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Five Unbelievable Things: Spoilers

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Do y'all mind if we start a new thread for our answers, so people can guess if they want & then come here?



Originally Posted by Aubrey

1. I placed in a beauty contest. True, but I was a baby.


2. I modeled for a leather catalog. True. It was for a missionary at our church.


3. I graduated from public highschool when I was 15. True.


4. I spent a summer in Venezuela on a short-term mission trip. False.


5. I have a collection of Cupie dolls that my great-grandmother started back in the 30s. False. My gr grandmother did have some, & my grmother has been trying for a couple of yrs to get me to list them on ebay for her.

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1. I was the only blond haired kid in my class for several years in elementary school.



I grew up in downtown Los Angeles. My classmates were black.


2. I met my husband on the first day of Student Orientation at college.



I later found out that he told his mom that he found the girl he wanted to marry someday. We didn't go out for another two and a half years.


3. I swam butterfly for the swim team in high school.



I don't know how to swim butterfly now. And my crawl stroke is pitiful. So much for growing up in California.


4. I got married the day after I graduated from college.



We wanted our friends from college to attend the wedding and figured that all the important relatives were going to attend graduation anyway.


5. I learned to make Danish kringla cookies from my great-grandmother.



I wish this were true. She died when I was 7 without teaching anyone to make kringla cookies. I have the recipe but something is missing...


This was cool.

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Here is my reveal:


I can see a volcano from my balcony.
I don't have a balcony, and besides, we're too far away from Mt. St. Helens to see it.
, dh is in Guatemala right now and while on the phone last week told me that he could see a live volcano from the balcony he was standing on.



My husband and I wrote our wedding vows in a laundry mat.
It was really funny when the washer I was using as a desk went through the spin cycle!



I survived a rare form of cancer.
I went to the hospital for an appendectomy and ended up having major abdominal surgery for cancer. Turned out that my appendix had ruptured from a tumor. It was a somewhat of a rare form of cancer with only 130 documented cases. BTW, that was five years ago and I am cancer free!



My second cousin's name is Sherlock Holmes.
Gotcha on that one, didn't I?
My grandmother's maiden name was Holmes, and one of her brothers named his son Sherlock. He has a costume and used to be a special guest at conferences, etc.





I live down the road from the Roloff family (Disc. Channel, "Little People Big World).
But they do live in the next county. I've never met them, but my brother designed their farm's logo.

This has been a lot of fun. Thanks Volty!




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Good idea, Aubrey! I was just wondering when we were supposed to tell.


1. I mummified a cat in high school.

True - I got a superior at our school science fair with that project, but only an excellent at the district fair. My mom made me keep my little project in the cellar. Late winter/early spring in Ohio=damp cellar. I used my tanning lamp and extra salt compound, but it never dried completely. The cat was also pretty small and I couldn't get the brain out through the nose and gave up. The result was a cat mummy that still stunk a fair amount. My science teacher refused to let me keep it inside the room and put it on the window ledge outside the science room which was in the basement of the school. He forgot to bring it inside before he left that afternoon. When I got to school the next day there were strange white streamers all over the school yard. At first we thought someone had toilet papered the school, but an animal had gotten my cat mummy and dragged it all over the yard to get the wrappings off. There was no time to prepare another mummy before the district science fair. The district judges said I probably would have gotten a superior if I had had the actual mummy or at least photos of the process.


2. I have hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, in segments.

False - It's on my bucket list though.


3. I once belonged to what some would consider a cult.

True - Notice I said some would call it a cult. I wouldn't even though I'm no longer affiliated with this group. The Way International was listed in Kingdom of the Cults for many years. I don't know if it still is or not. I grew up going to Way fellowships and my mom, brother, and I participated in their Family Corps program which was like a Bible college for people with families. We later worked on staff at TWI headquarters until I graduated high school. It was a wonderful way to grow up. We were surrounded by loving, supportive people who cared about God and His Word and about each other. I've seen the entries in KotC and many things written on the internet about The Way. You can't trust most of what you read about it.


4. I've slaughtered and processed chickens and I thought it was pretty cool.

True - I did this several times while we were in The Way's Family Corps program and living at their Indiana Campus. The campus was fairly self sufficient. They ran a farm and raised much of their own food there on the grounds. Chickens were slaughtered and processed several times a year. One time all the teenagers worked the chicken crew and learned how to do the various jobs. Another time I did it as part of my summer job. There was a 30yo guy working the crew who was completely freaked out by it, so they brought me over to show him that even a 13yo girl could handle it. I got a kick out of that and he sucked it up and pulled himself together after that. It's funny that now it makes me just a tad squeamish dealing with the Thanksgiving turkey. Back then I found it fascinating--from a scientific perspective, nothing weird.


