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When are you getting back to the studies?

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We're starting back on the 5th, too.


I need to do some planning, I need to get my new laptop set up how I like it (man, it's nice, but I don't like change--I can't find anything), and dh has the week off, Judo is cancelled, and piano is cancelled.


Since you aren't getting a blizzard, here's a snowball party-090.gif. I think you should take this week off.

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We are starting back on Monday, the 5th, too. I need some of the down time and by that time my kids are ready to get back to a regular schedule. We may go to the library on the Friday before that, just to gear up for that Monday morning.

I would like some time to rethink some curriculum and especially to get some things scheduled.

I wish I could de-clutter some before the new year....but I don't seem to get that accomplished.

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That's when my daughter's college classes resume. So, at the moment my plan is to deposit her back in her dorm on either Saturday or early Sunday (depending on how much time she wants to settle in before classes start), then drive back and be ready to start here on Monday.


We ended our first semester very behind in some subjects, though. So, before we can really start, I have to sit down with all the books and my original plans and figure out how to redistribute everything to get it done on time.

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Probably the 5th. I'm dying for ds to finish his black death lapbook. This week I will be getting the booklets ready for the King Henry VIII lapbook we will be doing next. We haven't done that much reading this year which has me disappointed but, Tom is really enjoying the lapbooks. So, I guess if he is learning that way I need to stick with it. We follow along with SOTW 2. I'm really finding out that every child I homeschool is so different in their learning styles.

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Everything starts back on the 5th for us - gymnastics, preschool, home studies. At least choir doesn't start until later in the month, but we're going to have an extra hour at the gym this session because Sylvia's starting classes! :001_huh:


5knights3maidens - black death lapbook... kind of like our "10 plagues" stickerbook, huh? ;) I can relate though, I'm pretty eager to start our human body studies.

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Our first official day will be the 7th. DH returns to work on the 5th, and I'll also start back to tutoring that day. Tuesdays are for classes and field trips here, so we'll get back in the swing of things that day, grab the stuff we need from the library, and both kids will resume dance classes. Then the 7th will be a light day, and we'll keep it light all that week to ease back into the routine.

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We are usually off from Thanksgiving through New Year's, but this year, we shifted our time off to coincide with ER's college schedule. We were off the week of Thanksgiving and then had school for the first three weeks of December. We've been off for a week now, and will be off two more weeks, starting back on the 12th.

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I wanted to start the 5th, but my in-laws aren't leaving until the 4th. Two of my good friends have already told me they'll come rescue my dd's from my evil clutches if I try and force them back into school on the 5th.:lol: I think they're right:glare:


So, my parents left this morning, in-laws come in on Wed, and we'll probably start back on Thursday the 8th. I always thought public schools were stupid for doing things like that, but this year, I kind of get it. We need to ease back in.



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We will be starting back on January 5. My oldest son went to be with his dad for a week today, so we can't start until he comes home. It will just be me and my little next week and I am looking forward to some just "me and him" time. :) Next week will also be a planning week so I can get things together for the new year. :)

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I guess he'll have to hang out in his crate while we do school.

Michelle T


We got a new puppy back in October. Twice a week my niece and two nephews join my dd to science. The puppy run from foot to foot nibbling their toes! She really thinks they come over just for her fun! I had to stick her in the crate a couple times because it was impossible to get any school done with them. She is doing much better now, though. Good luck!

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