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What is this "octuplet mom" thinking?

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Nadya Suleman, the California mother caught in a media frenzy after giving birth to octuplets, reportedly is looking to buy a home listed for more than a million dollars — news that follows on the heels of reports that her current home is facing foreclosure.


The latest report comes from TMZ, which cited an unnamed source at Century 21 as saying Suleman has shown interest in buying a $1.24 million home in Whittier, Calif. The house has four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms and a pool.


Property records show the house where Suleman lives is under the threat of foreclosure.


Los Angeles County property records show a notice of mortgage default was recorded Feb. 9 against the Whittier home owned by Angela Suleman, the mother of Nadya Suleman.


Nadya Suleman has lived in the home with the six children she already had before giving birth to the octuplets.


The default notice shows Angela Suleman is $23,225 behind in her mortgage payments, and the three-bedroom house could be sold at auction beginning May 5.


$23,225 ?????


So, if this lady comes into money through all of her media exposure and purchases her dream home, will she have to pay back the $23,225?

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The default notice shows Angela Suleman is $23,225 behind in her mortgage payments, and the three-bedroom house could be sold at auction beginning May 5.


$23,225 ?????


So, if this lady comes into money through all of her media exposure and purchases her dream home, will she have to pay back the $23,225?


It's my understanding that the house in foreclosure is owned by her mother. So, no, she won't have to pay back anything. She's free to just take the money she's earning being famous and go buy her dream home and let her mother pick up the pieces.

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Clearly her decision making process is way different from mine.


Let's say she does get some moeny and can afford a house..I would hope she would pay off her Mother's mortgage just to say thank you.


I am thinking a 4 bedroom house is not big enough for 12 kids unless those are huge bedrooms. If you give one to Mom, that leeaves 3 rooms for 12 kids.. 4 per room.

Sounds crowded.


THe whole thing is just outrageous in my humble opinion. Actually, my opinion is the Dr. who did the IVF should have to help pay for those kids!

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Clearly her decision making process is way different from mine.


Let's say she does get some moeny and can afford a house..I would hope she would pay off her Mother's mortgage just to say thank you.


I am thinking a 4 bedroom house is not big enough for 12 kids unless those are huge bedrooms. If you give one to Mom, that leeaves 3 rooms for 12 kids.. 4 per room.

Sounds crowded.


THe whole thing is just outrageous in my humble opinion. Actually, my opinion is the Dr. who did the IVF should have to help pay for those kids!



4 kids per room = 2 sets of bunkbeds per room.

I'm betting she already has a deal too.


a million dollars for a 4-bedroom house in California isn't that bad. It's one reason we refused to move TO california, lol.



of course, holding doctors responsible for the actions of the parents can lead to a whole nuther type of discussion. If she had been a lesbian and he refused to implant her, then he'd be accused of discrimin--... oh wait..... that's happened. :glare:


So thank you to the precedent setters out there.

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I am thinking a 4 bedroom house is not big enough for 12 kids unless those are huge bedrooms. If you give one to Mom, that leeaves 3 rooms for 12 kids.. 4 per room.

Sounds crowded.



My dh comes from a family of 14 children. They had 3 bedrooms. Parents, girls and boys. Nine boys in the basement bedroom (yes, a large bedroom) and 5 girls in a smaller bedroom. Ideal? Probably not. Impossible to manage? Not at all. Did it hurt the children? Not at all. I'm proud to say all 14 are very well educated, moral, hard working, integrity filled, productive members of society.


Just saying...



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My dh comes from a family of 14 children. They had 3 bedrooms. Parents, girls and boys. Nine boys in the basement bedroom (yes, a large bedroom) and 5 girls in a smaller bedroom. Ideal? Probably not. Impossible to manage? Not at all. Did it hurt the children? Not at all. I'm proud to say all 14 are very well educated, moral, hard working, integrity filled, productive members of society.


Just saying...




I am from a family of 9...7 kids, 3 bedrooms, 3-4 kids per room. My husband's family was the same way. Actually, most of my highschool friends are from large families, small houses. I know it can be done and I don't think it will hurt the kids at all. I was thinking more like how many cribs can you fit in a room.

Most of us from large families came one at a time, slept in the crib in our parents room and moved to the kid bedroom when we could sleep in a big bed.

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I am from a family of 9...7 kids, 3 bedrooms, 3-4 kids per room. My husband's family was the same way. Actually, most of my highschool friends are from large families, small houses. I know it can be done and I don't think it will hurt the kids at all. I was thinking more like how many cribs can you fit in a room.

Most of us from large families came one at a time, slept in the crib in our parents room and moved to the kid bedroom when we could sleep in a big bed.


I see what you're saying. My mil never had to deal with 8 babies at once; just one at a time. I cannot imagine taking care of that many infants. With twins, I rarely got more than 2 hrs. of interrupted sleep at a time.


At this point, they need help. Not necessarily for the mother's sake, but for the sake of the children.



