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What are you using for 2nd grade?


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The principal has stamped the plans with his approval, so no more changing my mind, I hope ;)! Here's what we are going to use...



LA-Word Attack, KISS Grammar(? not sure) and CW primers(95% sure)

Science-Earth Science and Astronomy for the Grammar Stage (Elemental Science)

History-Story of the World 2 along with selected literature

Others-poetry, artist/composer and shakespeare from Ambleside online


Hope that helps!

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Right Start / Singapore

Phonics Pathways (I hope to start Prima Latina by the second half of the year)

New American Cursive and the MP Cursive Copybook based on it



AO Year 2 lit and SOTW2, blended chronologically where applicable ;)


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We are using:

MFW Adventures - includes Bible, Geography, Science, History, Art, Music

Singapore and MUS with drill sheets or Math Shark for drill practice

Primary Language Lessons

Learning to Spell Through Copywork

Read Alouds include Little House on the Prairie, James Herriot's Treasury for Children, and The Burgess Bird Book for Children




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Here's our plan (I think):



  • Saxon 3
  • Evan More Daily Word Problems
  • finish Rod & Staff English 2 and move to 3
  • WWE2
  • cursive practice
  • finish Spelling Skills 2 (I'm not sure what we'll do next)
  • finish Song School Latin and if I can find a way to afford it, we'll do Minimus
  • MOH 1/SOTW 1 combo (starting the 2nd cycle with his older brothers)
  • A Child's Geography Volume 2
  • Real Science 4 Kids Level 1
  • Memory Work (Harp & Laurel Wreath and Living Memory)
  • Assigned reading from Everything Your Second Grader Needs to Know, along with yet-to-be-determined real books
  • continue with Building Thinking Skills & Mind Benders


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My books are all ordered or here.


Rod and Staff Math 3

R&S English 2

R&S Phonics 2... I went back and forth here, and finally ordered it. I am not sure on this, and haven't chosen any spelling yet.

R&S Penmanship 2

R&S Music 2, supplement w/What Your 2nd Grader Needs to Know

Art: SOTW2 projects and from WY2GNTK

History: SOTW 2 w/AG

Science: Earth Science and Astronomy. I ordered the Usborne First Encyclopedias of Earth and Astronomy and the Magic Schoolbus Lost in Space so far.

Literature: Selections from SOTW2, 1000 Great Books, and What Your 2nd Grader Needs to Know. Possibly the Little House books, some American Girl and Magic Treehouse for fun reading.

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
I forgot something!
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This is what we are doing/did for second grade this year...


TOG Y2 U1-2

NOEO Biology 1...switched to doing our own thing using lapbooks and unit studies as we followed whatever interested us. We will continue doing this.

Right Start and Singapore Challenging Word Problems

AAS...switched to Phonetic Zoo

Growing With Grammar



IEW...just doing the keyword outlines and rewriting from that.

Song School Latin

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Next year my 2nd grader will be doing the following:


Bible: Betty Lukens felts/Bible stories


Language Arts: Italic Handwriting, Time4Learning


Math: Time4Learning


History: Biblioplan Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation


Science: Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry pre-level 1

Story Book of Science with go-along experiment kits





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We only have about 3-4 weeks left to go to finish our year and I can't believe all that we've accomplished.


School of Tomorrow English Paces 2nd grade (finished this)


Math-we completed 4 out of the 5 Rod and Staff math 3 workbooks, but changed in our last two months of school to CLE math and couldn't be happier right now. We had to bump him down to level 1, but he's rapidly working his way up to level 2 which is where we will start the third grade since CLE is set up very differently than Rod and Staff math. (I am not sweating the grade levels, I am not sweating the grade levels. :))


Rod and Staff spelling 2-loved this!


Pathway readers 2nd grade-oral and buddy reading


Tatras phonogram practice-this is the only phonics we do and it's oral.


Abeka 2nd grade science, health, and history (liked this, but may just go with natural learning next year for these subjects)


Bible Study Guide student pages-we completed 83 lessons-loved this!!!


Cathechism-free online one. (protestant)


Lots of art, painting, and drawing...


WWE level 1-Loved, loved, loved this!!!


Map study book from MCP


We also did narrations, copywork, and dictation across the board!


