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Speaking of dogs....we lost one of ours today...sad tragedy...:(

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My DD18 lives in a bedroom in my MIL's walkout basement up the hill from us but on our farm. She has a tiny little Chihuahua named Maximum. Early this morning, she put him out side on a cable to go potty while she started getting ready for school. Her bedroom door is just 5 feet from the outside door. She heard a loud bang and ran to the door to see what happened. Her dog was gone. She ran outside and around the house calling his name. He was nowhere to be seen. His cable is gone too. We looked for him for hours and hours today. There is no sign of him anywhere. We combed all the woods on that side of the farm. He got loose once before and just ran around to the front of the house so we are starting to think he did not just get loose. We can only surmise that a coyote or wild dog got him. The woods are just 30 feet from the basement door. A coyote must have grabbed him and ran for the bottoms. We have searched and searched. He is gone. My DD is devastated. This dog is her constant companion. He sleeps with her. He has his own drawer of clothes in her dresser. He is her "baby." What a horrible, horrible day. And Saturday is her 18th birthday. :sad:


Here is his story. She adopted him after he had been abandonded at the vet by his owners who didn't want to fix his broken leg. Poor Maxie. He was so cute...so special. We will just miss him so much.


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Oh no. how devastating :grouphug: I hope that by some miracle, he turns up to surprise everyone.


Thank you...I'm still praying and hoping for this too. I'm about to go out and look some more. I can just see him jumping up thru the grass running towards me...please?

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I was hoping to see "Maxie came home! He was just enjoying a romp in the woods!" I'm so sorry... I think there is still hope... but I'm praying that your family will just remember all of the things they love about him, and have each other to lean on... I won't say that I hope you "get over it" soon, because there is not such thing...


I still get teary eyed about our cat that died about three years ago. Our animals are so special to us, they have a way into our hearts like no one else...




And grrrrrrr to whatever snatched him!!! :angry:

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Well, we have our answer. It was a bear. Our neighbor has a deer feeder right at the bottom of the hill, only about 100 yards from where Max disappeared. The feeder was bitten into by a bear just a couple of days ago. It is bear fangs, no doubt. I saw it. It is VERY think plastic and was bitten clean through. Jerry was going to tell us about it next time he saw us, but he doesn't live on his farm, he lives in town, so we don't see him every day. He has been putting dog food out ever since in order to lure the bear to hang around for hunting season. Oh, gosh. I just wish he would have called us. Kate never would have put Max out alone had she known that. At least I can stop thinking he's out there somewhere, just hung up on his cable and waiting for us to find him. I have no doubt now. It's the only thing that makes sense.

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Well, we have our answer. It was a bear. Our neighbor has a deer feeder right at the bottom of the hill, only about 100 yards from where Max disappeared. The feeder was bitten into by a bear just a couple of days ago. It is bear fangs, no doubt. I saw it. It is VERY think plastic and was bitten clean through. Jerry was going to tell us about it next time he saw us, but he doesn't live on his farm, he lives in town, so we don't see him every day. He has been putting dog food out ever since in order to lure the bear to hang around for hunting season. Oh, gosh. I just wish he would have called us. Kate never would have put Max out alone had she known that. At least I can stop thinking he's out there somewhere, just hung up on his cable and waiting for us to find him. I have no doubt now. It's the only thing that makes sense.


WHAT? He's purposely luring a bear toward your property without your knowledge and you have small kids and pets? :blink: Wow, I would be really upset.


I'm sorry about Maxie, that is really awful.

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I'm so sorry for your families loss!!:grouphug:

Losing a pet is almost like losing a member of the family.



I can not believe your neighbor didn't warn you. Is there not a law in your area against baiting bears? There is here. Every spring the radio and TV ads are full of PSA's warning against leaving garbage and pet food outside. They don't even want people to hang bird feeders because of bears (although there is no law against it).

Edited by akmommy
to coorect spelling error
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Well, we have our answer. It was a bear. Our neighbor has a deer feeder right at the bottom of the hill, only about 100 yards from where Max disappeared. The feeder was bitten into by a bear just a couple of days ago. It is bear fangs, no doubt. I saw it. It is VERY think plastic and was bitten clean through. Jerry was going to tell us about it next time he saw us, but he doesn't live on his farm, he lives in town, so we don't see him every day. He has been putting dog food out ever since in order to lure the bear to hang around for hunting season. Oh, gosh. I just wish he would have called us. Kate never would have put Max out alone had she known that. At least I can stop thinking he's out there somewhere, just hung up on his cable and waiting for us to find him. I have no doubt now. It's the only thing that makes sense.


Oh no!!! That is not good at all. I think I would have my dh have a nice long talk with him.

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Oh no!!! That is not good at all. I think I would have my dh have a nice long talk with him.


Yes, we are going to talk to him tomorrow. He really is a nice guy, but quite the redneck. I want to be good neighbors and not cause a fuss, but this is so far beyond common sense! We are obviously very upset. During the hours that we were all looking for Max we (including my DD8) were seperated in the woods by hundreds of feet. I had no idea there could have been a bear in there. It is terrifying to think about. Not to mention that Max would be alive today if he had just told us about what he found. He should have called us as soon as he found out.

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Yes, we are going to talk to him tomorrow. He really is a nice guy, but quite the redneck. I want to be good neighbors and not cause a fuss, but this is so far beyond common sense! We are obviously very upset. During the hours that we were all looking for Max we (including my DD8) were seperated in the woods by hundreds of feet. I had no idea there could have been a bear in there. It is terrifying to think about. Not to mention that Max would be alive today if he had just told us about what he found. He should have called us as soon as he found out.


I'm glad you all are going to talk to him. What a senseless tragedy. Again, I am so sorry for your family. :grouphug:

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