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Do you and/or dc make your beds every day?

Do you and/or dc make your beds every day?  

  1. 1. Do you and/or dc make your beds every day?

    • Yes. We all make the beds every day.
    • We make them most days, but not every day.
    • We make the beds when company is coming.
    • We rarely or never make the beds.
    • We sleep on something other than a bed.
    • Other. Please explain.

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Yup, without fail. It's not only a basic homemaking thing, it's a comfort thing: sheets which are all smooth feel much nicer when I crawl into them at night. And besides, I worked hard to make my bedroom pretty, and leaving my bed rumpled would make it all worth nothin'.



I feel this way, too, Ellie. I work hard to have a comforting, cozy home and while I don't expect it to be a pristine palace, I do have a problem with careless mess. To me, the unmade bed makes the whole room look uncared for -- probably because it's the biggest thing in the room.

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I make my bed every day for two reasons:


1) I like to fold laundry on my bed, so I like to have the clean(ish) comforter on which to throw the clean laundry for folding.


2) I can't nap *in* the bed, I can only nap *on* the bed. Don't know why, just can't. So if I want my daily nap, the bed has to be made so I can lay on top of it.


My kids, on the other hand, do not make their beds every day. I make them neaten them so that they don't look like a sheet or stuffed animal factory exploded on them, but otherwise as long as they can sit on the bed, I don't care if it's "made." (Gives my mom a heart attack, though. She's very much in the make-the-bed-with-hospital-corners-every-day camp.)

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It's not "weird" but it sure makes orange juice taste nasty. :tongue_smilie:


I rinse the toothpaste out and drink alot of water before I eat so there is no toothpaste taste in my mouth when I eat. :D


I brush when I first wake up because I can't stand the morning film on my mouth AND again after b'fast because I don't want to start the day w/ food film, either.


If I have to pick, though, first thing in the AM is the way to go. Morning mouth makes stuff taste WAY funkier than toothpaste. :tongue_smilie:



Yep, I like a clean mouth before I eat and one after. It makes life happier. :lol:

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Yes, everyone is supposed to make his/her bed every day. I saw my eldest didn't make his before he headed out for Busch Gardens today, and I still have to tell my younger boys to make theirs. I have never missed making my bed in the last 11 years of marriage unless we were at a hotel or B&B.

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Yes, everyone is supposed to make his/her bed every day. I saw my eldest didn't make his before he headed out for Busch Gardens today, and I still have to tell my younger boys to make theirs. I have never missed making my bed in the last 11 years of marriage unless we were at a hotel or B&B.


Oh - this reminded me (clearly we were staying more than one night when these things happened) -- a hotel maid actually YELLED at me for making the hotel bed! And as she was YELLING, she was vehemently stripping the bedclothes and remaking it! Then she put a couple chocolate mints or something on the pillows and wished us a nice day! A motel maid rather chewed me out for same - but others have thanked me!:D

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I had to make mine as a child. My dad even wrote me a poem and left it on my bed one morning:


Six O'clock comes very early

Not much time to wash and dress

Nice you look, with teeth so pearly--

But make your bed, 'cause it's a mess! :lol:


(he actually put this sort of rolling smiley at the end! lol)


I promised myself I would not feel obligated as an adult.


What a sweet Daddy!

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I am only going to mess the bed again so why make it IMHO:D I see it as a waste of time unless company is coming;)


Plus dh just read an article an unmade bed is less likely to have dust mites since it can air out:D


Oooo! I like that excuse! "I'm not making the bed for health reasons. I want to air out the dust mites." Perfect!


Sadly, I only make the beds when company is coming. But, I never really spend much time in the bedrooms which are all upstairs. During the day, I mostly stay on the ground floor, so I don't see the beds and it doesn't bother me.

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We almost never make beds; only when we change the sheets (which isn't as often as it should be) or if company is coming who is likely to look in our rooms (meaning overnight guests or a 1st-time guest being given a full house tour).


I was never that big on making my bed as a youngster, and once I was a teen, my mom just shut the door ;). I do like the look of a made bed, and would make it if I was cleaning or straightening my room.


Then along came dh, who wants his own sheet, his own blanket, and can't stand to have either tucked into the bottom of the bed :001_huh:. There is no point in formally "making the bed" with this man, who will just leave everything in a wad the next AM. The kids have never gotten accustomed to having their covers tucked in, either.


So, making the bed at our house (when it rarely gets done) consists of folding the blankets and sheets and placing them neatly at the foot of the bed, and arranging the pillows at the top. The bed stays aired out, and everyone can wrap up in their coverings as they see fit at night.

