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What are you getting your DS, age 11-13?

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I am at a loss as to what to get my DS11 for Christmas. His list mostly includes video games :glare:. Okay, I can see one game but not more.


I have a few books on MY list for him.


He has also asked for a BB gun, which DH is all for. Me not so much, just because I know our lifestyle, which means DS will only be allowed to use the BB gun if a parent is with him, and just like fishing/kite flying/golfing,(and a host of other activities) we are so busy that when we do have downtime it's more about being at home, letting the children do their thing (which usually means outside playing with friends), these things happen on a rare occasion, like 2-3 times a year. I hate to get him a gift that is going to sit in the garage.


I want an outside activity thing for him though. I think both DS6 and DS3 are going to get a bike or something similiar, but DS11 received a bike last Christmas. They all have scooters already.


He can't do roller blades/skateboard....he's not good with wheels on his feet.


What interesting things have your preteen DS asked for or what ideas are you coming up with?

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We have the same problem with ds12 and we are getting him a bike. How about some stuff for his bike? Perhaps a new cool helmet or reflectors or a lamp (though you might not want him riding in the dark. . .)


How about walkie talkies or hand held radios? The hand held radios we got ds12 a few years ago are a big hit. I keep one at home and he takes the other one if he's going out to play. He checks in now and then and I'm able to get a hold of him at any time. Sometimes dd7 likes to take one and ds12 takes the other and they talk to each other.

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DS11 is getting stilts from rainbow resource, a digital camera, a woodworking for kids book, hand saw to add to his tool collection we began on his last birthday, backyard ballistics book, new clothes.


Family members are getting him DS/Wii games, board games, craft items he likes, and puzzles.


The stilts I thought were pretty cool, something physical for him to use but different from the standard stuff you think of when you tell your kids to go out and play. Plus he could use the extra practice working on his balance. DD asked for a unicycle, but I am not getting her that this year, perhaps if she asks again in a year or 2.

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My ds 12 has asked to learn Japanese this year. I'm buying him a Nintendo ds game called My Japanese coach.


He is also into a few card games so he wants to add to those. A sigh of relief as they don't take up a huge amount of room. Plus he wants more Magnetix.


I do try to give something academic each year, last year I wrapped up a LOF book. This year I'm thinking of buying a bunch of little science supplies and putting them into a nice box. He loves to dabble in science.

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My 11yo also asked for video games, so he will probably get a Wii game and a game for his DS.


Other than that, he asked for some supplies for his fort area and an airsoft gun. We live on acreage, so I may get him the gun as he will probably make a target near his fort. He has a BB gun and has followed the rules and acted responsibly so far. :001_smile:


He is also getting the CHEM 1000 kit from home training tools and some other small things.

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DS13: Flip Video camera and MAYBE some video editing software, a book or two, DS Japanese Coach game (thanks for the idea)


DS11: (Maybe -- he hasn't expressed a strong desire for ANYTHING!) Flip Video camera, playing cards for his card tricks, home roulette game, books (Popular Mechanics for Kids type).



OPs son sounds like my youngest. He is very hard to shop for. My son has enjoyed the following "Boys books" and enjoys doing projects and games from them....


"Dangerous Book for Boys" http://www.amazon.com/Dangerous-Book-Boys-Conn-Iggulden/dp/0061243582/ref=pd_sim_b_4


"The Big Book of Boy Stuff" http://www.amazon.com/Big-Book-Boy-Stuff/dp/1586853333/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1258631863&sr=8-1


"The Boys Book: How to be the (at Everything)" http://www.amazon.com/How-Best-Everything-Boys-Book/dp/0545016282/ref=pd_sim_b_3



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We are getting my 13 year old a new bed, so he can have a double, and pass the twin down to his sister.


We will get him a few camping thing likes a new camp stove and camel back. Other than that, he just wants us to think of ways he can earn money to buy himself new computer.

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but I know that all the kids around (including my DS10!) want MP3 players (of course the one of choice would be an iPod - specifically iPod Touch if it's affordable to your family - yikes!) along with gift cards to buy music they want online. We may go this route.