What a great year!!!




Dee in Sunny FL!

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Guest 4boys

Here is my plan right now for fall:


ETC 5+

HWT Printing Power


Math Mammoth

Canada, My Country

Canada Map Book 1

R&S Science (Patterns of Nature)

R&S Social Studies (I just bought it because it looked interesting and cheap so we'll see how far we get)

Studying God's Word C


plus music, piano lessons, art, crafts, journals and tons of read-alouds. :)

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We only have about 3-4 weeks left to go to finish our year and I can't believe all that we've accomplished.


School of Tomorrow English Paces 2nd grade (finished this)


Math-we completed 4 out of the 5 Rod and Staff math 3 workbooks, but changed in our last two months of school to CLE math and couldn't be happier right now. We had to bump him down to level 1, but he's rapidly working his way up to level 2 which is where we will start the third grade since CLE is set up very differently than Rod and Staff math. (I am not sweating the grade levels, I am not sweating the grade levels. :))


Rod and Staff spelling 2-loved this!


Pathway readers 2nd grade-oral and buddy reading


Tatras phonogram practice-this is the only phonics we do and it's oral.


Abeka 2nd grade science, health, and history (liked this, but may just go with natural learning next year for these subjects)


Bible Study Guide student pages-we completed 83 lessons-loved this!!!


Cathechism-free online one. (protestant)


Lots of art, painting, and drawing...


WWE level 1-Loved, loved, loved this!!!


Map study book from MCP


We also did narrations, copywork, and dictation across the board!


What a great year!!!




Dee in Sunny FL!

Wow! What a year! I hope I can be half as successful. We'll be using School of Tomorrow Paces for English this year, too!

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What we have planned at this point:


Math: Singapore PM 3A/3B, supplementing with MEP

SSL then Minimus

Spelling Skills 3



Reading Comprehension Mysteries and Passports: Understanding Text

SOTW 2 with AG, tons of history read-alouds

R.E.A.L. Science Oddyssey Earth & Space plus classes at the natural history museum

some sort of fun, informal Spanish.... either a co-op class or Flip Flop Spanish

composer studies and hoping to start piano lessons, attending concerts

lots of hands-on art and art appreciation field trips

continuing with ballet, tap, and swimming

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Calvert math



Spectrum Spelling and ETC

Undecided cursive program

Finish SOTW1, start SOTW2

Building Foundations for Scientific Understanding

Mind Benders


Random art, musical instrument to be decided

Lots of reading

Lots of science books

My own version of "social studies" with some map skills, world religions, and some US history.

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Heart of Dakota's Bigger Hearts for His Glory, as written - includes Singapore Math 2A & 2B, Rod & Staff English 2 and Cheerful Cursive.


Other than that:

homeschool p.e.

atleast once weekly nature walks

WinterPromise's The World Around Me (doing this now, hopefully will be able to continue with it one day a week through most of next year - we just started it recently and only do it one day a week)

Hope to do Song School Greek - but it may not be ready for purchase next year. If not, we'll hold off on Greek for a year.

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My ds is just wrapping up his 2nd grade year. Here's what he did:


- Truthquest AHYS I

- Writing with Ease Level 1

- BJU Math 2

- HWT Printing Power

- ETC Books 4, 5 & 6

- Readers from library (pulling from the SL list quite heavily)

- Lots of library books on science topics to go along with what big sis was doing in coop


I think that's it! Next year will be much the same, except I am adding in spelling and grammar (probably R&S for spelling and GWG).

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We're switching pace with our main history program but the plan is...


Heart of Dakota: Bigger Hearts for His Glory


Apologia Astronomy

tons of library books, magazines on science


Singapore Math 2A, 2B

Saxon 2

(we did both this year but may be able to drop Saxon next year... he seemed to need both this year)


Hey Andrew Teach Me Some Greek 4; 5

Lively Latin Big Book 1 (will only have a few chapters left)

Lively Latin Big Book 2


Rod & Staff English 2

Writing With Ease 2 (we enjoyed WWE 1 this year)

SpellWell B, BB

Drawn into the Heart of Reading

continue copywork in cursive

* may do Queen's cursive with the art (not the primer but books A-C)

tons and tons of reading


Mind Benders

Building Thinking Skills


God's World News


lots of poetry selections for memory



Sort of an eclectic mix but a similar mix worked great for us this year now that I can look back and see what we finished. :)

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Tentative plans:



WWE2 -- I have the wb but I'm going to re-do some of the weeks with our own history and lit.

