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Another Baby Name Thread

What do you think of the baby name, November?  

  1. 1. What do you think of the baby name, November?

    • Yuck! What were you thinking?
    • Awesome! Unique! Love it.
    • Meh. Whatever.
    • The all-important Other.

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What do you think of the name November for a girl. DH is *really* stuck on this. Using the nickname Nova. I'm not sold, but want to consider it since he loves it so much. (I prefer Naomi and am toying with Atalie for a middle name.)

Edited by Scuff
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My first thought is "Miss November"-as in a Playboy centerfold. Somehow, that's not the image I'd want my daughter to have to overcome.


My second thought is that if he's set on November as a name, I'd be ready to bet on either Halloween or December 1 in the birthdate poll ;)-because you KNOW babies never cooperate!

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PLEASE do not give the child a nickname of Nova. This coming from a woman whose middle name is Nova and I HATE it. My ENTIRE life I have used my middle intial. It is a TERRIBLE name and I can not imagine anyone having it as a first name.


There are some unique names out there, J has a very traditional name, but we spell it differently since DH's family is from the czech republic. If we would have been able to have anymore children and they were boys (since we are convienced that is all we would make :tongue_smilie:) they would be Jakob and Joshua. We like the J names ;) For girls, most likely another czech name, traditional but spelled the traditional czech way.


So, pick a name, spell it differently if you want, but please do not use the nickname Nova.

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I too have the "Miss November" thing going on in my head. This may be due to the fact that we refer to our 4-H club kids as "Mr. William" or "Miss Eden", etc. We find that the little title seems to convey a sense of respect from us to the kids and they love it...they rise to meet that expectation of "maturity".


So, I it conjures up Centerfold model to me.



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Ok, I have to admit that I really like the name November. I have never heard it used as a name, but it would be fine as long as you know it will always be a conversation-starter. My sister named her oldest Ayden, arguing that it would be unique because of it's spelling.... now she is frustrated that she has to spell it for everyone, and that he still has 2 or 3 other kids in his class with the "same" name anyway. At least everyone would know how to spell November! My dd is named Peninah, and we have to spell it and explain how to pronounce it everywhere we go, but since we knew that when DH chose it, it has never really bothered us.

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Crystal, what do you hate about Nova so much?


It is just awful, plain and simple.


If others found out my middle name, I was teased like you could never imagine being teased. Children are ruthless, it is sad that you have to take that into account when naming your child, yes, but it is the truth.


Maybe Novemeber for a middle name?


DH has a close friend with the last name of Shade...his sister's name...Summer.............yeah........

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November is kind of pretty but Nova? No way. Reminds of the Chevy Nova.


EVERYONE thought this was why I was given the middle name of Nova. It wasn't, my biological Father was an astronomy buff. Trust me though, it is better than another name he had picked out........

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I too have the "Miss November" thing going on in my head. This may be due to the fact that we refer to our 4-H club kids as "Mr. William" or "Miss Eden", etc. We find that the little title seems to convey a sense of respect from us to the kids and they love it...they rise to meet that expectation of "maturity".


So, I it conjures up Centerfold model to me.




Faith: Do you have an EDEN in your 4-H club? I HAVE an Eden here at home -- Eden Chai (means Beautiful Life). I'm commenting because we so seldom EVER hear or meet another Eden.

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Yes actually, we do have an Eden in our club...Eden Joy if I remember correctly. I slipped, normally I wouldn't use an identifying name in a post because DH is just hugely careful about online privacy.


I have always thought the name was beautiful. She has a cousin named Ava Grace and I think that is very pretty as well.


I have not encounted any other girls in our county with either of those two names. That said, we've got a plethora of Mia, Margaret, Sophia, Ashley, Alicia, and Andrea....I'm not certain why the naming fad.


Most recently heard unusual girl's name - Alaythia - a Greek derivation of the word for "truth".



