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Gosh, sometimes this board is like an RSS for a certain news channel. ;) So many times you get a sensational headline & if you check it out, you'll see links to, surprise, surprise, a certain channel.


But I digress.


From what I'm reading, this event happened AT a school, but the day after the school finished the term. The event was voluntary and involved meeting the author of this book

http://www.brandnuwords.com/ The parents would have had to not only agree to this event but presumably to actually make sure their kids were there as it was not part of the regular school year.

here is just one place where this is being discussed


There's no indication this was part of the school activities.

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I received it in an e-mail from a homeschooling group. I was not aware of the background. As I said in my OP, if the parents agreed, okay. I can't imagine a school doing this on their own and me supporting it, though.


Some questions that were raised in the group were these:


1.) Were similar songs supporting President Bush taught to your school's

children during his term?


2.) These songs refer to the President's agenda as unquestionably positive.

If Sarah Palin gets elected in 2012, will songs praising her

small-government agenda be taught to the children of your school as well?


3.) We noticed that part of a tune from the Battle Hymn of the Republic and

some lyrics from a "Jesus Loves the Little Children" were borrowed for these

songs. Does this respect those who embrace Christianity?


If Ron Paul becomes president in 2012, will elements of Buddhist, Islamic,

and Jewish worship be manipulated to form praises to him?


4.) What support is offered for children who do not believe President

Obama's agenda is healthy for our nation? How have you demonstrated

educational health and fairness by presenting an opposing view that will

challenge kids to think for themselves?


My biggest issues with things like this is that kids can't possibly understand all that goes into politics - so teaching them something like "praise for a president" seems so wrong on so many levels. It just furthers that "herd mentality" that is so common in public school...

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How do others feel about this? Should this be allowed or encouraged? As a parent, I would hope they had my permission before doing this. This is not about politics - I just think it really crosses the line. What says the hive?



I think it's just beautiful.





No, not really. I don't want my children singing praises to any human being. I admire some presidents from American history quite a bit, but I don't want my children singing songs of this type about any of them.

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My biggest issues with things like this is that kids can't possibly understand all that goes into politics - so teaching them something like "praise for a president" seems so wrong on so many levels. It just furthers that "herd mentality" that is so common in public school...


Well the other questions are moot as it appears this was NOT in fact a school program at all.


As for your last comment:


"My biggest issues with things like this is that kids can't possibly understand all that goes into faith and religion - so teaching them something like "praise for a deity" seems so wrong on so many levels."

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Gosh, sometimes this board is like an RSS for a certain news channel. ;) So many times you get a sensational headline & if you check it out, you'll see links to, surprise, surprise, a certain channel.


But I digress.


From what I'm reading, this event happened AT a school, but the day after the school finished the term. The event was voluntary and involved meeting the author of this book

http://www.brandnuwords.com/ The parents would have had to not only agree to this event but presumably to actually make sure their kids were there as it was not part of the regular school year.

here is just one place where this is being discussed


There's no indication this was part of the school activities.


But, just like in the Jailed for Prayer thread, it was led by teachers, on school property, paid by public funds. Pushing politics is as bad as pushing religion ;)

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Well the other questions are moot as it appears this was NOT in fact a school program at all.


As for your last comment:


"My biggest issues with things like this is that kids can't possibly understand all that goes into faith and religion - so teaching them something like "praise for a deity" seems so wrong on so many levels."

Difference is if it is your own child and you are teaching them your own beliefs. It's when someone else is shoving theirs down your child's throat that it's an issue.

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But, just like in the Jailed for Prayer thread, it was led by teachers, on school property, paid by public funds. Pushing politics is as bad as pushing religion ;)


Actually there's no evidence for this yet. I agree with you about pushing politics btw.


but the fact is we don't know whether it was led by a teacher, whether the teacher was on the payroll, whether it was paid by public funds at all. This could have been a school space which was rented by a private organization, which brought in their own leader to teach the kids the rhyme. We just don't know.


I think it's just out there to get people's knickers in a knot.

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Gosh, sometimes this board is like an RSS for a certain news channel. ;) So many times you get a sensational headline & if you check it out, you'll see links to, surprise, surprise, a certain channel.


But I digress.


From what I'm reading, this event happened AT a school, but the day after the school finished the term. The event was voluntary and involved meeting the author of this book

http://www.brandnuwords.com/ The parents would have had to not only agree to this event but presumably to actually make sure their kids were there as it was not part of the regular school year.

here is just one place where this is being discussed


There's no indication this was part of the school activities.


