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Speculate with me about my crazy neighbors

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The house behind us is owned by a rental company that is well known for not checking references. As a result, we've had some really crazy neighbors back there. BTW, I'm not staring out my window all day but the school table faces that backyard so I see everything while we're working.


The current neighbors have been there about a year. At first there was an older teenage girl, an old man and an older teenage boy. We had lots of issues with their dog jumping the fence and they always talked about it being "the old man's dog".


We haven't seen the old man or the teenager in months and "the old man's dog" is gone but has been replaced by several more (who all bark at my children through the fence). Another girl appeared and I think she lives in the garage because she is always taking food back and forth.


About 3 months ago, they covered ALL their back windows with towels after not having anything for months. At the same time, a note appeared, taped on the inside of the back door. The note changes everyday. Sometimes there are two notes. Sometimes it is a full sheet of paper with big black letters, sometimes it is half a sheet with smaller writing. Sometimes the house girl will take the note off and put a new note up right away. I can't read the notes from here. I've never seen the girl from the garage read the notes.


Does anyone want to speculate with me as to what these notes say? I'm so curious, it is making me nuts!

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Interesting!! I would be curious too...


Since "garage girl" doesn't appear to be reading the notes, what came to mind for me was that these are perhaps notes to potential "customers" (drugs or something else). Do they have a lot of visitors coming and going?


Or, perhaps these are notes for "garage girl" and she's just choosing to ignore them (or she's a speed reader so it just looks like she's ignoring them)? :tongue_smilie: Since you said "garage girl" takes food back and forth between the house and the garage, perhaps it's the daily menu?? :lol:


Another possibility is that "house girl" is communicating with aliens. Have you ever seen "house girl" with a tinfoil hat?


Ok, I'm done now... That was fun!! :D

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Interesting!! I would be curious too...


Since "garage girl" doesn't appear to be reading the notes, what came to mind for me was that these are perhaps notes to potential "customers" (drugs or something else). Do they have a lot of visitors coming and going?




I thought that also but there was a big drug bust at a house across the street from the backyard neighbors not too long ago. I figure if the cops know about one house, they know about all of them. Plus, they never have visitors (that use the backdoor anyway).

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I think I'd be creeped out. Does everyone look healthy, happy? Do you ever talk to them?


They look fine. Nope, the only time I've talked to them was when I needed them to get their stupid dog out of my yard and then the old man just yelled profanities at his dog (I assume his dog understood swearing means you are really mad).

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They look fine. Nope, the only time I've talked to them was when I needed them to get their stupid dog out of my yard and then the old man just yelled profanities at his dog (I assume his dog understood swearing means you are really mad).


In that case I'm going with the alien theory.

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Get out the binoculars, please.


I don't have any or I would. My MIL is coming in a few weeks and she will probably bring some so she can read the note. She was here a few weeks ago and it made her nuts too!

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I thought that also but there was a big drug bust at a house across the street from the backyard neighbors not too long ago. I figure if the cops know about one house, they know about all of them. Plus, they never have visitors (that use the backdoor anyway).

The cops, in my neighborhod experience, usually just target the biggest dealer on the street and leave the others behind. Then the others just increase their business accordingly after laying low for a very brief time.


I wonder if they are now all working different shifts at work or something. When I was in college leaving notes like that was the only way for us to communicate (when theiur were 7 in the house). I never thought about it being weird.


Have you ever thought about calling the rental company. You don't have to say that you are the one behind, but you can say that you are seeingf suspicious activity and ask them to check it out.

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It could be a message to you all, telling you to stop looking at their house because they don't like it. Perhaps they have seen you looking at them/their home during the day and they figure if you are going to look they might as well give you something to look 'at'. Just a thought.


One apt. complex we lived in years ago had no window coverings in the bathroom window on the second floor. The window was above the tub, so if someone was in the parking lot they could see that someone was taking a shower if they had the window open- the windows were 'frosted' though, so you couldn't see through them. A relative visited us and arrived early one morning, and waited in the parking lot for us to wake up. They saw one of our neighbors open their bathroom window and proceed to shower and they were a bit shocked. Soon after that incident, that neighbor put a piece of cardboard up with some writing on it. I don't remember what it said, but it sure did draw more attention than an open bathroom window, LOL.


