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Michael Jackson

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What a sad day... I gues it's a happy day for them though.

Michael Jackson has really been rung through the wringer. I bet he's finally happy and a peace now.


Wow, what makes you think that? I'm just saying..........if anything he was accused of is true I'd at least wonder.

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What a sad day... I gues it's a happy day for them though.

Michael Jackson has really been rung through the wringer. I bet he's finally happy and a peace now.

Poor guy never had a childhood and just became stranger as the years went on. I sincerely hope he is at peace.
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I was thinking the same...if anything else, I'd think he'd be more tormented now than ever.


But to each their own belief...


Yeah, I just don't naturally assume that everyone is in a better place when they die. But I really don't blame folks for wanting to believe it.

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I do not know what happened and your post is anything but Christian.


Oh poo, definitely Christian. We believe in hell, and obviously some people go there. And we're only wondering, not stating or judging...........he was accused of some pretty awful stuff and denied it all. It ain't up to me to decide, thank goodness, but I can't help but wonder.

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He's got 50 near sold-out concerts set and ready to go. I know he/his family need the money from them, too. Shepard Smith on Fox news interviewed his recently and said he was very frail. I wonder how he planned to make it through those concerts?


So, do they just refund all that money? Can you IMAGINE the financial mess his family must be in now? Wouldn't it be cool if they (Janet, Jackson 5-1) fulfilled the dates with a memorial tour??

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I do not know what happened and your post is anything but Christian.


I understood her post. WE never know the heart or repentance of anyone - that is with God. However, by the FRUIT they bear, we have an idea of what they believe.


Michael Jackson bore very bad fruit. He was plagued with issues. His family life may have been chaotic as a child & he was given a lot of baggage to carry into adulthood... but he kept it going and added to it profusely.


To say that he may be in more torment is rather accurate since he never proclaimed Christianity and did not bear fruit of the Holy Spirit & gifts given... therefore it is understandable to consider he may not have been glory bound. For those who aren't Christian, this will not be relevant to their belief. But clearly, the result of rejection of Christ is everlasting torment in the Christian faith. For his sake, I hope (like the thief on the cross) that he was sincerely repentant and professed a faith in Christ before his death.


He was a gifted singer! He was a pitiful person. He always made me sad. He gave me the heebie-jeebies too.

Edited by Dirtroad
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I understood her post. WE never know the heart or repentance of anyone - that is with God. However, by the FRUIT they bear, we have an idea of what they believe.


Michael Jackson bore very bad fruit. He was plagued with issues. His family life may have been chaotic as a child & he was given a lot of baggage to carry into adulthood... but he kept it going and added to it profusely.


To say that he may be in more torment is rather accurate since he never proclaimed Christianity and did not bear fruit of the Holy Spirit & gifts given... therefore it is understandable to consider he may not have been glory bound. For those who aren't Christian, this will not be relevant to their belief. But clearly, the result of rejection of Christ is everlasting torment.


He was a gifted singer! He was a pitiful person. He always made me sad.



Hear hear! He was a pathetic figure and looked like he led quite a pitiful life.

May God have mercy on his soul............and all of us.

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I understood her post. WE never know the heart or repentance of anyone - that is with God. However, by the FRUIT they bear, we have an idea of what they believe.


Michael Jackson bore very bad fruit. He was plagued with issues. His family life may have been chaotic as a child & he was given a lot of baggage to carry into adulthood... but he kept it going and added to it profusely.


To say that he may be in more torment is rather accurate since he never proclaimed Christianity and did not bear fruit of the Holy Spirit & gifts given... therefore it is understandable to consider he may not have been glory bound. For those who aren't Christian, this will not be relevant to their belief. But clearly, the result of rejection of Christ is everlasting torment in the Christian faith. For his sake, I hope (like the thief on the cross) that he was sincerely repentant and professed a faith in Christ before his death.


He was a gifted singer! He was a pitiful person. He always made me sad. He gave me the heebie-jeebies too.


I'm reminded again how very thankful I am that humans don't have the final say.


A sad day, though. I grew up with the Jacksons and the Osmonds, etc.



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I understood her post. WE never know the heart or repentance of anyone - that is with God. However, by the FRUIT they bear, we have an idea of what they believe.


Michael Jackson bore very bad fruit. He was plagued with issues. His family life may have been chaotic as a child & he was given a lot of baggage to carry into adulthood... but he kept it going and added to it profusely.


