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Am I the only one that loved the movie Enchanted?

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I loved this movie. My dh wanted to see it and ds didn't. He's not in Disney princess movies, go figure. They both fell asleep and I cried, and laughed.


I had some great revelation in my own life from that movie, but I won't lament about that here. Anyway, I told my boys that we were now going to go through life singing everything. Then I broke into song about sitting down at the table before dinner was cold.


Oh and I want that song about cleaning, and the little critters to do it for me.

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the bunny brought it and we all watched it. It was fun - except the dragon at the end was poorly animated and I did not like S.S.'s deliver of her cheesy lines.

However, unlike most new dvds here, this one has NOT be rewatched since we got it. H'mmmm.


Still - I did enjoy the initial scene of the main character being so innocent and cute in New York. Amy Adams nailed those scenes!


We are watching old episodes of the Office and noticed she played Jim's girlfriend in part of season 2.


Added a few hours later.....he must have known you asked about this film, as this afternoon my kids DID get it out and watched it. Now i want to live in a musical and dance around the house with birds and rodents singing and dancing!

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Surprisingly, I loved it. I want to make that dress she wore at the park.


We are going to Disney World in May and I have threatened to make a copy of the park dress and wear it in the Magic Kingdon with mouse ears. I want my kids to die of embarassment.


If anyone can find the pattern for that dress, ping me.

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Surprisingly, I loved it. I want to make that dress she wore at the park.


We are going to Disney World in May and I have threatened to make a copy of the park dress and wear it in the Magic Kingdon with mouse ears. I want my kids to die of embarassment.


If anyone can find the pattern for that dress, ping me.



Oh my gosh that would be hilarious and..........so cool!!!! :lol: OK I will have to research that dress later. If you do it I need a pic!

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My dd and I adore it! (We also love The Office...) I love Giselle in NY!


Giselle: Now if only I can find a place to rest my head for the night.

Robert Philip: What kind of place?

Giselle: I don't know. Maybe a nearby meadow or a hollow tree.

Robert Philip: A hollow tree?

Giselle: Or a house full of dwarves. I hear they're very hospitable.


Giselle: Nobody has been very nice to me.

Robert: Yeah, well, welcome to New York.

Giselle: Thank you.


I also love the scenes that mimic scenes from other Disney movies. It's fun to spot them.


And...I even bought the Giselle and Robert dolls. I say they are for dd, but really, I got 'em for me...don't tell.

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We saw it as a family and everyone enjoyed it- even dh and ds(8). I purchased the soundtrack for my dd's for St. Nick's and the DVD for the whole family for Easter. I must admit a few of the songs from the CD ended up on MY iPod! I love the Central Park scene and the ballroom dance scene/song.

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