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The Weirdest Fact About You

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One of my first jobs was working on a teargas grenade assembly line. We also made shotgun shells with the stuff in them.


So folks, if you are ever in a demonstration or whatever and get teargassed, just remember NOT to touch your face, and ESPECIALLY not your eyes. Wash with laundry detergent - TIDE is best.


Now you know.



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We have some very interesting people on here.:001_smile:

The only thing I can think of is that my great...whatever...grandfather's brother was General Robert E. Lee. On the other side of the family, my great great grandmother's first name was America. :)


I have an America Bibb on my family tree...


I wonder how many additional members we have once we account for ghosts and absorbed twins...

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My great...whatever...grandfather is Robert E. Lee! I guess that makes us relatives.


We have some very interesting people on here.:001_smile:

The only thing I can think of is that my great...whatever...grandfather's brother was General Robert E. Lee. On the other side of the family, my great great grandmother's first name was America. :)


One more thing, I am almost ashamed to say I would rather read a really hot romance than any other book :D Please don't take away my posting priveledges ;)

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When I was 10, I locked my thumb in the door. I didn't have a key to our summer house so I held the lock part in while my cousin slammed the door. I was SUPPOSED to move my hand out in time. Nope. I stood there for over a half hour with my thumb in the door while my cousin found someone with a key.


My baby toe and the toe next to it are the same size on my right foot. Dh calls it my mutant foot.


When I was in 5th grade, I fell down the stairs because I was wearing Candies high heeled shoes:glare: I knocked out my 4 front bottom teeth and broke the top two front teeth. The dentist transplanted the bottom teeth back into my mouth. They lasted about 4 yrs before I needed a permanent bridge. On a postive note, I missed final exams in 5th grade and didn't have to retake them.

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Wow. Y'all are such an odd and fun group.


I'm not very exciting. The most unusual I can think of:


My grandmother (Mom's mother) was born in 1894.


Not many people have grandparents that were born in the 19th century anymore. My mom was the 11th out of 12 children (born in 1930 when Grandma was 36). Most of my aunts and uncles were the ages that most of my friend's grandparent's were, and my 2nd cousins were all my age. And then I was born when my mom was 30yo.


I have a grandfather that was born in the 19th century too. (I'm 28 years old.) He was born in the backwoods of Arkansas so we think it was about 1897 but not totally sure because there weren't good records kept then and his mother died young but his brothers told him it was 1897. He was in his mid-50's when my father was born and my dad was 30 something when I was born. My little brother (16 yo) thinks it's cool that he can tell people in his class that his grandfather was in WWI and WII. Some kids in his class don't have grandfathers old enough to be in WWII even.

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My baby toe and the toe next to it are the same size on my right foot. Dh calls it my mutant foot.



I have totally weird baby toes too! On both of my feet all of the first 4 toes are normal and go gradually down in size until you get to my baby toe. I have the tiniest little baby toes on both of my feet and I have long skinny feet so it's really noticeable. I always say that God gave me a rain check on my pinkie toes and I'll get the real ones when I get to heaven.:)

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

When I was 4 we had moved to a new town and were living in apartments on the 2nd floor. My sister(she was 2) and I were looking out the window, the screen popped off and I fell 2 stories. My mom was not home and my dad was cooking lunch. My sister started Screaming my name and my dad thought I hit her and then was hiding from him. :o A few minutes later he heard banging on the front door. I was standing there alone, no bruises, no hurts, not even any scrapes. I told my parents that an Angel carried me.


I don't remember this at all.

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In high school my first job was at a Kids R Us in Evansville, IN. I dressed up in a Pound Puppy costume for the grand opening. I had a blast, except when the kids would pull my tail and step on my paws!


Also, I can do a fair job of mimicking voices. Some British, Irish, the 88 year old lady from New York I met during my internship, John Wayne, the elderly Chow dog that used to live next to my parents (he had this weird bark that sounded like the "Oy! Oy!" of an old man)...there are apparently many people in here. My classmates and coworkers are only now just beginning to hear some of these voices, as I am kinda quiet until you get to know me and I get comfortable in my craziness...:001_smile:

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I once drove the tug boat out to meet my dh's submarine. The crew said I was officially one of them......"tug trash"! This will probably only mean anything to submariners or their wives, though.


In London I met the lady who replaced Sarah in Phantom. She took me backstage for a tour, introduced me to the phantom, and let me on the catwalk. Then we had wine in her dressing room while her hair and makeup were being done.


I was almost arrested in Switzerland, and was robbed and propositioned in Italy.


In my youth I went skydiving.


Almost forgot one: I cancelled my first wedding two weeks before. It was worth every dime I lost in deposits. :)

Edited by Aggie
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It IS, isn't it! I miss Europe so much! I don't tell many people I skied growing up because they always ask where. When I say Austria, you'd think I said, "The Moon!!":lol:


I wrote this really late last night, and I just want to clarify I was agreeing that Austria is so beautiful. Not that I'm awesome:lol: I like to think I am, but I do have some modesty LOL!:tongue_smilie:

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OK here goes....