SOTW2 with AG

Reading-- from history, plus selections from SL readers, plus whatever of the lit. he is ready to read alone; reading log per TWTM

Singapore Math 2A/2B

REAL Earth Science, though will probably do just some of this and plenty of unschooly science, just like this year

All About Spelling

selections from AO year 2, for read alouds and lit.

picture and composer study

piano lessons, sports, scouting

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DS will be doing the following:


Math: Sing. 2B with IP, and then 3A


History: SOTW 2/Some Sonlight readers, History Pockets


Science: REAL Science Odyssey: Life


Spelling: Finish SWO B and start C


Grammar: FLL


Writing: CW Primer or WWE (haven't decided yet)


Art/Music: Guitar and freestyle art lessons...


That's all!

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Dd would be a second grader in the fall.


Singapore Math

Sonlight's Language Arts

All About Spelling

viola lessons (Suzuki)

Meet the Masters art curriculum

either RS4K books we already have or R.E.A.L. Earth Science

perhaps Prima Latina or Rosetta Stone Russian (Russian used in the home)


I'm still not sure about history. She's tagging along with big brother's SL Core 3 this year, so we could go on doing that with Core 4 next year or do a Winter Promise American history part two year with her. Or maybe we'll start her with Core 1 and SOTW 1. I'm not going to decide until the end of summer.


I'll probably change my mind several times before August anyway.


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Bible: Bible Study Guide


Math: RightStart, probably Level B, possibly C (waiting to hear back from them)


Reading: Finish up Reading Made Easy (probably over the summer), then just reading lots of books


Handwriting: Italic (on her own)


Spelling: All About Spelling


Composition: Writing With Ease


History: Mystery of History


Science: Apologia Elementary Science Zoology 1 (on the weekends with her Dad)


Latin/Grammar/Vocab: Prima Latina


Geography: Child's Geography of the World (just for fun like a story at bedtime)


Art: ?? not sure. Big sister (who is an art major & photography queen in college) will do some stuff with her over the summer


Music: would love to put her in piano lessons if I can find the $ - she is making up her own songs - two handed, multi-fingered, harmonized songs that actually sound like she's had lessons believe it or not. She memorizes them and practices them over and over

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What we have planned at this point:


Math: Singapore PM 3A/3B, supplementing with MEP

SSL then Minimus

Spelling Skills 3



Reading Comprehension Mysteries and Passports: Understanding Text

SOTW 2 with AG, tons of history read-alouds

R.E.A.L. Science Oddyssey Earth & Space plus classes at the natural history museum

some sort of fun, informal Spanish.... either a co-op class or Flip Flop Spanish

composer studies and hoping to start piano lessons, attending concerts

lots of hands-on art and art appreciation field trips

continuing with ballet, tap, and swimming


New to this...what is "AG"? Thanks!

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I started homeschooling my second-grader in January, pulling him from a Christian school that used Abeka, which is why we're still using some Abeka materials. Next year, the only Abeka curriculum I plan to use is for math and penmanship. Here's what we are using:


Math: Abeka Arithmetic 2


Language: Growing with Grammar 3, Abeka Letters and Sounds, Abeka Writing with Sounds (cursive) and Abeka Spelling


Latin: Prima Latina


Writing: Writing With Ease and Writing Strands (I'm still trying to figure out a writing program)


History: SOTW 1 and AG


Science: DK books about Animals, the Human Body and Plants, following the suggested approach to Life Science from the WTM.


Art: Mark Kistler's Draw Squad, the artist series by Venezia, Art Memo game available at Adoremus Books


Physical Education: Tae Kwan Do 3x a week, swimming 1x a week


Reading: Sonlight book lists, plus additional books HE selects (with mom approval) for independent reading

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My rising 2nd grader has autism, and she's currently in a self-contained special education class in the public school, after homeschooling for 75% of the current school year -- not sure if we'll send her back in the fall or not, but I'm planning either way!