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I am from a family of 9...7 kids, 3 bedrooms, 3-4 kids per room. My husband's family was the same way. Actually, most of my highschool friends are from large families, small houses. I know it can be done and I don't think it will hurt the kids at all. I was thinking more like how many cribs can you fit in a room.

Most of us from large families came one at a time, slept in the crib in our parents room and moved to the kid bedroom when we could sleep in a big bed.


yeah, but they have some pretty small cribs now specifically designed for daycare centers. I'm sure that since so many people are concerned about the kids she'll have lots of volunteer help.....


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At this point, they need help. Not necessarily for the mother's sake, but for the sake of the children.


ESPECIALLY for the mother's sake --she's the one that is getting the brunt of the bad press --take them away from her! sterilize her!-- the babies are just sleeping and eating and won't remember anything.

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4 kids per room = 2 sets of bunkbeds per room.

I'm betting she already has a deal too.


a million dollars for a 4-bedroom house in California isn't that bad. It's one reason we refused to move TO california, lol.



of course, holding doctors responsible for the actions of the parents can lead to a whole nuther type of discussion. If she had been a lesbian and he refused to implant her, then he'd be accused of discrimin--... oh wait..... that's happened. :glare:


So thank you to the precedent setters out there.




I'm curious as to what house in Whittier, especially in the current real estate market, is selling for over $1 million. Whittier must have really changed since last I was there, it's not exactly an upscale community, not by a long shot.


There are tons of houses available for less than 1$ million, especially these days!

Michelle T

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Why is this news? I am not trying to be snarky. It sounds like gossip to me. I can understand it being talked about on that TMZ site, but FOX?


Goes back to the post I made on the work ethic thread. Shouldn't we demand better from our news services than gossip?




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I am from a family of 9...7 kids, 3 bedrooms, 3-4 kids per room. My husband's family was the same way. Actually, most of my highschool friends are from large families, small houses. I know it can be done and I don't think it will hurt the kids at all. I was thinking more like how many cribs can you fit in a room.

Most of us from large families came one at a time, slept in the crib in our parents room and moved to the kid bedroom when we could sleep in a big bed.



Size of the house shouldn't be the :svengo: issue. That this woman is clearly nuts -- that's the issue.


But, on the house size thing... isn't that where a lot of people have gotten in trouble? Think they need a McMansion for 2 or 3 kids. Since when does everyone HAVE to have their own room?


The house I'm in once held a family of 14. It now has 4 bedrooms. It used to have 3. One for parents, one for boys, one for girls. And those kids were raised well and properly. So, 4 kids to a room? Big whoop-de-doo. :001_rolleyes:

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Size of the house shouldn't be the :svengo: issue. That this woman is clearly nuts -- that's the issue.


I don't think we have way of understanding this very fundamental fact about her, a category for this kind of mental illness or whatever it is that afflicts her. And this misunderstanding, this trying to assess what she is doing according on our own sane terms, is why it's news.


I don't know if I'm saying this well, but I do think she's ill.

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In the beginning, I felt a bit of sympathy for this woman. Now, not so much. :glare:



I have sympathy for these poor children! :confused:


It's all so sad for them. For their sake, and for their sake only, I hope she does get a TV show so there will be cameras around and people can make sure they are all right. What with a dellusional mother and all....

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I would *never* have a pool with that many small people around. Never, ever, ever.

Yes! The voice of reason. Young children and pools are not a good combination--especially when the children outnumber the adults to greatly. (Our ped strongly encouraged us to wait for a pool until our youngest were 5y/o. And we *only* had 5 in diapers at once.)

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My dh comes from a family of 14 children. They had 3 bedrooms. Parents, girls and boys. Nine boys in the basement bedroom (yes, a large bedroom) and 5 girls in a smaller bedroom. Ideal? Probably not. Impossible to manage? Not at all. Did it hurt the children? Not at all. I'm proud to say all 14 are very well educated, moral, hard working, integrity filled, productive members of society.


Just saying...




Parents (note plural) raising 14 children is very different from a delusional single, unemployed parent who had 14 children in only 7 years. She's grossly outnumbered and her eldest children aren't even old enough to do the Duggar style 'big brother' raising sibs. Your DH's family was brought up under entirely different circumstances.


This woman is doomed to failure. If she succeeds it'll warrant Guinness Book of World Records or her own parenting talk show. Hopefully she'll skip the mani/pedi and rise to the occasion and raise her children respectfully.

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Parents (note plural) raising 14 children is very different from a delusional single, unemployed parent who had 14 children in only 7 years. She's grossly outnumbered and her eldest children aren't even old enough to do the Duggar style 'big brother' raising sibs. Your DH's family was brought up under entirely different circumstances.


This woman is doomed to failure. If she succeeds it'll warrant Guinness Book of World Records or her own parenting talk show. Hopefully she'll skip the mani/pedi and rise to the occasion and raise her children respectfully.