1. I once won a bikini contest and received a contract as a "Coor's Light" girl. I was on posters in bars during the mid-90s


2. At my bachelorette party in Chicago at a bar, I won a contest for best fake org**m sounds. Don't tell my husband. :lol::lol:


I KNEW I recognized you from somewhere!!!:lol:


Seriously thought, I've always told my husband that you look so familiar to me. Now, I wonder if my ex-boyfriend had you hanging on a poster in his bedroom!!!


That's Awesome!


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It IS, isn't it! I miss Europe so much! I don't tell many people I skied growing up because they always ask where. When I say Austria, you'd think I said, "The Moon!!":lol:


LOL My family comes from Asturias in the north of Spain and whenever people ask me where my family comes from and I tell them they always say, "Austria?? I thought you said you were spanish??" :tongue_smilie:


and for the record, I think winning a medal in the slalom is very awesome. :)

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LOL My family comes from Asturias in the north of Spain and whenever people ask me where my family comes from and I tell them they always say, "Austria?? I thought you said you were spanish??" :tongue_smilie:


and for the record, I think winning a medal in the slalom is very awesome. :)


Thanks. I think it's Awesome you're family comes from Spain! Are your parents first generation?


I love all the Genealogy going on here. I think more Americans should research their genealogy. We have it so easy now, I think it's neat to know how we got here. Even if it was in a straight line.;)

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Why do you have a placenta in your freezer and is that legal ?


There are lots of reasons to bring home a placenta, starting with waste not want not :) It's full of nutrients!


When we took our placentas home we had to say it was for religious reasons. They sent it home in a toxic waste kind of container :D.

One of my nurses was an older lady, she said back in the day she would bring them home and put them in her garden, she said her roses were the healthiest in those times.


We buried ours in the garden, though nothing but weeds ever grew there. :)

Just the memories alone are worth it, knowing that even though we don't live in our family home (in-laws upstairs/us downstairs) anymore, there is always a part of us there. Plus we all think it's funny that the second placenta got lost in the garage for so long. It's become a family story.

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Thanks. I think it's Awesome you're family comes from Spain! Are your parents first generation?


I love all the Genealogy going on here. I think more Americans should research their genealogy. We have it so easy now, I think it's neat to know how we got here. Even if it was in a straight line.;)


Nah, we've been here for awhile now. My family come from Asturias and the Canary Islands and they went from there to Havana, Cuba. Some of them stayed in Cuba and are still there but the first one to come to the US was my great grandfather. He came in 1905 to Tampa, Florida following the cigar industry. He lived in the latin quarter of Tampa and all of my family are still there pretty much. My grandparents and my mom are all from Tampa. We really held onto our roots really good though because everyone in my family lives really really long. My great grandfather died in Tampa in 1990 a 100 years old! We had just celebrated his birthday 2 months before. But we have such a mix of immigrant, 1st generation, 2nd generation etc all living together in a latin community so we didn't really assimilate much. We always spoke Spanish, everyone in the neighborhood was Spanish or Cuban with a few Italians too, but mostly everyone spoke Spanish all the time. I grew up speaking Spanish too with my family. My great grandfather never even learned English even though he lived in Florida much longer than he lived in Cuba. He didn't have to learn it so he didn't. hehe


BTW, there is a legend in our family that we are descendant from the first king of Asturias. :) King Pelayo. Our family name is Pelaez. Don't know if it's true or not, but my aunts sure like to say it is. ;) :tongue_smilie:

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There are lots of reasons to bring home a placenta, starting with waste not want not :) It's full of nutrients!


When we took our placentas home we had to say it was for religious reasons. They sent it home in a toxic waste kind of container :D.

One of my nurses was an older lady, she said back in the day she would bring them home and put them in her garden, she said her roses were the healthiest in those times.


We buried ours in the garden, though nothing but weeds ever grew there. :)

Just the memories alone are worth it, knowing that even though we don't live in our family home (in-laws upstairs/us downstairs) anymore, there is always a part of us there. Plus we all think it's funny that the second placenta got lost in the garage for so long. It's become a family story.



LOL! We had our kids at home with midwives. They asked us to bury the placentas 6 feet under. Ours sat in our our freezer for 2+ years before we burried it at my step-father's acreage (on what is now called Placenta Hill) :tongue_smilie: The first evening after my second child was born, my mom came to help and cooked a roast she found from the freezer. Wanna bet we all dropped our forks real fast? :lol:

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BTW, there is a legend in our family that we are descendant from the first king of Asturias. :) King Pelayo. Our family name is Pelaez. Don't know if it's true or not, but my aunts sure like to say it is. ;) :tongue_smilie:


Oh dear friend, I just KNEW you were of the King's lineage! :D

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Why do you have a placenta in your freezer and is that legal ?


