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Favorite Girl and Boy names...care to share???

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I think my children have the loveliest names: Liam Connor, Donovan Ryals, and Rosaline Clare (pronounced ROZ-a-line rhymes with fine, as it's Shakesperean).


My short list for another girl is pretty simple: Miriam, Maryam, and Magdalene.

My short list for a third boy is also short: Galen.


You all know, right? that Scarlett is not my real name. Only my nick name from high school....A very very old friend thought I looked like Vivien Leigh and my high school health and science coach thought I had the attitude of the character Scarlett. I love the name. I would name a girl that if I could have a girl. Which would require a man. And functioning ovaries.


Carry on. Scarlett. Pick Scarlett.

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Scarlett. I love the name. I would name a girl that if I could have a girl. Which would require a man. And functioning ovaries.



:iagree:and :lol: I have a niece named Scarlet Rose. Oh, what a strong and feisty little woman she is! She'll never be anyone's doormat.


To the OP: Bridget is a nice name. :D Or Mary, Eileen, Elizabeth, Spencer, Mickey, Evan. Sounds like a roll-call for St. Phillip's Academy, I know.

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John Joseph "Jack"

Katarina Frances "Nina"

Leah St. Clair

Parrish Matthew, III "Tripper"

Baker William

Susannah Grace

Henry Schroeder


My kids.

I also really love Remy, Charlotte, Caroline, Christina, Grace, Hope, Sophia, and Ramona for girls.

Charlie, Soren, Gray, Miles, Connor, Harry, Maximus, Magnus, Christopher, Donald for boys.

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Thank you for this thread!!! I'm due in April as well and we're not finding out what we're having and we have no clue for names. We've always "known" the name before getting pregnant and this one was...well, we definitely did not have a name picked out before getting pregnant.


#1 and #3 have very traditional names--Emily and Rachel


#2 has a "different" name--Renaissance


So I'd like #4 to have a "different" name as well...


I've been partial to Scarlett for a girl and Saxon for a boy.


But Scarlett Brooke--does that make anyone else think of blood?


And I LOVE the name Weston, but it reminds DH of a guy he just fired at work.


Other names--


Girl: Amelia, Honey (I actually know someone named this and she is the warmest and friendliest person), Sapphire


Boy: Jefferson/Jeffrey, Thaddeus (I don't know, I just heard it and liked it), Blake


ETA: I just found out that a long ago friend has named her son "Aristotle." I love it.

Edited by MrsBrooke
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Thank you for this thread!!! I'm due in April as well and we're not finding out what we're having and we have no clue for names. We've always "known" the name before getting pregnant and this one was...well, we definitely did not have a name picked out before getting pregnant.


#1 and #3 have very traditional names--Emily and Rachel


#2 has a "different" name--Renaissance


So I'd like #4 to have a "different" name as well...


I've been partial to Scarlett for a girl and Saxon for a boy.


But Scarlett Brooke--does that make anyone else think of blood?


And I LOVE the name Weston, but it reminds DH of a guy he just fired at work.


Other names--


Girl: Amelia, Honey (I actually know someone named this and she is the warmest and friendliest person), Sapphire


Boy: Jefferson/Jeffrey, Thaddeus (I don't know, I just heard it and liked it), Blake


ETA: I just found out that a long ago friend has named her son "Aristotle." I love it.


Oh, oh oh!!!!! Scarlett please. I pick Scarlett.


I like Scarlett Rose better than Scarlett Brooke....which yes kind of grosses me out now that you mentioned it...LOL


I know a Sugar and a Laughter. Both real names.

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Thanks all for the replies!


All of my current children's names were listed except for 1 first name and 2 middle names :001_smile:.


I agree, boy names are harder for me to like.


For a girl, I am thinking of:


Charlotte Rose



Honey Faith


For a boy I am considering:








What do you all think?


Do you like any of those?

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For a girl, I am thinking of:


Charlotte Rose



Honey Faith


Do you like any of those?