I misunderstood the original comment and conceded that it was a different situation. I've already replied to it. However, I still think the size of the house and number of bedrooms is one of the smaller problems this mother will be facing.



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I misunderstood the original comment and conceded that it was a different situation. I've already replied to it.



Sorry...didn't read all the comments.

btw, what is the age range of DH's family? Are they close as adults? Having 5 kids close in age and not familiar with large family dynamics, it's always helpful to gain insight from someone who has BTDT.


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Sorry...didn't read all the comments.

btw, what is the age range of DH's family? Are they close as adults? Having 5 kids close in age and not familiar with large family dynamics, it's always helpful to gain insight from someone who has BTDT.



There is 20 years between oldest and youngest. They are extremely close - as siblings and with their parents. They've each chosen their own path - some very different ones - but they treat each other respect. Even more important, they really like each other. Everyone tries to get together over the 4th of July which means traveling from as far as China, and they have the greatest fun together. No squabbling or nastiness; differences are put aside. They put my family to shame, and there were only two of us and we each had our own bedroom ;). I don't know the answer, but I'm very appreciate of the example dh's family is setting for my own children.



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I'm curious as to what house in Whittier, especially in the current real estate market, is selling for over $1 million. Whittier must have really changed since last I was there, it's not exactly an upscale community, not by a long shot.


There are tons of houses available for less than 1$ million, especially these days!

Michelle T

This is what I was thinking...I'm not as familiar w/Whittier, but in Long Beach $1 million will buy you a 4 BR house in a pretty stinkin' nice neighborhood...esp. w/the current market.
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:iagree: We had a pool in our last house. I wouldn't have a bookclub with younger siblings attending at our house because of it. My youngest was 9 when we moved there. I never wanted to have a house with a pool when I had little ones. We were living in Florida and there were all too many local news stories about dead youngsters in pools. One such accident happened to a homeschooling family in our group on the day they were moving out. It just is such a high risk.

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Why does she need a house for so much money? Seems she could get a home with more bedrooms (what *I* would do) for much less money, even in CA.


I just see no purpose of such a pricey home (generally, at all, but certainly when you don't have a job). And though I don't think kids each need their own rooms, I wouldn't want more than 4 to a room (what we girls did before my dad built another room for us making us two to a room).


And if she came into some money, I'd like to see her get a couple nurses/nannies to help with the kids. She would be there still (I assume). Things could be her way. But there'd be a few people to do meals, diapers, housework, rocking, etc.

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Why does she need a house for so much money? Seems she could get a home with more bedrooms (what *I* would do) for much less money, even in CA.


I just see no purpose of such a pricey home (generally, at all, but certainly when you don't have a job). And though I don't think kids each need their own rooms, I wouldn't want more than 4 to a room (what we girls did before my dad built another room for us making us two to a room).


And if she came into some money, I'd like to see her get a couple nurses/nannies to help with the kids. She would be there still (I assume). Things could be her way. But there'd be a few people to do meals, diapers, housework, rocking, etc.



I so understand but then again we are very conservative when it comes to spending our money so even if we could afford something that expensive we would probably be looking at a home 1/3 the price.

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And if she came into some money, I'd like to see her get a couple nurses/nannies to help with the kids. She would be there still (I assume). Things could be her way. But there'd be a few people to do meals, diapers, housework, rocking, etc.



It's not humanly possible for her to take care of all the dc and won't be for quite a long time.

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I'm curious as to what house in Whittier, especially in the current real estate market, is selling for over $1 million. Whittier must have really changed since last I was there, it's not exactly an upscale community, not by a long shot.


There are tons of houses available for less than 1$ million, especially these days!

Michelle T


I agree, but w/ the rounds of nasty publicity she's gotten, I'm betting it's in a gated community w/ security. Nuts or not, I wouldn't blame her for seeking something w/ more security. Of course, since we have no idea what house she's looking at, we can't say whether the house itself HAS a security system or not, lol.


There were plenty of houses we looked at ourselves that were beneath our ideal, but just because they are available doesn't mean they are safe or secure for raising a family.



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Why is this news? I am not trying to be snarky. It sounds like gossip to me. I can understand it being talked about on that TMZ site, but FOX?



Yeah, I know. I gave up on news stations delivering news years ago. LOL I don't really see it as gossip as she clearly desires the media attention, and since she has recently begun taking taxpayer assistance, I do see that it is something newsworthy. I think we Americans should know what our tax money is supporting.

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A little s/o... what do you think of Kate Gosselins new house?


Kate's new house. Hee hee....like she is going to live there alone. :lol:


I think it is gorgeous. I love that house. I love the land around it.


I know lots of people don't like Kate and Jon, but I don't think they are anything like this Octomom....I'm not against big families...but this woman is waaaay beyond just having a big family. No job, no money, no house, no husband, no father involved with the children. Something is way off with her.

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