Sure it's legal. Why wouldn't it be? It's mine & it's fulfilled its function.

It was a homebirth and the midwives gave us the choice of keeping it or having them take it away. I kept it. I mean to bury it & plant something nice on top of it but haven't got around to it.


It's not very uncommon in some circles.

I've moved twice with it in a cooler :lol:

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LOL, yeah, why would it be illegal? I've moved 3 or 4 times with ours. Waste not, want not is exactly why I don't throw it out. It seems so wrong to just toss it out. You should see the pics we have of it being steamed. That was so much grosser than making placenta prints. If I wouldn't have been so tired, it would have been more fun. FYI, with my last birth, dh didn't know that the ziploc with the placenta in it was tipped over and blood soaked deep in the carpet. Every time I cleaned it up, more would appear! If we ever get new carpet, the people who install it will think someone has been murdered in there.

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Ours sat in our our freezer for 2+ years before we burried it at my step-father's acreage (on what is now called Placenta Hill) :tongue_smilie:

Placenta Hill!! That's hilarious! hehe

The first evening after my second child was born, my mom came to help and cooked a roast she found from the freezer. Wanna bet we all dropped our forks real fast? :lol:


Oh my! :ohmy: It WAS a roast she made right? ;) Oh you're making me laugh this morning! hehe


Oh dear friend, I just KNEW you were of the King's lineage! :D


Awww. :grouphug: You are SO SWEET!! But you are of the King's lineage too sweetie! mua! :grouphug: Ain't it good? :)

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:lol: Here goes: My grandparents were 2nd cousins (my GF's dad and my GM's mom were 1st cousins) and they met at the funeral of a mutual relative in Canada. No -- I cannot fathom how that happened. I don't know if they were gazing at each other over the corpse and felt sparks or what. According to my family tree software, that makes my mom her own 3rd cousin and all of the grandchildren are their own 4th cousins. The super-creepy thing about all this? It is rumored that my great-grandmother's family moved to Canada from Maine when she was a young teen because she and my great-grandfather were developing more than a cousinly interest in each other. It's weird that their children ended up getting married!


I'd like it noted that I don't talk to myself -- I talk to my inner-cousin ;)


A song for you:





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I was a member of THE premier handbell choir of the USA, possibly the world, in the 1980's. We travelled the US, England and Canada, made albums (remember vinyl? :lol:), were on TV and radio. We once played with Dave Brubeck.


My xh was investigated by the FBI over one of the issues listed here. It went on for years, I think I've gotten calls as recently as within the last 7 years.

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Wow, compared to most of you, I'm quite boring. :)


Well, ok, I do have a few...


My bio mom's mom and my stepmother's dad were leaders of a cult. My stepmom's dad died, and all of the members believed he would be raised from the dead. There was an article written about it in Time magazine. I was raised in the cult, and my mom, dad, (future) stepmom, and most of my extended family on all sides belonged as well.


Ok, I guess that's pretty weird. :D


Oh, and I have only one kidney. My sister has my other one. :)

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My bio mom's mom and my stepmother's dad were leaders of a cult. My stepmom's dad died, and all of the members believed he would be raised from the dead. There was an article written about it in Time magazine. I was raised in the cult, and my mom, dad, (future) stepmom, and most of my extended family on all sides belonged as well.




This, from the article:


Last July 3 he announced in the church newspaper that the next issue would describe an event that would "publicly vindicate" him as a prophet. On the very day the paper was to appear, Gill, 49, suddenly died of pancreatitis after two days in the hospital.


Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,917291,00.html#ixzz0gTAPOrCb


Creepy fascinating.

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Creepy fascinating.


It really is. There were several newspaper articles written about it, too.


Apparently, the members made a big sign that read something like 'Welcome back Pastor Gill', and put it in his parking spot. They seriously, honestly thought he would raise from the dead.


It's so bizarre. I'm glad I was only four or five when my parents left the cult. But some of the darker, scarier things that went on have left life-long scars on members of my family.

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I had something similar happen to me--but I was an adult...I knew that my husband was going to die---a few days before he passed. I woke in the middle of the night and could smell death--I don't know how to explain the smell or how I felt--it was very strange....he died a few days later.


A similar odd thing happened to me - on my honeymoon with (now)xh, I woke up in the middle of the night just knowing that there was something terribly wrong with his mom. He must have had some premonition, too, because he felt the need to call her as soon as we could the next day (we were in Europe - waited for morning here.) We found out she had been diagnosed with stomach cancer the day before, and the doctor measured her remaining time in weeks. This was at the beginning of October and she died before Thanksgiving.


ETA: It was disturbing to have this happen with MIL. That must have been pretty frightening to know that about your dh. :grouphug:

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