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What do you do with 'half-dirty' clothes?

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If you wash everything that has been worn just a little bit, then this thread is not for you.


At the end of each day, we have sweaters that have been worn once or twice, sweats that husband only wore in the evening after he had changed out of his suit, trousers that have only been worn once (twice or three times is the norm here). Every morning, there are PJs that have only been worn for one night by people with clean bodies.


What do you do with all that stuff? We usually hang it up on hooks on the back of bedroom doors, but I'm wondering if there is another, less unsightly, option. I don't like the idea of putting them away in shut closets/drawers, because I think they should air.





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When I was a kid, my mother tucked my nightgown under my pillow. I'm sure it had aired before she did that. Here, PJs generally get folded and left on the foot of the bed.


Trousers are usually folded lengthwise, then draped over the hamper. Same with sweats or lounge pants (opposing times of the day). If the trousers aren't worn again the next day, I would hang them in the closet; they've been aired. Maybe a valet or blanket rack would be helpful here?


I'm no help for sweaters... our current system (non-sanctioned) is to throw sweaters in the seat of one of the living room chairs. The dog is happily bedded down in a nest of wool right now.:glare:

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If you wash everything that has been worn just a little bit, then this thread is not for you.


At the end of each day, we have sweaters that have been worn once or twice, sweats that husband only wore in the evening after he had changed out of his suit, trousers that have only been worn once (twice or three times is the norm here). Every morning, there are PJs that have only been worn for one night by people with clean bodies.


What do you do with all that stuff? We usually hang it up on hooks on the back of bedroom doors, but I'm wondering if there is another, less unsightly, option. I don't like the idea of putting them away in shut closets/drawers, because I think they should air.








We have hooks on the inside of closet doors hung for this purpose. PJs go under pillows, for the most part.

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Our stuff goes back in the drawers. I can't see any reason to air something that's not dirty or sweaty...imo, if it needs to air, it probably needs to be washed. LOL.




I suspect that I wouldn't be organised enough to keep track of what is clean and what is half-clean in the drawers. Do you have designated 'half-clean' drawers?



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I suspect that I wouldn't be organised enough to keep track of what is clean and what is half-clean in the drawers. Do you have designated 'half-clean' drawers?




No. Anything in the drawers is clean. There's no "half-clean" here, lol. I do keep track of pjs and wash them once a week; I do the same with jeans, sweaters, and anything else that I see being worn a few times. My basic rule with older kids (ie, ones who perspire) is this: socks and undies are put in the laundry bin at the end of the day, as are shirts. PJs, jeans and sweaters/sweatshirts/anything else worn over an undershirt can go back in the drawer unless there is visible dirt or an odor (and I wash those things weekly).


ETA: Just to be clear, sock/undies are worn for one day only for everyone, not just the older kids. It's the shirts that I insist on washing once the kids are older.



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I have a free standing small towel rack in my bedroom, and I hang ready-to-be-worn-again clothes on it. I also have a dirty clothes basket in my bedroom, so as i strip, things go on the rack or in the basket. Dh has a similar system.

The kids? Well, their system is to leave their clothes on the floor until we notice how messy the room is and tell them to clean it up. Then all clothes go into a dirty clothes basket. Usually the dirty and the half worn clothes go right in together on top of the clean clothes in the bottom of the basket that they were meant to put away. So you probably dont want to borrow our system. :)

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My dh has a section in his closet for shirts that have been worn once and can be worn again. For pants, if they can be worn again, he just hangs them back up with the others.

My ds has decided the easiest way to deal with this is just to wear the same outfit 2 days in a row. :001_smile: He throws the clothes on the back of his chair at night and they are ready for him the next day.

My dd can't imagine wearing clothes more than once. In fact, if they touch her body at all or if she thinks they have, they are dirty. I think she just hates to put clothes away. :confused:

Me, I have a shelf in my closet where I put my pjs to be worn again. All others just get hung back up.

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The kids? Well, their system is to leave their clothes on the floor until we notice how messy the room is and tell them to clean it up. Then all clothes go into a dirty clothes basket. Usually the dirty and the half worn clothes go right in together on top of the clean clothes in the bottom of the basket that they were meant to put away. So you probably dont want to borrow our system. :)



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My ds has decided the easiest way to deal with this is just to wear the same outfit 2 days in a row. :001_smile:


When I am putting away my clean clothes, I make up outfits on a sturdy hanger, each of which has one pair of trousers, one sweater, one necklace and two sets each of top, socks and underwear. Then I wear that outfit for two days. I just find it more convenient not to have to think too hard about what to put on each morning.



