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I really, really want to keep taking my fish oil, but...

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It makes me queasy, and I burp fishy burps all. day. long :ack2: And that's with only one gelcap! I've tried taking 4 or 5 different brands, from the cheap to the premium, and I've tried capsules and oil straight from the bottle. The worst was the generic GNC brand, and the best is a Carlson gelcap (but I still get queasy and burp all day). Is there some trick to this? I usually take them in the morning, right before breakfast or while I eat. Maybe if I took them at bedtime instead...?


TIA for any help!

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Nature's Way Fisol fish softgels are *enteric coated*! They are a good size for swallowing and the only kind that, for me, are truly not burp inducing. They are the only kind I'll take.




I had tried refrigerating and even freezing my other fish oil caps and it did help, but didn't completely get rid of the fish burps.

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There are other excellent products on the market ; you already are using one of them (Carlson's). A few years ago, we switched to the Omega-3 oil (bottle) from Nordic Naturals. ( http://www.nordicnaturals.com ) No burps. :)


Although sometimes I take this oil directly from the spoon, most of the time I stir it into my breakfast oatmeal or cereal. (if with cereal, make sure to drink all of the milk or non-dairy milk in the bowl) Sometimes I stir it into a strong-flavored juice (such as orange juice or grape juice). These techniques work well, even with children.

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Also, you could try DHA omega-3 oil that's marketed towards pregnant women. It's based on algae instead of fish so no fishy burps! I'm not sure how mg's of omega-3's compare between the two as I've never tried the fish oil ones.

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I personally find they need to be pushed down with something substantial like bread or a banana or a muffin. Cold cereal for ex would not work for me. I'd consider taking them before dinner. Do not wash them down with anything hot like tea or coffee.


My dd takes hers at bedtime but that doesn't work for me. I just need to eat something largeish & dense with it.

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Another vote for Nordic Naturals. I take these in the morning since that's the worst time for me for these - flavored... I'd have to go look to see which one. Then I take a big honkin' omega-3 gelcap (1000mg) at lunch and I don't have the same problem that I would have if I took it in the AM.

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Do not wash them down with anything hot like tea or coffee.


Ooooohhh. This is interesting. I usually DO wash them down with coffee, or I have coffee shortly thereafter with my breakfast.


OK, I think I'm going to start taking them at bedtime or dinnertime instead of with breakfast. If that doesn't work, I'll buy one of the other brands suggested. I can't take the straight oil. I have a VERY strong aversion to fish oil--if fish with skin is cooked in the house, I have to leave. The time I tried the straight oil (a good brand, though not NN--Blue Ice, maybe?), I threw up in the sink and still had the burping problem all day to boot! It has to be the gelcaps, unfortunately.


I'm so glad I asked. Thanks for the input, everyone!

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Nordic Naturals does the best of the regular softgels, but I still get the burps. Maybe I'm just very burpy. LOL


I started thinking this too :lol: I thought maybe I never noticed it because there was no noxious fish oil taste associated with it. But I've been paying attention and no, I don't seem to be.


I just took some of my supplements now, and I'm saving my multi and fish oil for dinnertime. We'll see how that goes. I really hope it works--the burping was getting to the point where it was grossing me out so much I was gagging :( I struggle with depression too, and the supplements help me so much. I really need to find a way to keep going!

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I had the same problem, and quit taking them after I nearly crashed my van after a fishy (hate the taste of fish) burp up.


My chiropractor recommended Mercola Krill Oil and I haven't had any problem with them at all. They are pricier though.

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I read somewhere that MOST fish oil supplements are nasty and stale before they even hit store shelves. This may be why certain brands are better than others.


Could it just be that it's nearly impossible to keep an animal fat fresh in a capsule?

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Didn't read all the replies, forgive my repetition, if any...


I have recently switched over to Carlson liquid. I mix a half teaspoon in with my morning smoothie. Smoothie also contains chia seed and ground flax seeds (also protein whey powder, psyllium husk, fruit, juice, ice). So, even though the recommended daily dose of fish oil is 1 tsp, I am still getting my daily dose of EFAs, just through other sources. No fish burps here.


I was taking Nordic Naturals, but last time I was in Whole Foods I took some time reading labels, and a clerk told me that he'd recently read that Carlson was the only brand still bottled in Norway, the rest were using Chilean fish. Not sure if that matters, it just struck a chord with me.


You may want to switch over to a liquid added to your juice. If you take the capsules, do go with a good brand.


ETA: Just looked back and saw that your attempts at liquids have not been successful.... Honestly, the lemon flavored Carlson is so *very* mild, if you mix it with a cool beverage I don't think you'd notice. Wish I could send you a little sample!

Edited by AuntieM
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I read somewhere that MOST fish oil supplements are nasty and stale before they even hit store shelves. This may be why certain brands are better than others.


Could it just be that it's nearly impossible to keep an animal fat fresh in a capsule?


Ew, that's gross if it's true!

FWIW, I know ours aren't rancid because my foster dog spits the darn capsules out & so I have to cut them open for him. I get oil on my hands daily & it's not rancid....


Those of you who are heaving or burping really soon after taking them - do you have acid reflux? Are you washing it down with something hot? Because it sounds like the gel cap is dissolving in the esophagus but it shouldn't - it should dissolve in the stomach.


I do recommend pushing it down with something substantial like a slice of bread etc so that if it does break open en route, the bread will absorb at least a bit of it before it can 'repeat' on you....

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I don't know whether you have tried Nordic Naturals, but we take them religiously and have not had any problems with them. We also buy the canned wild salmon at Costco, which is a great deal for meals and also provides significant EFA's .


This is what I use and have NEVER had a problem like what you're describing. I bought mine from Amazon - I'm sure they're available several places.

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I used to have that problem as well so I switched to the enteric coated ones from Sam's and do not have that problem anymore. The enteric coated ones from Sam's are also extra strength. I take two in the morning and two at night (I am bi-polar so I take more) and I don't have any problems with them at all.


My kids take the Nordic Naturals kids chewables without any complaint what-so-ever so they muct not be too bad because my littles do not like fish.

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I keep mine in the freezer and take them at bedtime.


The kids take theirs off a spoon without complaint. Go figure. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm sorry, I can't help it! I'm :lol::D


I know. If I'd have crashed I could have blamed my parents. All those years they forced me to eating fish when I hated it helped to strengthen the gag reaction. ;)


I pulled onto a side street and thought "This supplement is benefitting me how...?"

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