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Ok, so say there is a serial killer operating 30 minutes away from you...

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Would you let your kids sleep outside in their tent tonight if you lived 27 miles from the town in the link below, out in the country, w/dogs etc., and technically in another state. I'll admit this never occurred to me until my sister called my mother all freaked out. She guilted me into making them come in, but maybe it is the common sense thing to do??


Serial Killer in Gaffney, SC


Gee kids, you can use your brand new tent again...after they catch the serial killer. :glare: It's just too weird.




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Yeah, I would have made them sleep inside also. Could you set the tent up inside? We've cleared out the playroom in the past and set the tent up in that room for the kids to sleep in. Of course our tent isn't that big. Maybe hang some sheet some how to pretend to be in a tent.



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I didn't read the article did the serial killer specifically attack children in tents in their yards? Most serial killers go after a certain type of victim.


I thought that they picked a certain kind of victim too, but either that is just something on TV, or the definition of serial killer is really just someone that kills a lot of people. The victims do not seem to be of a certain type. It almost seemed kind of random. It's confusing. :001_huh:



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Would you let your kids sleep outside in their tent tonight if you lived 27 miles from the town in the link below, out in the country, w/dogs etc., and technically in another state. I'll admit this never occurred to me until my sister called my mother all freaked out. She guilted me into making them come in, but maybe it is the common sense thing to do??


Serial Killer in Gaffney, SC


Gee kids, you can use your brand new tent again...after they catch the serial killer. :glare: It's just too weird.





Honestly? There very well could be a serial killer operating just about anywhere and you would never know it.

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I'd stay inside with the doors locked, too.


Brazen shootings in daylight? Escalating numbers of them for no apparent reason? Sounds like anyone this dumb and evil will be caught sooner rather than later, so no harm in being careful. And he's clearly fearless and nuts, so considerable downside risk in assuming that nothing will happen. Proximity is high, too.


Stay in, everyone, and have a quiet couple of summer weeks till he is put away.

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I live about 50 miles from this, and I briefly caught the news on this; however, I am not fully up to date on it.


With that said, I'm honestly having trouble answering you on this... part of me says yes the kids should come in because you are fairly close to the situation, but part of me says no because the acts of the serial killer don't seem to follow a pattern of attacking children (the victims were older). That does not mean one should not be vigilant though! I know they are calling this person a serial killer, but have they given any indication as to why they are labeling him this way? I have to be careful here because I don't want to appear callous, as this is a serious situation... But, have law enforcement in your area given residents warnings or tips on how to protect oneself with this person on the loose? If so, then definitely bring the kids in. If not, then maybe they could stay out? If it were me though, and I'm a worrier, I'd be up all night wondering if they were safe in their tent because someone put the "possibility" of danger in my head.

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So I just read more articles about this guy. I would keep the kids in... they have police and FBI from both NC and SC working on this.


I am still perplexed as to how they are identifying him as "serial" though.

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I don't think I'd worry about it. I used to bike home with DD about ten miles from the area where the Baseline Shooter was picking people off. I remember DH telling me to be careful, but the shooter was operating a fair bit west of us, so even though I crossed Baseline Road every night after dark, I honestly wasn't too worried. The people driving cars were a far more immediate danger, and I didn't let them stop me, either.

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They should definitely sleep inside until the person is in custody. Like you think you're gonna get any sleep with them out there??????:001_smile: Don't torture yourself!


Yeah, I brought them in. Our county is involved in the task force so it seemed sensible. I hope they get him quickly.



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I would keep them inside for now. I am pretty loose about letting my kids roam outside, but when there was an escaped murderer within a couple miles of our home, we kept them close. Thankfully, the guy was only on the loose for about a week.

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I remember being a kid when son-of-sam was on the loose. I'm not sure where he was 'operating', but we weren't allowed to sleep outside at the time.


I can't believe there's a serial killer in Gaffney. I don't think that's very far from where my parents live! Scary.

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This is VERY near to us -- most of dh's family lives in the Gaffney area.


We watched the sheriff's press conference at noon today. He said that "by the FBI's definition", yes we do have a serial killer. But when I google that term, I don't get a definitive definition.

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This is VERY near to us -- most of dh's family lives in the Gaffney area.


We watched the sheriff's press conference at noon today. He said that "by the FBI's definition", yes we do have a serial killer. But when I google that term, I don't get a definitive definition.

There isn't a very definitive definition. My husband and I have gone round and round on this before.


In my mind, though, a serial killer kills for the sheer pleasure derived from the act, and the method/ritual of the kill has meaning (at least to the killer), so he would plan and execute each kill separately, before starting on the hunt again. "Serial killer" implies to me that there is an intention to selecting victims.


