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s/o Deeply Philosophical Twilight Question: Edward's face

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All I know about this Twi thing is what I've read here and the countless images on lunchboxes, pajamas, and calendars. This guy (Edward the vampire?) looks like he's wearing blush and Bonne Bell Strawberry Lip Smacker in every picture. I can't believe girls find him hot. Is he ever sans-rouge on the show or in the movie?


Do teenage boys like this show?

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I think he's weird looking, too. All the actors who play vampires look like they're dead to me. Maybe that's the point.... They look just like they're wearing makeup that you see on dead bodies. I don't like it.


I guess people who buy the posters and lunchboxes are buying it for the story behind the face? The idea of "Edward" who loves Bella? Dunno. The makeup is creepy.

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All I know about this Twi thing is what I've read here and the countless images on lunchboxes, pajamas, and calendars. This guy (Edward the vampire?) looks like he's wearing blush and Bonne Bell Strawberry Lip Smacker in every picture. I can't believe girls find him hot. Is he ever sans-rouge on the show or in the movie?


Do teenage boys like this show?


Edward in the movie is Rob Pattinson. I do think he is a good looking guy, at times, but he was NOT "my" Edward...as in, the one I saw in my mind when I read the books.


This is closer to "my" Edward:


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All I know about this Twi thing is what I've read here and the countless images on lunchboxes, pajamas, and calendars. This guy (Edward the vampire?) looks like he's wearing blush and Bonne Bell Strawberry Lip Smacker in every picture. I can't believe girls find him hot. Is he ever sans-rouge on the show or in the movie?


Do teenage boys like this show?



I think he looks like a better-fed heroin addict. Yeah... that's what we all want our little girls to swoon over. :glare:

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All I know about this Twi thing is what I've read here and the countless images on lunchboxes, pajamas, and calendars. This guy (Edward the vampire?) looks like he's wearing blush and Bonne Bell Strawberry Lip Smacker in every picture. I can't believe girls find him hot. Is he ever sans-rouge on the show or in the movie?


Do teenage boys like this show?


LOL! Actually, my 14yo dd loves the movies and the books but thinks he is "tweaky" her word for too girlish. She can not see what other girls think is so "hot" about him. :) We both think it's funny that the vamps in this movie are so obvious. I mean, c'mon, wanna know who the vampire is, just look for the dead looking guy sporting a unabrow. :)

Edited by JustGin
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I haven't seen the movies, but I have read Twilight. I was SO disappointed when I saw posters of the movie cast. Bella pretty much looked like I imagined, but Edward and the others freak me out. Isn't part of the story is the ability of the vampires to blend in with the humans? Wouldn't it help the story's plausibility if they actually looked human? I don't get it. Yuck.

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I ABHOR the movies. Just for those two. If they had cast ANYONE else in them i might have watched, but the two make me violently ill. Thankfully for them I am not in their PR/Casting. The books were great.


Ohhh Angel and Spike!! Now there's some casting done right, but Joss is a god for his characterization and strong women protagonists.

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DH and I saw New Moon Monday night. Taylor Lautner is HUGE, yeah. The funniest thing, though, was that it was a few guys in the back of the theater, there with their girlfriends, who kept letting out these audible bursts of awe the first few times he came onscreen. And when he took off his shirt when Bella crashed her motorcycle, it was the guys in the back who had the whole theater laughing with their "Whoa!"s. I can only surmise that they were simply impressed.:)


Whatever their reasons, it was pretty comical. They totally out-did the girls.

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DH and I saw New Moon Monday night. Taylor Lautner is HUGE, yeah. The funniest thing, though, was that it was a few guys in the back of the theater, there with their girlfriends, who kept letting out these audible bursts of awe the first few times he came onscreen. And when he took off his shirt when Bella crashed her motorcycle, it was the guys in the back who had the whole theater laughing with their "Whoa!"s. I can only surmise that they were simply impressed.:)


Whatever their reasons, it was pretty comical. They totally out-did the girls.


:lol: The fans in the theatre with us made the whole thing worthwhile. LOL The place was PACKED and it was noon on a Sunday. We had so much fun listening to the audible reactions.

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I cant remember what my pre-movie picture of Edward was....more Leonardo de Caprio like though, I seem to remember. I avoided the first movie till a month ago because I wasnt happy with having my fantasy destroyed. But in the end...once I saw him moving and animated...I kind of fell for the movie Edward too.

If I hadnt read the books though...the whoel tihng woudl look rather pathetic.


Seeing New Moon was a hoot though for the audience reactions, the aaahs and the laughter. I mean, that scene right at the beginning where Edward is walking across the carpark to Bella in slow motion like a male model? . That had me so cracked up laughing- fortunately I wasnt the only one laughing...I mean, that director had a sense of humour.

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My friend and I went to see the movie yesterday.


I am team Jacob and she is team Edward. We both walked out disappointed with New Moon. It is more like the book but overall a waste of theater space in our opinions and my friend seriously has an unhealthy infatuation with Edward. Blech.