5. I was one of the top athletes in my high school.

False! - There were only roughly 100 kids in my high school, so this probably wouldn't have been too hard. I was raised by a single mother who is and was very unathletic, uncoordinated, and completely uninterested in sports. I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and rock climbing, but I do not care for organized sports in the least. The only organized sports I will watch are figure skating and anything my kids are participating in--and that's pushing it.

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1. I can juggle any three items you hand me....balls, peanuts, records, kittens.

TRUE! Only did the kittens once, though - they came out fine, I was pretty stratched up:D (was a stupid teen at the time).


2. It took five colleges for me to get my B.A., and two more to get my PhD ABD.

TRUE! Santa Ana CC, Coastline Community College, Orange Coast College, San Francisco State, Chapman College. I was bouncing around finding film classes, and avoiding all math requirements. (UCLA and Northwestern for the MA and PhD ABD)


3. My college roommate and I (UCLA) married two other former college roommates (University of Dallas)

TRUE!!!! Kim P. and I were roomies at UCLA doing our MA work - Joe G. was, too. His former undergrad roomie Frank came to visit. Later Kim married Joe and I married Frank.


4. I can peel a banana with my toes.

FALSE! I detest bananas in all shape and forms and wouldn't go near one with a ten-foot pole, much less touch it or peel it with any part of my body.


5. I once spent the night hiding at Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences library.

FALSE - although I DID work there, I never spent the night.

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1) True. -- My family didn't have indoor plumbing until I was ten years old. In fact, there are people within 20 minutes driving distance from me right now -- maybe closer -- who do not have indoor toilets. I live about 3 hours from where I grew up, though.


2) False -- Paul McCartney once kissed me on the cheek. But Stephen Cartwright kissed me on the cheek once after I sang to him. May he rest in peace.


3) True -- I once wore a dress inside out to a college class. This was NOT on purpose. And it was a dress I had to button. I was 19 and pregnant at the time, and wore the dress to an exam. My professor walked me outside and told me what was what, and I went into the bathroom and changed. I have no idea how I managed it. Same pregnancy that I came home and put my purse in the refrigerator, then couldn't find it (the purse) for hours.


4) True. -- I went riding around Pittsburgh in the middle of the night in a Silver Cloud Rolls Royce. It was a very cool night. I was staying with my best friend from college, and we planned to go to the opera one night. Our mutual friend Brian pulls up in a Silver Cloud Rolls and proceeds to chauffeur us (complete with the signature chauffeur cap he borrowed) to downtown Pgh. Once there at the symphony hall, he comes around to let us out from the back seat and while we exit, a guy comes over and asks him how much to rent the car and driver. He walked away VERY embarrassed and apologetic when Brian said, "Sorry, it's a private car." Boy, did people look at us speculatively when we stepped out. :D


After, we (we three and df's family and a couple of other friends) went to a restaurant that looked like a dive on the outside but on the inside we had the most amazing Italian food imaginable. We were the ONLY customers there -- it seemed to have been open just for us. And after *that* we three (Brian, K, and me) went riding around for awhile up and down the hills and byways of Pittsburgh in the cold night under the moonlight. Df took a turn driving the car. I didn't dare -- I was a chicken. Youth is wasted on the young, particularly in my case.


We still talk about that night. And we both think that except for the fact that we can corroborate it with one another, we are sure that we would think today that we dreamed the whole thing.


5) False -- I went through the windshield of a car when I was six years old. I was three. Sorry, I'm not good at coming up with these things!

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I gave a speech in front of 10,000 people. TRUE I gave several speeches, and people actually paid to hear me (DH and our BFFs speak). Stopped speaking engagements when we had children.


I was poster child for Mensa in high school. False, more likely to be UnderAchievers, Inc poster child


I knew DH would be my husband w/in minutes of meeting. True, poor guy didn't have a chance :)


My dad was Governor of IL. False


I won a Collegiate Journalism Award. True, I was very proud of this accomplishment as I didn't even enter. Professor entered story for me!