I glanced through the links you shared but didn't see anything stating the details as you shared them above. Maybe I missed it by not reading every comment, but do you have a direct link that supports what you said about it being voluntary and not part of the regular school year?

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Actually there's no evidence for this yet. I agree with you about pushing politics btw.


but the fact is we don't know whether it was led by a teacher, whether the teacher was on the payroll, whether it was paid by public funds at all. This could have been a school space which was rented by a private organization, which brought in their own leader to teach the kids the rhyme. We just don't know.


I think it's just out there to get people's knickers in a knot.

And I doubt anyone will take them to court to find out. But then, there is no regulation of keeping a teacher from pushing their own politics on school property and on the payroll.

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But, just like in the Jailed for Prayer thread, it was led by teachers, on school property, paid by public funds. Pushing politics is as bad as pushing religion ;)


But you see, there are things like Fellowship of Christian Athletes meetings in public schools. They are after school but they are led by teachers, on school property, and paid by public funds.

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But you see, there are things like Fellowship of Christian Athletes meetings in public schools. They are after school but they are led by teachers, on school property, and paid by public funds.


Who is being paid by public funds? School property is used for many acitivities by many religious and secular organizations. If the school is available to one organization, then it has to be made available to all. I believe, but I don't have a link, that the teachers lead on their own time, and with no pay. So what public funds are involved?



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Well the other questions are moot as it appears this was NOT in fact a school program at all.


As for your last comment:


"My biggest issues with things like this is that kids can't possibly understand all that goes into faith and religion - so teaching them something like "praise for a deity" seems so wrong on so many levels."


I still have not found any information at all proving this was not a school program.


See, I don't support teaching other people's children about a deity. I teach my OWN children what we believe, but I certainly don't try to recruit other people's kids. I think there is a line there that just can not be crossed. My kids can tell other kids about God if they choose...but I certainly do not hunt down other kids and start witnessing to them - much the same as I would not want an adult trying to convert my children to Buddhism, for instance.


Oh...and Obama is not God. I know, that is shocking to some...but singing praises for a human being is very...Hitler-esque.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I just have to say: I'll only allow my kids to go if they can wear their infomercial Obama tennis shoes and their Obama t-shirt. That's what we do when we swoon over rockstars...err...I mean, presidents.


If it's after school and not school related, I suppose it's up to the parent. It's still weird and still cultish and doesn't make me comfortable at all.

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Oh...and Obama is not God. I know, that is shocking to some...but singing praises for a human being is very...Hitler-esque.


Watch out there. Them's fightin' words!!! Say anything you want, but don't include him in a sentence with Hitler or the fires of hell will rise up and get you. ;)

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"Barack Hussein Obama

He said Red, Yellow, Black or White

All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!"

That stanza bothers me the most... from the words of the hymn "Jesus Loves the Little Children"... Did the writer of that song REALLY just imply that Obama is our savior in his/her use of those words? It really hits me the wrong way.

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Barack Hussein Obama

He said Red, Yellow, Black or White

All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!


That line bothers me the most... from the words of the hymn "Jesus Loves the Little Children"... Did the writer of that song REALLY just imply that Obama is our savior in his/her use of those words? It really hits me the wrong way.


:001_huh::blink::ohmy: Wow! I don't like that one little bit!

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But you see, there are things like Fellowship of Christian Athletes meetings in public schools. They are after school but they are led by teachers, on school property, and paid by public funds.

GASP! Prayer on school property, led by teachers?! The FCA hasn't been taken to court yet?!



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Watch out there. Them's fightin' words!!! Say anything you want, but don't include him in a sentence with Hitler or the fires of hell will rise up and get you. ;)



My only point is that the last time I remember a whole nation singing praises to ONE MAN was during the Nazi years in Germany. I don't think Obama is necessarily asking for it (like Hitler did), but the nation sure is carrying on with it...

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Guest Dulcimeramy

And the chorus is to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.


This link proves that the school has confirmed it was a school event. It was part of their Black History Month activities, this year.


The school did not authorize the recording or the distribution of it, but it was part of the school day.




The article links to the school website where the confirmation is posted, but I think the school's server must be crashed or something.

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And the chorus is to the tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.


This link proves that the school has confirmed it was a school event. It was part of their Black History Month activities, this year.


The school did not authorize the recording or the distribution of it, but it was part of the school day.




The article links to the school website where the confirmation is posted, but I think the school's server must be crashed or something.


Thanks for clearning that up for us. :)

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See I don't think the nation is carrying on like it. I think there are people out there who want everyone to believe the nation is carrying on like it. They want people to freak out and be worried.



