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Poll! Help me decide what to cut out of our schedule, PLEASE!


What should we ditch? Help me get some peace and contentment at home again..  

  1. 1. What should we ditch? Help me get some peace and contentment at home again..

    • Ditch Co-op 1, the academic one
    • Ditch Co-op 2, the social one
    • Suck it up and do both!
    • SOmething else?

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I am the WORST at making decisions. I need your help, please!

I have always homeschooled...my oldest is DS 9.5, then DD 7, an d DS 2. I have always stayed close to home, but this year we decided to use a homeschool co-op, because my kids get few opportunities to be with friends, and we have no family nearby.

There are 2 co-ops, and I couldn't decide which one to do, so I signed up for both. now I feel overwhelmed because I am out of the house more than I like to be, and my routine for getting school done is so whacked now. Even with the co-ops, I like to get done what *I* have planned for them, and I like to get in 5 days of everything. Here is what we have going:

DS 9.5 has scouts one night a week, just a couple other boys in his group, they are nice, but he doesnt see them outside of scouts---they are all in PS or Catholic school.

DD7 has ballet, a homeschool ballet class that is fabulous and we will never give up, meets 11-12 on wednesdays, right in the middle of our day but we have done it for a couple years and I won't give this up.

Co-op 1 meets on tuesdays, it is a very well-organized, structured, and academically rigorous co-op. I feel like this will serve us very well as the years go on, because the classes here are better than what I would teach at home and for any subject they do at this co-op, I would not feel any need to teach that same subject at home. So, he has a chemistry class, and I feel like it is so good that I would give up our science at home...in short, it takes a burden off of me. Many moms use this as their primary schoolwork...they get their assignments and meet once a week, but it is enough that it can count as a full week of work (they have work to do at home). My son enjoys it a lot, especially the science experiments, my daughter could take or leave it (but she only has one class here, and she would probably like it more next time when I sign her up for other things, too). I feel like, long-term, this is the one we will choose, because the classes are sooo good, the instructors are awesome, and everything is just top-notch here. But, we don't really have friends at this co-op....

Co-op 2 is a fun co-op, meets on fridays. The classes are fun, the goal of most of the moms here is to get their kids having fun with others, while learning classroom etiquette. My kids love it, and we have several friends who are in this co-op....nice for my son, especially, since he doens't get much boy time and daddy travels a lot. HE gets gym and a fun storywriting class. My daughter has a geography and storytime class. I don't feel that these classes replace what I would teach at home; they are more for fun. So, in short, it doesn't relieve any of my teaching...and it never will...it is primarily social for us.


I don't want to be out 3 days a week. Maybe I will adjust, but I really don't even WANT to adjust. I like to be home (hence my name on here). But should I suck it up for my kids and do it, or will they live without both? Will they resent me for taking away their fun time if I quit the friday one? Vote in my poll, and help me out! THANKS!!

FORGOT TO ADD>...Co-op 1, the academic one, is 15 minutes from my home. Co-op 2, the social one, is 30 minutes.

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Well what I'm doing with my kinder is that he goes to a class that meets for 1.5 hrs on Tues and Thurs in the middle of our day and during that time I go to storytime with my 3 yr old. I find that it is easier if I do school on the weekends and not on the days of class. That way if we are tired from class and driving we can just relax. The weekends aren't real heavy. MWF we have our heavy days since we don't do anything. I like you like to be home and don't really care to get out. I have decided that this year my main goal is social skills and making friends. Ds is already ahead academically, but doesn't really have friends. I'm hoping to evetually sign up with 4H and scouts as well. I just feel when they are young they really need friends. I think if you just had to ditch one co-op I'd ditch the academic one because I think that friends are very important at this age. But I would really try to do both.