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3. My college roommate and I (UCLA) married two other former college roommates (University of Dallas)

TRUE!!!! Kim P. and I were roomies at UCLA doing our MA work - Joe G. was, too. His former undergrad roomie Frank came to visit. Later Kim married Joe and I married Frank.



Ooh! I got my BA from UD! Not that I know anybody from there, but oooh!

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Here are the answers to mine.......only RoughCollie got it right!

#1, #2, #3 are True

#4, #5 are False


1. I worked as Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland as a teen

I worked as Alice for one year when I was 18

2. I moved to Alaska for a year all alone when I was 19

I moved to Anchorage Alaska after the Valdez oil spill and worked for BP oil doing clean up

3. My husband and I hated each other for the first year we knew each other

I worked as a waitress for my husband (general manager) and we couldn't stand each other for the first year due to an altercation over some customers.

4. I sky dive as a hobby

I HATE HEIGHTS so no way would I ever skydive

5. My kids all look like little clones of my husband

My kids are all clones of ME

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Here's my reveal. Some of you were really close, but I fooled almost everyone by making two posts about Antarctica:


1. I once worked a summer (our winter) in Antarctica as a cook. False!


2. My husband served aboard an icebreaker (ship) in Antarctica. True!


3. I was the President of the Altar Guild in (Espiscopal) high school. True! It's only ironic NOW, ya know. Back then it wasn't that much of a surprise.


4. My father won a gold medal in the 1968 summer Olympics. True! It was Mexico City that year. His sport was sailing... Star boats that year. He won a bronze in 1964 for sailing Dragons.


5. My ex-husband remarried and has four children with his wife. Nope -- none of it true.


Good on ya, those who were close!

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1) I have a defect that causes the roof of my mouth to curve downwards, instead of upwards.


This is true.


2) I was on the cheerleading squad, in high school.


Absolutely false. :)


3) I've been in two bank robberies.


True...as a bank employee/victim, not a perp, lol.


4) My parents were teenagers when I was born.




5) I'm a distant relative of Woody Guthrie.


False! Just thought it might throw someone. :)

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1. I once fell off of a 20-foot cliff and landed just inches from a huge rock.


True! It was the weirdest sensation---realizing I was that close to bashing in my head!


2. I accidentally picked up Ron Howard's luggage (star of "Happy Days" and famous movie director) at the airport, thinking it was my bag, and had to return it right away. It was humiliating!


False! The only wrong luggage I've picked up in the past was some stranger's. :o



3. I once had a strong inclination to pray for my brother's safety one evening; the very next day he survived a traumatic auto accident, even though he spent a full night pinned under a truck in the snow.


True! How thankful we are that God had a hand in rescuing him.



4. Our family owns an extremely rare male calico cat. Almost all calico cats are female.


False! The only cats we own are Frodo, a big, fat black cat, and Pippin, a Siamese. Frodo kindly controls both Pippin and Sam, our gentle golden retriever. (Can you tell we like LOTR?)


5. One of my favorite snacks to eat while sledding as a kid was sardines in a can, washed down with mugs of hot chocolate! I can't imagine doing that now!


True! Sad, but true. I really did do this as a kid, growing up in Minnesota. Now---Minnesotans in general don't do this. I was one of the strange ones!




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1. I have met and spoken with Barbara Bush True and she is a lovley lady

2. I was born in England False I would like to go there someday

3. I played the flute with a major symphony orchestra True The Baltimore Symphony when I was younger

4. I can type 60 wpm False and don't ever plan to try

5. I first husband was Tony Orlando True although not THAT Tony Orlando

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1. I once won a drinking contest by consuming 17 upside-down margaritas. Sad, but...True.


2. At one time in my life I had 14 piercings. True.


3. I speak fluent SchwiizertĂƒÂ¼ĂƒÂ¼tsch (Swiss German). False. I do speak fluent Hochdeutsch.


4. I lived for a year in Berlin. False. I lived there for two months and visited friends frequently thereafter. I did spend a year in Hamburg, though.


5. I have a tattoo of my dissertation topic on my left shoulder. True! Aren't you glad I didn't write on Goethe?

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1. As a kid my uncle took me drag racing down the I-5 through LA at speeds of 100 miles-per-hour (true, at the time I thought it was awesome :p)


2. I shared a subway ride home from the 76 World Series pinned in-between a lady of the evening and her manager (both dressed in that 70's classic Shaft style). (true)


3. Had to walk six miles to a gas station in the southern New Mexican wilderness after running out of gas, thankfully it was at night. (nope... made it all over NM with enough gas)


4. I won a state level ice skating competition but broke my ankle so I could not go onto the Nationals. (Nope... but I did almost brake my ankle skating)


5. Spent a few nights sleeping on the floor of a mall bookstore. It was cold and hard. (true... we were remodeling the store and the managers had to spend the night while we had no front door. I was a creepy few nights).