I agree the wolf pack looked amazing in the movie and oh yeah...Jacob has a healthy pallor to his skin, ripped abs, and a killer smile. Her Edward at the Volturi scene where he takes his shirt off to step in the sun almost gagged me. Seriously, Edward you are supposed to be pale and a body like granite. He looked flabby and fleshy to me. It was gross.


And the makeup. No thanks. I understand pale but you know what, give everyone else a spray tan and let them be naturally pale. No makeup necessary.

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Ok I rarely attend movies as I actually prefer watching on DVD in the comfort of home unless it's Imax.


But I have to admit you all are making me start to think twilight will become like rocky horror pic show - you gotta go for the party, not the show itself.


Of course dh has been trying to drag me to a rocky horror show for nearly 2 decades unsuccessfully.


So I'm still waiting for the DVD on new moon.

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:iagree: I was prepared to be bored for my dd, but we had such a fun time at the theatre opening day.




Ok I rarely attend movies as I actually prefer watching on DVD in the comfort of home unless it's Imax.


But I have to admit you all are making me start to think twilight will become like rocky horror pic show - you gotta go for the party, not the show itself.


Of course dh has been trying to drag me to a rocky horror show for nearly 2 decades unsuccessfully.


So I'm still waiting for the DVD on new moon.

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Buffy: I like my evil like I like my men. Evil! You know, straight up black-hat-tie-you-to-the-train-tracks-soon-my-electro-ray-will-destroy- Metropolis bad!


Give me Angel and Spike any day.


An ongoing argument with my Twilight friends. :)





Gotta love Angel!


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I haven't seen the movies, but I have read Twilight. I was SO disappointed when I saw posters of the movie cast. Bella pretty much looked like I imagined, but Edward and the others freak me out. Isn't part of the story is the ability of the vampires to blend in with the humans? Wouldn't it help the story's plausibility if they actually looked human? I don't get it. Yuck.


Alright I finally watched Twilight at my mom's over Thanksgiving and I was so disappointed that I had trouble staying in the room and finishing it. I agree that Bella looked right, but they took a strong, mature teenage character and made her into a common teenage goose.


And don't get me started on the vampires! The little one that plays Alice and maybe Carlilse character, but him only a little, are the only ones that even come close to the visions in my head.


Another yuck!


Oh, and Taylor Lautner definitely isn't my idea of Jacob- not even close. Jacob should tower over everyone except Emmett and he should be Native American for goodness sake. I definitely had an image in mind.



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First, the reason the guy Edward looks like he's wearing lip gloss is because he lips got tinted red by all that blood he's been drinking! That's what happens to me when I eat pomegranates.




Second, the reason the guy Edward is so pale is because he's anemic. What sort of supplements would you suggest for Edward to take? :lol:



Third, this movie is a real let down for those young fans who are both queasy at the sight of blood and allergic to dogs.




Sorry...I couldn't help it.


Claire in NM

Edited by Claire in NM
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First, the reason the guy Edward looks like he's wearing lip gloss is because he lips got tinted red by all that blood he's been drinking! That's what happens to me when I eat pomegranates.




Second, the reason the guy Edward is so pale is because he's anemic. What sort of supplements would you suggest for Edward to take? :lol:



Third, this movie is a real let down for those young fans who are both queasy at the sight of blood and allergic to dogs.




Sorry...I couldn't help it.


Claire in NM




Good, clear, logical thinking! Love it!

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You know, Rob Pattinson isn't at all how I envisioned Edward and I was actually ticked off about the selection, but after I saw him in the movie, I came around. He's also not at all my overall "type," but it ended up working for me.


Edward in the movie is Rob Pattinson. I do think he is a good looking guy, at times, but he was NOT "my" Edward...as in, the one I saw in my mind when I read the books.


This is closer to "my" Edward:


Why is he molesting himself in this photo?! :lol:


Buffy: I like my evil like I like my men. Evil! You know, straight up black-hat-tie-you-to-the-train-tracks-soon-my-electro-ray-will-destroy- Metropolis bad!


Give me Angel and Spike any day.


An ongoing argument with my Twilight friends. :)




And yes, I'll still take Angel (not so much Spike), Gunn, and Wesley over the Twilight crew any day :D

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Buffy: I like my evil like I like my men. Evil! You know, straight up black-hat-tie-you-to-the-train-tracks-soon-my-electro-ray-will-destroy- Metropolis bad!


Give me Angel and Spike any day.


An ongoing argument with my Twilight friends. :)




To me, he'll always be Cedric (from Harry Potter) in bad makeup :lol:


ditto, and ditto.... I do like Twilight, but it's not anywhere near as good as Buffy. I *won't* bother seeing it until it's out on DVD.

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I just saw the movie Fri night and read the book yesterday. But prior to that I saw all the magazine covers in the grocery line, so I never really had a chance to make up my own visions of the characters. But my MIL and SIL id go on and on about how the movie Edward was nothing like "their Edward".




Edward in the movie is Rob Pattinson. I do think he is a good looking guy, at times, but he was NOT "my" Edward...as in, the one I saw in my mind when I read the books.


This is closer to "my" Edward:


I like your Edward better too!

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