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If it were me, I'd drop the academic one and stick with the social, hands-down. My take on it is that I can provide the academics at home for this age (my daughter is 9), but I can't provide time hanging out and playing with friends. For me, this is key because she is an only child and doesn't have friends in the neighborhood, YMMV. I would revisit the academic one as a possibility in later years. In terms of the timing, I am also happier with doing the "fun stuff" on Fridays than having an interruption on Tuesday when I feel we are just hitting our stride after the weekend.


Is the science really replacing enough of your teaching time to justify spending the time away from home, if you are having to do work with him during the week as well? I would be willing to make this level of disruption for an upper level science course with lab equipment that I could not provide at home, but not at an elementary school level.

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I counted the days of the "fun" (20) and we started our school year 20 days earlier to accommodate it. We are just on week two of our fun co -op and I have to remind myself, it is ok, I have planned for this. As long as I end up with 180 days of school I am good.

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Yeah, the classes at the academic one really ARE that much better than what I would do at home. That is why we originally decided on that co-op. Because it would take away from some of what I was supposed to teach (in truth, I just never even DID science, I never got around to it, and when I did, it was just reading nature books....totally different then this chemistry and physics and all that they do here). I can easily justify the time away from home for the academic one.

I should have also mentioned that we are very involved with our church, we go to services every saturday and sunday, and very often during the week, too. If there is a morning service, we ditch school and make church the priority. My son is an altar boy there, and has other friends there who are altar boys, so he gets a little structured time with boys there. And, they are in sunday school each week, and his class is all boys...he and all the other altar boys.

School on the weekend is definitely NOT an option. I did that in prek and K, and it was fine then, when school was more 'play'. But, at this stage, we all need that downtime, and I protect those days...saturday is our errands/home projects and yard stuff. Sunday is church from 10-2, and after that is rest.

I am inclined to drop the 'fun' co-op. But I am feeling guilty about taking away something fun....


Also, I feel like whichever one we decide on will need to be for the long haul...otherwise, I know they will get attachd to one and then it will be harder to leave their friends there....so I don't want to do one now, and switch to the other down the line...

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I would stick with the academic co-op and then purpose to invite friends over every two or three weeks.


In the past I have over-estimated the social time my kids get even in a "fun" setting. When I'm looking for social time, I think having friends over or meeting someone at a park meets that goal better than a "fun" class.




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Personally, with kids the ages of your kids, I would ditch the academic one and do the social one. When I felt like I really needed the help with the academics in a couple of years, I would then switch. But if you want to choose one and stick with it for years, then I suggest dropping the social one.


I also like the idea of the pp to just add 20 days to your school year, so instead of 36 weeks of school, you plan for 40 weeks. I did that a couple of years ago because I knew we'd be having a lot of busy days in the middle of the school year, and it worked really well. I couldn't do it now because my kids have made a lot of friends who are in school, and when those kids don't have school, my kids don't want to be doing homeschool; they want to be spending time with their friends. But it may work for your family.

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With your kids ages, I would dump both co-ops for now. In a few years, you can evaluate what your families' needs are academically and socially and join up whichever you need. Also, when you do that, you might consider doing just a little and being happy with that so that you can also get done what you need to at home.

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I voted to ditch the academic coop because I think academic needs are easy to meet at home for elementary children, but sometimes it is not so easy to find social opportunities. Actually, whenever I have looked for a coop, I have always sought one that was more for fun enrichment, and friendships than academics. I don't like all the homework that comes with an academic coop either. It cuts into what I want to do with the kids.



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Here are questions/thoughts I have after reading the original post along with the responses...


1. If you drop the academic co-op will it be hard to get back in at a later time if you chose to do so? I know the co-ops in my area can have long waiting lists and that could be a factor.


2. Is it an option for you to school for an extra few weeks and get it all in that way? I know several ladies suggested that and I agree that it's a great option if you really want to keep both co-ops.


3. Are you confident you will be schooling long-term or are you in the take each year as it comes camp? If you are the former then holding off on the academic co-op might be more of an option b/c you can make that up over time. If you are in the latter camp I would drop the social one and stick with the academic co-op to be sure your ds9.5 has all he needs to be successful if he were to transition to ps at some point in the near future.