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Originally Posted by Jean in Newcastle


My five:


1. After high school I lived in a log cabin living the Hippie back-to-nature lifestyle.


2. I speak fluent Japanese.


3. I taught wrestling with a parapelegic coach.


4. I spent a summer mission trip in Mexico.


5. My dh and I got engaged during a fight.


#1: False. I am not quite old enough for this! My older brothers were both hippies living in log cabins up in the woods, growing nothing legal. I did visit them both before they wandered back into an Establishment lifestyle.


#2: True. I was born and raised in Japan. I am truly bilingual - learning Japanese (and English) as an infant. I was always 6 mo. behind my Japanese friends in lang. development, though.


#3: True. I was asked to teach wrestling as part of a P.E. program. I had a parapelegic aide who used to wrestle (pre-injury). He would describe the moves to me and I would then teach the kids.


#4: False. I know many people who have done this. I am not one of them.


#5. True. Volty, my dh says you give him too much credit for romance! We actually did get engaged during a fight. The clincher was when I told him "I'm not leaving this restaurant until you propose!" His response, "Ok, fine. Will you marry me?!" (Picture glaring eyes and clenched teeth.) No one clapped for us when I hissed back, "Ok, fine! I accept!" We almost got in a fight again the next day when I asked him if he'd really meant it! We had a rough first year but now at 15 years into marriage, we hardly ever fight.

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1. After reading Colleen's thread, I cleaned my belly button HECK YAH!!

2. My favorite food is popcorn-true!! I think it is that I can keep eating and eating and eating it for long periods of time!!

3. I was a cheerleader for the Seagals. FalseI am very flattered that some of you thought it was true. It could be because Crissy painted my face on one of the Seagal's bodies. Only wishful thinking, I'm afraid! Here is the link

4. I love math and do it for fun. Sad, but true!So much for having an exciting life, eh Crissy?!?

5. I love dogs. Very false!

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1. As a young mother, I fell completely out the door of a moving car as it came around a sharp curve. False -- This happened to my MIL, not to me. She was not a young mother, rather her kids (in particular my dh) were already grown and gone.


2. I won first place in national writing contest in high school. True -- It's one of the few things I've ever won. It was a writing contest sponsored by the Women's Club, and I won $500 with which I opened my first checking account.


3. I almost choked to death in a childhood tap dancing class. True -- For reasons I'll never quite understand, I was sucking on a Now & Later (big square hard taffy things), spun around, and down it went...whole! There were too many very scary seconds that passed as I worked to get it up, or down. My dance teacher said I turned blue. I finally managed to swallow it. That was well before the days when people knew the Heimlich Maneuver. I was very fortunate.


4. I once had to leave a scouting trip early because my braces were so stuck to my sleeping bag. False -- but this did happen to my older brother, poor kid.


5. I lived for years in NY on an old, leaky sailboat. True -- Three months after we married, dh and I bought a 1947 wooden sailboat, sailed it up the ICW from FL to NY, and lived aboard there (some off, but full time for almost 2 years) until we sailed to MD, where we continued to live aboard until we learned we were expecting our first child. That's when we moved to the farm.



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1. I nearly died from blood loss when I was 27.


2. I find it very relaxing to take exotic animals for walks.


3. I have visited with Dr. Phil and Robin at their home.


4. While on a hike with my 2 year old son, I got lost and had to carry him for hours through rugged bear-infested country.


5. I met my husband when his motorcycle broke down near my apartment complex.



#1 is false....I was 23 at the time, not 27.

#2 is true - I'm a docent at the zoo.

#3 is true - Before he was famous and when they lived in Wichita Falls, my family was invited to a few parties at the McGraw house.

#4 is true - We lived in Pennsylvania at the time.

#5 is false - Hubby hasn't had a motorcycle in years.

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Good idea Aubrey. I'll move my answers here.


1. While I was pregnant with my first child, I spent two months up in the mountains of Idaho, all alone and 30 miles from the nearest town.


