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how many children do you have

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Just the two. I'd like more, but nothing would persuade me to go through pregnancy again and I don't have the courage to go through another baby's first year. Maybe if I could get some at about 10 months of age...




Me too. I have two wonderful daughters. I would have loved to have had a houseful; but post-partum depression was bad after the first and devastating after the second. I was told the trend would probably continue, so I decided to love every minute with my two girls. :001_smile:

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We have 8 and will find out in about an hour if #9 or #9 and #10 are on the way. Right now I say no more (24/7 morning sickness has me in bed) but as soon as that passes I know I'll change my mind. :D




Welll?????? It has been over an hour. How 'bout it? Is it 9 or 9 & 10??

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Two boys and two girls. Today, I think I'd like to get pregnant again. Last night, I wanted to adopt a sibling group at some point in the future. Yesterday morning, I was thankful to be "done". Ask me again in an hour. :lol:



This is SO me!!! Glad to know that I am not the only one! Some days I feel like our family is the perfect size, and I am content with the ages and stages that we are dealing with at the moment. Other times, I feel like our family isn't complete, but that I want a couple of slightly older children/toddlers and not a newborn - which has made us talk about adoption in the future. And then, there are the times that thinking of never being pregnant again, and closing that chapter forever, makes me quite sad! Geez, so who knows? :tongue_smilie:

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We had 4 then through unusual circumstances ended up with my sister's 4. Now we have 8. Whew! Its busy, but fun.


Mine are 12dd (13 in a few days), 10dd, 8dd, 6dd, and 5b, 3b, 2g, and 1g.


Similar here.... when our twins were 3... we got my then 9yr old nephew and 11 yr old niece while I was pregnant with next ds. Then four months later (a few months before ds was born) 18yr old nephew also moved in with us... then two years later another Ds. Was not easy going from 2 kids to 6 in 7 months.

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I am in awe of all those wonderful people who take on nieces, nephews and other foster children. They are so lucky to have you.


No, we aren't wonderful nor was luck involved. We love them and they needed a home. Dh and I feel that taking care of family is what family does. There are days that I wonder if we did the right thing. They needed so much that even their therapists were thinking residential home for younger nephew. We stuck with them and we all survived and that is about how I feel... we survived-LOL. They are great kids (adults really as youngest is 20).

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We're a mixed lot :001_smile:...my step-son who is 15, lives with us full-time. My dh adopted him when he was married to his ex wife (my step-sons mother). I have two from a previous marriage. They are both boys, ages 9 and almost 7 yrs. We have one darling little girl together, she is 3.5 yrs.


So, if you're keeping track, that's 4 total.


We...ok...*I* would love another babe, but my dh is 43 and pretty much done. I'm 32 and not so sure;). I'll put it this way, we're not trying to get pregnant but we're not preventing too hard either. As in no BC at all...just well...the flying the coop method, if you kwim;). Sorry I didn't want to get too personal:tongue_smilie:.

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4 and I think we are done. 4 seems to be our magic number. Ds 13, dd 10, ds 9 and dd 4. Dh and I are both 45. Dd 4 will definitely be our youngest. We have thought about adopting again, but 4 does seem to be the right number for us, though tomorrow we might feel differently. (both dd were adopted from China) I just knew we weren't done until dd 4 came home from China, but we weren't expecting a 2 year old when we received "the call" but everyday we are so blessed to be her parents and we now see God's plan playing out. Today, I can stand firm and say 4 is good.

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