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Please pray for Emme Grace

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I received word last night that a friend's 3 yo, Emme Grace is in dire circumstances. While attending her older brother's speech & debate tournament, she was complaining of intense pain in her stomach. While at the ER, she went into cardiac arrest but was resuscitated.


This morning, they opened her abdomen and found a 4 cm hole in her stomach lining. They've left her abdomen open to do more surgeries. She wasn't expected to make it through the surgery, but did. However, she is in critical condition and unresponsive.


She was adopted from China last year.


Thanks for praying.

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I just got a call from a friend who's been in touch with the pastor staying with Emme's family.


It does not look good. In the words of the pastor, "It is truly in the hands of the Lord now. She's not expected to make it through the day." She still has not woken up from surgery.


Praying that God would be glorified, whatever the outcome. Praying for healing. Hugging my 4yo very tightly.

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Emme passed away this afternoon - peacefully, and in the arms of her family.


I'm sure the family will need more prayers - they left town last week, Emme passed while they were out of town, and now they come home with empty arms and broken hearts.


Thank you for your prayers.

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:grouphug: to your friends. What a brief time they had with her, but I am thanking God that there is eternal life and she is with Jesus now. D.L. Moody said as he was approaching death, "Soon, you will read of my death in papers, but don't you dare believe it for I will be more alive than I have ever been." And so is Emme Grace.

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:grouphug: to your friends. What a brief time they had with her, but I am thanking God that there is eternal life and she is with Jesus now. D.L. Moody said as he was approaching death, "Soon, you will read of my death in papers, but don't you dare believe it for I will be more alive than I have ever been." And so is Emme Grace.



I know her parents do, too. They are very mature believers. But, as we told the kids tonight, knowing the truth doesn't make the emotions "go away", and they will be sad for a very long time, even though they know she is with Jesus now.

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I know her parents do, too. They are very mature believers. But, as we told the kids tonight, knowing the truth doesn't make the emotions "go away", and they will be sad for a very long time, even though they know she is with Jesus now.


Oh my yes. Knowing the truth does not take away the pain. Praying for the family through this time.

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Our family was at the tournament this past week. I remember coming into the large gathering area and always seeing the 4 little girls sitting in a circle playing games...on Thursday, my two girls joined them in playing simon says and red light/green light...I sat there in one of the few downtimes to be had just marveling at these precious children playing and smiling. I took a few pictures because it was such a special memory for them...we found out the next day that she was at LeBohneur...and waiting for the announcements was weighing on everyone. You could feel the prayers being sent up in that room of hundreds of people...I pray the Forbes felt the prayers and received mercy through this past week. Keep praying.



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