Maybe...but I think we can ALL see how different this is from anything we have seen in the past. Even in the first years after 9/11 - when Bush's ratings were higher than ever - no one sang praises to him in school, nor did they link him through a song to God.

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Thanks for clearning that up for us. :)


Yes, thanks. Small wonder the school site is crashed :D


That does put quite a different light on the event.


Though it would have been weird to ignore Obama during Black History Month, this kind of thing is creepy. But like others said, I think the pledge is creepy too......

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Maybe...but I think we can ALL see how different this is from anything we have seen in the past. Even in the first years after 9/11 - when Bush's ratings were higher than ever - no one sang praises to him in school, nor did they link him through a song to God.


Well, um. I can't really say what I want to say about why that might have been the case.......

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I only had time to read the first page.....I think this is really wrong.


A pp noted that it was after the school term was over and therefore not an actual school activity but I've been hearing a lot about schools no longer being allowed to offer their building for religious meetings. If one is not permitted then neither one should be IMHO



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Who is being paid by public funds? School property is used for many acitivities by many religious and secular organizations. If the school is available to one organization, then it has to be made available to all. I believe, but I don't have a link, that the teachers lead on their own time, and with no pay. So what public funds are involved?




My point is only to draw a parallel between what is going with children supposedly singing a song after school on school property, and with the fact that religious groups are allowed to sing songs after school on school property. So first of all don't whine to me that Christians are poorly treated (that's just a general statement) in public schools when they ARE in fact allowed to worship at public schools. And second of all, Obama really is OUR president, regardless of religion. I SO clearly remember the right saying liberals HAD to respect Bush because he was OUR president, so why is this suddenly a bad thing?


And yes, some public teachers are required (or at least paid extra) to sponsor a school group, and FCA is one of those allowable groups. And yes, I've seen signs posted at the local public school, all over the hallways, DURING school hours, encouraging young children to attend those meetings. How much do you want to bet that those signs are printed using school materials, printers, copy machines, whatever?

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My point is only to draw a parallel between what is going with children supposedly singing a song after school on school property, and with the fact that religious groups are allowed to sing songs after school on school property.


My experience with public school (as both a teacher and a parent) is that 100% of the time they use school time to rehearse for evening presentations such as this one for Black History Month. I don't ever remember afterschool clubs like FCA rehearsing during school time.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
Well, um. I can't really say what I want to say about why that might have been the case.......




I don't think anyone can point to our President and claim that he has ever sought this or desired it, but it is creepy beyond belief to me that random people feel so inspired to view him in this unwholesome way.


Agree, admire, respect, adore...whatever. But don't write odes and chants and go from school to school, teaching little children to perform your musical tributes to a temporary political leader.


It reminds me of that clip at election time, when a woman in the crowd ecstatically told the reporter that because Obama was elected, she wouldn't have to worry about paying her mortgage or having good schools for her children or buying what she needs at the store.



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Not exactly on topic, but SpecialMama and I were at a teachers book store a week or so ago. There, in the beginning leveled readers, was one titled, Barack Obama. Creeped both of us out initially, but as I pointed out, like him or not, trust him or not, personal feelings aside, his being elected President was/is an incredibly important historical event...and children, like my Diva, who didn't at all understand WHY this would be. I explained to her it was important because he was the first black man elected, she wanted to know why his colour would have anything to do with anything. She had no idea that a short time ago there was segregation, it was illegal for white and black to marry, KKK, etc.


It simply wasn't that long ago, and I do believe that children need to understand WHY his election was a historical event, beyond previous presidents.

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My only point is that the last time I remember a whole nation singing praises to ONE MAN was during the Nazi years in Germany. I don't think Obama is necessarily asking for it (like Hitler did), but the nation sure is carrying on with it...


Oh, I'm not disagreeing with you. It's weird stuff!!

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I listened to the song. This is no different then any of the myriad of songs I was taught in elementary school about past Presidents. People just want to get their knickers in a twist. Just like I could find nothing positive about the past President the group that is unhappy this time will criticize/find fault/adjective of your choice about this President. Be thankful you live in a country where you can voice your displeasure.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
I'm truly fascinated by the idea that singing a song filled with praises for anyone is offensive.


I never thought about it that way.


I guess y'all don't like love songs too much, huh?


I could make up a song singing the praises of Pol Pot.


I could make one up about Jesus. I could go from school to school, reading a story about Jesus and teaching children that Jesus is #1. It would be great, and of course no one would find a song filled with praises for anyone to be offensive.


I could include the lyrics, "red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight," and I could set the tune of the song to the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

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