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s/o Movies you loved as a kid but now go ???

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One of the posters in the My Cousin Vinny thread mentioned they were more aware of language, sex, etc as an adult. I remember how much I loved Ghostbuster, The Goonies and Gremlins as a kid but when we watched them with our dds I couldn't believe the language and innuendo. I wondered what my parents were thinking. I get so excited for dds to watch movies/shows I loved growing up and then get disappointed. What are your movies/shows that make you feel that way?

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Seeing the language and so forth in some of these old movies and knowing that I just didn't hear the innuendos and so forth is one of the things that lets me feel a lot more relaxed with my kids when they see things that aren't exactly kosher.


I immediately thought of movies I really loved as a kid that now I watch and I just think WHY? Like, I loved The Last Unicorn, but when I saw it as an adult, all I could think was what rotten animation it had and what sappy music.


Also, as an aside, those Wheelies are freaky.

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I have one and only one...

I have watched the Gremlins, Goonies, and Ghostbusters w/ my kiddos and I still only have one that gives me pause..


Return to Oz


I have 2 words as to why it still scares me: The Wheelies.





We were so excited to watch Goonies with the kids.... :ack2:

I thought that was bad until we sat down to watch The Bad News Bears. :001_huh:

What were my parents thinking??

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It seems like every Christmas my mom asks about what movies to get the kids as part of their gift. Well, I naturally tell her the movies I remember liking as a kid in the late 80s-early 90s. I end up having to put the majority of the movies up until the kids are a little older.


I just don't remember how ummm...inappropriate some of them were. With my ds9 it's not too bad, but ds7 has a hard time with mimicing inappropriate things over and over and over. It can get embarrassing when you're talking with ppl and he's bringing up inappropriate things from movies (which he's been told NOT to do, btw).

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Yep, I have run into this a few times. (My kids have all seen The Goonies and Gremlins, though. :D)


Most recently it was a movie called "The Boy Who Could Fly". I loved it when I was younger, so I wanted my girls to see it. I bought it and watched it first, and then decided not to let them watch it. I can't remember everything that I objected to, but one thing that sticks out in my mind is the scene where the two teen girls get drunk one night while the mom is not home. My girls are just 10 yo right now, and I didn't think they needed to see that.


There have been others, too, like the Back to the Future movies, all those movies with Corey Haim and Corey Feldman, the Molly Ringwald movies, Stand By Me, ... and so many more. I can't believe some of the things that my parents allowed me to watch when I was still really young!


I have become a bit more lenient with my son as he gets older (he'll be 13 in a few weeks), so there are some things that I will let him watch but not the girls. I will probably let him watch the Back to the Future movies soon. I need to watch them again, as I don't remember why I didn't want himt to watch them in the first place... Also, I usually watch movies with him the first time that he sees them, in case there is something that we need to discuss.

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I adored it and thought it was SO romantic! LOL! I can't even imagine my kids watching it-they are boys anyway and it is a "chick flick", so I doubt they'd be interested. But really, it was kind of trashy.


I also once saw a movie on Valentine's Day with my high school boyfriend called My Bloody Valentine that was so gratuitous, screamy and silly, that I can't believe I even actually wanted to see it, looking back. Another one I'd pass over when choosing for the kids.

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I didn't see movies in the theater much when I was a kid. Most of those movies were on tv and they were all edited for content back then. I do remember my parents walking us all out of Harry and the Hendersons and I was already a teenager. My parents had a strict 3 strikes and you are out rule.

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Another that popped into my mind: Cujo

(Stephen King movie)


I was just recently able to watch it myself. :) LOL




I am a strange individual, I know. :) :) :)


I asked Dh and he said that the scene in the Goonies where Cory Feldman ( I think ) was telling the non-English speaking housekeeper that they "keep the pot in the ___ drawer and the Cocaine in ____. )


I grew up in an overly lax household (regretably) and I agree w/ that.


I do like Harry and the Hendersons and am trying to find a fault w/ that one.

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I have thought the same thing as well. I am thinking that maybe I remember the TV versions where everything was edited out. My kids laugh now when I suggest we should watch a movie from "when I was a kid" and ask me if it will be appropriate for them. :tongue_smilie:



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Oh wow - Cujo and Stand By Me were also some from my childhood. I remember watching Howard the Duck as well. The worst, when I really think about it, is Nightmare on Elm Street. I think I watched it when I was about 11. I just remembered while typing this I also watched Children of the Corn (when I was only 9).:001_huh:

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I asked Dh and he said that the scene in the Goonies where Cory Feldman ( I think ) was telling the non-English speaking housekeeper that they "keep the pot in the ___ drawer and the Cocaine in ____. )





"And never, ever go into the attic. That's where they keep their se**al torture devices." :scared:


I almost fell over watching that with my kids.


Recently we watched Aladdin. (Disney version) I had forgotten some of the innuendos and the seduction way Jasmine acts. What are movie makers thinking and what were MY parents thinking?!?!?! I can remember my mother taking my friend and me to see The Fly 2, when we were in 5th or 6th grade. She went to see a different movie with her boyfriend. We were in a theater alone, watching an R-rated movie!!!

