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I can't decide whether to renew my Sam's Club membership

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That is a good question. I know that we have had to be very careful about only sticking to items on the list:) In the past, I would always pick up extra things we really did not need. Right now, we try to pick up bread, cottage cheese, coffee, coffee filters, laundry detergent, dish detergent, dog food, toilet paper, paper towels, cheerios, romano cheese, laughing cow cheese, occasional fruits and veggies. These prices seem cheaper but I admit I have never did an in detail price comparision.




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It really depends on what you buy. You will have to make a list and do some math. Some things are way more expensive but if you don't buy enough of the item to save more than 40.00 a year then the answer is no. I think that each family will come out with a different answer based on what they buy.

For our family that goes through 7 gallons of milk a week. At the reg supermarket it costs about 4.00 a gallon but at Sam's it is 2.50. For 40.00 a year my family saves 546.00 a year on milk.

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I am careful to stick to the list. I buy shredded cheese in bulk and then package it into 2 cup servings and freeze in Ziploc bags. I buy ground beef in a 10 lb package and freeze in smaller containers. I buy AP flour and bread flour when I am doing alot of bread baking. I buy the sliced sandwich bread when I'm not in the groove of making my own. I buy spices (taco seasoning, italian seasoning, cinnamon). The Lays potato chips are a good price. I buy the kids regular store brand chips at the grocery store but I like the baked chips and Sam's has a good price on those. They also have some interesting flavors of turkey sausage links that I buy (not sure if it's a great price but I can't get them anywhere else). Yeast, rice, pinto beans.


That was rambling. I think it is good for basics but not processed/ packaged foods. It depends if you are willing to do the work to freeze/ store in smaller portions.



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I have to watch what I buy--as a rule, I always buy milk, eggs, shredded cheese, some produce, some meats, birthday cakes (if I don't make them), peanut butter, jelly, apple juice. A few other things, but I don't buy snack packs or the other goblins that add up so fast.


We always buy gas at Sams. I like to buy clothes there when they are marked down to $5 or less--ladies shirts and sweaters and such.


We have a Sam's discover card that we only use at Sam's--and I always get between $30 and $40 cash back each year, so my membership is paid for by that--


I think you have to be really careful at Sam's, but the prices are as good as sale prices at the grocery store and I can get it all in one place and not have to watch the sales. But I do have to be aware of prices--some things are NOT good deals--



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We quit because we were spending too much on stuff we did not know we "needed" until we saw it cheap. Most stuff we would have gotten there we can get as cheap at Walmart or elsewhere.


I might add - if it where closer I might be more inclined to have a membership - if weekly trips for milk, etc. would save $$$ - but ors is too far to go more than one a month or so, and we do not use enough brand name bulk items to make it worth while.

Edited by JFSinIL
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I was a Sam's member for one year, but the Great Value brand prices at Walmart were a bit cheaper than the Sam's Club brand. I do think name brands may be a bit cheaper at Sam's, but I stick to store brands most of the time, so it wasn't worth the membership fee for me.

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My dh bought 7 items for $96 the other day, but those items will last a long time. Their box of Tide lasts for months. When we ran out of kitty litter, he paid $4 for a 4 lb jug of an off-brand on sale at the grocery store. At Sam's, he paid $14 for 40 lb for Fresh Step. We like that brand because it never stinks. Overall, I do think we save money by shopping at Sam's. The per item price is high, but we don't need every item every month because of buying in bulk.

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I've only been a member for a couple of months, but I've found it worth it.


I buy milk, chicken, some produce, cheese (shredded, slices, and sticks), salsa, hot dogs, some fruits & veggies, and honey. They also have good prices on OTC meds. On milk alone I save about $156/year.


I stick to my list. If I see something that interests me, I write down the price & amount and price compare with Walmart. If I just bought whatever caught my eye, it wouldn't be worth it because I'd be spending more than I would elsewhere. But by sticking to my list it provides a nice savings.

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Well, if you have a large family then it really does help. I would say that I do half of my shopping there:



whip cream


sour cream


orange juice


ice cream

lunch meat

toilet paper

paper towels

bottled water

dog food

microwave popcorn


chocolate chips




peanut butter



I could go on but as you can see pretty much everything except for produce. Most of my furniture has been bought at Sam's as well and I rarely leave without a book or movie. We get gas there as well. We just bough several electronics recently though and they were cheaper at Costco.

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I let our membership expire back in April because I wasn't sure that it was really worth it. However, by June, I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to renew! :D


I have found that milk is always cheaper. I really like their meats. I love buying toilet paper in bulk because I hate running out. There are other things that we like and have found them to be a little better deal by buying at Sam's. Not everything is cheaper though. Keeping a price book/list can help you with figuring that out.


I also learned that I had to have a list...and stick to it!!! Or I'd walk out of there spending too much.:glare:

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I go to Costco because it's closer but I've found that we save double the membership cost in fruit, meat and cheese alone. We also buy juice boxes, pop and coffee there on a regular basis. I think the trick is, for me at least, is to avoid the no-no areas like books and music and movies. LOL Then I end up with a lot of things in the cart that I don't need and can't really afford.

