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What's the attraction to and interest in the Duggars? I don't get it.

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This board/forum is the only place I've heard about the Duggar family. I've never heard anyone in "real life" mention them. I've never seen anything about them in print media. I rarely watch television, but apparently the show(s?) about this family attract viewers ~ at least based on the comments on this board. Why? Aside from the fact that they have a lot of children (which in and of itself is of no interest to me), what's your attraction to these people?:001_huh:

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I know they are a homeschooling family. I only ever hear homeschool talk from homeschoolers. They are easy to discuss as they come up in news in their circles because of the babies, and now because of the oldest son's wedding. (I think I got that right.)


I've never seen anyone In Real Life discuss many of the things I see discussed among homeschoolers: denim jumpers, specific curriculum, educational values, Mikes, etc.. :)


I'm fascinated by them due to their large family size. I'm equally fascinated by anyone with a large family. I'm jealous. I want more children but my DH does not. The largest family I ever knew personally had 13 kids. I was about 12 years old and that family was talked about a lot in our church. People thought they were nuts for having so many kids. I've no idea if anyone said anything directly to them but I'm thinking they knew they were being talked about.

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This board/forum is the only place I've heard about the Duggar family. I've never heard anyone in "real life" mention them. I've never seen anything about them in print media. I rarely watch television, but apparently the show(s?) about this family attract viewers ~ at least based on the comments on this board. Why? Aside from the fact that they have a lot of children (which in and of itself is of no interest to me), what's your attraction to these people?:001_huh:



I watch a fair amount of cable tv compared to many here and still, this is the only place I've read/heard of the Duggars.



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I'm glad you asked this-- I have no idea who the Duggars are and I have asked in other threads but the threads died before I got an answer. I see now they are a TV family, but is it fictional or reality based? :confused:

Reality based, so as real as people can be when they're surrounded by cameras.

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I first heard of the Duggars when they only had 14 kids. I have a friend who has brought them up to me a few times recently (she's not a homeschooler and doesn't watch the show). Otherwise, I hear about them on this board. I did watch a couple partial episodes on youtube (one was linked here talking about discipline and then I looked at a couple others).


I'm not interested in THEM really, but the topics that are brought up BECAUSE of them have been interesting. Discipline, water to wine, dancing, headship are all topics I've found interesting though I disagree with the Duggars about them (I simply believe the Bible instead).

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This board/forum is the only place I've heard about the Duggar family. I've never heard anyone in "real life" mention them. I've never seen anything about them in print media. I rarely watch television, but apparently the show(s?) about this family attract viewers ~ at least based on the comments on this board. Why? Aside from the fact that they have a lot of children (which in and of itself is of no interest to me), what's your attraction to these people?:001_huh:


I have never heard of them, and haven't read any of the threads here that mention them in the title. So, I don't know who they are either. I've never heard anyone IRL mention them.

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I don't get it, either. I guess I'm just amazed that any family would put itself under such public scrutiny. Ego? To make money?


I heard about this family here on the forums. I don't watch much TV but when I do I'd opt for Jeopardy or the Simpsons over something like this.


Another family I hear about is John and Kate plus 8. Not sure why they invite all the scrutiny, either.

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Actually, it was print news where I first heard of them. Back then, it was maybe when they were having their 14th? And there was stuff in the news about them when Jim Bob was running for senate. Because I'd read about them and was somewhat intrigued (and I'll admit, how someone makes having a very large -- by today's standards -- family work in today's world did interest me), I watched when I saw that the first of their documentaries was going to be on television a few years ago.


I haven't seen the show, but I was impressed by the documentaries I did see. It's not a life I would choose, but the do appear to be a close, down-to-earth family...

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I hear folks talk about the Duggars all the time on homeschool forums (not just this one). A few in real life will mention them occasionally.


Otherwise, I have no clue what the attraction is since I've not watched the show or read the books.


But I'm amazed at how many people have a negative view of a family they've never even met IRL. Whatever.

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Morbid curiosity? I'm not really sure. There are some things that I think are great and some things that completely baffle me/disturb me.


ding, ding, ding, ding. That is the root of much of reality television. It's like gawking at the bearded lady at the circus. They're an oddity to most of the world.

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I don't get the fascination, either. I never even heard of them until I read about them on these boards, and I never knew there was a reality show about their family until I read about that here, too. I guess this place is one of my main stops for information!


I don't like reality TV shows, because in general they attract great curiosity, but they seem rather bizarre in a way, too.

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One of the families in my hs group used to babysit for the Duggars. (I'm not sure how many kids they had at that point, but they always hired two teens to watch the kids.)


I think they're an intriquing family not only because of the number of children but in the way they've chosen to live their lives.


I don't wait with baited breath for the next episode, but I do watch every now and then.