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Grease...I remember singing into a hairbrush all the words to every song and dancing around the living room (looking into the full-wall of mirror tiles), pretending I was Sandy. I think I had the movie memorized I watched it so often. And now as an adult I am totally shocked that my parents allowed it. Of course, I was so clueless I didn't get hardly anything that was going on...

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Most all of what has been listed. But, I never understood half of the questionable content until I watched it again when I was older. An abortion in Dirty Dancing....yeah, way over my head and I had no clue. Rizzo thinking she's pregnant in Grease? Totally missed that one too:). So, I don't stress about it too much with my kids. They have seen Goonies, Gremlins, Grease, etc.

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Spaceballs and Young Frankenstein! I let my son check them out at the library with a " oh yeah I totally loved that movie when I was a kid!" Lemme just say both movies have opened more "birds and the bees" and "what does "*&%$" mean?" conversations than I ever planned on having at this time. Which is totally okay....glad to have the conversations....but REALLY what were my parents thinking?!?!?


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I don't have a problem with Back to the Future. (1 and 3. The second one was weird.) I think in the 80's their was a fixation on the word sh&*. It was in SO many movies that were made for younger people. I allowed my middle school age kids to see the Karate Kid movies too. John Hughes movies...loved them as a kid, won't even consider letting my kids watch them now. Same goes for the Corey Haim/Feldman ones.


We let them watch Goonies but we edit it by skipping scenes. We've done that on several movies that were good except for 1 scene.

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Oh, Indy loves the movie Goonies. I did not recall the language or references and decided that if they didn't harm me, they're probably not going to harm him either.


Of course he LOVES all the Indiana Jones movies and there are certainly some objectionable language and situations in all of those, but again, it didn't scar me and he doesn't even seem to pick up on them, so I let him watch them.


When my cousin was 2, her favorite movie in the entire world was Dirty Dancing. OMG, she would watch it over and over and over again and would literally scream bloody murder while the tape was rewinding (remember that?). She's in her late 20's now and pretty normal.

Sometimes I think we over think things.


Kids don't have the same knowledge bank when they watch movies that adults do and a lot of it goes over their heads. Indy has asked me about a few of the words and I explain them and he moves on. He knows the bad words are not to be used and that's that.

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OK, these were late '80s so not exactly from my childhood, but...for some reason I thought the National Lampoon's Vacation series was appropriate for my young children.


I brought home European Vacation before our big European vacation in 2003 - my kids were 7 and 10 - there was a topless girl in it! We didn't finish watching that one...


Not having learned my lesson, a couple of years later I decided we *must* watch Christmas Vacation. Clark really has a potty mouth in that one. At least my kids were older, and at least there was no nudity. We still watch that one most every December, and it is a running joke that I always say to the kids, "Well, now I remember why this one is rated PG-13!"

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Seeing the language and so forth in some of these old movies and knowing that I just didn't hear the innuendos and so forth is one of the things that lets me feel a lot more relaxed with my kids when they see things that aren't exactly kosher.



I agree. My kids love many of the movies I loved and they've grown up just fine. "I'm" definitely seeing some new things in those old movies though! That said, we still watch them. European Vacation is one of our favorite comedies... We also love the old James Bond series of films.


Never watched Return to Oz nor care to.


I didn't like Dirty Dancing when it came out - never understood why so many people did - so it's never been on our watch list either. Ditto that with Grease.

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OK, these were late '80s so not exactly from my childhood, but...for some reason I thought the National Lampoon's Vacation series was appropriate for my young children.


I brought home European Vacation before our big European vacation in 2003 - my kids were 7 and 10 - there was a topless girl in it! We didn't finish watching that one...


Not having learned my lesson, a couple of years later I decided we *must* watch Christmas Vacation. Clark really has a potty mouth in that one. At least my kids were older, and at least there was no nudity. We still watch that one most every December, and it is a running joke that I always say to the kids, "Well, now I remember why this one is rated PG-13!"


They used to play an edited-for-TV version of Christmas Vacation on during the holidays and it was our family tradition to watch it (my older 2 boys invented a game called "Squirrel!" when they were 4 & 3 :lol:).


They stopped playing it a few years ago, so I bought the DVD to continue the tradition :001_huh:. I'd never seen an unedited version, and the first time we watched it was as a family :svengo: :lol:.

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Spaceballs and Young Frankenstein! I let my son check them out at the library with a " oh yeah I totally loved that movie when I was a kid!" Lemme just say both movies have opened more "birds and the bees" and "what does "*&%$" mean?" conversations than I ever planned on having at this time. Which is totally okay....glad to have the conversations....but REALLY what were my parents thinking?!?!?




Well-at least they are far more tame than Blazing Saddles...