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We have hooks on the wall behind the door. The only time anyone sees it is in the room when the door is closed. The door is never closed when we have visitors. The master bedroom is more of an issue because we don't have room for hooks on the wall behind the door and all other wall space is mostly visible from the hallway. We have an over the door hook rack, but the door doesn't close all the way. Not a good thing for a master bedroom. I do think that clothes can get more wear if they are aired out. Washing and drying are hard on clothes so this increases the life span. This is how they have done so through time.

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We hang the robes on hooks on the back of the bedroom door. The dc are young enough that I have them eat breakfast in their pajamas and throw them in the wash right after. Sweaters do tend to accumulate on the backs of chairs this time of year, although I try to fold them and place them back in bedrooms. DH always has a few articles of clothing that I just fold and put back on his bedside table. It might not be the tidiest thing, but a few neatly folded sweatshirts are actually not so bad in contrast to the cascading pile of books that we usually battle there, so I don't mind:001_smile:


I have no good solution for what to do in the fall and spring when the weather seems to dictate a different weight jacket each day. We end up with more coats than hooks, nothing seems dirty enough to wash, and nothing seems clean enough to put away.

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Pjs and robe are hung on a hook for me, ds puts pjs under pillow and hangs robe on hook. Dh has no need for this system, IFKWIM;).


DS drapes 1/2 clean clothes over chairs in his room until I go in weekly and make him wash them.


Dh and I have a section of the closet for 1/2 clean clothes. I figure they air that way because I make sure that those clothes have plenty of room between them.

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If it still smells pretty fresh and clean, it goes back in the drawer or hangs back in the closet. If it's not fresh smelling, but not stinky (like outer shirts in the winter that you have worn all day), I lay it on my dresser and wear it the next day, or throw it in my bottom drawer (specifically for sweats that I rewear a couple times). I do this until I have dirtied it, then I wash it. I might wear the same sweat pants around the house for several days, but I only wear them half a day before I dress to go to work so they just don't get dirty.


Hubby puts his stuff on top of his dresser in the closet for re-wearing. IDK what my kids do (and probably don't wanna know).


Laundry is my biggest aggravation in life. Okay, maybe not the biggest, but it is right up there!

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When I am putting away my clean clothes, I make up outfits on a sturdy hanger, each of which has one pair of trousers, one sweater, one necklace and two sets each of top, socks and underwear. Then I wear that outfit for two days. I just find it more convenient not to have to think too hard about what to put on each morning.




well I like that idea but I think I must be quite emotional about what I wear, because I wake up and I think "what colour do I feel like wearing today". Then I look at the weather and see whether its a shorts or long pants, or dress kinda day. And then I pick out matching panties and bra, even though you can't see them. I have a colourful wardrobe. So even though I intend to wear the same clothes the next day,and I think thats a very practical idea - usually, I wake up and want to wear something completely different, so the clothes on my rack often sit there for several days before I either toss them in the dirty clothes basket, or wear them.

I mean, how can I possibly wear blue, like I wore the day before, on a day I just have to wear pink? :lol:

Anyone else as crazy as that? I can't be the only one, surely!


And the other thing- I thought everyone on the planet put (stuffed) their jammies under their pillow in the mornings. I just didnt know people existed who had other places, like shelves, for their jammies. Amazing.

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And the other thing- I thought everyone on the planet put (stuffed) their jammies under their pillow in the mornings. I just didnt know people existed who had other places, like shelves, for their jammies. Amazing.


But DH thinks that they are fresher for a second night if they hang. And no, I'm not very emotional about clothes - I like to look put together but that's about it.



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The kids? Well, their system is to leave their clothes on the floor until we notice how messy the room is and tell them to clean it up. Then all clothes go into a dirty clothes basket. Usually the dirty and the half worn clothes go right in together on top of the clean clothes in the bottom of the basket that they were meant to put away. So you probably dont want to borrow our system. :)

:lol: That sounds just like my house! Half the time some of the clothes in the washing basket are still folded from when I washed them last! They go right back to the kids rooms.


Actually to be brutally honest I'm not much better. I have a lovely clothes pile on the floor from which I select clothes from. I throw them in the wash when they are dirty or stinky but mostly they live on the floor :tongue_smilie:


And the other thing- I thought everyone on the planet put (stuffed) their jammies under their pillow in the mornings. I just didnt know people existed who had other places, like shelves, for their jammies. Amazing.

