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Who's starting school in September?


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We haven't started school yet -- officially. Yes, ds is learning about the beginning of the earth and now dinosaurs through the Let's Read and Find Out Science books and watching BBC and PBS videos online. He's also revisiting math concepts (which he's catching pretty quick!) and practicing reading and writing. But our new school year starts (First Year) on September 7, the Monday after his sixth birthday.


Anyone else hasn't started yet?

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We also are not starting until September. I was going to start the last week in August but my Dad has chemo that week so with that added stress, I decided to wait a week. I am also tweaking a few of my plans so that gives me a little more time to do so. We are also having a garage sale next week which is giving me an opportunity to purge some stuff from my house.

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Oh, littlebug42, :grouphug: I just find it easier to start the Monday after ds' birthday every year -- his birthday is on September 2nd. Easy to remember. I also like the week to two weeks extra to enjoy the pools without the crowds and the extra planning time (as everyone who goes to ps school wants to hang out with us a lot right before school starts).

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We are starting Tuesday, September 1st!


I really needed a BREAK this summer, and enjoyed the downtime with my daughter so much. I have finally decided on all curriculum (thanks to all the help on this board) and what I need should arrive this week. Next week I will focus on planning and then the school room. We always start out in the school room, and by February/March we are in the kitchen : )

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We're starting in September (or maybe August 31st), which is much later than we usually start (June or July is what we've always done in the past). Our neighborhood has a lot of activities going on this summer that the boys want to do, so we've just enjoyed the summer. But I'll be ready to get the boys back in school and home with me. I've missed them.

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I never start earlier than September - usually around the 3rd week. One year I was so late I joked that we'd switched to Oxford term dates:


Michaelmas 2009 Sunday, 11 October - Saturday, 5 December

Hilary 2010 Sunday, 17 January - Saturday, 13 March

Trinity 2010 Sunday, 25 April - Saturday, 19 June

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We will be starting the day after Labor Day. My daughter has lots of friends who are in public school and that's when they start. If we begin earlier than that, there is just too much groaning and complaining, and I'd rather not start the year off with that.

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We start first Sunday in OCTOBER (;)), and this year this is October 4th.

But then again, I keep them busy until almost mid July (even after they're done with their exams in June), so it kind of evens out. During the summer they're mostly in Italy with my and DH's family (end of July - August - beginning of September period), and then we travel a bit more together.

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My lesson plans begin Sept 1, but I made the mistake of telling my DD that she wasn't going to preschool with her friends, but was having school at home, and she's insisting on "having school" every morning. I've been using the time to evaluate her current skills, to work on basic cutting skills, holding a pencil correctly, etc.

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We start in September.


We've done a bit of math with RS games, but need to do a bit more, and I need to do a bit of Flashmaster to better target the RS math games we play. I had wanted to do a bit more math over the summer, but moving is always a lot of work, I was overly optimistic about how much we could get done in the middle of a move.


We're getting a lot closer to being unpacked, I should be able to ramp up the math a bit the rest of this month before we start back in September.

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We start first Sunday in OCTOBER (;)), and this year this is October 4th.

But then again, I keep them busy until almost mid July (even after they're done with their exams in June), so it kind of evens out. During the summer they're mostly in Italy with my and DH's family (end of July - August - beginning of September period), and then we travel a bit more together.

Can you adopt me so I can go to Italy in the summers too? I promise I'll be a good girl!!! :001_smile:


We haven't started yet. My middle ds starts school on the 24th of August, so I'd like to start my dd on that day or te 25th. But my oldest ds heads off to college around the 20th of September, so I'm not sure how much we can get done in between. We'll see. But I'll TRY to start the 24th, probably the 25th of August, or the week after that on Monday.

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We're starting back on Sep. 1st. We would've started day earlier (Monday) but we're going to my sister's lake house that weekend and won't be getting home until Monday afternoon sometime. I figure it's a good way to ease into a new school year. The next week we'll be working the full week.

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We were going to start in September, right after Labor Day. We changed our minds. We'll be starting in the last full week of August. We decided to take a trip to Canada in September, and we won't be back until the 14th of September. This was a full week later than we'd planned to start school. We decided we didn't want to start "one week in the hole". The kids will also be taking one "Unit Study" each on holiday. Nothing excessive, probably about 6 hours of work each.

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We're going to try and the year-round school approach this year following this plan:


Teaching Days (Mon - Thurs)

Make-up/Study Hall/Activities/Field Trip Day (Friday)


Sept. 14 - Oct. 23 (6 weeks)

1 week off


Nov. 2 - Nov. 20 (3 weeks)

1 week off


Nov. 30 - Dec. 18 (3 weeks)

2 weeks off


Jan. 4 - Feb. 12 (6 weeks)

1 week off


Feb. 22 - Apr. 6 (6 weeks)

1 week off


Apr. 12 - May 21 (6 weeks)

2 weeks off


Jun. 7 - Jun. 25 (3 weeks)

2 weeks off


Jul. 12 - Jul 30 (3 weeks)

6 weeks off before the next school year

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We school year round, and we've still got three weeks to go on our 2008-2009 school year.


This year, I'm planning 4 nine-week terms beginning on September 21, January 4, March 22, and June 21. We'll see how it goes, as ususally when I plan out a schedule like this, it falls apart at some point. :glare:

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I hadn't planned on starting until the end of Aug/beginning of Sept. My kids have been out of control lately so I thought a little school in the morning would help. It has settled them a bit. I started yesterday with one subject and will add on one a day until we get to our full schedule in two weeks.



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We are not starting back this year until September. It will make for a little more hectic year but that's the way it all worked out. We will aim to be done by the end of June. Most of my friends IRL started this week or will start next. I just placed my Rainbow and Amazon order Sunday night. Usually I have my supplies for the next year before summer even begins. It's just one of those years! ;)

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We are. I had planned to start a week ago, and then postponed it for this week, but when we got the call that the bed opened up for dd and she will be in the hospital for 3 weeks the whole plan got squashed and we will start in September once she is home. Ds is very happy about that. Because I school them together it didn't make sense to teach it all to him and then reteach it in 3 weeks for her and then do that all year long, her lagging 3 weeks behind him. So sept it is.

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