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At the ER with DH (yes, again). Urgent Care declined us......

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Because the presenting issue was too severe. We went there to avoid abusing the ER.


So.....we are in the ER with a grossly swollen, red inflamed leg with open wound. They are going to tell us it's cellulitis.


I am guessing the reoccuring cellulitis is exacerbated by cardio vascular issues and the wound issue related to diabetes. His priamry care dr, whom I think I finally convinced DH to drop, never adequately pursued the issue.

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I'm praying for you.


I had cellulitus a few years back, in an IV site in my arm.


I went to the doctor who told me that she would either give me a big shot of antibiotics to knock it down, or pills to take to cure it gradually. I chose the shot, and it stopped advancing, but 5 days later it had not subsided at all, either. I called back and asked when it was supposed to actually get better, and they said I should be seen immediately. Bottom line? The first doc had been wrong. She should have done BOTH the shot and the pills. I started taking the pills, and thankfully it cleared up. By the time I started them, though, there was a significant danger of them needing to dig out the infected areas surgically.


Bottom line...talk to two doctors, arrange followup care, make sure you have asked them what to watch for to see whether it heals or not. Maybe push for an oxygen treatment--I have heard that that is becoming SOP for wounds in diabetics because of their circulation problems.

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We are waiting for IV antibiotics. ER dr (who I remembered and liked from previous visit with asthmatic son) is referring us to an internal medicine dr and cardio-vascular specialist. The Internal med dr. can see us Thursday.


He would admit us if I insisted, but (of **$#*$# course), DH doesn't want to.


I am glad, however, this time we have referrals and concrete options for outpatient follow up.


Another bonus is that DH's Human Resources for his former job doesn't have him listed as terminated yet, so we are still covered insurance wise. That explains the lack of Cobra paperwork.

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Definitely seek wound care specialists in your area. My FIL had a wound this fall that they treated pretty simply with a pad containing silver, and some zinc oxide (diaper cream) all over his legs, then wrapped them tightly. The wound healed on it's own once we got the leg swelling under control. It's nothing to take lightly as I am quite certain you know.


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Most Gracious and Merciful Father,

I come to you on behalf of Joann and her family. I know that all the things that you've placed in their lives that are really hard pale in comparison to the things that you kept and continue to keep from them. I come to you first saying thank you becase all of this heavy and hard "stuff" is not only on their plates to gro their character and stretch their faith but it's also there to prepare them for the awsome and unbelieveable blessings you have to come. You now all their needs dreams goals and even wants and only you know how to bless them in te exact way they need to be blessed. the health issues, the money and mortage issues, the custody and legal issues God just meet their need on every level in only the way you know how exceeding and abundantly!! Right now Lord in Jesus name I pray AMEN!!


Don't know if you christian or if you even believe in God or what your faith beliefs are but I just wanted to pray for you on here after seeing yet another post about whats going on in your life. I hope it helps you!

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