I think Charlotte Rose is pretty :001_smile:


I am due in May and don't know about names yet....loosely translated to mean dh hasn't really shown much interest in names yet, except for one that I really did not like. :001_huh:


For a girl I am kind of liking: (Middle names are all family names)

Hope Kathleen

Charlotte Ann

Katie Estelle (?)


For a boy:

Josiah Robert

Jordan Robert

Joel Robert (Robert is looking pretty definite in my list :D )


All the best with choosing.

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Raziya and Marek. Hey, that's what I named my kids. What a coincidence!





The only place I have seen the name Marek is "Timeline." Coincidence? :001_smile:



Names I never got to use, but wanted to:


Marta, Elena, Duncan, Phillip. (I just wish Dunkin' donuts had a different name.)

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Thanks all for the replies!


All of my current children's names were listed except for 1 first name and 2 middle names :001_smile:.


I agree, boy names are harder for me to like.


For a girl, I am thinking of:


Charlotte Rose



Honey Faith


For a boy I am considering:








What do you all think?


Do you like any of those?


I like Charlotte Rose

Jefferson (makes me think of Bill Clinton shrug--but I like it)

Courage...I need to think on that...it is a maybe/maybe not.

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I like Charlotte Rose the best from your girl choices.


I love the name David - always classic, never trendy.


Jefferson was my grandfather's name, and it's my ds2's middle name. He's Clay Jefferson. I love it still after seven years.:)


Congrats on the new baby!



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Name threads are so fun!


Charlotte is a lovely name, and I like the nick "Lottie". ( We have an Amelia who somehow became "Millie" without any concious effort on anyone's part).


More names:

I love the name Arabella--if we had another girl, that's who she'd be.

And if Amelia had been a boy, she would have been Finn or Declan or (wait for it) Henry. I adore Henry. We could call him Harry, as in Shakespeare: "God for Harry, England, and St. George!!" You can't beat that.

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Originally Posted by MommyInTraining viewpost.gif

Thanks all for the replies!


All of my current children's names were listed except for 1 first name and 2 middle names :001_smile:.


I agree, boy names are harder for me to like.


For a girl, I am thinking of:


Charlotte Rose



Honey Faith


For a boy I am considering:








What do you all think?


Do you like any of those?




Of your names I like Emma or Hannah for a girl and Timothy for a boy.


My boy favorites are: Noah(mine is Noah Thomas) ,Nicholas(mine is Nicholas Simon), Asher, Josiah and James

My girl favorites are: Susanna(mine is Susanna Mary), Katie(mine is Katherine Elizabeth), Abigail (mine is Abigail Rose)


Best wishes to you on finding the perfect name for you newest blessing.:001_smile:

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Favorite Russian girl names: Katerina, Tatyana.


I like Anastasia, but dh won't go for it because the nickname is usually Nastya... and who wants to be called Nastya in America???


I like Ekaterina (Yekaterina/Katya) too...


Tatiana becomes Tanya, which I don't like. But Tatiana itself is a beautiful name.


Favorite girl names: Grace, Faith, and Emily

Favorite Russian/American girl names: Elizabeth (Yelisavyetta), Anna/Anya, Natalia, Lily (Lilia), Alexandra (Sasha), and Emily (Mila)

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It looks like Honey and Jefferson are out of the game.


Girl names:






with Rose, Hope, or Faith as middle names.


My 6 yo says Emma makes her stomach hurt :glare:!


Boy names:






My dh doesn't like Courage or Timothy.


I really need more boy name suggestions. I just can't find anymore I like (except the 2 that I have already used for our sons :001_smile:!).


Please throw out some more boy names if you can think of any....

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I like Anastasia, but dh won't go for it because the nickname is usually Nastya... and who wants to be called Nastya in America???


I like Ekaterina (Yekaterina/Katya) too...


Tatiana becomes Tanya, which I don't like. But Tatiana itself is a beautiful name.


Favorite girl names: Grace, Faith, and Emily

Favorite Russian/American girl names: Elizabeth (Yelisavyetta), Anna/Anya, Natalia, Lily (Lilia), Alexandra (Sasha), and Emily (Mila)


You could always choose Nadia, it's such a classic name and I know someone really smart with that name...!