When I still lived with my parents there was a neighbor we did not really know who would STARE at us if we were outside when she drove by our home. It was creepy, and I used to make silly doodles of her driving by with big bugged out eyes and stick them on our fridge.


All that to say, they may think that you sit in the room where you can see their home TOO see their home, KWIM? Some people think everything is ALL about them.

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If you live near the border, could be a house holding illegal immigrants. Sometimes the gangs hold them until their family pays a ransom. They bring them in at night, so you wouldn't see them... unless you stay up with those binoculars everyone is recommending!

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I'm thinking about the kidnapped child, Jaycee, who lived in a tent in the backyard w/the children she'd had with her abductor.


I'd be calling the police or something. Just way too creepy for me.


This is exactly what I thought at first too. Then my mind went to some sort of drug lab/dealer scenario. I'd have it checked out.

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I doubt there are drugs involved. Drug manufacturers and dealers usually take more care to look normal.


I live next to a smaller apartment complex, and half the windows have towels hung over them. I was pretty confused until I realized that most of the tenants are college students, and they probably just don't have curtains and want to keep the sun out in the morning.


If one person lives in the garage and someone else lives in the house, the notes are probably just things like, "Could you do the dishes/vacuum/keep your cat from sleeping on my clothes?" I doubt they're advertising their latest batch of meth or anything. Anyone who thinks that obviously hasn't known too many dealers. *grin*

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This is exactly what I thought at first too. Then my mind went to some sort of drug lab/dealer scenario. I'd have it checked out.


Lol... nice thought, but you can't just have your neighbors "checked out." Not without more evidence than some towels over the windows and notes on the garage door, anyway. In all likelyhood, the cops will be annoyed over a call for something like that, and if they do decide to investigate, all they'll be able to do is knock on the door and ask what's going on. They can't actually go in without a warrant.

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I try to be an ethical person (really, I do!) but I'm pretty sure I'd be peeking through the mini-blind slats with binoculars to figure out what those notes say.


I can't tell you how often my husband does that!


Our neighbors just moved out a few weeks ago and he has been looking over there with binoculars every other day giving me an update on what is being done with the house...


"I think they're putting new floors in"


"I see rolls of carpet"


"They are mowing the lawn"


:rolleyes: Jeez....really? I tell him "Your worse than a ole biddy"


However :D in this situation I would be fighting him for the binoc's to see what is being written...


Man do we need to get a life or what??;)

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I doubt there are drugs involved. Drug manufacturers and dealers usually take more care to look normal.


I live next to a smaller apartment complex, and half the windows have towels hung over them. I was pretty confused until I realized that most of the tenants are college students, and they probably just don't have curtains and want to keep the sun out in the morning.




This is a good point. What direction do those windows face? Anything but north facing in the northern hemisphere could be sun.

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We have blinds and curtains in our house. My daughter suffers from insomnia and recently went to the store, got black trash bags ( our regular garbage bags we use are white) and taped them on one of her two windows because both the moonlight and the early morning sunlight were bothering her. Since that window faces the forest, I don't think anyone noticed (there isn't even a nature path in that part of the forest so I think the only who would see are the deer on the opposite side of the stream).

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Well I have a few thoughts.


They are leaving regular household notes to each other regarding chores, grocery lists or 'pick up Jim at 2'.


One of the household members is non-verbal and writing is their way of communicating. My aunt who was skitzophrenia would write notes instead of talking.


The girl in the garage is a border, and does odd jobs around the house for pay.


Someone works off hours and they use notes to communicate.


Someone is very forgetful, and the notes help to remind them.




As far as the towels, it seems like they either finally decided they would like some privacy or darkness (another vote for the off hours shift worker). Maybe someone who replaced the old man, had towels and no curtains. They are just making due.




I guess you have to go with your gut, but I would think it unlikely that there is anything sinister going on, just a group of people working together.

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