4. Could you keep the academic co-op and just add a social aspect into that day since you are already out of the house? Invite a few of the kids and their moms to a nearby park to play for an hour before heading home? To grab lunch at Burger King and play? Someone to come home with your older dc to play for the afternoon after co-op?


5. If the social co-op is 30 minutes away are most of the families that far away too? If so I personally would wonder if taking the time to invest in all these families and my kids building friendships with others who live 30 minutes away would be the best use of my time. That means if one of your kids becomes great friends with another child in the co-op but you decide not to do it next year you will be trekking 30 minutes or more each way to maintain that relationship through play dates and such. I know that sounds kind of harsh but I really don't mean it that way. I just know that I have a limited amount of resources - time, energy and money being the 3 biggies - and I just wouldn't have time keeping up with all those relationships with others far away. And yes 30 minutes driving is far away to me! ;)


After typing all that I think that #2 and #4 would be the way I would most likely go. Keep the academic one but add a social element so that I could get to know those families whom I feel I will be in co-op with for the long haul. And add a few weeks on to our calendar so I don't lose the things I still need and want to do at home. Oh and I would most likely drop scouts given that it doesn't seem like that big of a deal to your ds.


Good luck with your decision!

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I voted to ditch the social co-op *because* it sounds like the academic co-op is the one where you plan to *stay* over the years. It's also closer to home. That means you can really maintain and nurture those relationships better over the coming years, so ultimately, I think the social benefits will be greater.


I understand the argument for the socially-oriented co-op at this time in your lives -- and if you're not planning to live in this area through middle school, then I might switch my vote -- but in looking forward, I think it's really nice for kids to go back year after year with the same group of kids and have the opportunity to develop relationships that will grow outside of the co-op as well. As your kids get older, it sounds like you're going to gravitate toward the more academic co-op anyway, and away from the more loosey-goosey "fun" co-op. And since the members of the academic co-op are more likely to be closer to you (and thus easier to arrange visits and fun time outside of school time as well), it just sounds like the better deal over time.


If we're *only* talking about this year, I don't think it matters much, given your kids' ages, and I might go for the social co-op since it sounds like it has more for *both* of the older kids.

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I am like you too in that I like to be at home - if I'm gone more than 2 days in a row, I feel like I am out of whack for a week. Yet, I am my own worst enemy because I want to sign my kids up for everything!


We have a gymnastics class that is comprised of homeschoolers (actually, my DS is the *only* one in his class right now which is nice b/c it's private lessons at a group price!) and we've been there for about 6 months (which is a long time for me to maintain a commitment!). It brings me peace and the kids love it. And DS is actually pretty good! In fact, he was recommended for pre-team (only 5 year old) and made it, so that added ANOTHER day to my "out of the house" schedule. Luckily it is not two days in a row ;) We also do belong to a "homeschool group" that has field trips and park days once a month, girls fellowship clubs, etc etc - very nice group. But we've yet to make it to ONE event (they've had about 5). But we will and it's nice that with this group I have lots of options with no obligation or pressure. Is there something like that in your area?


Anyway, I cannot handle anymore than that right now. Thankfully since my DC's are 6 and 5, I don't feel the need to add anything else (I agree with the above posters, academics are easy to handle at home for this age). We live rural too, so EVERYTHING we do is at LEAST 30 minutes away (gymnastics is 45).


Now having said that, the tone in your original post made me think you favor the academic co-op (relieves a large load or worry of academics at home), the ballet class (you love the group and DD is thriving in it) and Church activities (your son sounds like he is very involved and happy here). You sound like you do/keep the other stuff out of guilt or obligation. So drop the other stuff. It ALL sounds great, but clearly you can't do it all (I know I couldn't!) or you wouldn't be posting - so just bite the bullet and go with your gut (which is, IMO from your post, the academic, ballet and Church activities) Sounds like they get PLENTY of social activity from those!


