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I can't seem to get a high quality graphic in the screenshot so excuse the blurriness. Honest, it does look nice on the letterhead.


BTW, we normally pronounce it like our family name, "Drake," not the right way, which is "Dree-okt." We chose it for what seems like dozens of reasons, but my favorite is that my very first adventure in self-directed learning when I first started down my homeschooling journey, as a teen, was researching my father's claim that our family name was an Americanized version of the word for Druid. It's probably not true, but I love being reminded of my first ever homeschool lesson.

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We were originally Voyager Academy, but then found out there is an actual school with that name somewhere in NC, so we tweaked it a bit.


We're now Voyager Learning Center. This is our current logo, it's a little small and we'd love to find a good picture of the Star Trek ship our school is named after. For now this one will do.

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Wow, it's Celtic and classical. That's brilliant!


Thanks! I thought it was brilliant ;-)


Caerdroia = a Welsh name that can be translated as the Fortress of Troy. We've adopted the symbol as our family symbol:




It honors both our Celtic heritage, and our classical side.


I love your logo, and your school name! And I pronounce it "dree-ocht." ;-) But I thought "drake" meant dragon?

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started out as Magnum Opus Classical Academy because I figure that our kids are our "best work" and we want to give our "greatest work" to God, and I like the line in Charlotte's Web where she talks about her eggs being her magnum opus. I also loved the movie Mr Holland's Opus. :-)


But, the kids wanted to change it to Magnum Opus Classical Historical Academy because they love history, but mostly because then the initials spell out MOCHA! How could I complain about that?

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Evergreen Eclectic Academy


Here's how/why I chose our school name:


ev·er·green (ěv'ər-grēn') adj.

(1) Having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year.

(2) Perenially fresh or interesting; enduring. [American Heritage Dictionary]

(3) We live in the Pacific Northwest. :001_smile:


e·clec·tic (ĭ-klěk'tĭk) adj. (1) Selecting or choosing from various sources.

(2) Not following any one system...but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems. [Dictionary.com Unabridged (v1.1)]

(3) We are a very eclectic bunch. :D

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For NINE years we couldn't come up with a good name! So as a joke among ourselves, we were the "Gabungi Institute of Technology." To outsiders, we were the Olsen Academy. Nice and boring outside, funny and quirky to ourselves! We were still on the hunt for the right name.


Then three years ago, it finally hit me. Now we are named after a musical group that my husband was in as a teenager. It has great spiritual significance as well personal meaning, and is a nice way to draw my husband into things as well.


The name we finally chose? "His Will Academy."



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Koinonia Academy...

The essential meaning of the koinonia embraces concepts conveyed in the English terms community, communion, joint participation, sharing and intimacy. Koinonia can therefore refer in some contexts to a jointly contributed gift. The word appears 19 times in most editions of the Greek New Testament. In the NASB, it is translated “fellowship†twelve times, “sharing†three times, and “participation†and “contribution†twice each....




I like what the word represents... and it is what my desire is for my family.... Its an ultimate fellowship..... a contributed gift.... my kids...

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We are Wakefield Academy. It was the name of a street that was never paved. It was supposed to go through the land where we used to live.


We also have a theme for the year. this year it is The Journey: Building Strength. Next year it will be The Journey: Setting Forth

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Our church did a musical called Acorns to Oaks and it had a really cool Acorns to Oaks song and my children loved it so much, we named ourselves Acorns to Oaks Academy and we have our own theme song...

"He's changing this acorn into a mighty oak- He's making me holy, He's teaching me to grow. Learning to trust and obey, I'm getting stronger each day..." and of course there is more, but I don't want to type it all out. :tongue_smilie:

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Kindled Flame Academy.

"Lighting a Love for Learning"


i like it cuz it reflects Christian themes AND pyro tendencies... :D


i do want a cool logo w/ a turn-of-the-millenium oil lamp and a cool little flame. So if anyone wants to design one we can use free of copyright infringement, send it to me :)

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Our school is Lighthouse Academy.


A lighthouse is:





Withstands the Storms

Leads and Guides to Safety



Built on a Rock


Gives off Light




And, dh and I were married in the Oakland Temple which is the Lighthouse Temple (during energy crisis the Oakland Temple turned off its spire lights to conserve energy and they were called by the Coast Guard and told to turn them back on because ships use the spire lights for a lighthouse).


After praying for confirmation of our school name, PS 43:3 Confirmed that this was the name for our school

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We are Fish Fell Academy.

Long, silly story behind that.

My son named our school when he was six.

He hated doing written work and always drew these little fish all over his work. He always made them look like they were falling out of the sky like raindrops. Raindrop fish.

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