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And I justify our slovenliness with this study:


Untidy Beds May Keep Us Healthy


Failing to make your bed in the morning may actually help keep you healthy, scientists believe.Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.


A Kingston University study discovered the bugs cannot survive in the warm, dry conditions found in an unmade bed.


The average bed could be home to up to 1.5 million house dust mites.The bugs, which are less than a millimetre long, feed on scales of human skin and produce allergens which are easily inhaled during sleep.


The warm, damp conditions created in an occupied bed are ideal for the creatures, but they are less likely to thrive when moisture is in shorter supply.



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And I justify our slovenliness with this study:


Untidy Beds May Keep Us Healthy


Failing to make your bed in the morning may actually help keep you healthy, scientists believe.Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.


A Kingston University study discovered the bugs cannot survive in the warm, dry conditions found in an unmade bed.


The average bed could be home to up to 1.5 million house dust mites.The bugs, which are less than a millimetre long, feed on scales of human skin and produce allergens which are easily inhaled during sleep.


The warm, damp conditions created in an occupied bed are ideal for the creatures, but they are less likely to thrive when moisture is in shorter supply.




Somewhere there are a bunch of slovenly scientists coming up with these experiments to get out of cleaning. Good on them! Now I can justify not making beds the same way I justify not having a spotless house (dirt builds a child's immunity). Now if only they could design a study that proves some benefit to leaving dishes in the sink overnight!

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I am only going to mess the bed again so why make it IMHO:D I see it as a waste of time unless company is coming;)


Plus dh just read an article an unmade bed is less likely to have dust mites since it can air out:D


We air the beds out first thing in the morning for an hour or two, and then we make them. As soon as we're up, though, the bedding is turned all the way back to air, and we open the windows unless it's raining. Even in winter we open the windows for at least five or ten minutes to air out the rooms.


I can't stand unmade beds! Walking past a nicely made bed makes me smile and feel like things are in order. Plus it's MUCH nicer to climb into a nice, smooth, made bed in the evening!

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Yes. Every day.


I hate walking into a room and finding a mess. The bedroom is no exception.

Making the bed properly takes no more than a minute or two and it makes the rest of the day more pleasant.


I feel the same way about putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher instead of the sink, wiping fingerprints and toothpaste splatters off the sink and counter when everyone finishes their morning bathroom routines, and a general picking up after oneself when leaving a room.


Someone after my own heart! I'm exactly the same on all of these things!

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I didn't make my bed regularly until we put our old house on the market. We needed a new bed at the time so we bought a nice bedding set complete with throw pillows. After six months on the market, bed making became a habit. Now I do it after showering. I love coming into my room and seeing a made bed. It's also nicer for me because I typically go to bed later than dh. If I didn't make the bed, I would have to struggle with him to get my share of the blankets. ;) The kids also do theirs everyday at some point. Each girl has her own way of doing it but they all seem to enjoy their rooms more when beds are made.

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The boys make their beds most days - I require it as part of morning chores - but I rarely make mine. :ohmy: I'm just that mean....


Actually, they have to make theirs because they spend a lot of time in their rooms and an unmade bed contributes to the messiness. Once dh and I get up in the morning, we spend very little time in our room so the unmade bed doesn't pose a problem.

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None of the beds in my house currently get made regularly.


Our house is extremely small so the little guys play in their room and on their beds all the time. Anytime the bed is made, it is unmade (including sheets pulled off) very quickly.


Oldest dd has a loft bed and can't change the sheets or do anything up there without help. It's built in to the wall so it can't be pulled out. Her room is such a disaster in general the unmade bed doesn't really matter. If she's having friends over, her room needs to be cleaned and bed made.


Our bedroom is small enough that the bed is wedged in on three sides with only one long side open. I will throw the comforter over the bed ocassionally, especially when I do laundry since that's where I stack the folded clothes, but it's never tucked neatly down the sides or anything.


We're building a new, larger house and I'm hoping to start the bed making habit then. But, realistically, knowing my children and myself - it will only happen if we're having company that we think may actually see the bedrooms.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I voted other. I make my bed every day. My girls don't because they don't have traditional linens. They don't *need* to make their beds. There is a fitted sheet and their individual blankets with a pillow; that's it. It's a loft bed, so it's simple for a reason. I wouldn't want to make it every day, so we made it to where they wouldn't have to. :)

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I remember my mum buying my brother and I donnas when we were teens, to make it easier to make our beds. I have done the same for my family and we do tend to make our beds because itis pretty easy to do? Dh's bed is the only one with blankets and sheets,a nd it is more frequently unmade.


