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what chore do you hate?

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IRONING! i cant stand dress shirts. i stink at it!


my idea of ironing is to buy the shirts that are wrinkle free, and if they do wrinkle, spritz them and toss them in the dryer.


My hubby doesn't have to dress up for work, he's in the software business (engineer turned manager) and only wears a dress shirt when he wants to, and it rarely is because of an important meeting or presentation.


I absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE to do laundry. I HATE to spot treat, and I HATE to put the clothing away. Sorting the laundry, putting it in washer, then dryer, and folding I'm fine with.

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We're supposed to dust the blinds and windows????





Ditto!! I also don't iron unless dh is preaching on Sunday morning or something. He chooses to wear khakis and button-down shirts much of the time, but I figure a few wrinkles give him an "authentic" air. :lol: Besides - he's a student. What better excuse can I have?


I despise mopping. Dh does it for me.


One of these days we'll stop moving every other year or so and I'll really have to think about spring/fall cleaning rather than just cleaning the old place once the furniture is out. :tongue_smilie:


Mama Anna

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It used to be ironing, but then I decided to just stop ironing and solved that problem. :D



:iagree: I just stopped ironing also. I use the wrinkle prevent cycle on my dryer, for delicates. If it is still wrinkled (because I still let it sit too long), it goes in the closet as is. I iron something only if someone absolutely needs something ironed.


I wish I could just stop dusting :D.

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Scrubbing the tub. We have very hard water that turns everything brown - ugh. I've tried the most caustic chemicals and still have these ugly brown stains. We spent $5000 on the top of the line water treatment system and I still have horrible water. We thought about digging another well, but the well company said we could go to all that trouble and expense and end up with water just as bad as what we have now.


I laugh at those scrubbing bubble commercials - it should be so easy! I ended up using steel wool pads. It ruined the finish on the tub, but the stains have faded somewhat. It's very hard to scrub a tub with six screws in your spine, btw.

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Anything to do with laundry.


We also have water that turns things icky, so I hate scrubbing toilets, it doesn't work no matter how much I try. :(


I love vacuuming! And strangely, ever since I quit being a WAHM and started homeschooling, the house has been pretty organized and clean in most rooms. I can't stand working in clutter!

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I think mine is laundry. All the washing, drying, folding, putting away. It never ends. In fact, I've composed this fine little ditty that I sing almost daily while taking a load out of the dryer; it's sung to the tune of 'Oh, Chrsitmas Tree', and goes thusly:


Oh laundry,

Oh laundry,

Oh you will be the death of me.


Oh laundry,

Oh laundry,

Oh you will be the death of me.


My dh finds it, well, if not 'cute', then at least 'amusing'. Oh, ok, really he thinks it's weird.



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OK -- You reminded me of "The Unbearable Task" ! I already had blocked from my mind the 2-1/2 months last year when we were without a washer, and I had to wash everything in the tub by hand. I could not afford to purchase a mangle, so had to do the "grape stomping dance" right there in the bathtub. A royal pain for sheets and blue jeans !


Our washer's broke, so I'm doing laundry by hand. in the bathtub. Enough said. Yuck.



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LOL, oh the wringing is the worst!! I almost shoved some of them in the salad spinner my hands were so sore. YUCK!





OK -- You reminded me of "The Unbearable Task" ! I already had blocked from my mind the 2-1/2 months last year when we were without a washer, and I had to wash everything in the tub by hand. I could not afford to purchase a mangle, so had to do the "grape stomping dance" right there in the bathtub. A royal pain for sheets and blue jeans !
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I don't iron. If it isn't wash and wear, we don't buy it.


I only do my and dh's laundry. The kids do their own. They also clean their own rooms and bathrooms. Dh and ds take care of the yard and the cars.


I can't complain. I don't do that much. :D

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I was serious when I wrote that I "wrung" the laundry by stepping on it repeatedly. My hands would not have been up to the task.


I also had a tough time locating a washboard. Finally found one at one of those "old-timey" hardware stores, the kind which sells numerous items nobody else will stock.


LOL, oh the wringing is the worst!! I almost shoved some of them in the salad spinner my hands were so sore. YUCK!



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what's funny is my dad retired at 51 to be a SAHD and we call each other to complain about laundry at least 4 times a week. (he has one less person in his household and has no grounds to complain IMO :001_tt2: )


...since my 13 year old started doing the dishes my nails look oh-so nice!


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Sorting socks. We have a thousand different white socks for five people...some look identical except for the color of the thread over the toe, or the length. And there's always some leftover from the mates disappearing in the dryer. I have a laundry basket with about twenty-five unmatched socks in it. Ugh.


Also deciding what's for dinner. Cooking it's okay (though I'm not the best at it) but deciding what we're going to have gives me a headache. :glare:

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Grocery shopping.

:iagree: Everything that has to do with grocery shopping. Looking for sales, going to the store, picking the products, purchasing them, hauling them to the car then hauling them in the house, putting products up and then someone asks what's for lunch/dinner? AARGH! :angry::ack2::smash:

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Folding and putting away laundry, and cleaning the bathrooms.


I don't iron, except when sewing. If DH chooses to wear a dress shirt that requires ironing, he can bloody well iron it himself--as former Navy I know he knows how!

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Cleaning the toilet. (Although putting away the laundry is high up there, too.)


It used to be ironing, but then I decided to just stop ironing and solved that problem. :D


Yup and yup on both the toilet and ironing. Putting laundry away isn't that bad - it's an opportunity to see what my children have stashed away.


But I rarely clean toilets and put laundry away any more - those have been delegated to children. When there's ironing to be done I'm often the one to do it. Time to teach dd #2 to do that, too! ;)

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