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This board/forum is the only place I've heard about the Duggar family. I've never heard anyone in "real life" mention them. I've never seen anything about them in print media. I rarely watch television, but apparently the show(s?) about this family attract viewers ~ at least based on the comments on this board. Why? Aside from the fact that they have a lot of children (which in and of itself is of no interest to me), what's your attraction to these people?:001_huh:


Are you genuinely interested in what the attraction is?

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Does this family have cameras following them around their home and daily life? Why would anyone subject their children to that kind of attention/publicity?



To make money. **ducking**


I thought they were a bit interesting when I first heard about them. But I find a lot of things interesting when they are far from the norm.


But now, I can't believe they are still making news. I really can't believe they have a TV show.

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To make money. **ducking**






Did you ever watch those "reality" series that PBS did? There was 1900 House, Frontier House, etc. I always felt that they were sort of interesting experiments that would fit in well with a homeschooling lifestyle, but then they are projects of limited length. Not continuous filming of daily life.

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Yes. Thus, my question. Why do you ask?


If you're interested in the Duggars, what about them interests you?


I set my DVR to it. I love the show and I really like their honest way of living. I fall so short in comparison to their orderliness, frugality, and Christian witness, so maybe that's what interests me most. Perhaps I'll learn something by their example. Their love for each other fascinates me, too. They complement each other so well and I've never seen a man elevate his wife with as much admiration as he has for her.


I've actually learned more about them by reading their book, 20 and Counting. Did you know he served Arkansas as a state representative and that he grew up dirt poor? Or that she was caught stealing from someone's purse when she was a teenager? They've struggled but they have worked HARD for what they have, including their love for each other.

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Yes. Thus, my question. Why do you ask?


If you're interested in the Duggars, what about them interests you?


For me, it's the fact that they have such a large family, evidently wouldn't mind having more children, and show such joy and peace. Their faith is inspiring. I don't think I could do it because I couldn't take all the public scrutiny. I already feel like such an oddball w/my 5 dc. People downright stare at us all the time. I get so tired of it. The comments I receive tend to have a "poor you" connotation so I turn it around w/ a positive "it's a good life" or something like that. Whenever we walk into a restaurant, you can see people expecting a noisy table & sort of looking at us sideways. Thankfully, our dc behave themselves well and we often receive compliments afterwards. We've had waitstaff tell us that they dreaded serving us when they saw how many children we had but how pleasantly surprised they were at their behavior.


I feel a kinship w/other large families, I guess, because there just aren't many around where we live. We're in no way close to 18 but I feel I have more in common w/these super large families than I do w/ the families w/ only 1 or 2. Maybe it's where my interest lies. Although I don't particularly like some of the other shows w/large families....I guess it must be Michelle's calmness and joy (I also think she's very naturally pretty) and their strong faith in the Lord that draws me to them. Because I can think of another TV family that drives me crazy, they don't seem happy at all.


All I know is I can't wait to get their book.:)

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This board/forum is the only place I've heard about the Duggar family. I've never heard anyone in "real life" mention them. I've never seen anything about them in print media. I rarely watch television, but apparently the show(s?) about this family attract viewers ~ at least based on the comments on this board. Why? Aside from the fact that they have a lot of children (which in and of itself is of no interest to me), what's your attraction to these people?:001_huh:

A couple of other forums I visit discuss the Duggars, and I do know a few people IRL who have watched one or more of the shows.


I guess it's just that their life is so *different* than ours.


But I have to say that I don't need to see more than one show.

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I guess it's just that their life is so *different* than ours.


I don't have time to respond to everyone, but I appreciate the replies. And I do understand what you said here, Ellie. That which is different can be fascinating ~ even if we don't necessarily appreciate all the differences. I add that because it seems there are some who follow this family, even while disagreeing with their choices and disliking the family members. I was wondering why one would watch/read about/listen to people if you don't care for them. But as someone else said, sometimes (not necessarily in your case, Ellie; just speaking broadly here) I suppose it's morbid curiousity.;)

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I love the show and I really like their honest way of living. I fall so short in comparison to their orderliness, frugality, and Christian witness, so maybe that's what interests me most. Perhaps I'll learn something by their example.


Thanks for replying, Mari. I just want to encourage not to compare yourself too much, kwim? Yes, if you can learn something and improve yourself by watching the show, that's wonderful. But don't forget that these people are naturally going to present themselves in a certain light when they're being paid to do so. It's hard for me to take anybody seriously, to believe anyone is being truly honest, when they're putting themselves on display.

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For me, it's the fact that they have such a large family, evidently wouldn't mind having more children, and show such joy and peace. Their faith is inspiring. I don't think I could do it because I couldn't take all the public scrutiny.