Yes, my DS has a digital camera from Grandma. He has enjoyed that and uses it periodically. DD7 has a cheaper one with no display screen, and she longs for one with a screen, so we may make that HER gift this year. So if you go for a camera, I would suggest one w/ a display screen where you can see the pics you take right afterwards. Also....He is still doing scouting, so he enjoys any camping gear since they go much more than they did when the kids were younger.


I feel the same way as you do about the BB gun. Maybe a marshmallow shooter instead?? hee hee! ;-)


GL and happy shopping!

- Stacey in MA

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Thanks the ideas. You all did give me some things that I hadn't thought about.


I guess my problem, which I failed to mention, is DS11 has MOST of the things boys this age are asking for: Dig Camera, Ipod, Laptop, Cell Phone, DS, DSi, PS3, Wii.


I hate to list that out, as it appears, in writing, that we spoil/spend too much. But I know that we rarely buy anything for our children throughout the year that is not a necessity, so on Christmas and Birthdays, we probably go overboard. But each of these items is a compilation of Christmas and birthdays over the past three years, so it's not like it was all one year, or "just for fun" purchases. Plus a few were gifts from Grandma.


But I did get some good ideas, and reminded that I have been wanting to get him the Spanish coach for the DS.

thanks again!

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Thanks the ideas. You all did give me some things that I hadn't thought about.


I guess my problem, which I failed to mention, is DS11 has MOST of the things boys this age are asking for: Dig Camera, Ipod, Laptop, Cell Phone, DS, DSi, PS3, Wii.


I hate to list that out, as it appears, in writing, that we spoil/spend too much. But I know that we rarely buy anything for our children throughout the year that is not a necessity, so on Christmas and Birthdays, we probably go overboard. But each of these items is a compilation of Christmas and birthdays over the past three years, so it's not like it was all one year, or "just for fun" purchases. Plus a few were gifts from Grandma.


But I did get some good ideas, and reminded that I have been wanting to get him the Spanish coach for the DS.

thanks again!


Does he have the Nerf guns?


IMO, those are amazing...our boys loved them for years! I can't believe how far they shoot.


If you get them, get a set of 2.

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We have a ds11, but as he's blind and autistic, among other things, it's a bit different than giving presents to your 'typical' 11 year old boy.


One of the things, though, that ds11 is hopefully getting that *any* 11 year old boy could enjoy is the entire Narnia book series on cds -- the Christian bookstore here is having a special sale for two days in December and the set (19 cds in total) that is normally $70 is selling for $19.99! I'm so there first thing when the sale starts. Must have! I recently read LWW to both kids and while he didn't understand *everything*, he quite enjoyed the story...so I think this will be awesome. :D


I'd also like to get him a drum set. Not sure if that will happen or not though...have to wait & see.

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My 12 yo ds wants drumsticks, a cymbal and stand, sheep shears, and ski gloves. I can't afford to get all of that for him, but I am looking at an instructional DVD (that he doesn't know exists) put out by his favorite drummer. Maybe your son needs to pick up a hobby? Esp. one that might carry him into adulthood and doesn't involve screens? I might choose one that I think fits his personality, or leave a hobby catalog lying around and then listen...

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Does he have the Nerf guns?


IMO, those are amazing...our boys loved them for years! I can't believe how far they shoot.


If you get them, get a set of 2.




Also, how about something like a robotics kit? Lego Mindstorms or some other robotics kit.


Tickets to an event (sports, concert, etc...).


Magazine subscription.


Gift card to a favorite restaurant.


Class or lessons (something he hasn't tried -- perhaps something like rock-climbing, an acting class, etc...).

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Of course his first request was yet another video game... He knows I don't do that -- balancing out his dad. He had seen video about the genetics tracing and asked about it then so the other day I asked him if he would like that for the holidays and he smiled and said yes -- He has become so interested in learning about where his ancestors came from, what they did and all that. Just one more idea = $100 to 150.



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Ds loves looking through the www.museumtour.com catalog and circling "wants." This year he's also expressed interest in a mini-louge sled (www.zipfy.com), so if you have sledding available nearby that might be an idea.