Here's our tenative plan:


English - Handwriting Without Tears Printing Power / Explode the Code

Reading / History - Sonlight Core 2

Math - Singapore Math 1

Science - Singapore Earlybird Science

Art - Not sure about this yet!

Phys Ed - Swimming & Little League Baseball

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I did the following:


I just want to tell you that it was last school year was my younger son's second grade. He did the following:


Reading: Abeka Readers

Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin (very important book because we did Writing Tales 1 for third grade and a lot of the stories in this book are in Writing Tales)


Arithmetic: Primary Mathmetics 1B/2A


Writing: First Favorites from Veritas Press


Logic: Building Thinking Skills level 1 and Mindbender Warm Ups


Geography: Rand-McNally Beginner Geography

History and Science were books from the library.

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For Bible study, we use the Bible. We'll probably use the Rhyme Bible for our 4 year old, we use the NIV for our 7 year old.


We're going to do RS Math over the summer.


Next year, we will do Singapore, probably supplemented by RS and/or MEP and/or Miquon.


I have all the spelling and phonics rules in my head after tutoring for 16 years, so my own spelling lessons as I see what she needs to work on, but basically, from "The ABC's and All Their Tricks" since that is where I got most of the info from. (And she got her info from a study of the most common 17,000 words in English by Hanna. I have the original study, too, now that's a spelling resource!)


History, we'll most likely do Year 2 TOG, lightly for her, hopefully more in depth for me (depending on my husband's schedule), that's a period of history I missed out on in school.


We'll finish up our chemistry and move on to something else, maybe Dad's pick and taught by Dad if his schedule is good!


We'll continue Spanish using what we have, but since we'll be in California, I hope to find some native Spanish speakers to supplement our Spanish. I am also considering Rosetta, but it's a steep price. I do like it, however. I'll have my daughter try it out at our upcoming convention in May.


This is all subject to change after I go to the convention!

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My daughter will officially be a 2nd grader this fall. I'm going to use:


Sonlight 2 - readers, read alouds, bible, history and science

RS Math C/D and supplementing with Singapore workbooks


A Reason for Handwriting T


IEW Poetry Memorization

Sheppard Software for Geography



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Math: Singapore

Language Arts: K12 LA for lit and comp, GWG, SWO or AAS for spelling, maybe HWT cursive

Science: K12 Science with supplemental reading

History: SOTW 2 with *lots* of supplemental reading

Latin: Lively Latin (if I can manage it!)

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Thus far (and I include the books for kiddo, and what I am doing to prep myself):

History Odessey with SOTW 2 and the books mentioned in WTM. I'll reread Will Durant's Story of Civilization volumes dealing with this time (I read this series in college instead of having a TV or radio, and am glad I did). I have an early middle ages lecture series from the Teaching Company.


REAL level one earth sciences plus all resources mentioned in WTM (we stress science). In addition, I am almost done with the Teaching Company's intro to geology and will probably move on to astronomy ( I firmly believe, at this age, that educating ME, so that I can use the nomenclature naturally and frequently, is the single best thing I can do/use.)


SWR with ETC or Plaid Phonics for any extra practice (I got the latter 2 used, wouldn't buy it new for this). Primary Language Lessons (I also got a throw away copy of EFTTC years back). GWG the first book. Z-B handwriting. Kiddo is not yet ready for cursive. For me, I'm reading, and really liking, English Grammar for Students of Latin. I love this series. I got a cheapo copy of the EG for S of Spanish years ago, and I encourage others to take a look if they want a compact synopsis of grammar, with examples. I re-read the Elements of Style yearly.


SM, almost starting 2A now, but am slowing down and doing reinforcements to make his mind more math-fascile. Plus math readalouds like You Can Count to One Million and Math Curse.


Artistic Pursuits, What Makes an X an X (these are very good, I think), and OOP books by a lady named Chase who published children's art appreciation books in the 50's and 60's.


Cont. the Vox Music Masters (my son must have listened to Berlioz a dozen times), Bernsteins Children's DVD's (the PBS broadcasts from the 60's) on the intro to the orchestra, and piano basics.


Homeschool gym 4 hours per week during "the school year" (of others) plus hiking, biking, kayaking, and generally tromping about through nature and museums (plus being a carpenter's helper fixing up house to sell) M-F with SAH-Papa.

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