But maybe you could if you earned a buck off of it?;)


I already feel like such an oddball w/my 5 dc. People downright stare at us all the time. I get so tired of it. The comments I receive tend to have a "poor you" connotation


I'm sorry you receive that response to your family size. I've been pleasantly surprised by the fact that that's not the case for us. When people hear/see that we have a larger-than-average family size, and that we homeschool, they inevitably offer supportive, admiring comments. I am actually proud of other people ~ including total strangers ~ by how supportive they are of us.:)


Thanks for your reply!

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I would assume that they are of interest here because they are both a homeschooling and conservative Christian family. This board has a lot of those type folks. Seems obvious.:001_huh:


No need to be confused. What's obvious to you wasn't to me, thus my question. I was particularly interested because it seems a lot of people who are following this family don't like their lifestyle and/or personalities.

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After dozing off in recliner, I woke post-midnight to the last half of a program on TLC.


A whitewashed young fellow had traveled to a family seafood restaurant in Florida where he had planned to propose to his sweetheart on the lakefront dining area. Alas, the rain dashed his plans, so he dined indoors in a vinyl booth with his sweetheart, her effeminate father, and matronly mother. Kneeling on the floor, he proposed to her there in front of her family, the wait staff, the production crew.


Before I realized it was the Duggar program I had heard discussed here, I thought I was watching some sort of off-the-wall indie flick.

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After dozing off in recliner, I woke post-midnight to the last half of a program on TLC.


A whitewashed young fellow had traveled to a family seafood restaurant in Florida where he had planned to propose to his sweetheart on the lakefront dining area. Alas, the rain dashed his plans, so he dined indoors in a vinyl booth with his sweetheart, her effeminate father, and matronly mother. Kneeling on the floor, he proposed to her there in front of her family, the wait staff, the production crew.


Before I realized it was the Duggar program I had heard discussed here, I thought I was watching some sort of off-the-wall indie flick.


LOL :lol: we watched the wedding on Sunday. It was...different. I hope they are happy.

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After dozing off in recliner, I woke post-midnight to the last half of a program on TLC.


A whitewashed young fellow had traveled to a family seafood restaurant in Florida where he had planned to propose to his sweetheart on the lakefront dining area. Alas, the rain dashed his plans, so he dined indoors in a vinyl booth with his sweetheart, her effeminate father, and matronly mother. Kneeling on the floor, he proposed to her there in front of her family, the wait staff, the production crew.



How very not romantic at all!

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I admire and respect the Duggars. That being said, I've watched about five minutes of one of their shows. I don't like reality tv.


I don't watch their show for the same reason that I don't watch COPS, or Survivor, or Super Nanny, or American Idol (anymore. I'm a reformed Idol watcher). I feel like I'm standing outside someone's house peeking in the window. It's a bit creepy. Plus, I can see all the dysfunctional (Hold your tomatoes!I do not think the Duggars are dysfunctional) weirdos I want at Wal Mart.


I have found that watching negativity on television starts to affect me in some very bad ways. I don't think I'm going to see negativity on the Duggars, but I don't want to wade through it to find out.



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To make money. **ducking**





Didn't the other family with sextuplets or something just move into a new big house with the money they made from their reality TV show? I could be waaay off because I don't watch it, but saw a commercial.







Did you ever watch those "reality" series that PBS did? There was 1900 House, Frontier House, etc. I always felt that they were sort of interesting experiments that would fit in well with a homeschooling lifestyle, but then they are projects of limited length. Not continuous filming of daily life.


I rented 1900 House from the library. Growing up surrounded by really historic homes, I always wanted to do something like that.


But as an adult, I have friends who live in those homes and there are a lot of "issues" I'd rather not deal with.


It would be fun to do for a short time, I think.

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We don't have cable, so I've never watched any of the shows, but for me, I was curious what a family with that many children do it. The same reason, I suppose, I've seen questions on this forum about famile size and getting the homeschooling done. I found it fascinating to see their industrial kitchen and to learn about their organization.


There's also usually a draw to what's not the norm. I just read last night on Fox news about a lady that had fertility treatments and ended up with 8 babies, but she already had six, was unmarried, living at home, having filed bankruptcy prior tp that. Well, that's not exactly the norm.


We know many families with 8-11 children, and most of these are still having more. The one with 9 is only 37 years old. So, the family size isn't too shocking for us, but the manner in which they keep their house is. I'm sure they have cleaning help and such, but I was amazed at the organization the family has.


I suppose if national television decideds to spotlight a specific family, there's an agreement somewhere that this family has something unique going on. I mean, our family would never make it on nat'l television. :)

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I was particularly interested because it seems a lot of people who are following this family don't like their lifestyle and/or personalities.


