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does anyone have a fridge with the freezer on the bottom?

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As someone who is over 6' tall, fridges with freezers on the top are a pain since most of the time you are opening the fridge, not the freezer. Ours has a drawer inside the freezer and an ice maker.


My fridge is not french doors and truthfully, I don't care for side-by-side fridges. I find they have less space and are just a pain.


But I love the freezer on the bottom ;)

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As someone who is over 6' tall, fridges with freezers on the top are a pain since most of the time you are opening the fridge, not the freezer. Ours has a drawer inside the freezer and an ice maker.


My fridge is not french doors and truthfully, I don't care for side-by-side fridges. I find they have less space and are just a pain.


But I love the freezer on the bottom ;)

I have the opposite problem-- I'm pretty short. And I hate the idea of using a stool to get see into the back of the freezer again. :)



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I'm thinking of getting one for the new house. I'm looking at one that's got the french doors on the top too.


do you like yours?


My MIL has one with the french doors. I wasn't impressed. If I remember correctly, to open the drawers in the frig, you had to open both doors.


I always had a bottom frig model growing up, in our first house, and the first frig in this one. I loved them. The only reason I don't have one now is I splurged on a side by side subzero 7 years ago. Totally built in with panels to match the cabinets. Actually, I wanted it when we built the house but dh said no. He loves it now.

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I have had my Amana for about 10 years now and really like it. The only draw back is my boys open the frig door and use the top of the freezer door as a counter top setting cups and bowls there while they pour milk or juice and usually spill just a little and then never clean it up ughhhhhh......:banghead: With French doors it might not be convenient to use the top of the freezer door as a counter top. In fact I have been thinking that when we replace this frig in a few years I might look for the French door version.

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As someone who is over 6' tall, fridges with freezers on the top are a pain since most of the time you are opening the fridge, not the freezer. Ours has a drawer inside the freezer and an ice maker.


My fridge is not french doors and truthfully, I don't care for side-by-side fridges. I find they have less space and are just a pain.


But I love the freezer on the bottom ;)


I'm just shy of 6' and I hate my bottom freezer. :ack2: Things get buried at the bottom and I hate having to spend time on my knees taking nearly everything out just to get to something that slid down there. My old fridge had shelves in the freezer that made everything nice and tidy. I recently made a deal with my SIL to trade her for the new fridge she just got -- another top freezer with shelves.

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We just got one too... my littles LOVE it. Instead of easy access to the broccoli, then can now reach the ice cream unassisted!!! :glare: Whoohoo, they think! :party:


On a more serious note... it is very convenient & now that we have one we wouldn't go back to freezer on top.


Do get the kind with the drawer on the bottom vs. the door that opens like the fridge. Dh and I both think they're better.

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I'm just shy of 6' and I hate my bottom freezer. :ack2: Things get buried at the bottom and I hate having to spend time on my knees taking nearly everything out just to get to something that slid down there.

I don't have one and wouldn't want one for that reason. Dh is over 6' tall. I know he would hate it.

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I'm just shy of 6' and I hate my bottom freezer. :ack2: Things get buried at the bottom and I hate having to spend time on my knees taking nearly everything out just to get to something that slid down there. My old fridge had shelves in the freezer that made everything nice and tidy. I recently made a deal with my SIL to trade her for the new fridge she just got -- another top freezer with shelves.


Hmmmm....maybe you had one with a door like the fridge part? I have no trouble losing things in my freezer. It has a drawer in it you can pull out. Neither the drawer or the space underneath is so deep that it takes a while to get things out.


I imagine they are all a bit different though :)

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DH and I are tall--freezer is not a problem.


Youngest dd 6 can get to most things in the fridge (milk mainly) without any trouble.


You only have to have one door open to get something out of a drawer.


We also have a separate upright freezer in our laundry room because we live way out in the boonies and need to stock up on groceries.


Our model has the ice and water in the door--that helps a lot too!


We've had it for nearly 2 years and have been very pleased!

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As someone who is over 6' tall, fridges with freezers on the top are a pain since most of the time you are opening the fridge, not the freezer. Ours has a drawer inside the freezer and an ice maker.


My fridge is not french doors and truthfully, I don't care for side-by-side fridges. I find they have less space and are just a pain.


But I love the freezer on the bottom ;)



And, I agree with everything Stacy says here....even though I'm not over six feet! :001_smile: If I could have *any* fridge, I'd get one with a bottom freezer drawer!

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I'm thinking of getting one for the new house. I'm looking at one that's got the french doors on the top too.


do you like yours?


Be sure and have the pull out basket in the freezer. Ours has that and a shelf on top of that. We just use the fridge SO much more, it makes sense to have the stoop down there.

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I had one but my brother has it now as we had to move again.


Ours was a samsung and it had a bottom freezer with a door like the fridge and then inside it had 3 drawers. I loved it, I could store a ton of stuff in it and the drawers kept it all nice and organized. It also had seperate compressors for the fridge and freezer which was really nice and kept everything at the perfect temperature. When I had it I used to get milk delivered to the house in glass half gallon bottles and the bottom shelf in the door could hold 7 of them and never strained.


My mom has an Amana with the big drawer freezer which she and I both hate. things are always falling out of the baskets and getting stuck so the drawer won't open or close. It's also harder to dig things out as it's kind of like digging in a chest freezer.


