it really doesn't take much to type it out.


So would your solution be to use the actual terms (daughter, husband,) or to use their names? I don't think either of those is necessarily better. I don't see dh as any more impersonal than husband, and it would be difficult to keep up with the names of everyone's spouses and children. Some people also don't use the actual names of their family members on the internet. I have always assumed that is where the convention started, and not in an attempt to type faster.

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I notice and I pay attention. I have read responses to a post and then see the signature and they are advising 5th grade writing and their oldest is 4 y/o old :001_huh:


There are several people I no longer bother reading their responses b/c they can't comment about teaching anyone older than 4 IMHO.


But if I see someone with a lot of things I like and use I will go look up the other stuff they have listed and sometimes I really like it :-)


so yes, everyone list your kids ages and curriculum so I can continue to weed out the people whose opinion doesn't matter yet. And I mean this in the nicest way :tongue_smilie: I wouldn't have dreamed on commenting on older students when my oldest was only 4 or 5. It's like a 22 y/o mom with a baby advising a 40 y/o mom with 8 kids how to parent.

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