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Ok, I have to admit that I really like the name November. I have never heard it used as a name, but it would be fine as long as you know it will always be a conversation-starter. My sister named her oldest Ayden, arguing that it would be unique because of it's spelling.... now she is frustrated that she has to spell it for everyone, and that he still has 2 or 3 other kids in his class with the "same" name anyway. At least everyone would know how to spell November! My dd is named Peninah, and we have to spell it and explain how to pronounce it everywhere we go, but since we knew that when DH chose it, it has never really bothered us.


My other 2 girls have unique names, so I'm used to the confusion. Although one of my hesitations in using Atalie as a first name is that it would probably get confused with Natalie all the time. At least Naomi or November won't be confused with other names.

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Whatever. I know one, and she says she has met a few over the years so while it isn't common, it isn't unheard of either. I wouldn't do it personally as I used to work with a Charity. She was so sick of people having whole conversations about her name or even just commenting on her name. I wouldn't give a child a name like that.


I know a:



February (haven't met but had one in my pt files)

~March as a last name










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What do you think of the name November for a girl. DH is *really* stuck on this. Using the nickname Nova. I'm not sold, but want to consider it since he loves it so much. (I prefer Naomi and am toying with Atalie for a middle name.)


I like the name November, but dislike Nova. I prefer Naomi or Atalie to November.

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Well, there are other months that are common names. April, May, June....


I used to work with a gal whose first name was April. I asked her what her middle name was and she said she didn't have one. "What goes with April. . . May?


I'm not too fond of November because I can imagine all her life she would be asked the question, "Were you born in November?" And then remember when she gets older she will have to give out her birthdate and be reminded that November was born in November. I like Naomi better. Very feminine sounding. We had a little Naomi Cate born recently in our church.


Note: You did ask, but normally I suggest if you really like a name, don't ask people. I loved the name Rebecca or Becky since I was a child and dreamed of having my little girl named that. I mentioned it to my fil and he said it reminded him of Reebok shoes. It spoiled it for me. Fortunately my dd said she likes the name we chose for her instead.

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I used to work with a gal whose first name was April. I asked her what her middle name was and she said she didn't have one. "What goes with April. . . May?


I wholeheartedly tried to get my dh to agree to April Mae for several of our daughters (my mom's middle name is Mae and I love the name April). He wouldn't go for it.


To the OP -- how about Dagny? I also really, really want to name a little girl Dagny, but I don't think it's going happen now. My husband does NOT like most unusual names, but he LOVES Dagny. That's the only reason I'm bringing it up -- maybe your husband will like it too. :D

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I'm glad some people liked it. For awhile I was wondering if everyone just hated it. :)


ES Sue- I know I asked :) If I knew I liked it I wouldn't have. I'm just not sure, so I wanted to see what the general public thought. Good advice, though! We were considering Samara with my last, but my sister ruined it by saying it was the freaky girl in the Ring.


Cat- Novi is a city near us. I don't think that would work.

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Cat- Novi is a city near us. I don't think that would work.


Do you live near Brighton? I know we're not supposed to give locations, but I used to live in Brighton in the best house EVER and was most put out to have to leave it to come to NC.


I was trying to remember Novi the other day because I was trying to explain something to my brother and all I could think of was the place with the big mall. :D

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I think November is a very pretty name! Nova...not so much. I'd go down swinging over that one, but I really like November.


If *I* were going to name a daughter November I'd try like crazy to convince my husband of Rain for a middle name. :D




Going to be singing all day now...

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I'd like to put in a 3rd vote for Autumn. Serves the same purpose, but much more beautifully.


November is fine, but since it is a long name, it will inevitably get shortened, and the nickname will stick, however it evolves and whether any of you like it or not. Since you're not crazy about Nova or Novi, I would tend to think it's not a great idea. How about November as a middle name?

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I'd be better with the nickname "Ember" if you do it... although that could be for December too I guess. I did meet someone a long time ago... that had girls with different "month" bds. It was like... July was born in June, August was born in July, and June was born in August... or something like that.


I'd vote for Naomi, and I like it the kind of Hebrew pronunciation of NIGH OH MEE :) but still spelled Naomi :)



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