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Anyone else still waiting on curriculum?

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I haven't even ordered the girls' math or ds's language arts yet, but we're still finishing up with some other stuff, so I'm okay with that. I'll be ordering within the next week or two.



Same here. Since we didn't start last year until second semester--when I pulled DS from PS--we're still finishing stuff up. I'll hopefully get math and grammar ordered in the next week or so. Otherwise, we're doing pretty well.

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Yes!!! I'm waiting on an Electronics Components pack for my oldest ds (15) to begin an electronics course. It contains all 500 bajillion parts he needs to do his hands-on electronics experiments. It's been out of stock for a couple of months, but the company just notified me that they have a couple sets not listed on the website if I'll just fax them my order. Tried to fax it Friday and I kept getting a failure notice on my machine. AArgh!

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Raising my hand...

I ordered ds's chemicals and lab book for Spectrum Chemistry on August 22nd. Hasn't shipped yet, though I've been promised it'll go out today.


I'm so spoiled by Amazon Prime- when I have to wait for something it seems like a really long time. Then again, something ordered on August 22nd should have already shipped...

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Everything I ordered is here. I put in my last Rainbow order two weeks ago, paid for expedited with free shipping, and it came in a few days, just in time for school to start last week. :001_smile:


We do 40 weeks of school, and I decided to schedule some of the "big" high school subjects for 36 weeks and stagger them. So I am just ordering everything for Biology this week, as we won't start for three more weeks. It took me this long to figure out what to do! :glare:

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Yes, I have a box from Rainbow Resource being delivered today with the last few things I ordered. Nothing like a few last minute decisions for adding in Vocabulary and Geography. I am okay with not having everything. We started last week with a light schedule because I knew I would not be getting a lot done this week with Rosh Hashana. Next week we will be at Colonial Williamsburg and then DC for a couple of days with my sister. When we return from our trip we will be leaping in with all subjects.

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I ordered yesterday and took advantage of the free trial of amazon prime to get things quicker. I still need to pay for a few things that are downloads, but I know what I'm getting.


I've been feeling like a slacker mother because public school has been in session here for a month now. We went away for most of August, so we're not really that behind for US, but it's still so hard for me to mentally do things differently than the public school (although, to my credit, I'm doing things more on the calendar where I grew up than where I live, so it's more in tune with my internal calendar).


I have plans for the boys for this week and need to see if I want to try using google calendar to do some longer range planning of our school year. I've started using it for hockey and it's growing on me.

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I changed my mind on doing geography this year and ordered history last week...it should arrive this week. I also added in an art course - that should be here today or tomorrow. Today is our first day, so there is no rush. Usually I have it all long before we start but, you know - things happen. Oh well! :001_smile:

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I did have everything I needed, but then decided I wanted to do IEW's All Things Fun & Fascinating with the older two this year as a supplement to WWE. So, now I'm waiting for that to ship (hopefully by the end of the week - I wish more companies offered their books/curriculum as eBooks). Otherwise, though, we have what we need and I need to stop looking at curriculum. :lol:

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Science for ds isn't here yet, but I ordered it in July. I'm a wee bit upset that they didn't bother to e-mail out the shipping delay notification for weeks:blink:. Scratch that, I'm almost ready to cancel, but ds really wants to use their program.

Edited by Tammyla
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I have been exceptionally lucky this year. I too made my decisions late (well late for me). I did most of my ordering in July and bits and pieces in August. All of it was mailed the next day or the second day after I placed my order. This weekend I placed another order at Analytical Grammar for their research paper curriculum and got the notice of shipment for today. Very, very impressed. I didn't go through Rainbow Resource or any other big store for anything though so that might have made the difference.

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Yup. Waiting for a big order from Rainbow Resource and Singapore. Everything has been trickling in over the last 2 weeks.


Still need to order Intro to Science from Elemental Science and the HIG for 1A from Singapore. Unfortunately I only have enough money for one or the other.... but I have all the additional books I'm going to need for both programs.... :confused:

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I thought I was going to put together my own spelling curriculum. How hard could it be? I'd just pull words out of history and WWE stories and use those. Well, that lasted for one week, the next two weeks we didn't do spelling and I ordered something... I don't even remember what. I came on here and did a search for spelling curriculum and picked something several people said nice things about. Mighty words or Mega words or something? I know that's hardly the best way to pick a curriculum but I'm hoping it'll work out in the end. I'm not particularly passionate about teaching spelling so I'm sure I can adapt it to fit our needs even if it's not perfect.


Edit: Oh and someone posted a link to a Sonlight timeline book. I had kind of dismissed doing a timeline this year (just too overwhelmed) but I ordered the book and we'll go back and plug things in for the first few weeks. :)

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