LOL I also stuff my jammies under the pillow.

And I also dress by mood. Maybe it's an Antipodean thing.

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We do PJ's under pillows or for the little who are learning to make their beds, on the bed will do just fine.


For the littles unless they are grubby they wear the same clothes the following day. Jumpers go on the end of their bed to be worn again. I wont let them get a new one out until the old one has been worn and gone in the wash. This generally works but when it doesn't i get a little more washing, no biggie because it isn't all the time. On hot days like today their entire outfit goes in the wash. We don't have air con so everyone is smelly after today. If they are going to be worn tomorrow then they get folded and put in the clothes dryer in the bathroom waiting for them to get dressed in the morning.


DH wears new shirt everyday and trousers ever other day. His trousers go on the end of the bed because he is too lazy to hang or fold them and he's a grown up and i'm NOT doing it for him!!

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I have a free standing small towel rack in my bedroom, and I hang ready-to-be-worn-again clothes on it. I also have a dirty clothes basket in my bedroom, so as i strip, things go on the rack or in the basket. Dh has a similar system.

The kids? Well, their system is to leave their clothes on the floor until we notice how messy the room is and tell them to clean it up. Then all clothes go into a dirty clothes basket. Usually the dirty and the half worn clothes go right in together on top of the clean clothes in the bottom of the basket that they were meant to put away. So you probably dont want to borrow our system. :)


This system works for us ;)

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If it's a sweater or sweatshirt that has been worn for a short time or didn't get at all dirty, I'll stick it in the dryer for about 15 min. w/ a fabric sheet to freshen it up - then it gets hung or folded & put away til next time.


I haven't seen this same response yet - maybe it's weird :tongue_smilie:

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I only read the first page of responses, but I'm posting what we do. We strive not to have half-clean clothes in the first place. When I have clothes on, I just wear them until they're dirty -- sleep with them, etc. Except if they're fancy clothes of course. But I'm a SAHM so it's all casual. If I went to bed with undies (and haven't taken a shower), I stay in my undies until I take a shower and I make it quick. Otherwise, I put those half-clean clothes on.


Where are these clothes? Usually hanging on the back of a chair in the bedroom, by the dresser, basically for all to see. If I don't feel really clean, I put the half-clean clothes on. But I try to minimize the half-clean clothes to begin with and limit to just one set to hang around, per person.

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We just fold our clothes up and put them back in the closet. If they stink or have spots on them or just look wrinkly and unkempt they go in the wash. If not, they go back in the closet.

:iagree: Once in awhile, I will spot clean an item and/or hang it out in the fresh air especially if it is dry clean only. For our lounging clothes, we have baskets that fit under our dressers.

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The kids? Well, their system is to leave their clothes on the floor until we notice how messy the room is and tell them to clean it up. Then all clothes go into a dirty clothes basket. Usually the dirty and the half worn clothes go right in together on top of the clean clothes in the bottom of the basket that they were meant to put away. So you probably dont want to borrow our system. :)


:lol::lol: Glad to know it's all the same Down Under! :D

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Interesting thread.


We have hooks on the back of the doors. When the clothes come off at night, we hang them on the hooks to air overnight.


In the morning, I smell the aired clothes in all the important places (under-arms of tops, crotch of pants, etc.) and if they smell after airing all night: in the wash they go.


Otherwise, if they smell fine, I put them back in the drawer, closet, or wherever they belong and we wear them again another day.


I very rarely wear the same thing two days in a row, because, like Peela, I simply have to see what color belongs to each new day, and each day is different.


We have drawers for jammies, and hang nightgowns on hangers in the closet. I've never heard of stuffing them under the pillow! I love all the things I learn here.

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PJ's go under the pillow.


Ooh, I like this!


Most of the kids stuff goes in the dirty laundry as soon as it comes off, including jammies.


For me, I am really low on clothes right now, so I just put my sweats back in the drawer - it's not like I have anything else to confuse them with. :glare: Our hamper has a lid on it, so I just put anything that can be worn again (normally just an item or two) and if I end up doing laundry before wearing it, I just add it to the laundry.


Now, dh will keep folded piles in random places in the closet. For example, say the pants he wore Sunday to church are still relatively clean, he'll fold those and put them on one box (we have a bunch of boxes in our closet). Then, he'll take the shirt that he wore to the car show the other night, fold it and put it on another box. He is not one to put dirty clothes back in his dresser. His multiple piles sometimes drive me nuts. Then again, I don't really know where else for him to keep them.

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