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Where is the oddest/weirdest place you have schooled?

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DH's friend invited us out to lunch one day. DS and I were in the middle of a math lesson and wanted to keep up our momentum so we decided to work on it through lunch (DH's friend loves the idea of us hsing DS and thought it was great that we took our backpacks and books). Well, the friend took us to a local pub for their specialty burgers. So there we were sitting on bar stools in a bar homeschooling.


Can't say I ever thought about doing something like that.:)

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LOL - I breastfed on the Winnie the Pooh ride at Disney. Oh - and there was the time I needed a rental car and the rental car place had to give me a ride to where they keep the cars but ended up having to make a million stops along the way. My middle dd was a baby in her carseat. I nursed her in the back of this rental car shuttle van standing up leaning over the car seat. (yea - not safe I know LOL)


Homeschooling - well we've done school at gymnastics while waiting for one of the kids but that's not that weird.



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In the family waiting room of a hospital. My dad was having surgery and we pulled out the math book right there.


We did "try" to do some school while evacuated for a hurricane. We were in a hotel full of evacuees with a cat and a dog. We didn't get much done. :lol:

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In a van loaded to the gills during our cross-country move. I *knew* we would need time off AFTER the move, so I was *determined* to keep school going until we arrived. We were all basically shoehorned in there, eight hours a day for eight days. Each day I required that they did one subject--we switched off between Flashmaster and Latin vocabulary cards. Some days it was like pulling teeth, but we got'er-done. And then I took two weeks off guilt-free after we arrived so I could get the house in order.


ETA: They were also doing a lot of listening to quality audiobooks, but they didn't know it was stealth school. [Evil laugh]

Edited by WTMCassandra
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That would entirely depend on how much fiber there was in the diet. ;)


Well, there's also the week I had rotavirus. I was homeschooling on the run. THEY just stayed out of my path. :D



In addition, I have homeschooled in waiting rooms in doctor's offices, while getting physical therapy, while getting a tire changed, at the library, at Chik-Fil-A (a freestanding one with a play area--GREAT motivation!) and in hotel rooms, while on vacation.

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Mine have homeschooled lots on the run too - waiting room at the orthodontist, at Shriners Hospital while ds8 is fitted for prosthetics, on the sidelines during PT, at the park. We listen to lots of books on tape while we're on the run as well, and have enjoyed so many classics that way. I love that we can do our work anywhere, and one year, watching a then 9-year-old ds stand on his head in the living room while quietly reading "Call of the Wild," I thought, "this is why we homeschool." :)



mom to 6 great kids ages 6-18, schooling 1, 3, 3, and 6

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My ds favorite place is at the Farmer's Market or at a local donut shop. We have also done school in a closet at dh's office (only place we could find without a constantly ringing phone). We have also done it at doctor's offices, in the car, at the homes of relatives, and at the local health department.

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We don't usually homeschool on the run, but then again, I'm only a newbie and I feel a bit insecure. In addition, the few times we have homeschooled in the park, ds gets really distracted. He is, after all, five ;)


I guess the oddest place for us was by the hammocks in a state park. I know, not too exciting. But the view was very pretty.

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We've done school in the woodshed, perched on pieces of wood, also at grandma's house on vacation, sunning on the front steps or all crowded unto the bed. Once I found one on top of the fridge writing sentences, one time perched on a tall wardrobe reading, we jump on the trampoline to learn our math facts. We do alot of spelling bees while driving and sometimes we finish a lesson at the piano teachers house while waiting.

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My husband does the bulk of homeschooling and the kids have done their schoolwork while he has had his hair cut, doctor's visits, & sometimes even when he has to take them along on a gig. People always complement him on how well behaved they are- of course they don't see them at home when they are chasing each other around the house:tongue_smilie:!

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My husband does the bulk of homeschooling and the kids have done their schoolwork while he has had his hair cut, doctor's visits, & sometimes even when he has to take them along on a gig. People always complement him on how well behaved they are- of course they don't see them at home when they are chasing each other around the house:tongue_smilie:!


That's funny! Off topic here, but I have gotten that before with my kids. If they saw the kids in their natural habitat, they wouldn't say a word:lol:.

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My kids went to occupational and speech therapy for years so we tend to do school while we are in the waiting rooms there at the hospital, in the hallways, and several times at the McDonald's in the hospital's ground floor.


However, the most ironic place that we homeschool is....in the library of our local Public School. :lol:

We're there twice a week for an hour while the boys are at school speech. I worked out a deal with our principal so we could have a place to work and not miss part of our school day.


Everyone has been very supportive, teachers, the librarians, and the principals. The counselors have avoided us for almost five years though.


I think they may have some issues.


The librarians find it hysterical that our kids know so many of the PS kids. I find it funny that the librarians, PTO president, secretary, custodians, principals, and several teachers know my sons by name.

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How fun and funny!:lol: I thought it was strange having my dd6 do phonics in the van. I will have to branch out to places when the schoolwork get piled up. Hopefully my dd will grow out of being so distracted with everything. I just couldn't imagine trying some of the places with her yet. I guess that is what makes hs so interesting at times.

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a transPacific flight

during lay-overs in many international airports

in the car


the hospital waiting room while I had a mamogram

the waiting room at the drs, dentist, & eye drs

but probably the most unusual for us would be during the New Zealand National Gymnastics Competition. Ds#1 was competing & to keep ds#2 busy (& me sane) we did our normal school routine.



Edited by Deb in NZ
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During harvest, I often have ds bring along his lessons while I'm driving the semi around after the combine. There is a lot of wait time. We have some great conversations and lessons there.

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