I have an LG side by side in our rental house now and it's ok but I hate side by sides as I never have enough freezer space in it especially with the ice/water thing in the door.


Anyway that's my 2 cents.

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I'm thinking of getting one for the new house. I'm looking at one that's got the french doors on the top too.


do you like yours?


We wanted the French doors, but all the French door models we could get our hands on at the time required that one of the doors be shut before the other one. You could open either one, individually, but could only shut them in a certain order (so, if you opened "the other one", you'd have to then open the remaining door in order to shut the one you'd originally opened.) I *know* they aren't all like that, b/c my MIL has the LG one w/ the French doors and hers is the one I'd wanted. I just couldn't remember the brand name at the time, and after looking at four different stores w/ no success, DH declared me hallucinatory and we moved on. So, ours has one door, but it's nice. Not something I regret buying, if ykwim.


The door on our freezer opens like a fridge, but inside we have one large lower basket, one half-width upper basket (both slide out - way easy to use), and the ice maker. The door, itself, also has deep shelves. I don't have any trouble finding or storing things.


The only drawback to the one we have is that it's far deeper than couter/cabinet depth. Don't care for that. Thankfully, it works okay in our kitchen, but I would have liked one a little shallower and a little taller.



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We have an Amana that has the freezer on the bottom. I like it just fine. We don't have French doors on ours, but I would have liked to have that just because they take up less space when they swing out.


DH doesn't like that our fridge does not have an ice maker. I didn't get one on purpose because they are apt to cause leaks and I'm about to put in my 3rd kitchen floor due to leaks (not from the fridge), so I didn't want to take any chances.


Also, DH doesn't like that the fridge doesn't have a water dispenser, but I see that as a potential leak hazard and the faucet is only a couple feet from the fridge.

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We just purchased our second bottom freezer refrigerator last July. Our first was an Amana that lasted 24 years. Our new one is a Kenmore Elite made by LG. It is the french door design with a pull-out drawer freezer. I think you have to look at the lay out of your kitchen to decide if one door or french doors would work the best. In our kitchen the french doors work best, and I'm really happy with it. Also, the pull-out drawer for the freezer is much better than the door. I find I don't stoop to find things. I know it's wishful thinking, but I hope this one lasts 24 years as well.



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We just purchased a bottom freezer with french doors and LOVE it! My husband is 6'4" and loves not having to bend completely over to grab the milk and other common items he uses from the fridge. My freezer has a deep area and two smaller drawers or baskets that slide from the bottom of the fridge. Love those. I don't think I would ever want to go back to the freezer on top and side by sides have never been appealing to me. Good luck with your decision.

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My mom has an Amana with the big drawer freezer which she and I both hate. things are always falling out of the baskets and getting stuck so the drawer won't open or close. It's also harder to dig things out as it's kind of like digging in a chest freezer.


My amana has a swing out door, with a not huge drawer inside (plus a shelf), and we do not have troubles with it. FYI

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I'm thinking of getting one for the new house. I'm looking at one that's got the french doors on the top too.


do you like yours?



I love mine! It makes more sense to have the freezer on the bottom. I’m not in that as often as the fridge. Having the fridge at eye level is great and makes sense.


I would live to get the French door style... but we bought ours about 5 or 6 years ago... we didn’t have that choice yet. :( I also like that the freezers pull out like a drawer too, that would have been better.... our shelves pull out, but not as far as the newer models....


I think you will be happy with one... if you decide yo get it...

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Thank you ladies! We're going to take some measurements and then go shopping for a freezer on the bottom fridge. If we get the french doors on the top I'll be sure to get the ones that allow you to open them singly, instead of having to open both each time.


Thank you for helping with this decision

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I have the french doors and the freezer on bottom (with a drawer that pulls out, plus the more shallow drawer, which holds a surprising amount of stuff!)


We previously had a side by side, with the left side as the freezer. It was hard to organize and reach everything, and things were always spilling out and getting lost.


Well, I don't think there's a "perfect" fridge/freezer out there, b/c I jam so much in mine that there's always something that gets lost, but I find the french door fridge a better use of space. Also, you can fit huge things in it, like the XL super size pizza boxes, huge cakes from costco, deli trays etc...

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  • 10 months later...

I like my freezer on top better but this one had a lot more room than the ones that were available like that in the showroom.




you have a little shelf to set stuff on while you dig in the fridge part

you can hide things on the top shelf of the fridge

the kids can get their own popcycles or gogurts




that drawer is a pain

things get lost in the freezer a lot easier than when we had an upper with shelves.

I can't find things


But that is jus me.:001_smile:

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We have the LG French door one, with the freezer drawer on the bottom. LOVE it!!! It holds much more than our side by side did, and much larger items. The freezer drawer pulls way out and the front is hinged to tilt down for even more access. Really, I cannot say enough about how much I love this fridge.

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I have been shopping around for a new fridge, too. Consumer Reports complained about the french-door fridges being inefficient. If I recall correctly, they are not Energy Star rated. If you want me to see exactly what it says, PM (I am liable to forget to check back) me and I will look it up.


I am going either with a bottom freezer (the Samsung looked nice) or a side by side.

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I didn't like mine. I couldn't fit as much milk in it and had to remove some shelves to fit certain things. The freezer drawer was also made of basket material and everytime it opened crap fell out on the floor and I'd need to sweep. Pulling the bottom drawer out also would limit the walk area and I didn't like bending over to find things. I like my side-by-side after that experience.

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