From the little I've read, this guy seems more like a spree killer, like the DC snipers.


Technically, though, I don't think there is a difference between serial/spree.


And, yes, with the apparent randomness of the victims, I would keep the kids in.

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This is VERY near to us -- most of dh's family lives in the Gaffney area.


We watched the sheriff's press conference at noon today. He said that "by the FBI's definition", yes we do have a serial killer. But when I google that term, I don't get a definitive definition.




A serial killer is one who kills three or more people over a period of time. There is a cooling off time between each killing, so it isn't one person going from one victim to the next. Here is Wikipedia's definition which looks like my college material.


A spree killer is one kills a bunch of people at the same time.


BTW, I was a criminal justice major in college.

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I remember the summer of Richard Ramirez here in So. Cal.

I had a backyard slummer party in a tent, that year. I think my dad slept in front of the screen door that night. I vote no to sleeping outside, it was a little creepy. Of course we didn't live in a yellow house on a corner, that was his thing.

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Would you let your kids sleep outside in their tent tonight if you lived 27 miles from the town in the link below, out in the country, w/dogs etc., and technically in another state. I'll admit this never occurred to me until my sister called my mother all freaked out. She guilted me into making them come in, but maybe it is the common sense thing to do??


Serial Killer in Gaffney, SC


Gee kids, you can use your brand new tent again...after they catch the serial killer. :glare: It's just too weird.


I am underprotective by general standards. And I camp with just me and my two girls.


I would not let them sleep outside in a tent with a serial killer on the loose. I'm glad you brought them in!

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I remember the summer of Richard Ramirez here in So. Cal.

I had a backyard slummer party in a tent, that year. I think my dad slept in front of the screen door that night. I vote no to sleeping outside, it was a little creepy. Of course we didn't live in a yellow house on a corner, that was his thing.


I remember that, too. I was living in LA County during that time.


There is no way I'd let my dc sleep outside in a tent with a killer on the loose.

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I'm sorry...I just don't get it. The chances are almost 0 something would happen to your family, but the chances are increased the closer that creep is. We live in Charlotte and my eyes/ears are ALWAYS open, but even more so now with this issue.


My concern is you think that because this person is in another state he is less of a threat. Georgia, come on now, a bordering state and one where you are close to that state boundary. We are only 30 minutes from this state line/Gaffney. We can not read the mind of any person, so any one is at risk....he may have hopped a train/plane/car and is now out west. That would lessen our threat and increase someone else's. The likelihood of a threat can change for the hour, thanks to the plane.


IMO I would not allow any tent camping outside w/o parental supervision.


Remember Elizabeth LAST NAME???. And another little girl, were abducted INSIDE their homes. Now, are you at a greater risk sleeping outside of your home under the stars????

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My concern is you think that because this person is in another state he is less of a threat.


:) It's the area...hard to explain.


And as I said before, I did make them come in, though I think the actual danger is minuscule. I'm trying to be sensible, but there is a lot of fear mongering going on here right now. I'm not playing the odds though and they are allowed out only in the cross fenced portions of the property w/dogs, behind the house, not in the front near the road. Cautious is good. It's just that I hate overreacting. Leftover childhood carp, iykwim.


This morning at swim practice there was a mom who lives in Grover, SC there, and what she said that the police are telling them in Grover and Blacksburg is definitely not what is being reported on the news. But who knows the way things get garbled in situations like this.


Anyway, the bad news is that they haven't caught the guy, the good news is that it is going to rain tomorrow so we will take it down anyway!




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I'm probably about 27 miles from Dallas, where they probably have all sorts of murders every day. It would be very, very, very unlikely that a murderer from Dallas would happen upon my backyard. If the tent were pretty close to the house, and if the backyard is fenced, I'd *probably* be OK with it.


I have to admit that I did not want my 11 YO son and his 8 YO friend to spend the night at the pond which is 3 acres from our house and outside the fence. Probably not significantly less safe, but out of our reach. I'd probably ask them to wait until they were teenagers to camp out of our reach.

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I'd keep them in but only to play mind tricks on myself so that I'd feel a perceived sense of safety.


What is the purpose of the lock on a door? It is there to keep the law abiding citizens out. Any nefarious person will find a way in regardless of the lock. I know that isn't comforting but it is the truth.


And this guy has killed a child (granted she was a teenager but I still consider her a child). No remorse and no one is safe. I'd bring them in and get out the guns. But that is my old school vigilante coming out in me.

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I had not even heard about this serial killer until I read this post the other night. I live about an hour away from Gaffney. I don't believe we are in any danger this far away. You are a little closer. The chances are very slim he will venture out further since all his killings have been in a very small area. Whether or not you allow your kids to camp out really depends on how you feel about it. Are you scared?

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