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Oh man! I love Dirty Dancing. Of course, my mom let me watch it when I was 6!!!...not sure what she was smoking...but still...I loved the movie. I don't watch it much now, but I will still watch a few mins of it here and there when I catch it on TV.



Nobody puts Baby in a corner. :lol::lol::lol:

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I just showed the kids Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. It wasn't an absolute fav. when I was younger but I thought they would get a kick out of it. The only rough spot was the brother calling the other a d**kweed. So eighties.


Well, at least our kids have no clue what Bill and Ted's favorite number refers to. Otherwise, that would certainly be on the list of objections.

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Singing, dancing orphans talking about how nobody cares for them a smidge, and then the cutest one gets adopted by the richest dad?


Yeah ... that describes my kids' lives exactly ...






We bought that one. I let the kids watch it a few times unsupervised, then one time I listened in. I was appalled. They are not allowed to watch it any more.

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It makes me wonder, if we all watched these movies when we were kids and turned out just fine (some of us conservative even), why are some reluctant to let their kids have the same entertainment from them?


We waited until appropriate ages to introduce some films and TV shows, but by their teenaged years or a little earlier, are they really problems?


Or is it just that I have older kids so don't worry as much and others are talking about the under 7 or 8 group? (in other words - our perspectives differ due to the age of our kids?)

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Well, my parents were extremely conservative about movies and I turned out okay. :tongue_smilie:


Really, some parents want the ability to introduce subjects (sex, language, violence, nudity) to their children because they know their children and feel they know the optimal time for them.


We can all disagree about timing. We know what we're comfortable with and what our children would be.

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It makes me wonder, if we all watched these movies when we were kids and turned out just fine (some of us conservative even), why are some reluctant to let their kids have the same entertainment from them?


We waited until appropriate ages to introduce some films and TV shows, but by their teenaged years or a little earlier, are they really problems?


Or is it just that I have older kids so don't worry as much and others are talking about the under 7 or 8 group? (in other words - our perspectives differ due to the age of our kids?)


I've let mine watch them except for the horror movies. My dds thought parts of Gremlins was scary - there's no way they could take Nightmare on Elm Street. I don't know how I did.:tongue_smilie:

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My son is almost 14 now, so over the past couple of years, we have let him watch things like Indiana Jones (with violence, action, mild innuendo but no nudity or anything beyond kissing).


Movies I watched as a preteen/teen, I have to be careful with. Someone else mentioned Back to the Future; another one was Wargames. Oy! The pointless cussing! (And the innuendo in BTTF was too much for us. We haven't watched the sequels.) You have to remember, before PG-13 existed, PG movies did include more language than they do now.


I don't want him to see any of the John Hughes and similar high school movies. Maybe when he's older and more mature? There are a lot of movies I enjoyed when I was a teen that I don't want him to see, at least not anytime soon. I think part of the difference is that I went to these movies with friends, and my parents had never seen them. If I pop in the DVD or put it in our Netflix queue and sit down to watch it with him, I'm sort of endorsing the movie, KWIM?


You do have to be careful. It's amazing what we forget about movies we've seen. I remember as a very young adult, getting together with friends who happened to be the youth pastor and his wife. I recommended a movie I had seen a couple of years before. We watched it on video. :eek::leaving: I kept saying, "I don't remember THAT part!"



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You do have to be careful. It's amazing what we forget about movies we've seen. I remember as a very young adult, getting together with friends who happened to be the youth pastor and his wife. I recommended a movie I had seen a couple of years before. We watched it on video. :eek::leaving: I kept saying, "I don't remember THAT part!"




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I think I saw St. Elmos Fire when I was 12 or 13. I'm appalled that my parents let me see it at that age, but I remember loving it and wanting to be Demi Moore. I thought Rob Lowe was amazing, and it was shortly after that he was arrested for sexual assault (or something like that).


I must have seen Dirty Dancing by the time I was in 7th grade because I fully remember having a Patrick Swayze poster on my wall during that year.


Anyone remember American Anthem about the gynmnasts? I used to love that movie too.

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I think I saw St. Elmos Fire when I was 12 or 13. I'm appalled that my parents let me see it at that age, but I remember loving it and wanting to be Demi Moore. I thought Rob Lowe was amazing, and it was shortly after that he was arrested for sexual assault (or something like that).


I must have seen Dirty Dancing by the time I was in 7th grade because I fully remember having a Patrick Swayze poster on my wall during that year.


Anyone remember American Anthem about the gynmnasts? I used to love that movie too.


Wow! I had totally forgot about that movie, but I used to LOVE it and watched it many times. I'm gonna have to watch it again now as an adult.:tongue_smilie:

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We actually love Annie. Can't help it, it's infectious. Mash reruns....totally guilty of watching those ALL. THE. TIME. Love that show. (Yeah, I know there is an affair theme throughout but I still love the show). We love Wargames too as well as Back To The Future and Indiana Jones. We have talked at length bout inappropriate language. My kids know that it's not ok to speak that way casually. So I don't have an issue if it pops up in a movie.

Edited by LaissezFaire
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