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Is anybody going to actually spend their economic incentive check?

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We had to pay off the appliances with taxes from our move last summer, so yes, we will be spending the money in May. Dh is buying a unicycle and a home gym from a friend. Not stuff we would normally buy from our budget. I am getting some scrapbook items and save some. The kids' money will buy a new car seat for the youngest and be put aside to purchase shoes and clothing for fall. So nothing really crazy but some basics, some fun.

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Yes. Well, no. Well, it's going on the Visa for stuff we already got. We had our Visa paid off thanks to Dave Ramsey's teaching. Then I got a hold of it and yada yada yada. The stimulus check will pay off our Visa and we can start all over again. :)

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on exactly what, not sure.. Kids will need some things for summer~new swimsuits, shorts and so on.. Plus I need to order our curriculum for next year.. Of course this won't take it all, so not sure what the rest will go towards..

Probably bills~if insurance doesn't cover all from having the baby..

The munchkins are calling it the Wiibate check, since we have talked about a Wii and haven't gotten one yet :D So we will see if we actually get one with the money or not :D

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I am putting aside $300 to pay for our trip to the local amusement park later this summer (this will be our one and only vacation), our pool pass for the summer, and any I can squeeze out for my ds's birthday presents. The rest will be going to pay down debt! I just found Dave Ramsey (should have found him about a year ago) and we are trying hard to get in a better financial position.

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Ours will be going straight into the bank. We had to pay so much in taxes this year that we will have to pay estimated taxes for the rest of the year. So, that check from the government is going right back to the government.


Bummer, but there it is.


Give some away, save some, spend some. Since it's "found" (I know, I know...) we'll save most, but I am going to spend a bit on my hair. That's my contribution to the economy - a big, fat tip to my hairdresser. He'll spend it well, I'm sure.

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We're buying a water-softener (I've only waited 14 years for it!) and for a tongue-thrust appliance for ds (11). (An appliance that *I* would think insurance would want to cover, but they disagree.) If we get more money than those two things cost, the rest will go toward paying down debt.



who hates taxes, budgeting, and all things financial right now!

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We're both in the writing phase now, and we're expected to teach more. So, I have less time for the couponing and bargain hunting.


It's also going to cover our CSA share!! (Just got our first delivery yesterday. Fresh strawberries!! Whoopie!)


Fresh strawberries?? Our first CSA pickup isn't until June! (We're still waiting for all the snow to melt off the fields.)


Some days, I think I live too far north. :blink:

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We have very little debt and our needs are pretty much met so my husband plans to pay as much of our monthly bills as the check will cover. His reasoning is that in his line of work (I.A. for an oil and gas firm) you just never know when you'll be bought, sold, or laid off. Paying the bills several months in advance will keep a cusion there just in case.

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Ours will be going straight into the bank. We had to pay so much in taxes this year that we will have to pay estimated taxes for the rest of the year. So, that check from the government is going right back to the government.


Bummer, but there it is.


Rhonda, check your private messages.. I sent you one. :001_smile:


For us, they will be taking some of it to pay our taxes from last year, the rest they will send to us and we haven't decided what we will be doing with it. Probably buying a very used, cheap extra vehicle.

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I just spent it, and it hasn't arrived!


I promise I usually am not so irresponsible, but my Clavinova has been nonoperable for over a month, and it's really tanked our violin practice. So I bought a keyboard today, and I'm waiting for DH to come home and help me set it up. I count this as an educational expense, of course!

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We're going to use part of it for the kids and I to take a vacation to Washington DC to meet up with another hs friend from NJ. The rest will probably go to buy some bday presents for our youngest and oldest who's birthdays are coming up and then any other household expenses that may arise, stocking up on meat and grocery staples most likely.

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We've given the kids the option of deciding to spend their $300 on something worthwhile are to keep it in savings. Surprisingly dd12, who is the most thrifty, is the one choosing to spend it... on a used saddle. We were able to get a very nice one on eBay, so I feel the money has been well-spent.


The rest of the rebate will go towards our car payment. I am determined to be completely debt-free by 11/1/08.

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Yep! We are spending it. Actually, I have already spent some of it. I ordered a couch that will be here the day after my birthday. My dh is getting a old, but good truck to use for working and hauling things. He is a mechanic, so it is a bargain truck that he can fix up. The other $400 or so will just be put into savings. I thought about being responsible with it and not spending it. Then I realized having a place to sit in my living room was responsible. My dh works really hard and if he wants a play truck then that must be responsible too. BTW, we moved to a bigger house in January with a living room and a family room, so we really didn't have any furniture for the other room. My mom has been living with us for 3 months and we have used her living room furniture, but she is moving to her own home and taking all the furniture. I tried to convince her I needed furniture, but she said she really needed to take it with her. So, I had to spend that darn money.

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