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What's your project for the weekend?

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We're giving oldest ds a pizza party for his 16th b'day tomorrow night when he gets home from hikin through the woods and camping out with his BSA troop. Which brings me to the big yucky project of Sunday afternoon which will be washing all the mud burr cover clothes of dh and both boys.

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an eye exam in ninety minutes. Am getting my eyes dilated - so plan to hide in the house for a few hours until I can go outside and weed the flower bed on the side and front of the house. It should be sunny and in the low 60's here today!!! Wheeee! For us, at this time of the year, low 60's and sunny sounds like a heat wave (my youngest is already asking where her shorts are). I hope my eyes don't make me stay inside all day!!!

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I've posted my laundry room and desk projects on my blog. Care to join in for some accountability?



Why yes! I am UNPACKING in my new (rental) house!!!!!!!!

We have been in boxes for a MONTH!

Whe -hew! I'm unpacking!.....just as soon as I get out of bed and off the computer.

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We are throwing a surprise party for my mom. To get her to town I had to concoct a big melodramatic story to guilt her into coming to babysit my kids. She is to be here at 11:30. At 11:20 her cell phone will ring and I will have a big sob story about how the kids and I went to the store to get them some lunch and on the way home my van broke down. I was able to get my van off the road and into the parking lot of a certain place in town. Could she please come pick us up?


That certain place just happens to be where the party is!! We have noisemakers ready and everything. I worked on food until midnight and then got up at 5:30 to make more food. I am so tired, but excited!!

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Don't you sit there and make me think that if I don't get my to-do list done, there's something wrong with that.





Okay. I have to:

* grade 10 more 3-pg papers

* grade 30 5-pg papers

* buy a cocktail dress :blink:

* parent

* prepare for Sunday School lecture next week


Ugh. Just writing it out makes it even nastier.

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We are throwing a surprise party for my mom. To get her to town I had to concoct a big melodramatic story to guilt her into coming to babysit my kids. She is to be here at 11:30. At 11:20 her cell phone will ring and I will have a big sob story about how the kids and I went to the store to get them some lunch and on the way home my van broke down. I was able to get my van off the road and into the parking lot of a certain place in town. Could she please come pick us up?


Shame on you. How many lies will you tell in furtherance of your diabolical plan?


Is it really worth . . .


. . . your soul?


(Picture me in a holocaust cloak, set on fire, standing in a wheelbarrow, being pushed by a Spaniard and an only-mostly-dead guy.)

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If it will stop raining and give our humongo mulch pile, which fills the driveway, a chance to drain, then I hope we can finish up all our beds by Sunday evening. We've done all the front and sides and about 1/3 of the back - just need to *finish*!!!!


Meanwhile, I'm trying to finish up plans for draperies for my bedroom suite (you do not know how long I've had a sheet hanging on my window, LOL)..... And get to the store to buy some finishing stuff for our bathrooms, which have now been redone for a mere two years.... And buy the extra shrubs for the back that I planned to buy last spring.....


I'm outa here in less than one hour,

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  1. Trim hooves
  2. Replace a bent pipe panel in the round pen
  3. Exercise the horses
  4. Groom/Bathe horses (and dog)
  5. Drag the round pen footing
  6. Finish weeding the garden & pool area; remove decayed fencing in same area
  7. Chop out a tree that fell over a few months ago in a storm
  8. Begin demolishing the old deck (I do not know why DH wants to even try to do this on our own; we really should hire people for this)
  9. Grocery shopping
  10. Clean the house
  11. Get caught up on laundry
  12. Correct school papers
  13. Pay some bills


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1) Pack final two rooms at old house

2) Transport children back and forth to Fine Arts Event they're catering/performing in with fellow teens

3) Church

4) Attend dedication ceremony/concert honoring new building the String Project has acquired

5) "Life" -pay bills, spruce house, put out Hot Spot in library so school can resume next week, etc, etc


Calgon, take me away!

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I vowed to get a really good start on the weeding that has needed to get done in the planters in the front yard. There are three: one large, one medium and one small. I finished the large one this morning while my husband and son were out launching model rockets. And my son has promised to help me with the other two on Wednesday.

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Complete my Psychology of Personality assignment and study for test.

Read several stories in my American Masterpieces book and get ready for test

Complete the discussion questions for the social anthropology course

Take a quiz in public relations class and complete the weekly assignment

Supervise dd in the basement clean up. Her friends slept over last night and trashed the place

Run 16 miles

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Pre-dawn departure for us this morning--my son had an early hockey practice that was sparsely attended.


Food co-op. We get our first CSA box of the season on Thursday!


Tutored an adult who is taking on online Calculus course which equates to reading the book and figuring it out by himself.


Now to make a pot of chili and think about ironing...


Tomorrow afternoon we'll attend the big library booksale in a nearby town. This is where I pick up text books for $1 each. My hope is to find the Dolciani motherlode to help out my WTM friends.


Wish me well.


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Well shucks!! The two things we were going to do today 1) go to ds's first soccer game of the year and 2)go out to our property and transplant some trees were canceled due to SNOW!!!!!


So, I guess I'll clean the house and watch a little b-ball. I chose Kansas to win in my pool, but I'm not really rooting for them. I like NC's color better. ;) but I'd love to see UCLA (a pac-10 team) win.

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I haven't even been able to get to my garden for about a week now, it's been raining so much. Thank goodness, 'cause we need it and all, but I'd like to get my 'maters in the ground!


On the bright side, I did get some seeds thrown down right before the deluge, and I haven't had to bother watering!

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I think I'd rather post what I *did* today, as my productivity seems to be at an end now.


- Stayed home with K to practice correct behavior before we let her out in public again :rolleyes:

- pruned the rhododendrons & apple tree

- planted peas & garlic

- added a layer of topsoil & re-strung my square foot garden

- planted the two blueberry bushes that came in yesterday's mail (and put little borders around them)

- watched Fraggle Rock with K

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