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Our Sam's has a click and pull service for free which I love. I can order everything online, they put it together, and then my dh picks it up the next day after work. No impulse buying! It's definitely worth it for us.


here are some of the things on my list: shredded cheese, butter, cream cheese, frozen veggies, frozen boneless chicken breasts, flour, sugar, cocoa, chocolate chips, spices, yeast, vanilla, parmesan cheese, bisquick, oil, peanut butter, pasta, dishwasher detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, wipes, dog food, peppers, potatoes.

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Dh buys his business casual clothing there and saves a bundle, easily saving more than the membership fee on that alone. I only buy the few food items I can get more cheaply there than at the local warehouse grocer - frozen pizzas, bulk shredded cheese, frozen veggies, and organic cereal. We used to save money there on diapers, and we still buy cat litter, water softener salt, and some over-the-counter meds and nutritional supplements. Buying car tires or a piece of furniture there every few years saves us money over what we'd pay elsewhere, too.

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Sam's club is worth it for us for the gas, Gatorade, toilet paper and usually they have good deals on meat. Oh - and occaisionally Go-gurt.


I do buy some other things there now and then (like a huge can of vanilla pudding) but I have found that the milk is the same price as it is at Wal-mart and Kroger's and they don't have nearly the selection of things as they did when I first had a membership a few years ago. And I was very disappointed with their pharmacy. I didn't save any money on my daughter's asthma medication.


Though, I did score a few extra bucks by buying a box of 100 tampons haha.


I have a friend that shops at Costco, and she says they have better selection there on some of the things we both buy. For example, I like to buy soy milk for my 11 year old (she has a sensitive stomach) but you can only get Vanilla at our Sam's club. Costco has plain. And I have not found the produce to be that great of a deal compared to some of the other stores like Newflower or Kroger's.


Now - if you are in the market for high quality restaurant size plastic wrap and wax paper - they are the bomb!

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and we decided not to renew. We can buy smaller quanitities of the same items for as good if not better at the super Wal-Mart. We are only a family of three though. Like you we found we were buying a few items for a large amount of money. Used to be we could only find certain items at Sam's, now those can be purchased elsewhere. The only person that was upset about this decisioon was my MIL (note she is not paying the membership fee) as she likes a certain frozen dinner you can only buy at Sams. Dh thinks she would be better off not eating so many frozen dinner , me I'm staying out of it.


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We really like Sam's also. We have a business membership and they always send us things to renew like, get a $10.00 giftcard when you renew your membership, so it's cheaper if I wait until it's almost expired (plus why pay earlier than that?) Anyway, I love their

Honeydew Melon

flour tortilla shells

tortilla chips


shredded cheese

sliced cheese

some beer I will buy for dh and wine is cheaper there.


I also shop for our church daycare and get a lot of things cheaper for them.

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I love going to Sam's Club, but I end up walking out of there with about 6 items totaling around $100.00! The membership fee is $40.00! Does anyone really save money by shopping there? Anyone think it's worth it??

For me it is. I purchase my frozen veggies, romaine lettuce,other fresh veggies, pecans, orange juice, toilet paper, paper towels etc. I go in with a list and rarely deviate from it as non of the ready made stuff is usable by us.

I can save my yearly fee in a couple of months over most other groc. stores.

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We just renewed ours again, they sent us a very detailed spread sheet this year showing our savings and everything we spent. The spread sheet really hit home how much I'm able to save without coupons or the fuss of sales, packed stores etc.


Gas alone would be worth it, but we also love the savings on bananas, bread, cheese, butter, carrots, potatoes, cottage cheese, Laughing Cow Cheese, Parmesan, paper towels, TP, tissues, meds, books, cereal, sugar, rice, flour etc.


We simply did save more than enough to spend the full membership fee.

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I stopped buying paper towels and toilet paper there. In fact, I never did! I buy on sale only. Same with cream cheese -- I only buy on sale and stock up.


Regarding yeast -- do not buy in the single packs. Buy in a 1 lb bag. SAF instant yeast. I pay around $2-3 for it. A small jar (less than 1/2 that) at the grocery store runs $6 or so. I keep it in the freezer and throw it out after a year or so and still come out ahead.


Do you have another club store without membership fees near you? Stores like GFS sell that SAF yeast and cheese in bulk.

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I do 99% of my shopping there, detailed list (totaled ahead of time), rarely buy anything else - taking cash only helps!


For me it's now the closest "grocery store" to my house, which is great. But i saved enough at Sam's & Costco to drive an hour to go there every 6 weeks too.


I'm actually a member of Sam's, BJ's and Costco now. Haven't shopped at BJ's - but it opened close to my parents house and my mom put me on her membership.


But really, you just have to go with a set list and avoid those problem areas ;)

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I think it really depends on certain things -- how much is milk in your area? (For me, regular stores are as cheap or cheaper.) What do you eat/buy, anyway? And what sorts of produce, if you buy that a lot, is available there? I have much better/cheaper options; others really don't. I wasn't finding that I bought much there at all, but oil and rice were consistently good buys....

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