Robotics kits and R/C flying helicopters/planes are high on his list... as are the programmable erector sets and Mindstorms.


He also likes air hockey... and I've seen several carpet and/or floor/table versions in the catalogs lately.


Good luck!


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One of the things, though, that ds11 is hopefully getting that *any* 11 year old boy could enjoy is the entire Narnia book series on cds -- the Christian bookstore here is having a special sale for two days in December and the set (19 cds in total) that is normally $70 is selling for $19.99! I'm so there first thing when the sale starts. Must have!


Is it this one?








The Chronicles of Narnia CDs Tri-Fold Album C.S. Lewis $59.99 $14.99

Exactly the same stories as

CHRON503 just different packaging!






This one is large--about the size of a 'record' or large calendar, and has the whole series. Check out www.libraryanded.com you can buy wholesale from them as a homeschooler! We've found LOTS of great Christmas gifts there over the years. You would want to shop early though, sometimes they run out of stock quickly!




Also, as far as gifts for my son that age, we are going with a digital camera and Legos.

Edited by homeschoolally
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This year he's also expressed interest in a mini-louge sled (www.zipfy.com), so if you have sledding available nearby that might be an idea.



We got one of these zipfy sleds for my son this past year...it's just okay--honestly, it is a little difficult to ride and my son feels like it is small(he's 5'1" and weighs 115 lbs)


I do have another idea IF you have the right place is a zipline! We have had one in the past and it is alot of fun. You can google and find them.

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Does he have the Nerf guns?


IMO, those are amazing...our boys loved them for years! I can't believe how far they shoot.


If you get them, get a set of 2.


Can you recommend a particular one - there are just two many choices! ANd this is what I was thinking for my 11 year old (with an extra gun for his brother or sister to use.

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the book Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction which he got from us for his last bday (now 13). He can build catapults and other pea shooter type "weapons" from common household and office supplies. Huge hit - still doing it and can do it with friends - cool factor on this is high.

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Crossbows and dart guns with suction-cup "darts". This was a big hit when my ds was 11 - he's 13 now, and he and his friends still love them. Get at least 2 so he can play with a friend...and get extra darts, of course.


one vendor (I think I've seen these new from storefronts on eBay, too)


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My 10yo son is getting some Lego kits, two Rock Band games for his XBox 360, a mechanical Knex kit, and the board game Stratego.


My 15yo son is older than the age range you have, but not by much! He's getting two XBox 360 games, the board game Risk, and he's really, really, really into WWII. So he's getting several books about the war, some Axis and Allies figurines, and the classic movie "Patton".


So perhaps there's something in the field of history or science that's really captured your son's interest recently? Perhaps some books or movies about it would be a good gift?

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something to wear, something to read


Twin one (12 YO)


Want: Tennis tour bag


Need: New Tennis racket


Wear: Fleece winter tennis jacket


Read: (Do you see a pattern yet?) "The inner game of tennis."


Twin two


Want: Magic stuff (cup and ball set, specialized card decks, etc)


Need: ?


Wear: Swim team stuff


Read: The Art of Astonishment (magic related)




My twins have December birthdays too.


One is a tennis player and will get a really nice tennis bag for tournaments. He might also get a racket. These are things that could be construed as "needs" for tennis more that pure "wants"

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We are getting DS a guitar. That's all he wants. He's been playing a nylon string beginner guitar for awhile, and is doing well, so we're getting him an electric.


He has a BB gun, and is careful to follow all the rules. We live in the country. He shoots pumpkins and such. Don't know your situation. I got shot by a BB gun when I was about 11 (we lived in a neighborhood). And, many people got their windows shot (don't know if it was several accidents, or if some brat was doing it on purpose). I wouldn't want my son to have a BB gun if we lived in town (too many windows and little girls around), but it's great to have one in the country.

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I've posted about this game before, and don't want to sound like a broken record, but my ds12 LOVES the game Memoir '44...it's a similar kind to Risk, except you set up battles from WWII. Games are a lot shorter than risk, too...which is a benefit, in my mind.




Wow!!! Thanks so much!!!


My WWII obsessed 15yo would love this game!!!

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