HTH - I know it is not an easy decision, but you can't continue to drive yourself crazy doing it all!

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I voted to suck it up and do both as a first choice, but want to add that if you think of this as a season of being busier than usual you could probably make the mind adjustment to do it. It is not a lifelong commitment, and you don't have to sign up to do it again even once. But for now, because you made the decision to sign up for both and have introduced your children to the two groups -- it might be good to follow through with it and make the sacrifice. Your children would really love staying in both groups, wouldn't they?


If you really must cut one out, then I'd say cut out the social group. It sounds like a lot of fun, but if one just has to go it seems like this one is the most logical. You could also consider cutting out the scout group because you don't sound very positive about it anyway...


I sure do understand about not wanting to be out of the house too much. We get so used to being home-centered, that it is hard to make ourselves go out. This school year I, too, have an involvement with a co-op. I take my daughter to science class twice a week, and then I teach an art class to homeschoolers once per week too. This is much busier for us than we've ever been, but I've decided to push through it and do it for the year anyway. I'd rather stay home more, but I know my dd is going to gain a lot this year.




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But I don't know how to stick in one of those little " I agree" smailey's.


Points I liked:

drop the social co-op.. takes lots of time and do you really want to nurture close friendships with kids 30 minutes away..


add, a social aspect to the academic co-op. add a before or after play date at a park or BK.

I heard relief in your words "this takes a burden off of me" . If we had a good academic co-op, I'd keep it,



I'd consider dropping Scouts.

Can you car pool to the academic co-op and so have some days at home .... alone ?


~Christine in AL

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WOW! Lots to think of...I only have a second, but thought I would add, the co-op that is social is also the one that my kids good friends are attending....their godparents take their kids to that one, so one of my son's altar boy buds is there....and another family from our church is also going to be there...so we will be nurturing those relationships with people that live 30+ minutes away regardless....as those are their church friends, and really their only good friends...

Can you see I am in agony? LOL! Ok, off to go bug my priest with the same question....

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You drive 30 minutes one way just to socialize??? Do you live out in the middle of nowhere? I'd dump that in a heartbeat. What do these kids do on Saturday? I'd make Saturday your socializing day.


Now, about that ballet class... I'll just challenge it, since you said you wouldn't drop it. That's right in the middle of el-primo homeschooling time. Can't you trade it for an afterschool hours class? Surely they must have one. Somehow non-homeschoolers thing the middle of the day and interrupting work is practical because we're always at home. It's not! Unless it's very close (5 minutes) and something that doesn't stop the work of anyone else while you run there to drop her off and run to pick her up, I'd seriously question it. Like you say, you can't interrupt your homeschool week 3 times and get stuff done. My dd skates at the noon skate at our rink, but the deal is she has to have all her basic work (LA, math, and science) done before she goes. Then she has history and fun stuff for when gets back. So if she gets there at 12 or not until 12:30 or 1, I don't care. An appt. at 11 would crimp that and cascade, making everyone else not get their stuff done. Just something to think about. I figure any time you're really emphatic about something, it may mean you're gut has been telling you otherwise and you've been resisting. ;)


There are usually multiple ways to meet the same need. You like the socializing co-op, but it's taking too much out of you to get the benefit. You need to find another way to meet that need without it taking so much time, maybe on a better day like Saturday.

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If the co-op is flexible with it, maybe you could do it fewer times than every week. I am also a love to be home kind of person, and have real trouble with a good schedule if I am out too much. Social interaction is intensely important, but does not necessarily need to be every week. That's just the way I see it. I have also found that social interaction doesn't just have to be with kids they know. They need to develop socially with kids they learn to know and like (or dislike for that matter) and meeting complete strangers at the park, for instance. I make sure I include several different kinds of social kind of events in a months time as much as is possible to help them develop manners with new people, working out issues with friends, etc.


Anyway, that might be something I would consider if I were in your situation. HTH.