True--I still can't believe I did this. Dh did come up on the weekends. He was staying in a tent trailer in a campground in Boise while doing construction work. We had already spent the entire summer at the cabin up in the mountains so I just stayed on a few more months. I was 3-4 months pregnant and chopping firewood. I kept the 30.06 handy because I was a little nervous about bears. I did have a puppy and cat for company.


2. I met my dh on a blind date and we got married 5 months later.


True--we've been married 12 years now.


3. I illustrated a children's book that was published 4 years ago.


False--I wish I could draw worthy of publication.


4. Our family of six lived in our motorhome last year for 10 months.


True--we spent an entire Arizona summer in a 30 ft motorhome. We went to the community pool every day. It wasn't as hard as it sounds. You realize how many things you can live without. It was supposed to be for three months but turned into ten.


5. In college I fell asleep while driving and totaled my boyfriend's car.


False--My brother did this with his girlfriend's car. They ended up getting married anyway.

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Michelle in MO, here are my spoilers. Your guesses were right on!


1. An ancestor of my father's was a convicted felon who changed his name and emigrated to the US pretending to be a priest.


True. My father's great-grandfather was a convicted felon. He served three years in jail in the 1850s. Afterward, he assumed a law-abiding acquaintance's name before he emigrated to the US. The assumed name is the one on our family tree for the last 5 generations. A distant cousin and I discovered the ruse when we read and re-read the man's memoirs for clues to our family history. He was an arrogant cuss -- if he hadn't self-published his memoirs (in two volumes!), we never would have figured it out.


2. I once made a breast-shaped cake for a friend who was a lactation consultant.


Also True. I decorate cakes as a hobby. Friends asked me to make a cake for our mutual friend, an LC, who was moving away. The cake was of the torso and breasts (nude), and had "Got Milk?" written on the abdomen. I made the same cake (covered by a purple bikini) for my BIL's groom's cake. (SIL asked...)


3. My husband is 14 years older than I am.


False. I'm actually 4 yrs older than dh.


4. Someone in my family was a bigamist.


True. Not a pretty story.


5. I have lived in 15 states.


False, but I've lived in ten states.



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1- My very first car was a RX7.......

false. My brother bought a brand new RX7 and gave me his old Fiat X19 for my 16th birthday. I loved that car and had a ton of fun driving it until it died.


2-I dated to my dh's brother before I dated dh.

:o unfortunately true. It was only one date. I was only 16. Dh and I started dating a couple of months later. I absolutely ended up with the best brother!!! :D


3-I am the youngest of 8 siblings.

false, I am actually the youngest of 6.


4-I lived in 2 different countries before I was a yr old.

true. My parents were Canadian. I was born in NY, but we moved to Toronto when I was 6 mos old and lived there until I was 7. All of my extended family is Canadian as well as 2 of my siblings.


5-My father used to eat breakfast with someone who is beatified.

true. Blessed Andre Bessette was a close friend of my great-grandmother who raised my father. (his mother died when he was under a week old.) My father died of lung cancer and the entire time he was sick I prayed that Brother Andre would pray for my dad.


My dad died suddenly on New Years Eve while visiting us. I prayed for Brother Andre to pray for his little friend, (my dad was just a small child when he knew him) my dad, while we waited for the ambulance to arrive and then later for a sign that my dad was rejoicing in heaven after he died. At the funeral, I was praying for my dad and felt such immense peace. I went back to his apartment after the funeral to pack up my mom's things to take to our house. I walked by a calendar that dad had hanging on the wall and I literally about fainted. Jan 6, the day of my dad's funeral, was highlighted as the feast day of Blessed Andre......I hadn't a clue before that minute!!

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Guest Virginia Dawn

1. I threw up in a c-5 cargo plane in front of a group of paratroopers. True, they laughed and told my husband I should fly more often. If I wasn't bent over the barf bag, I would have made a snappy comeback. ;)


2. I rode to a hospital in labor on the back of a motorcycle. False, my mother was the one in labor, but I was along for the ride. ;)


3. I was baptised in a bathtub in a Sicilian apartment. True. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and somebody had to push my knees down so I was completely covered by water, or it wouldn't have took you know. ;)


4. I was found drunk under the thanksgiving table at the age of 5. True, when the adults left the table I drained whatever wine they had left in their glasses. My mother found me giggling under the table. I was usually a very serious and quiet child.


