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Well, THAT Freaked Me Out!

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Some jerk has been letting our dog out of our yard. Its happened twice now, and both times we just happened to be checking for the mail and found her roaming out front. We know she's not squeezing through the fence, because that would pop the latch, and both times the gate was closed.


So, I was standing on our back steps, looking around to see if I spotted anyone. There was a guy wandering around, dressed in brown overalls and a black sweatshirt. We made eye contact, and next thing I know, he's headed over, and letting himself into the yard. He asked me to call him a cab.


I opened the door a crack, asked Diva to bring me the phone, all the while keeping an eye on this guy. I'm nervous, as I don't know him. I call for a cab, and while I'm on hold, he asks me if I smoke. I said yes, cigarettes (I had one in my hand). He grins, and asks me what I smoke. I told him just regular cigarettes. He steps into my space, and grins more, then asks me if I smoke rock.


Uhhh...No! He kind of leers at me, and repeats, "Noooo." He then pats my bad arm twice (I get an Oscar for not flinching or yelping...I didn't want to show a weakness) and tells me he'll get someone else to call him a cab and leaves...with my gate wide open.


I close the gate and head in the house, locking the door behind me. The guy was plain creepy, and I was very unnerved.


When Wolf got home, I told him about what happened. My husband bawled me out for not kicking the guy out of our yard immediately, and told me I was naive, not to call a cab or anything for ANYONE.


I pointed out that I'm one armed and have 3 kids in the house. Provoking any sort of confrontation is a bad idea. It simply didn't occur to me, at 3 pm in the afternoon, that a crack head would be wandering around the neighbourhood!


Heck, I don't expect it at any time. I guess I am naive. :001_huh:

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I would have freaked out. I think I would have said that I was going inside to call a cab and then call the police instead. I'm glad that you are ok.


I would have done this, would have been shaking like a leaf, would have been thrilled that I even thought to do this, and then I would have collapsed in relief that we all were okay.


It is SO difficult to know how we will react in these situations. Thank heavens you are all safe --

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you handled that well. Call the police next time you see him.


I don't handle situations like this well. I've had men wandering around my house, going through the barn, hanging out with the animals........ and we live in the middle of nowhere on acreage. Our property is posted No Trespassing. Dh gets mad when I don't call the cops. I need to do it, but I also know it's unlikely they'll get here before the stranger leaves. I need to use binoculars to get license plates next time.

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Honestly, it didn't occur to me that he would come in the gate...I expected him to stop outside of it. By the time he was in the gate, he was in front of me...we have a really small yard.


Being calm and cooperative was the only thing I could think of to do. I don't know this guy from Adam, so had no clue what he might do...all I could think of was to keep an eye on him, and out of my house (I stood in front of the door the entire time).


Like I said, I wasn't expecting him to be a crack head, but strangers, esp strange men make me nervous...I'm very aware of how vulnerable my disability makes me.


Plus, what if it had just been a young man, without a cell phone, whose car had broken down? I would have felt guilty not calling a cab to help him.


Wolf says I'm too naive, and too soft hearted. He also said, "If a stranger is TOO friendly, they're up to no good. Stay the h*ll away! Someone who is friendly like that is after something!"


So what, I only try to help rude people? *sigh*


And Chris, that's what Wolf said. That he can't wait to be out of the city, on an acreage, where there's less chance of a crack head wandering by. Lately, he's been really antsy to get the heck out of the city...but until WCB is settled, we can't go anywhere.

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I wouldn't wait for the next time to call the police. Call them NOW and let them know what happened. And, call them again if you see him again. If you know this guy doesn't live in your neighborhood, he doesn't need to be there. Don't wait until he hurts someone before alerting the cops.

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I wouldn't wait for the next time to call the police. Call them NOW and let them know what happened. And, call them again if you see him again. If you know this guy doesn't live in your neighborhood, he doesn't need to be there. Don't wait until he hurts someone before alerting the cops.

I live in a not so nice neighborhood and similar incidents happen. I always call the police if it happens to me and they always step up car patrols and such. Once when someone came here asking for the previous owner (who had a son that was a drug dealer) they told me that I should never expose myself by fully opening the door or anything. If they are not scoping me to see what an easy target I am, or my children, they are looking to the house for theft in the future. Sometimes just by the description I give they know who the person is already. If this person knew you had children in the house, that may be the only reason it just stopped at patting your arm. Plus, if the neighbors start making noise, that will help move the drug houses near your neighborhood up the list for police intervention. Squeaky wheels make noise and the police will address them.


Please keep yourself safe.

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I wouldn't wait for the next time to call the police. Call them NOW and let them know what happened. And, call them again if you see him again. If you know this guy doesn't live in your neighborhood, he doesn't need to be there. Don't wait until he hurts someone before alerting the cops.


I agree. We recently had an individual who was clearly high as a kite come to our door twice. This is not the type of neighborhood that gets people going door to door looking for work. :glare:


He and a buddy came back later that evening (we were still awake) and we caught them in the process of attempted theft. Long story, but the one who came here originally ended up in jail on outstanding warrants for guess what....yup, theft. :001_huh:


This guy could have been casing your house. I'd make sure you lock the back gate and alert the authorities...like now.

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I wouldn't wait for the next time to call the police. Call them NOW and let them know what happened. And, call them again if you see him again. If you know this guy doesn't live in your neighborhood, he doesn't need to be there. Don't wait until he hurts someone before alerting the cops.


:iagree:100%. I would call the police ASAP...

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I agree about reporting it to the police so they know what's going on. Also, read Gavin deBecker's books -- he has a good part in The Gift of Fear about overly-friendly strangers. (A good guy will be polite and distantly friendly, not over-familiar. A good guy who needs a cab will not ask a lone woman to do it for him.)

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I wouldn't wait for the next time to call the police. Call them NOW and let them know what happened. And, call them again if you see him again. If you know this guy doesn't live in your neighborhood, he doesn't need to be there. Don't wait until he hurts someone before alerting the cops.

:iagree: This guy has cased your house. He knows the dog won't bark at him and that you are home alone with littles all day.

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I doubt that the visit was innocent. He was asking to call a cab but left without one being called. You said you were going to call for him. You had the phone and then he changed his mind. Strange.


The other concern was the mention of crack. I've never had someone ask me if I had any crack cocaine. If he's a crackhead(which he sounds like), he may return.


I would call the police and mention everything that you said. I would also keep the dog inside when possible. People are less likely to break in if you have a dog. But if the dog has been let out of your yard he's not there to protect you.

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wow. The excitement never ends! ;)


I agree chicky, there should be a record of this. If he's letting the dog out and the dog didn't bark, then there goes your warning. He has cased the joint. And knowing your layout with parking, it would be easy enough for someone to figure out when your dh is out. Don't go getting paranoid, but do be smart about it. NO WAY should he have gotten close enough to TOUCH you. He was trying to intimidate you and at any second he could have done you in while in your personal space. Naive, yes, my dear, that was very naive. But my question is, what are you going to DO about it? How will next time be different? :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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My guess would be that he'll be back. You need to be ready for that possibility. People who are too friendly really set off alarms to me.


We're out in the middle of nowhere and we've been robbed time after time. Once we chased them down. Once I just scared them off because I had a bunch of babies with me. We've had to deal with situations ourselves, and have had to call the sheriff. The point is, you need a plan. Whether it's a biting dog, locked door, gun or a baseball bat you need to be prepared.

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