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I didn't read all of the posts. But, your early ones seem to indicate that you want to drop the social co-op but guilt is getting in the way. May I suggest you take a look at the book "Hold Onto Your Kids?" I will admit that I bought it and haven't had time to read it yet. However, it was recommended by many moms that I respect (most of them hsers). From what they have told me, I think it will help you relax about your kids degree of friendships and ease your guilt about the social coop.

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I didn't vote. This is something you really need to determine on your own. Personally, I detest co-ops b/c I do not like being tied to anyone's choices/schedules/standards. It is one of the reasons why I homeschool. But, that is my complete personal bias and should not impact what is right for your family. I completely empathize with your desire to be home b/c I am a homebody at heart. Our reality, however, is that we are out of our home A LOT. It does make fulfilling our schooling obligations difficult with the middle and high schoolers. However, with children the ages of yours, those co-ops should not be interferring with your ability to fulfill the rest of the obligations in your day. Your days shouldn't require more than 4 hrs of academics/day.


We all have our thresholds as to what we are willing to do. I do not like crowds nor do I tolerate chaos. If my children were involved in an activity that violated those 2 thresholds for me, we would have to find another alternative. Those are my breaking points.


My kids are involved in activities that take us out of our home far more than I am comfortable with. However, one dd in particular seems to have a natural talent for the area and is advancing rapidly and has placed 1st in competitions. B/c this has become her passion, I am far more willing to accommodate our hectic schedule than if it were simply something else added into our already full schedule.


I would suggest sitting down alone and really contemplating what you desire for your family and for yourself. You have to be able to maintain yourself b/c burn-out in homeschooling moms is a very real phenomenom. Decisions cannot be based just on what "seems" best for the kids, but must be appropriate for everyone. Once you have decided what your limitations are, what your expectations are, etc., then and only then would I make a decision. I would expect my children to respect my decision b/c homeschooling only works when everyone's needs are addressed.



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If it were me, I'd drop the academic one and stick with the social, hands-down. My take on it is that I can provide the academics at home for this age (my daughter is 9), but I can't provide time hanging out and playing with friends. For me, this is key because she is an only child and doesn't have friends in the neighborhood, YMMV. I would revisit the academic one as a possibility in later years. In terms of the timing, I am also happier with doing the "fun stuff" on Fridays than having an interruption on Tuesday when I feel we are just hitting our stride after the weekend...I would be willing to make this level of disruption for an upper level science course with lab equipment that I could not provide at home, but not at an elementary school level.

These are my thoughts exactly!

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I can't so relate to your problem! We are out of the house on Tuesdays to an academic co-op and on Thursday mornings for another co-op class and then on Thursday afternoons we have homeschool play day with our church group. We also belong to another large homeschool group that has lots of field trips, enrichment nights,ect. We are also very much involved in church and sports. So this is my thoughts:


I would hold off on the academic co-op. I began ours this year because I have a 7th grader who needed more girls her age and because I detest teaching math. It is wonderful but a lot of extra work for her. If I had only elementary age, I would definitely give it up! There is time later for your son to be in a co-op setting. I knew it was time for us this year because we were getting a little burned out and because my 10 year old was begging me!


I have often thought about giving up our Thursday play day because it is just social. But, like you, these are our church friends, friendships I feel are important to cultivate. So, I would keep the social one.


We are still trying to figure out our schedule-being out of the house two days a week. Keep us posted to how your year goes.



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I would keep all the stuff you have, and spread the "regular school" over the rest of the days. If you have about an hour or so of homework for the kids to do on Saturday... no harm done. To me... homework is fine to do with mom or by yourself... so...

If you look at all of your stuff... and just go into next year... Or plan to do school Tues and Thurs in the summer. Do what you can... to enjoy school and not get burned out. 6th grade is when it gets serious to me.. except for writing and math.