5. I stepped on a sea urchin in the Philippine Islands and a native woman suggested I urinate on the wound. False, this was my father, but since my mother was there at the time, so was I. ;)


I've used up my quota of winks for the week.


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- I did not mountain climb at university: I have no head for heights and went to university on an estuary with nothing to climb for miles around.

- Yes, I used to be able to sit on my hair

- Yes, my mother as born in Uganda: her father was a land surveyor there. She returned to the UK at the age of 4 to live with her grandmother and was sent to boarding school at 7.

- Yes, one of my ancestors was ruined by the death of Queen Victoria. She was a court dressmaker and had just bought the new season's cloth when the queen died and everyone went into deep mourning.

- No, I never weighed 300 pounds - 145 was the highest when not pregnant.



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1. I was born in Europe


2. I am fluent in three languages


3. My husband flew missions over Kosovo


4. My non-German grandmother survived Hitler Germany


5. I married my girlfriend's boyfriend's roommate






1 - true


2.- no, only two


3. - no, my cousin's dh did


4. - true


5. true

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1. I've never travelled on an airplane


2. When I was a child, I saw someone running down the street with a machine gun


3. I met Pope John Paul II


4. My husband and I married 3 months after we met


5. I learned to drive when I was 25 years old










1.False--I had never travelled on a plane until a couple weeks ago when we went to Florida


2.True--I don't remember alot of the details but the man was a Vietnam vet. He was running down our street with his machine gun in his underwear. We(kids) were ushered into our houses. No one was hurt.


3.True--I didn't actually shake his hand. But when Pope John Paul II visited the U.S. he stopped outside our school. This was when I was in grade school(Catholic School) and probably before he was shot. Our whole school lined up to see him. He spoke to us for a little while.


4. False--It was more like 5 years and 3 months


5. True--I grew up in Philadelphia and didn't need a car because of public transportation. When I moved out of the big city I had to learn to drive.

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1) I've shaken hands with Bill Gates.

2) I was once destitute on the streets of LA with with no money, home, or even a change of clothes.

3) I've participated in and activity where people died.

4) The closest I ever came to death was while swimming towards a waterfall.

5) While in High School I was ranked in the United States Top 20 at chess in the under 18 category.



1) I've never met Bill Gates. False

2) This is true, but not because I was a drug addict or pursuing my dream in acting or anything. I didn't want to be in LA. It was the Thursday before Memorial Day, 2003 and I was returning to my job in China for the next semester. I had a connecting flight to Shanghai but I was pulled off of it because paperwork regarding my visa was screwed up. You can travel with 2 suitcases and up to 100 lbs, which to me always means I can come back with 95 lbs of books.


So I left my suitcases at the airport, took a taxi to the Chinese consulate, but they were closing, I was already late, missed it by about 10-15 minutes. Then the reality of the situation came to bear. I would be stuck in LA until the next Monday. All I had was a carry-on bag, about $30 and some Chinese money. All my money is in Chinese accounts. I had to stay in LA, I didn't know anyone, have any money, or have anything or anywhere to go. And this was in a not very nice area, the Chinese embassy is downtown in Little El Salvador. I paniced, I tried to call my mom, no answer. I stumbled across a Western Union office by chance and kept calling my mom.


She never answers the phone from numbers she doesn't recognise because of telemarketers. Finally though I got through. Because she had a son in transit to China and because the phone was ringing like New Hampshire the day before the primary election, she put two and two together and answered the phone and soon wired me money. But I was stranded like this for five hours. I rented a cheap motel with her money.


There's more to this nightmare story, but that's the short version.


3) I went into the Army out of High School to get money for college. Wouldn't you know, the 1991 Gulf War happened while I was in and off I went to fight in it. I didn't kill anybody, I was the parts clerk ordering stuff for the mechanics in a front line unit, so there were always others buffering me from the bad guys.


4) This is true, it happened in China. I like hiking but 'back to nature' stuff for urban folks has only recently gotten popular here and it is much more dangerous. I'm a mediocre swimmer as is but the distance wasn't very long and I can usually go that far. Long story short, I had never tried to swim in my clothes and shoes before...


5) I like chess and I'm pretty good, but not this good. False.

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My second cousin's name is Sherlock Holmes.
Gotcha on that one, didn't I?
My grandmother's maiden name was Holmes, and one of her brothers named his son Sherlock. He has a costume and used to be a special guest at conferences, etc.