I completely relate to those who "don't bother" making their beds, because there have been many periods when I haven't,but Flyady got me into the habit and I do like walking into my bedroom when it is tidy with a made bed. I am not naturally a very tidy person so it feels especially gratifying that Imake the effort and it just feels good.

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I rinse the toothpaste out and drink alot of water before I eat so there is no toothpaste taste in my mouth when I eat. :D




Yep, I like a clean mouth before I eat and one after. It makes life happier. :lol:



Clearly my toothpaste is too strong. I can't get the taste out even with rinsing (or maybe it's the mint flavored listerine?).

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I'm not the greatest of all housekeepers, but I can't stand an unmade bed. I pull the sheets back for an hour or so to let them breath and then make my bed. My boys make theirs too, but with no enthusiasm. If everything else is a mess, our beds are made. I love my bed. My bed is my favorite place, and I keep it comfy.

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I'm not the greatest of all housekeepers, but I can't stand an unmade bed. I pull the sheets back for an hour or so to let them breath and then make my bed. My boys make theirs too, but with no enthusiasm. If everything else is a mess, our beds are made. I love my bed. My bed is my favorite place, and I keep it comfy.


This is what I do too!!!


My kids have loft beds so they are not made neatly but they are straightened as much as possible.

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I think "Doona" is the Aussie term for a comforter.


Lol, yes, excuse my typos- I was typing in bed on my ipad, late at night in the dark when I should have been sleeping!


yes....we call them (comforters) doonas. Because they have a washable cover, we only need a bottom sheet, then just toss the doona over the bed.

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I'm not the greatest of all housekeepers, but I can't stand an unmade bed. I pull the sheets back for an hour or so to let them breath and then make my bed. My boys make theirs too, but with no enthusiasm. If everything else is a mess, our beds are made. I love my bed. My bed is my favorite place, and I keep it comfy.


This is how I feel too. Beds have to be made!

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We almost never do, but I LOVE the look that made beds give a room and the feel of sliding into smoothed out sheets at night. I don't know why that is! I'm nearly finished with a chore chart project for the girls (and myself!) that includes making their beds on it (though that really just means pulling the covers up). Someday... :D

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Yes, we make our beds every day. The rooms just don't look clean unless the beds are made, imo.


We keep our bedding simple though. In the summer it is just a sheet and light blanket. It doesn't take the kids more than a minute or two to make their beds.


This is *totally* us too! The younger boys don't automatically make their bed's either. Usually, it's me asking..."Did you make your bed?". The teen-ager, I rarely have to ask. DD helps me make her bed after she get's dressed. I make mine upon waking. TMI, I'm sure;).

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I'm in the "I make my bed everyday, but the girls just kind of straighten up their covers" camp. They, too, have bunk beds, which are pushed against the wall. They just straighten up their blankets the best they can. I must make my bed daily. It drives me insane if it's not done.

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I don't feel like making beds first thing in the morning & don't hold dd to it either. We do straighten out the sheets & blankets before going to bed, though. The beds actually get fully made when I wash the sheets, then put them back on. Sometimes dh makes the bed in the am. What a man! :D

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But we don't have any loft/bunk beds here. I would find those difficult to do, because of my back pain.


FWIW, my children "make" their own beds. ;) The 5.5 year old does a decent job of it -- she's had two years of practice. The 3.5 year old twins are learning to make their beds -- they pull up the sheet, pull up the comforter, put the pillow on top, and then arrange their babies and stuffed animals however they like.


I also think that part of the reason why we make beds every day is because we live in a small house, all one level, and if we didn't make the beds, the house would feel "disheveled" and more chaotic all day. It's just a simple thing, but it makes the whole house "feel" better. Walking into the rooms to put away laundry, get a toy, or a pair of socks -- it's just nicer to walk into a neat and tidy room. Besides, I think it is a good habit.


We did NOT make the beds every day when I was growing up, because my mother never insisted that we do it. She made her bed, but my sister and I were out the door at 7:05 every morning, so my mother thought that it was enough to be ready for school! We actually made the beds when we got home from school. Go figure. :001_smile:

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Someone should post a new poll about when people brush their teeth. :tongue_smilie:


I'm a before-breakfast-brusher, too. Gets all the nasty stuff out of your mouth; I prefer not to swallow it all the accumulated bacteria, but to each her own.


Post-breakfast brushers think any lingering toothpaste might ruin your breakfast. It doesn't. ;)


My husband and I have been debating this for 19 years now. :-) I'm a before breakfast brusher. He is an after breakfast brusher.

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