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I understand always being out of the house last yr I was out of the house 4 out 5 days a week for therapy and co op! This yrI am only gone 2 times so it feels alot better. I think they are both so important that I would keep both. This yr for me though I only take them in the afternoon instead of all day that has helped as well. I do the phonics math and reading/grammer here they get the science history phyed and typing or music there. If it were me I would add days onto my yr and use the time that my older child is gone to play /work with my younger one and if there is time I would use a little time for me whether that be getting lesson plans or surfing on the net or maybe reading a book or cleaning. You will make the right decision for your family and if you don't it's not the end of the world you just change things isn't that the beauty of be a homeschooler lol

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Well...I have read the responses, and it has been so interesting for me! It really caused me to think about it all differently! As I have thought more and prayed more today, I realize I am once again elevating the academics above all else. When I looked at the academic classes my son would be likely to get next year, it would be a science, IEW writing, math quiz, and history (this year I only signed him up for science). I would not do their history because we have religious differences that affect how we look at things. I don't see a need for the math quiz, and I am comfortable teaching writing at home. I do really like the science, but it isn't necessary at this age; the more rigorous science can wait until he is older. I don't think I need the academic co-op.

BUT...after some soul-searching, a discussion with my pastor, and my husband, we all separately came to the same conclusion....my husband said a few nights ago that he thinks I should continue with both for the semester. I wasn't so sure. Today, while spending quiet time thinking of it all, I decided the same thing. When I took all the pros/cons to my priest,I expected him to advise me to drop one...but he said he thought it was important for me and as a witness to my children, to keep my commitments. This goes along with my curriculum hopping problem (which I have committed to stopping!), too, so I can see the wisdom here. I have paid for and committed to the fun co-op only for a 10 week session (2 down, 8 to go!). I had to commit to the academic one for the whole year, but it is only one class that we signed up for, so not quite so consuming time-wise. So, for this semester, I will keep my commitment to both. Come December, I will not renew my participation in the fun one, but I will be committed to the academic one for the spring term. After that, I will either drop both, or try just the fun one on fridays for next year, or maybe just the academic one, hard to say at this point what our needs will be then. But I don't have to decide that yet! Until then, I will adjust my expectations of how much we get done in a week at home...

I think, spiritually, at this time there is wisdom for me in doing what I signed up for, keeping the commitment even if it is tough. My inclination was to find a way out, but I am satisfied with this outcome for now. It will also encourage me to really think before I commit next time!

I thank you ALL, each and every one of you added something fresh for me to consider, and I feel I have changed my tune from thinking I needed a co-op, to thinking maybe we don't need one at all. And if we do, not to place the higest value here on academics...always a temptation for me! Now, the work is just to adjust to a lighter week at home, and we will enjoy what we have committed to, and be content with that for this season. icon_biggrin.gif I am working at contentment in all circumstances!

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Hehe...I love looking at the difference in this poll posted on this board vs the HOD board. LOL Here, the vote is in majority for cutting the social co-op...whereas there, the overwhelming majority says to cut the academic one since you are already doing so much.


My vote is for cutting the academic co-op. First of all, you do academics at home and it sounds like you have that more than covered. In your post, you said that you did this mostly because the kids needed interaction with other kids - which falls under the "social" heading. Sounds like you did BOTH groups for the social aspects even though one is more academic. In that case, I woudl cut the extra academics and leave co-op for the social aspect of your experience this year. :)

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I've never done a co-op, but I've read on these boards how rare it is to find one with all the qualities you have listed for the Tuesday one: well-organized, excellent classes (not just stuff to keep the children busy), etc. The children will probably make friends with these children eventually, especially as you add more classes in the spring. So after your 10-week commitment to the Friday co-op ends, I would drop it and explain to your children that they can still play with friends on Saturdays, but that the Tues/Wed/Fri out of the house was just too much for your family.


Just my 1.5 cents.



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I am the WORST at making decisions. I need your help, please!

I have always homeschooled...my oldest is DS 9.5, then DD 7, an d DS 2. I have always stayed close to home, but this year we decided to use a homeschool co-op, because my kids get few opportunities to be with friends, and we have no family nearby.