Yeah this went over really well. I'm reading a lot of interesting stuff and whatI posted had me reliving things.


That getting pulled from my flight to China and being destitute in LA story was the worst, most horrific experience of my life, the nearly drowning to death in the waterfall the scariest and most tramatic, and going to war the most dreadful although as it turned out, it wasn't so bad; I participated in the easiest war in human history.

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...but I forgot, lol.


Yeah, it's like a big lump in the roof of your mouth.


Now I'm going to remember that about you, anj. (I'm sure it's a sign of intelligence). :p

Yeah, we must be special! happy093.gif

Oh, and I used to know the name of it too. My mom is a dental assistant, so I've been told numerous times, but I still don't remember! Oh well.

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Yeah, we must be special! happy093.gif

Oh, and I used to know the name of it too. My mom is a dental assistant, so I've been told numerous times, but I still don't remember! Oh well.


Hey....wait....I'm special, too!! I actually thought this was totally normal. Not. Not, um, you know, SPECIAL. You mean every second person doesn't have (whispering) a lump in their mouth? ashamed001.gif




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Guest Virginia Dawn
4. My second cousin's name is Sherlock Holmes. TRUE Gotcha on that one, didn't I? My grandmother's maiden name was Holmes, and one of her brothers named his son Sherlock. He has a costume and used to be a special guest at conferences, etc.


Hmmm. I wonder if that is the same Sherlock Holmes that lives in my vicinity and has run for local public office.

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Hmmm. I wonder if that is the same Sherlock Holmes that lives in my vicinity and has run for local public office.


Good ol' Cousin Sherlock lives in Olympia, Washington. ;)


This makes me wonder how many Sherlock Holmes there really are in the world!




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1. I'm descended both from Norwegian royalty and one of the two most famous historians of the middle ages. True.


2. I have spent parts of summer vacations at empty logging camps. True


3. I once entered a beauty pageant and won the Miss Congeniality Award. False, that was my sister. Both my feet were probably in my mouth at the time.


4. I slept in a cabin at the base of Mt. McKinley where the toilet was built over a creek. True--it was owned by friends of my aunt and uncle, who were with me.


5. I once entered the annual bathtub race from Nanaimo to Vancouver and came in third. False, but I once watched the bathtubs arrive.

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1. During my first, and subsequently last, manicure, I passed out from pain.

2. I turned down an offer to take over half-interest in a medical practice.

3. My fourth child was born on a bridge on the way to the hospital.

4. My behind appears in an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent.

5. I was excused from a grad school class because I walked in very pregnant and carrying a dozen roses.



1. True. My mom treated me to a manicure for my Junior Prom. The person doing my nails trimmed all the cuticles on my right hand, and then they all started to bleed. She didn't want to me to get an infection, so she poured rubbing alcohol over all five fingers. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor looking into the face of a friend who was a volunteer with the fire department (dressed half in a tux and half in his firefighting gear) and he was asking me if I was alright.

2. True. I worked as a receptionist for a dermatologist when I was in grad school. The doctor promoted me and trained me to be a nursing and surgical assistant, and I did some basic pathology lab work for him. When I told him that I was pregnant and would be resigning a month before my due date, he offered me half of the practice if I would go to medical school and study dermatology. Some days I wish I had done it, but most days I am happy I didn't.

3. False. This happened to a friend of mine, but not me.

4. False. It is true for my dh however. We were chaperoning a trip for his journalism students to NYC, and L&O:CI was filming down the street from our hotel. He and some of his students were asked to be passersby on a street shot, and my dh's bottom ended up being the only part of the group you could see. That same day, I had our two girls at the Central Park zoo, and L&O:CI was filming another scene there and our girls were asked to be part of another scene, but they said they didn't want to, they'd rather see the polar bear. :rolleyes:

5. True. It was my wedding anniversary, and I had met my dh for dinner at a restaurant near the university before class. I was pregnant, but not that pregnant. However, it was the first time I wore maternity clothes to class, so I suddenly looked very pregnant to my professor. As soon as I sat down, he said, "This is just wrong. You're pregnant and have flowers. Who thinks we should send ________ home to be with her husband?" The entire class raised their hands, so I went home.

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Here's my answers. Must have been too obvious, most people guessed!

  • I met my husband in a bar and moved in with him 6 months after we met. TRUE

  • I have performed CPR on both of my children. FALSE, but I did the Heimlich maneuver on both.