Then perhaps the threads here are about posters thinking or talking through what they like and don't like about the Duggers and why. Not everyone has implacable opinions. I guess that's what seems obvious to me.

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Then perhaps the threads here are about posters thinking or talking through what they like and don't like about the Duggers and why. Not everyone has implacable opinions. I guess that's what seems obvious to me.


Okay, Stacy, whatever you say. Whatever point you want to make, whatever reason why my asking the original question bothers you, whatever you want. You win, okay? Now go have a great day.

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Okay, Stacy, whatever you say. Whatever point you want to make, whatever reason why my asking the original question bothers you, whatever you want. You win, okay? Now go have a great day.


Okaaaaay. NOW I'm confused. I'm not trying to "win" anything. Was there a competition? Are you suggesting I was trying to imply something about your post by the nature of MY post? Something unnecessarily critical, perhaps?


Just to be clear, my points were: 1. Many people here have some things in common with the Duggers, and 2. People like to talk through their opinions and thoughts, which seems like a sensible thing to do seeing as how this is a DISCUSSION forum.

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I'm sorry if I misunderstood you, Stacy. I asked a question because I was genuinely curious why people are interested in the Duggars. You responded by telling me that the answer to my question was obvious. But as you say, this is a discussion forum, and your answer didn't really contribute to the discussion. Clearly, what was "obvious" to you wasn't to me wasn't to me, or I wouldn't have asked. Some people were kind enough to explain their interest to me and I appreciate that.

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I'm fascinated by any family with 3 children, let alone 18, whose household is organized and the house all neat and tidy. Actually the only time I've seen them on TV was when they were building their house, and I saw that because we were in a motel with cable.


I find anyone that publicizes their family that way rather distasteful or lacking reserve or refinement. I am appalled by all the reality tv shows. However, no matter how I feel about it, I do think they believe they are spreading God's word through the media (or Gothard's word as it might be - I have no idea since my theology is very different). All that to say I think they are sincere.


When I read about their son's marriage proposal and first kiss/wedding all being televised, it really turned me off. Since I don't have cable, it's not an issue whether to watch them or not. Although I might just out of some sort of morbid curiosity.



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This board/forum is the only place I've heard about the Duggar family. I've never heard anyone in "real life" mention them. I've never seen anything about them in print media. I rarely watch television, but apparently the show(s?) about this family attract viewers ~ at least based on the comments on this board. Why? Aside from the fact that they have a lot of children (which in and of itself is of no interest to me), what's your attraction to these people?:001_huh:


The Duggars live very differently from many (most?) Americans. So do the Amish, and hippies, and bikers, and pet lovers, and the elite. I think any show that shows a "different" way of life in such an intimate, detailed way raises people's curiosity. Kind of like a car accident -- it doesn't concern you, doesn't involve you, and yet you can't help but look. :D


I think a peek inside the life of people who are very different than you (the general you, not specifically you Col) is attractive to many.


I also think that some Christians enjoy watching the Duggars to see exactly HOW this woman manages to take care of her house and teach her kids and feed them and get the laundry done when there are SO many of them! We have posters at WTM who come asking for help with their family of three; many have said they wish they could come and spend a day with an experienced homeschooler just to see how they get it all done. This show offers a little bit of that too.


Those are my best guesses on the subject anyway.

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I've only ever heard or seen mention of them here. I thought it was a joke at first, but then I watched all of one of the previous "specials" and part of another one. I haven't seen the "series." The other viewings were enough. I don't get the "quiverfull" mindset. At. All. I find it well... just not acceptable, in my opinion. I'd thought the show(s) would touch on that, perhaps explain some reason (other than biblical) but from what I saw, they didn't.


I think TLC is like one big freak show, one act after another... so I guess that's what held my attention. It's kind of like rubbernecking a car wreck actually.

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I'm sorry if I misunderstood you, Stacy. I asked a question because I was genuinely curious why people are interested in the Duggars. You responded by telling me that the answer to my question was obvious. But as you say, this is a discussion forum, and your answer didn't really contribute to the discussion. Clearly, what was "obvious" to you wasn't to me wasn't to me, or I wouldn't have asked. Some people were kind enough to explain their interest to me and I appreciate that.


In addition to saying that the reason people were interested in the Duggers was obvious, I also pointed out that many posters and the Duggers are both conservative Christians and homeschoolers. So my comment was to the point. Shockingly enough many of the responses to your post indicated just that.


Why you should take offense to my comment is really beyond me. When you post a question you really can't control the nature of the responses.

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Yes, that's true; good point. Btw, I like your new avatar pic.:)




Thank you very much.


BTW -- Have you seen their industrial kitchen? They have their own soda machine (not that I would want that temptation in my house for the boys, but still, it's kind of neat to see). It looks like Golden Corral in there. :)

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