There are 2 co-ops, and I couldn't decide which one to do, so I signed up for both. now I feel overwhelmed because I am out of the house more than I like to be, and my routine for getting school done is so whacked now. Even with the co-ops, I like to get done what *I* have planned for them, and I like to get in 5 days of everything. Here is what we have going:

DS 9.5 has scouts one night a week, just a couple other boys in his group, they are nice, but he doesnt see them outside of scouts---they are all in PS or Catholic school.

DD7 has ballet, a homeschool ballet class that is fabulous and we will never give up, meets 11-12 on wednesdays, right in the middle of our day but we have done it for a couple years and I won't give this up.

Co-op 1 meets on tuesdays, it is a very well-organized, structured, and academically rigorous co-op. I feel like this will serve us very well as the years go on, because the classes here are better than what I would teach at home and for any subject they do at this co-op, I would not feel any need to teach that same subject at home. So, he has a chemistry class, and I feel like it is so good that I would give up our science at home...in short, it takes a burden off of me. Many moms use this as their primary schoolwork...they get their assignments and meet once a week, but it is enough that it can count as a full week of work (they have work to do at home). My son enjoys it a lot, especially the science experiments, my daughter could take or leave it (but she only has one class here, and she would probably like it more next time when I sign her up for other things, too). I feel like, long-term, this is the one we will choose, because the classes are sooo good, the instructors are awesome, and everything is just top-notch here. But, we don't really have friends at this co-op....

Co-op 2 is a fun co-op, meets on fridays. The classes are fun, the goal of most of the moms here is to get their kids having fun with others, while learning classroom etiquette. My kids love it, and we have several friends who are in this co-op....nice for my son, especially, since he doens't get much boy time and daddy travels a lot. HE gets gym and a fun storywriting class. My daughter has a geography and storytime class. I don't feel that these classes replace what I would teach at home; they are more for fun. So, in short, it doesn't relieve any of my teaching...and it never will...it is primarily social for us.


I don't want to be out 3 days a week. Maybe I will adjust, but I really don't even WANT to adjust. I like to be home (hence my name on here). But should I suck it up for my kids and do it, or will they live without both? Will they resent me for taking away their fun time if I quit the friday one? Vote in my poll, and help me out! THANKS!!

FORGOT TO ADD>...Co-op 1, the academic one, is 15 minutes from my home. Co-op 2, the social one, is 30 minutes.

Hey, I didn't know you signed up for the second one! We probably would have signed up if we knew you were going to be there!


I don't really have any advice for you, but email me, hey!

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My vote: ditch both co-ops and look for some other casual, informal, not-every-week kind of activity, like a monthly park day or something.


There's no way *I* would last being out of the house 3 days a week, especially not when one of those days is like your Wednesday. Nuh, uh.

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I like to be at home, too, and don't like going out. But I took responsibility for educating my kids, and that means I have to balance what I want with what's best for them. I voted "suck it up" because I think it's a good idea for the kids to have a low-pressure opportunity to be with their friends. Our homeschool group created a bi-weekly "hang-out" specifically because so many kids were complaining that they didn't have time to just hang out with their friends at the regular group meetings.


Could you attend the social group only every other week?



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I couldn't decide for you... that is a hard one. I made the choice recently to ditch my #1 (academic) that met 20 min away on Mondays and kept my #2 (social) that meets on fridays right around the corner... I did it b/c I still felt the need to teach the academic subjects of the classes (control-freak!) in addition to the co-op #1. The social on Fridays is only 3 min away and is so much fun and we also do field trips. We do a 4-day week and consider Friday our social and enrichment day while we buckle down in-home the other 4 days. That works great for us and I don't feel like my schedule is so broken up.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I picked "ditch the academic one" mostly because with an extra day at home, you can do what your kids need for school and feel more relaxed and truly enjoy the social one... just my .02, for what it's worth. ;)


ETA for OP: I just read your response. I would go by what dh said... :)

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