  • I have an ancestor that was Karelian royalty. She arrived in the US penniless. TRUE. She married a fellow Finn, but she never let him forget that she was royalty and he was merely a commoner.

  • I was the youngest person to compete in the national gymnastics championships in the 1970s. TRUE

  • I have vacationed on 6 continents. FALSE- I'm missing Africa and Australia.

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Answers to 2nd post:

1. I'm afraid of the ocean because as a child: I almost drowned, was in a boating accident and saw Jaws at a early age--True--I almost drowned when I was 5, my cousin's speedboat flipped when I was in it at around 10(not hurt)and I saw Jaws when I was probably 5-6 at a sleepover(we WEREN'T supposed to watch that)--I am still afraid of the ocean


2. I was a cheerleader in high school--False--I was in an all girl Catholic school so we didn't have cheerleaders


3. I gave up trying to go to college because I kept getting pregnant--True--After getting married, attempted to go back to college--After the third kid, I gave up staying in school, unfortunately


4. I had the Farrah hairstyle when I was a kid--False--I have stick straight hair. The Farrah-do was all the rage but *my* hair refused to do it.


5. Changing the radio station in my car saved me from a terrible car accident--True--Before I was married, I was going to college at night. I was at a stoplight to make a left hand turn. I was the first car in the line. There was a song that I disliked on the radio. I was looking for a new song when the light changed. A second or two later a car was inches from hitting me. The car's rear bumper was stopped right in front of my car--the car had braked but after going through most of the intersection. If I had moved into the intersection just a second or two sooner I would have been hit on the driver's side door at a high rate of speed. I really wish I could remember the name of that song.


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Well nobody took a stab at mine but here are the answers any way


1. Yes DD has been on TV and several DVD's. She's a huge WWE fan and she's had floor seats for a few events. One night she was visible in the audience for the entire evening (she was right behind the ring for the regular camera shots). The matches from that night were put on several different DVD's, so she can be seen in the audience on all of them.


2. No. There is a character in a video game with DH same name/military rank/features etc. but there really is no connection (to our knowledge).


3. yes mom left me at Sears. Back in the days of cramming the back of your station wagon full of kids my mom and aunt went with the 6 of us to Sears. When they loaded up everyone kept saying "where's shell" mom thought they were teasing and that I was hiding in the back so she paid them no attention till they got home and she found that I wasn't there. I didn't freak out. . .I knew she'd come back for me:)


4. No, I didn't sing for Toby Keith. . .bf's bf (best friends boy friend) plays in a band that plays at his bar in Las Vegas so that's where I got the idea for that.


5. Yes I did meet and shake hands with John McCain. It was last campaign though so I doubt he remembers me. DH provided the PA and ran sound for an event so we had been promised an invite to the SC inaugurable (my spelling stinks) ball if he won. Figures that last time he didn't have a shot and now that he does we don't get the invite. That's the story of my life.



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Well nobody took a stab at mine but here are the answers any way


3. yes mom left me at Sears. Back in the days of cramming the back of your station wagon full of kids my mom and aunt went with the 6 of us to Sears. When they loaded up everyone kept saying "where's shell" mom thought they were teasing and that I was hiding in the back so she paid them no attention till they got home and she found that I wasn't there. I didn't freak out. . .I knew she'd come back for me:)





Thanks for your answers! I was wondering about that one. My dh was left at a gas station when he was 10. His parents drove for over an hour before they noticed he was missing. (They thought he was in the camper on the back of the pick-up.)

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3. yes mom left me at Sears. Back in the days of cramming the back of your station wagon full of kids my mom and aunt went with the 6 of us to Sears. When they loaded up everyone kept saying "where's shell" mom thought they were teasing and that I was hiding in the back so she paid them no attention till they got home and she found that I wasn't there. I didn't freak out. . .I knew she'd come back for me


My mom lost me at Sears too. I was maybe 6-7. *I* was standing in the same spot. I turned around and my mom was gone. *I* went to the sales counter and they paged my mom for me. To this day mom mom insists that *I* wandered off. Yeah mom, sure:rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

1) I got married when I was 14. - True, long story


2) I've never gotten a ticket. - False, I have gotten one ticket but I didn't even commit the offense.


3) I have had two near death experiences. - True, I am being to feel like Buffy.


4) I can put both of my feet behind my head at the same time. - False, but my dd can.


3) My first set of children and my second set of children are related in more than one way. - True, see how you met dh thread.

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