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Bye-bye, gall bladder...

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I'm going in for surgery tomorrow morning to have my ailing gall bladder removed. The plan is for a laparoscopic procedure. Given the pain I've been in, I'm glad to be getting rid of the thing, but I'm also nervous. Other than having my wisdom teeth out, I've never had any kind of surgery before.


Your prayers and positive thoughts much appreciated!

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I'll pray for you, Drew.


I had mine out 11 years ago this spring and had a pretty fast recovery. Of course I was only 20, so that helped! lol. I only dealt with attacks from having a gallstone for about 6 months, but it was the worst pain ever. Worse than childbirth I think, since you don't get nice birth endorphins and a sweet new baby after the attack. The only time I notice not having one is if I eat something a little too high in fat and, um, have gastric distress. ;-)


Peace to you!



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I'm going in for surgery tomorrow morning to have my ailing gall bladder removed. The plan is for a laparoscopic procedure. Given the pain I've been in, I'm glad to be getting rid of the thing, but I'm also nervous. Other than having my wisdom teeth out, I've never had any kind of surgery before.


Your prayers and positive thoughts much appreciated!


that is what I always think when I have to go under the knife. My last brush with a surgeon was last September and I am much better off now than before.

Will pray for an excellent physician and speedy recovery! :)

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I'm going in for surgery tomorrow morning to have my ailing gall bladder removed. The plan is for a laparoscopic procedure. Given the pain I've been in, I'm glad to be getting rid of the thing, but I'm also nervous. Other than having my wisdom teeth out, I've never had any kind of surgery before.


Your prayers and positive thoughts much appreciated!


And good riddance to that big, stupid, pain in your side! :o Sending you wishes for a speedy recovery.



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...went very well! This is his wife Anne reporting. He's bidden his gall bladder a not-so-fond farewell, and he's resting comfortably at the hospital.


Interestingly enough, the only bed they could find for him is in the OB unit, so he's in a postpartum room! This actually worked out well, because as a birth doula, I'm very familiar with the unit and was able to get him everything he needed. He also has one of my favorite labor and delivery nurses. :)


If all goes well, he should be home tomorrow, and probably back to his grueling schedule of WTM posts. ;) Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers!



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Too funny! As someone who has done both (lost the gall bladder and given birth), losing the gall bladder was much more difficult. Actually, I was knocked out for that, so the actual losing part wasn't difficult, but the recovery was much worse. Make him get up and walk!


I hope he has an uneventful recovery. I ended up with strep throat the day I went home from the hospital.

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...went very well! This is his wife Anne reporting. He's bidden his gall bladder a not-so-fond farewell, and he's resting comfortably at the hospital.


Thank you for updating us and for sharing him with us. (He's terrific!!) Glad to know the surgery went well. Funny about the OB unit. He's just such a gentleman they keep letting him hang out with all the women! ;)


Continued thoughts for a speedy recovery.



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Good grief! I'd no sooner read Anne's post than it was merged with Plaid Dad's original mention of his surgery. It bugs the you-know-what outta me that someone isn't allowed to update without simply tacking on to an old thread.


Okay, having said that....I'm glad to hear all is well. Have to chuckle, thinking of him in the OB unit.:D

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I will be having my gall bladder taken out on Friday. I hope he's feeling better soon. Thanks for updating for us.


I'll be praying for you too. (I knew someone else on these boards was having gall bladder problems.) What, exactly, causes the gall bladder to get messed up? My dad had his removed a couple of years ago and I think it had something to do with cholesterol deposits, but I'm not sure. Anyway, all the best!

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Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone! You'll be amused to know that Anne (a.k.a. waxwing) was actually reading posts to me from the boards as I was being prepped for the surgery. All hail wi-fi! So I really felt like you all were there with me in spirit. Or pixels. Or something. :laugh:


And Laura, you'll be happy to know it was really easy. I haven't even needed much by way of pain medication since immediately after the surgery yesterday. You'll be in my thoughts for Friday!

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