To say that he may be in more torment is rather accurate since he never proclaimed Christianity and did not bear fruit of the Holy Spirit & gifts given... therefore it is understandable to consider he may not have been glory bound. For those who aren't Christian, this will not be relevant to their belief. But clearly, the result of rejection of Christ is everlasting torment in the Christian faith. For his sake, I hope (like the thief on the cross) that he was sincerely repentant and professed a faith in Christ before his death.


He was a gifted singer! He was a pitiful person. He always made me sad. He gave me the heebie-jeebies too.



Thank you, this is what I meant. I wasn't being "un-Christian". I willingly admit that I cannot determine his judgment, but based upon the historic Christian faith and Scripture, there can be a certain discernment. I'm not heaping coals...in fact, I've pitied the man and wished he would have struggled to better his life and those around him rather than carry on the abuse from his childhood to others in various ways.



Again, I also noted that others may not share my belief.

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Wow, what makes you think that? I'm just saying..........if anything he was accused of is true I'd at least wonder.





I'm sorry when anyone dies, but if I may be honest, I'm not any more moved by his death than by the death of any random stranger I'd read about in the paper.

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My friend is an officer and she is at the hospital right now. She says that the staff told her it was an OD on sleeping pills. Who knows if that's true, or gossip, but it wouldn't surprise me.


I wondered if drugs might be involved. Poor Farrah was known to be fighting cancer & her death was (very sad) but not a shock. Jackson may alway have chaos and strange news stories about him... but nothing about a cancer or condition with death at his door. A sudden heart attack &/or coma is often involved in ODs of various kinds.



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Certainly possible, but 50 is simply middle aged, and many a man has had a "widow-maker" MI at that age.


And now the legal squabbles begin...


Oh I understand that. I have a friend who lost her husband in April. He had just turned 40... massive heart attack.


However, given Jackson's life & chaotic world.... it isn't far-fetched to think it could be OD or even murder. Dramatic lives often meet with dramatic ends. Hope not and that it was just natural and quick for him. Much as he grossed me out, I would not wish him pain and agony in his last moments.

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I sincerely hope he is at peace.


MJ believed what the scriptures say of the dead, that they are conscious of nothing, not planning or devising or working or thinking....they also aren't hurting or helping. They are simply dead. MJ also believed in the resurrection. I hope he'll choose to truly get to know and love God when he's resurrected. That will be true healing for everything he went through (and put others through also).

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My husband's response to this was, "wow...LOTS of people died today...bet we won't hear anything about them." It is kind of snide of him...but makes me think about all of the people who lost their battles like Farrah did today, or people who lost their lives in car accidents, etc.


I tend to feel more sorry for the people that will honestly grieve for him, and not fans, but his mom, his sisters, his brothers. When I'm at a funeral these are the tears that make me break down.

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My husband's response to this was, "wow...LOTS of people died today...bet we won't hear anything about them." It is kind of snide of him...but makes me think about all of the people who lost their battles like Farrah did today, or people who lost their lives in car accidents, etc.


My thought was how much this would overshadow Farrah and Ed's funerals.


And yes, all the other people who lost their fights today :(


:grouphug: to all the families missing a loved one tonight.

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Most of the ones I know would be thrilled to have MJ in their ranks, as they would feel about any sinner that repented. In fact, the Christians I know, myself included, know that for the grace of God, there go they.




For critics,

I never said, "yippee, yay, may he burn"...I'm sorry if people took it that way. It's nothing I would wish on anyone. However, there are people that will suffer an eternal separation from Gd, HaShem, Grandfather, Creator. I would have been thrilled to have been able to have reason to believe otherwise of MJ. As Remudamom said, "but for the Grace of Gd, go I". Please don't presume more than I stated.

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I am always saddened by the death of one of God's created beings. I hope his family is comforted. I don't know what his personal relationship with God was.


IF he was guilty of bearing rotten fruit, that means absolutely nothing to God if he repented. I believe the Apostle Paul participated in the persecution(murder) of Christians before he became one.

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My friend is an officer and she is at the hospital right now. She says that the staff told her it was an OD on sleeping pills. Who knows if that's true, or gossip, but it wouldn't surprise me.


It surprises me that an officer would be sharing unconfirmed information like that.

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