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I like Anastasia, but dh won't go for it because the nickname is usually Nastya... and who wants to be called Nastya in America???


I like Ekaterina (Yekaterina/Katya) too...


Tatiana becomes Tanya, which I don't like. But Tatiana itself is a beautiful name.


Favorite girl names: Grace, Faith, and Emily

Favorite Russian/American girl names: Elizabeth (Yelisavyetta), Anna/Anya, Natalia, Lily (Lilia), Alexandra (Sasha), and Emily (Mila)


What does Ekaterina mean? That is a beautiful name.

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I suggested this as a name possibility to dh yesterday... but he wanted to know about nicknames. I couldn't think of one. (He jokingly asked about "Yosa" -- he's got this need for a Russianized nickname. Ha!) So, what sorts of nicknames fit for a Josephine?


I noticed that Elizabeth and Grace are very popular suggestions in this thread. I like them both (but... sigh... gotta find a name dh likes as well).



I *love* the name Raisa (Rye-ee-suh). The nickname would be Raya (pronounced like Maya), but dh just won't go for it.


My grandmother was named Josephine and people called her Jo. If I named my dd that, I would have nicknamed her Josie.


I like the name Maya for a girl!


For a boy: Duke

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I really need more boy name suggestions. I just can't find anymore I like (except the 2 that I have already used for our sons :001_smile:!).


Please throw out some more boy names if you can think of any....











Charles (no nick name)




I like good strong BOY names that hopefully will not be stolen by the girl naming committee in a few years. :glare: I like a family name used as a middle name especially for good strong names like the ones above.


I love Sage for a girl.

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It looks like Honey and Jefferson are out of the game.


Girl names:






with Rose, Hope, or Faith as middle names.


My 6 yo says Emma makes her stomach hurt :glare:!


Boy names:






My dh doesn't like Courage or Timothy.


I really need more boy name suggestions. I just can't find anymore I like (except the 2 that I have already used for our sons :001_smile:!).


Please throw out some more boy names if you can think of any....


I really like all of your girl name choices (and I've considered the same exact middle names!).


David's not a bad boy's name... what sort of middle names would go well with that? Something with one syllable perhaps?

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You could always choose Nadia, it's such a classic name and I know someone really smart with that name...!


Yes, Nadia. :D


Nadia means "hope." I think it's very pretty. It was on our short list, but dh wasn't particularly taken with it.


Dh wants a girl's name that starts with "A" because his father's name started with an A. (His father passed away last month and m-i-l is very adamant that our next child should be named for him.) Dh wants to make his mother happy. I, on the other hand, do not want my child named for f-i-l: he wasn't a nice person to a LOT of people, including my dh and m-i-l.

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Yes, Nadia. :D


Nadia means "hope." I think it's very pretty. It was on our short list, but dh wasn't particularly taken with it.


Dh wants a girl's name that starts with "A" because his father's name started with an A. (His father passed away last month and m-i-l is very adamant that our next child should be named for him.) Dh wants to make his mother happy. I, on the other hand, do not want my child named for f-i-l: he wasn't a nice person to a LOT of people, including my dh and m-i-l.


Sorry about that conflict. Well, what about Anya? Or you don't wat to conisder names with "a"?

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My daughter's name is Lydia Rose. It's adorable and I get lots of compliments on it. Her nickname is Lyddie.


I also love the name Asher for a boy, but my husband hates it, so I'm not sure it's going to happen.


My hubby suggests Trigger James... he says it's the most manly name he can think of. Whatever. :lol:

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Of course, my favorite names are John Joseph Jr. aka Jack, Katarina Frances aka Nina or Kit, Leah St. Clair, Parrish Matthew III aka Tripp, Tripper, Tres, Baker William, Susannah Grace, and Henry Schroeder:) Our favorite names for no.8 right now are Theodore, Christopher, Maximus, Magnus, Donald, Montgomery for boys and Charlotte, Sophia, Remington aka Remy, Christina aka CeCe, and Hope. :)

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